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- {*************************************************************}
- { TCaptionButton Components for Delphi 16/32 }
- { Version: 1.01 }
- { Author: Aleksey Kuznetsov, Kiev, Ukraine }
- { └δσΩ±σΘ ╩≤τφσ÷εΓ (Xacker), ╩ΦσΓ, ╙Ω≡αΦφα }
- { E-Mail: xacker@phreaker.net }
- { Homepage: http://www.angen.net/~xacker/ }
- { Created: March, 3, 1999 }
- { Modified: March, 12, 1999 }
- { Legal: Copyright (c) 1999 by Aleksey Xacker }
- {*************************************************************}
- { TCaptionButton (English): }
- { Additional button on form's title. }
- {*************************************************************}
- { TCaptionButton (Russian): }
- { ─ε∩εδφΦ≥σδⁿφα Ωφε∩Ωα φα ταπεδεΓΩσ εΩφα. }
- {*************************************************************}
- { If at occurrence of any questions concerning these }
- { components, mail me: xacker@phreaker.net. }
- { For updated versions visit my H-page: www.angen.net/~xacker }
- {*************************************************************}
- unit CaptBtn;
- interface
- uses
- {$IfDef Win32} Windows, {$Else} WinTypes, WinProcs, {$EndIf}
- Classes, Controls, Forms, Messages, Graphics;
- type
- TCaptionButton = class(TComponent)
- private
- Canvas: TCanvas;
- ParentForm: TForm;
- PrevParentWndProc: Pointer;
- FRightMargin: Integer;
- FGlyph: TBitmap;
- FVisible: Boolean;
- ButtonRect: TRect;
- FOnClick: TNotifyEvent;
- FDown, FButtonDown: Boolean;
- SeekAndDestroy: Boolean;
- CtrlMsg: Word;
- procedure NewParentWndProc(var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure SetRightMargin(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetGlyph(Value: TBitmap);
- procedure SetVisible(Value: Boolean);
- procedure PaintCaption(Down: Boolean);
- protected
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- property Glyph: TBitmap read FGlyph write SetGlyph;
- property RightMargin: Integer read FRightMargin write SetRightMargin;
- property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write SetVisible;
- property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- const
- NotUsedCtrlMsg: Word = 666;
- constructor TCaptionButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- var
- p: Pointer;
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- ParentForm := TForm(aOwner);
- FGlyph := TBitmap.Create;
- Canvas := TCanvas.Create;
- FVisible := True;
- CtrlMsg := NotUsedCtrlMsg;
- inc(NotUsedCtrlMsg);
- { Setting hook on parent form }
- PrevParentWndProc := Pointer(GetWindowLong(ParentForm.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC));
- P := MakeObjectInstance(NewParentWndProc);
- SetWindowLong(ParentForm.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, LongInt(p));
- end;
- destructor TCaptionButton.Destroy;
- begin
- if not SeekAndDestroy {ParentForm.HandleAllocated} then
- begin
- Visible := False;
- SetWindowLong(ParentForm.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, LongInt(PrevParentWndProc));
- end;
- Canvas.Free;
- FGlyph.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TCaptionButton.NewParentWndProc(var Msg: TMessage);
- var
- Pnt: TPoint;
- begin
- with Msg do
- begin
- Result := CallWindowProc(PrevParentWndProc, ParentForm.Handle, Msg,
- WParam, LParam);
- if FVisible then
- if (Msg = wm_NCPaint) or
- (Msg = wm_NCActivate) then PaintCaption(False)
- else
- if Msg = wm_NCHitTest then
- if Result = htCaption then
- begin
- Pnt.x := LoWord(lParam);
- ScreenToClient(ParentForm.Handle, Pnt);
- if (Pnt.x > ButtonRect.Left) and (Pnt.x < ButtonRect.Right) then
- begin
- if not FDown and FButtonDown then PaintCaption(True);
- Result := CtrlMsg
- end
- else
- if FDown then PaintCaption(False);
- end
- else if FDown then PaintCaption(False) else
- else
- if (Msg = wm_NCLButtonDown) or (Msg = wm_NCLButtonDblClk) then
- if wParam = CtrlMsg then
- begin
- if not FDown then PaintCaption(True);
- if not FButtonDown then
- begin
- FButtonDown := True;
- SetCapture(ParentForm.Handle);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- if FDown then PaintCaption(False);
- if FButtonDown then
- begin
- FButtonDown := False;
- ReleaseCapture;
- end;
- end
- else
