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- ESBCalcÖ v1.4 7 July 1999
- by ESB Consultancy (Glenn Crouch) mailto:info@esbconsult.com.au
- (c) 1998-1999 ESB Consultancy
- PO Box 2259
- Boulder WA 6432
- http://www.esbconsult.com.au
- Installation: Run Setup.exe and follow instructions.
- Includes Uninstaller.
- Status: Freeware, freely distributable
- This is a small Scientific Calculator that supports full precedence.
- Currently it does not support Exponential Notation, but does include
- a number of functions, Clipboard Support, History of results and more.
- A standalone Executable is included. The Source Directory is the Delphi 4
- source code.
- Notes on the Calculator
- =======================
- 1. Results are only entered into the History List when the "=" button is
- pressed. Only the last 10 items are remembered and these are stored in the
- registry. There is also the option in the History list to clear previous
- items.
- 2. 10^x can be calculated using INV and LOG buttons, or by entering 10
- and then using the x^y button.
- 3. e^x can be calculated using INV and LN buttons, or by pressing the
- "e" button and then using the x^y button
- 4. x^1/y (i.e. the y-th root of x) can be calculated using INV and x^y
- buttons.
- 5. Inverse exist for all the Trigonometric functions by using the INV
- button than one of SIN, COS or TAN buttons.
- 6. The Radian/Degree toggle, the number of decimal places and the contents
- of Memory are saved to the Registry.
- 7. Using the Thousand's separator is on by default - use the option button
- next to the Memory display to change this. Copying and pasting results
- with Thousand's separators may upset some edit fields.
- 8. Decimal Point and Thousand's separator should be displayed in what ever
- character the Regional Settings of your MS Windows 95/98/NT is setup for. If
- you expect to see a ',' for a decimal point but don't then you may still
- have US (or something similar) settings.
- 9. ESBCalc executable is now ASPack'ed. If you rebuild the executable it
- will be much larger than the one supplied. Get a copy of ASPack from:
- http://www.alenka.spb.ru/aspack
- It's free for non-commercial use and only $29 to register for commercial
- use. We are registered users.
- Known Problems
- ==============
- 1. Due to the lack of support for Scientific Notation, ESBCalc does sometimes
- cause "funny" things to happen when number get too large.
- Notes on Source
- ===============
- ESBCalc uses the new features of Delphi 4 (Dynamic Arrays).
- The user interface is made up almost entirely of LMD Tools 4.5
- components.
- To recompile the source you need:
- - Delphi 4 Professional or C/S (as the Math Unit is used)
- - LMD Tools 4.5
- - Aleksey Xacker's CaptBtn (included)
- A Trial version of LMDTools 4.5 is available from:
- http://www.lmdtools.com
- Licensing
- =========
- Developers are free to use the code as you see fit, however an Email or
- Postcard would be nice, as would a reference to our web site included on
- our web site or in your docs. Though none of this is obligatory.
- You are, however, specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting
- donations, for any copies of this program as it stands; if you wish to
- include it on a CD that is sold at a reasonable price please notify us
- of your intent by email - we normally are happy to grant permission.
- ESB Consultancy makes no guarantees regarding the capabilities
- nor the "Safeness" of this code. It is free after all, so you take
- all the risks :-)
- ESB Consultancy makes no promise of support for this code, however we
- are happy to receive Email comments
- Support
- =======
- There is a support Mailing List available to all. Details on our
- Web Site or check out the Site direct:
- http://www.egroups.com/list/esbstats/
- History:
- ========
- 1.4 7 July 1999
- - Now uses LMD 4.5
- - Add Constants SubMenu containing various Physical Constraints
- - Added an Internal UseConstant Routine
- - Added a Minimize Button to Caption with Aleksey Xacker's CaptBtn
- Freeware Component - Zipped Unit Included in Source Dir
- - Stopped using LMDHideNonVC
- 1.3 5 April 1999
- - Added Percentage Operator
- - Added Exit & Minimize to Option Button
- - Fixed up some of the Hints
- 1.2.1 12 March 1999
- - Minor updates to ASPACK and LMD Tools
- - Updated details in the About Box
- 1.2 2 February 1999
- - Added Option Button Next to Memory at the bottom
- - Added Option to display thousands separator - on by Default
- - Exe now ASPacked
- - Source now uses a LMDHideNonVC to make the form a little more
- manageable.
- 1.1 14 January 1999
- - Fixed problem with flickering Hints
- - Added 10 Most Recent results (i.e. when equals was pressed)
- 1.0.2 5 January
- - Added Radians/Degrees Toggle button so that Trig Functions
- can be done in either Radians or Degrees.
