home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!{|PerlScript|}
- # Location of your index file:
- $Index_File = "{|CGIDirectory|}data/index.txt";
- # Words that are generally ignored in a search query:
- $Ignore .= " what how who which when where do you find site get and ";
- $Ignore .= " or if not a the for an it of from by the one two to he ";
- $Ignore .= " most all about i me search is are be been with why ";
- # The URL to your main search page with tips and so on:
- $Search_Page = "{|HTTPAddress|}search.htm";
- # How many links should the viewer see per page?
- $Hits_Per_Page = 10;
- # This forms a hyperlink back to your main web page:
- ($Link_URL,$Link_Title) = ("{|HTTPAddress|}main.htm","{|ShopName|} Main Page");
- # The HTML for the top of the search results page. Ours is pretty
- # generic and should work if you aren't too creative. Edit between
- # the lines containing "EOM":
- $Header = <<EOM;
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <TITLE>Search Results</TITLE>
- </HEAD>
- <TITLE>{|ShopName|} Search Engine</TITLE>
- <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Try out our internal search engine
- for the fastest way to find what you're looking for!">
- </head>
- <body TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#006F08" VLINK="#00BB0E" ALINK="#006F08">
- <!-- START LAYOUT TABLE Defined in Definitions.txt file in common files folder -->
- <!-- END of START LAYOUT TABLE --> </p>
- # The HTML to give searchers who can't seem to find anything. Usually
- # this should include yet another link back to the tips page, and, if
- # you're a business that is not overly annoyed by people sending you
- # email, a mailto: link for them to request information from a human
- # would be in order here:
- $No_Documents_Found = <<EOM;
- <B>Unfortunately, we didn't find any products which matched your
- search terms.</B>
- # The location of your summaries file. It holds information about who
- # searched for what, what they found, and so on. This provides pretty
- # good feedback on your visitors. Make this file writable (chmod 777):
- $summary_file = "{|CGIDirectory|}data/summaries.html";
- # No further editing is necessary, but feel free to play around...
- #
- # __________________________________________________________________
- if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /^Range=([^\&]*)\&Format=([^\&]*)\&Terms=([^\&]*)\&Rank=(.*)/i)
- {
- ($Range,$Format,$terms,$rank) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
- $Encoded_Terms = $terms;
- $terms =~ tr/+/ /;
- $terms =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;
- $Saved_Terms = $terms;
- }
- elsif ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /^Range=([^\&]*)\&Format=([^\&]*)\&Terms=([^\&]*)/i)
- {
- ($Range,$Format,$terms,$rank) = ($1,$2,$3,1);
- $Encoded_Terms = $terms;
- $terms =~ tr/+/ /;
- $terms =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;
- $Saved_Terms = $terms;
- }
- else
- {
- print "Location: $Search_Page\n\n";
- exit;
- }
- $terms = " " . $terms . " ";
- $terms =~ s/\s+/ /g;
- @Raw_Terms = split(/\"/,$terms);
- $terms = "";
- foreach $term (@Raw_Terms)
- {
- if ($i == 1)
- {$i--;}
- else
- {$i++;}
- $term =~ s/ /_/g unless $i;
- $terms .= $term;
- }
- $terms =~ s/ not / -/ig;
- $terms =~ s/ and / \+/ig;
- $terms =~ s/ or / \|/ig;
- $WildCard = "thewildcardisaveryspecialcharacter";
- $terms =~ s/(\*+)/$WildCard/g;
- @terms = split(/\s+/,$terms);
- foreach $term (@terms)
- {
- next if ($term eq "");
- if (($Ignore =~ / $term /i) && ($term !~ /^\W/))
- {
- $Ignored_Terms .= $term . ", ";
- next;