- if (Msg = wm_NCLButtonUp) or (Msg = wm_LButtonUp) then
- begin
- if FButtonDown then
- begin
- FButtonDown := False;
- ReleaseCapture;
- if FDown and Assigned(FOnClick) then
- FOnClick(Self);
- end;
- if FDown then PaintCaption(False);
- end
- else
- if (Msg = wm_Close) or (Msg = wm_Destroy) then
- SeekAndDestroy := True;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCaptionButton.PaintCaption(Down: Boolean);
- var
- DC: hDC;
- R: TRect;
- Image: TBitmap;
- LeftX, x, y, FrameY: Integer;
- Shift: Byte;
- procedure DrawUpFrame;
- begin
- with Canvas do
- begin
- Pen.Color := clWhite;
- MoveTo(LeftX, FrameY + y + 1);
- LineTo(LeftX, FrameY);
- LineTo(LeftX + x + 3, FrameY);
- Pen.Color := clBlack;
- MoveTo(LeftX, FrameY + y + 2);
- LineTo(LeftX + x + 2, FrameY + y + 2);
- LineTo(LeftX + x + 2, FrameY - 1);
- Pen.Color := clGray;
- MoveTo(LeftX + x + 1, FrameY + 1);
- LineTo(LeftX + x + 1, FrameY + y + 1);
- LineTo(LeftX, FrameY + y + 1);
- Shift := 1;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DrawDownFrame;
- begin
- with Canvas do
- begin
- Pen.Color := clBlack;
- MoveTo(LeftX, FrameY + y + 1);
- LineTo(LeftX, FrameY);
- LineTo(LeftX + x + 3, FrameY);
- Pen.Color := clWhite;
- MoveTo(LeftX, FrameY + y + 2);
- LineTo(LeftX + x + 2, FrameY + y + 2);
- LineTo(LeftX + x + 2, FrameY - 1);
- Pen.Color := clGray;
- MoveTo(LeftX + x, FrameY + 1);
- LineTo(LeftX + 1, FrameY + 1);
- LineTo(LeftX + 1, FrameY + y + 1);
- Pen.Color := clSilver;
- MoveTo(LeftX + x + 1, FrameY + 1);
- LineTo(LeftX + x + 1, FrameY + y + 1);
- LineTo(LeftX, FrameY + y + 1);
- Shift := 2;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- FDown := Down;
- if FVisible then
- try
- DC := GetWindowDC(ParentForm.Handle);
- Canvas.Handle := DC;
- Image := TBitmap.Create;
- GetWindowRect(ParentForm.Handle, R);
- R.Right := R.Right - R.Left;
- if ParentForm.BorderStyle = bsSingle then
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- FrameY := GetSystemMetrics(sm_cyFrame) + 1
- {$ELSE}
- FrameY := GetSystemMetrics(sm_cyBorder) + 2
- {$ENDIF}
- else
- if ParentForm.BorderStyle = bsDialog then
- FrameY := GetSystemMetrics(sm_cyBorder) + 4
- else
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if ParentForm.BorderStyle = bsSizeToolWin then
- FrameY := GetSystemMetrics(sm_cySizeFrame) + 2
- else
- if ParentForm.BorderStyle = bsToolWindow then
- FrameY := GetSystemMetrics(sm_cyBorder) + 4
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- FrameY := GetSystemMetrics(sm_cyFrame) + 2;
- LeftX := R.Right - RightMargin - FrameY;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if (ParentForm.BorderStyle = bsSizeToolWin) or
- (ParentForm.BorderStyle = bsToolWindow) then
- begin
- y := GetSystemMetrics(sm_cySMCaption) - 8;
- x := GetSystemMetrics(sm_cxSMSize) - 5;
- end
- else
- begin
- y := GetSystemMetrics(sm_cyCaption) - 8;
- x := GetSystemMetrics(sm_cxSize) - 5;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- y := GetSystemMetrics(sm_cyCaption) - 9;
- x := GetSystemMetrics(sm_cxSize) - 5;
- {$ENDIF}
- with ButtonRect do
- begin
- Left := LeftX - FrameY;
- Top := FrameY;
- Right := Left + x + 3;
- Bottom := y + 2;
- end;
- if Down then DrawDownFrame
- else DrawUpFrame;
- StretchBlt(DC, LeftX + Shift,
- FrameY + Shift,
- x, y,
- FGlyph.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0,
- FGlyph.Width, FGlyph.Height,
- srcCopy);
- Image.Free;
- finally
- ReleaseDC(ParentForm.Handle, DC);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCaptionButton.SetRightMargin(Value: Integer);
- begin
- if FRightMargin <> Value then
- begin
- FRightMargin := Value;
- SendMessage(ParentForm.Handle, wm_NCActivate, 0, 0);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCaptionButton.SetGlyph(Value: TBitmap);
- begin
- if FGlyph <> Value then
- begin
- FGlyph.Assign(Value);
- SendMessage(ParentForm.Handle, wm_NCActivate, 0, 0);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCaptionButton.SetVisible(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if FVisible <> Value then
- begin
- FVisible := Value;
- SendMessage(ParentForm.Handle, wm_NCActivate, 0, 0);
- end;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('Xacker', [TCaptionButton]);
- end;
- end.