- - Radians/Degrees Toggle state saved to Registry
- - Number of Decimal places saved to Registry
- - Memory now saved to Registry
- 1.0.1
- - Added "Backspace"
- - Changed the Maximum number of Decimals to 18.
- - About Box added.
- - Improved Exception Handling.
- 1.0 2 Dec 1998
- - Initial Release
- ==============
- ESBPDFÖ Analysis
- ================
- Provides everything needed for using Discrete & Continuous Probability
- Distributions in a single application. Most Tables and supplied functions
- (such as in MS Excel) give P(X <= A) and using algebra other results can
- be found whereas ESB PDF Analysis handles all the Probability combinations
- for you.
- Features include: Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Exponential, Student t, Chi
- Squared and F Distributions; Inverses of the Normal, Student t, Chi Squared
- and F Distributions; Lists of Binomial Coefficients, Factorials,
- Permutations; Fully Customisable; Integrated Help System which includes
- a Tutorial.
- We also plan on adding many more Distributions and features. Ideal for the
- Maths/Stats Student who wishes to understand Probability Distributions
- better, as well as the Maths Buff who wants a well designed calculating
- tool.
- Fully Functional Trial version available from our web site.
- ESBStatsÖ
- =========
- - Single, Dual (paired and unpaired) and Multiple Data Analysis.
- - Data can be either for Sample or Population
- - Data can be Time Based
- - Data can be entered as Raw Data; Grouped Data; or as Summary Data
- - Raw Data can be converted into Grouped Data
- - Raw Data can have in-built Transformations applied to them
- - Raw Data can have Custom defined Transformations applied to them
- - Raw Data can have Random values meeting user defined criteria
- - Data can be fully documented and stored in DataLists
- - Standardisation of Data around given mean/standard deviation
- - DataLists are grouped together in Workbooks - one Workbook is opened at
- a time and can contain many DataLists
- - ESB Statistical Workbooks (.esw) are Compound Documents like MS Word
- Documents and MS Excel Spreadsheets, thus they support the same properties
- in Explorer.
- - Sample Size calculations
- - Random Sampling Lists
- - Statistical Summary including: mean, median, mode, variance, standard
- deviation, kurtosis, skew, etc.
- - Comparison of Statistics for Raw and Grouped of the same Data.
- - Graphs and Charts including: Histograms, Line Graphs, Pie Graphs,
- Ogives, Scatter Diagrams, etc
- - Inference and Hypothesis Analysis of a Single Population - including the
- Mean, the Variance and Proportions.
- - Inference and Hypothesis Analysis of Two Populations - including Difference
- of the Mean, Ratio of the Variance, Difference of Proportions.
- - Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- - Analysis of Contingency Tables
- - Nonparametric Statistics such as Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
- - Linear Regression with Transformations of the dependent variable
- - Multiple Regression with Transformations of the dependent variables
- - Custom defined Transformations for Dual Data and Multiple Data Analysis
- - Moving Averages
- - Trend Analysis of Time Series Data
- - Curve Fitting - calculation of polynomials and splines
- - Data Import and Export to Text, Comma Delimited and Tab Delimited
- - Data Import and Export to Excel
- - Data Import and Export to DBF
- - Data Import and Export to WKS
- - Data Input and Export via ODBC to Databases such as MS Access,
- SQL Server and Oracle
- - Saving of Charts and Graphs to BMP, WMF, EMF and JPG
- - Saving of Summaries to RTF
- - Sophisticated Reporting with Previewing
- - HTML Output for integration into your Website
- - Integrated Scientific Calculator also available as standalone
- - Documentation Fields include Live Spell Checking like in MS Word
- - Spell Checking and Thesaurus available on all Edit Fields
- - Fully customisable interface
- - Fully Integrated Help System
- - On-line Tutorial
- Available in 3 Editions: Lite, Standard and Professional
- ESBRoutinesÖ
- ============
- Collection of misc Delphi 32 Routines covering Strings, Block
- Manipulation, Conversions, Bit Lists and more. Freeware. Includes
- full Source and Help File.
- ESBMathsÖ
- =========
- Collection of Maths and Stats Routines for Delphi 32. Freeware.
- Includes full Source and Help File.
- ESBDatesÖ
- =========
- Collection of Date/Time Routines for Delphi 3 and 4 that supplement those
- supplied with SysUtils. Freeware. Full Source and Help File.
- ---
- ESB Consultancy mailto:info@esbconsult.com.au
- http://www.esbconsult.com.au