- }
- if ($term =~ /$WildCard/)
- {
- $Beta = $term;
- $Beta =~ s/$WildCard//g;
- $Beta =~ s/\W//g;
- $Beta =~ s/_//g;
- if (length($Beta) < 3)
- {
- $Ignored_Terms .= $term . ", ";
- next;
- }
- }
- $term =~ s/_/ /g;
- if ($term =~ /^-/)
- {
- if ($term =~ / /)
- {
- $Ignored_Terms .= "\"" . $term . "\", ";
- }
- else
- {
- $Ignored_Terms .= $term . ", ";
- }
- push(@forbidden,&Format_Term($term));
- }
- elsif (($term =~ /^\|/) || (($Range eq "Any") && ($term !~ /^\+/)))
- {
- if ($term =~ / /)
- {
- $Important_Terms .= "\"" . $term . "\", ";
- }
- else
- {
- $Important_Terms .= $term . ", ";
- }
- push(@optional,&Format_Term($term));
- }
- else
- {
- if ($term =~ / /)
- {
- $Important_Terms .= "\"" . $term . "\", ";
- }
- else
- {
- $Important_Terms .= $term . ", ";
- }
- push(@required,&Format_Term($term));
- }
- }
- $delimiter = '%%==%%';
- open(ALLFILE,"$Index_File") || &Fatal;
- foreach $LINE (<ALLFILE>)
- {
- ($Crank,$URL,$Title,$Description,$Size,$Last_Modified,$string) = split(/$delimiter/,$LINE);
- $string =~ s/\n/ /g;
- ($Relevance,$Kill) = (0,0);
- foreach (@forbidden)
- {
- if (($string =~ /$_/i) && ($_ !~ /[A-Z]/))
- {
- $Kill++;
- last;
- }
- elsif ($string =~ /$_/)
- {
- $Kill++;
- last;
- }
- }
- next if ($Kill);
- foreach (@required)
- {
- if (($string =~ /$_/) && ($_ =~ /[A-Z]/))
- {
- $Relevance += (($string =~ s/$_/$_/og) + 20);
- }
- elsif (($string =~ /$_/i) && ($_ !~ /[A-Z]/))
- {
- $Relevance += (($string =~ s/$_/$_/oig) + 10);
- }
- else
- {
- $Kill++;
- last;
- }
- }
- next if ($Kill);
- foreach (@optional)
- {
- if (($string =~ /$_/) && ($_ =~ /[A-Z]/))
- {
- $Relevance += ($string =~ s/$_/$_/og);
- }
- elsif (($string =~ /$_/i) && ($_ !~ /[A-Z]/))
- {
- $Relevance += ($string =~ s/$_/$_/oig);
- }
- }
- &Include if ($Relevance);
- }
- close(ALLFILE);
- if ($Ignored_Terms =~ /(.*)\, /)
- {
- $Ignored_Terms = " " . $1;
- $Ignored_Terms =~ s/$WildCard/\*/g;
- $Ignored_Terms =~ s/ (\"?)\-/ $1/g;
- $summary .= "Ignored: <TT>$Ignored_Terms</TT>.<BR>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $summary .= "<BR>\n";
- }
- if ($Important_Terms =~ /(.*)\, /)
- {
- $Important_Terms = " " . $1;
- $Important_Terms =~ s/$WildCard/\*/g;
- $Important_Terms =~ s/ (\"?)\+/ $1/g;
- $Important_Terms =~ s/ (\"?)\|/ $1/g;
- $summary .= "Searched for: <TT>$Important_Terms</TT>.<BR>\n";
- }
- $Remaining = ($hitcount - $rank) - ($Hits_Per_Page - 1);
- if ($Remaining > $Hits_Per_Page)
- {
- $Next = $Hits_Per_Page;
- $New_Rank = $rank + $Hits_Per_Page;
- }
- elsif ($Remaining > 0)
- {
- $Next = $Remaining % $Hits_Per_Page;
- $New_Rank = $rank + $Hits_Per_Page;
- }
- else
- {
- $New_Rank = $hitcount + 1;
- }
- $summary .= "Displaying documents " . $rank . "-" . ($New_Rank - 1);
- $summary .= " of $hitcount, with best matches first.<BR>\n";
- if (($summary_file) && (-e $summary_file))
- {
- open(SUMMARY,">>$summary_file");
- print SUMMARY "Search by $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}:<BR>\n";
- print SUMMARY "Raw Query was: $Saved_Terms<BR>\n";
- print SUMMARY "$summary\n<BR><HR><BR>\n";
- close(SUMMARY);
- }
- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
- print $Header;
- print $summary;
- if ($hitcount > 0)
- {
- if ($Format eq "Standard")
- {
- print "<BR>\n<BLOCKQUOTE>\n<DL>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print "<BR>\n<PRE>\n";
- }
- $i = 0;
- foreach $key (reverse sort keys %HITS)
- {
- $i++;
- next if ($i < $rank);
- next if ($i > ($rank + ($Hits_Per_Page - 1)));
- ($URL,$Title,$Description,$Size,$Last_Modified) = split(/$delimiter/,$HITS{$key});
- if ($Format eq "Standard")
- {
- if ($Size < 1500)
- {
- $Size = "$Size bytes";
- }
- else
- {
- $Size = int($Size/1000) . " K";
- }
- print "<P><DT><A HREF=\"$URL\"><STRONG>$Title</STRONG></A></DT>";
- print "<DD>$Description<BR>\n<CITE><A HREF=\"$URL\">$URL</A>";
- print "<FONT SIZE=-1> - $Size - $Last_Modified</FONT></CITE></DD>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- &Compact_Print;
- }
- }
- if ($Format eq "Standard")
- {
- print "</DL>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print "</PRE>\n";
- }
- print "Documents " . $rank . "-" . ($New_Rank - 1);
- print " of $hitcount displayed.<BR>\n";
- print "</BLOCKQUOTE>\n" if ($Format eq "Standard");
- print "<CENTER>\n";
- if ($Remaining > 0)
- {
- print "<A HREF=\"$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?Range=$Range\&Format=$Format\&Terms=$Encoded_Terms\&Rank=$New_Rank\">";
- print "<H4>Next $Next Matches</H4></A>\n";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print $No_Documents_Found;
- }
- $Saved_Terms =~ s/\"/\"/g;
- print <<EOM;
- <BR>
- <B>Match
- <SELECT NAME="Range">
- if (($Range eq "All") && ($hitcount))
- {
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"All\" SELECTED>All Terms";
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"Any\">Any Term";
- }
- else
- {
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"All\">All Terms";
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"Any\" SELECTED>Any Term";
- }
- print <<EOM;
- and show results
- <SELECT NAME="Format">
- if ($Format eq "Standard")
- {
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"Standard\" SELECTED>in Standard Form";
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"Compact\">in Compact Form";
- }
- else
- {
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"Standard\">in Standard Form";
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"Compact\" SELECTED>in Compact Form";
- }
- print <<EOM;
- </SELECT></B><BR>
- <INPUT NAME="Terms" SIZE=45 MAXLENGTH=800 VALUE="$Saved_Terms">
- <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=" New Search ">
- <A HREF="$Link_URL">$Link_Title</A><HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH=50\%>
- </BODY></HTML>
- sub Include
- {
- $Relevance = ($Relevance * $Crank) if ($Crank > 1);
- $Relevance = 100000 if ($Relevance > 100000);
- $Relevance = sprintf("%.5f",($Relevance/100000));
- $HITS{"$Relevance$URL"} = $URL . $delimiter . $Title . $delimiter . $Description . $delimiter. $Size . $delimiter . $Last_Modified;
- $hitcount++;
- }
- sub Compact_Print
- {
- if (length($Title) < 25)
- {
- while (length($Title) < 25)
- {
- $Title .= " ";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- @Title_Characters = split(//,$Title);
- $Title = "";
- for ($x=0; $x<25; $x++)
- {
- $Title .= $Title_Characters[$x];
- }
- }
- if (length($Description) < 36)
- {
- while (length($Description) < 36)
- {
- $Description .= " ";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- @Descript_Characters = split(//,$Description);
- $Description = "";
- for ($x=0; $x<36; $x++)
- {
- $Description .= $Descript_Characters[$x];
- }
- }
- if (length($Last_Modified) == 8)
- {
- $Last_Modified = "0" . $Last_Modified;
- }
- print "<A HREF=\"$URL\">$Title</A> [$Last_Modified] $Description\n";
- }
- sub Format_Term
- {
- $_ = shift;
- $_ = " " . $_ . " ";
- $_ =~ s/\W/ /g;
- $_ =~ s/\s+/ /g;
- $_ =~ s/$WildCard/\(\[\^\\s\+\]\{0,4\}\)/g;
- return $_;
- }
- sub Fatal
- {
- print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
- print "Fatal Error: Could not read from the index file.\n";
- print "Check location at $Index_File.\n\n";
- exit;
- }