509 A valid style name must contain non-blank characters, no quotes.
510 Figure Style
511 Connector Style
512 Label Style
513 Are you sure you want to delete the style "%s"?\n(cannot be undone)
515 Text is too long
517 Styles must have a unique name.
518 <none>
520 Click to move figure(s), double click to open %s
521 Not a diagram file
522 Diagram requires a newer version of this program
523 Undefined style name
524 Overwrite "%s"?
525 Unable to load symbol from %s.\nError line %d.
526 Cannot create label, no label styles defined
527 Unable to copy to the clipboard
528 Unable to paste from the clipboard
531 This is a demonstration copy only. Contact Pacestar Software to purchase the complete product.
532 Welcome to the demonstration version of EDGE Diagrammer. All features are available except PRINT and SAVE. Contact Pacestar Software to purchase the complete product.
533 Diagnostics
534 Error loading metafile. Make sure the file exists and that it is a valid enhanced metafile or placeable Windows-standard metafile.
535 Figures in the diagram use this style. If you delete the style, these figures will be deleted also. Are you sure you want to delete the style "%s"?\n(cannot be undone)
536 Export failed.
537 Export Graphic
559 figure symbol
560 end symbol
561 figure style
562 connector style
563 Overwrite
566 The diagram you are trying to open requires a conversion before it can be loaded.
576 Choose Diagram or Document for Figure Link
577 Choose Diagram for Parent Link
578 Link the selected figure to the new diagram?\nIf yes, you will be asked to name the new diagram before continuing.
590 Left: %.2f cm Top: %.2f cm Right: %.2f cm Bottom: %.2f cm
591 Click to create a "%s" connector
592 Click to create a "%s" label
593 X: %.2f cm Y: %.2f cm
594 X: %.2f" Y: %.2f"
595 The link to the diagram %s is no longer valid.\nThe file may have been moved or deleted. Re-define the link?
596 The link to the parent diagram %s is no longer valid.\nThe file may have been moved or deleted. Re-define the link?
597 Unable to follow link to diagram %s.
598 EDGE Diagrammer Version
599 You must name the file with Save or SaveAs before following a link.
600 Enter a font size between 4 and 128
601 Enter a valid zoom percent between %d and %d
602 EDGE Diagram Reader Version
603 EDGE Diagram Reader
604 Amazing Flowcharts and Diagrams Version
605 Amazing Flowcharts and Diagrams
606 WizFlow Flowcharter Version
611 Enter a valid percentage between %d%% and %d%%
612 The scale percentage you chose will result in objects that are not aligned to the grid. To use this percentage, disable the 'Keep aligned to grid' option.
613 In order to scale to page, you must disable the 'Keep aligned to grid' option.
615 Press ESC to cancel
618 Unable to open the file or to recognize it as a supported graphics format.
619 No Preview
620 &Import
621 Error while attempting to read from file.
622 Skipping the section containing the line.
623 Skipping the section following this line.
624 Ignoring this line.
625 File could not be loaded.
626 Cannot load symbols from %s\nUnrecognized file
627 Cannot load symbols from %s\nRequires newer version
628 &Set Link
629 Diagram Properties
630 Options
631 Enter a valid number of button columns between %d and %d
632 Enter a valid button height between %d and %d
633 Enter a valid width between %d and %d
634 Close
635 New
636 Copy
637 Delete
638 Rename
639 Styles
640 Default Dimensions
641 &Text:
642 Default &text:
643 Figure Properties
644 Enter a valid font size between %d and %d
645 The properties for this object differ from the base style. With 'Bind' set they will update when you next change the style. Would you like to update them now instead?
646 Define Connector Styles
647 Connector Properties
648 Choose a Figure Style
649 Choose a Connector Style
650 Choose a Label Style
651 Styles are saved in each diagram. You can make changes to styles without worrying that your changes will affect other diagrams. The only way to change a style so that is affects future diagrams is to save changes to a template file. The original templates are located in the TEMPLATE folder.
652 The text contained multiple fonts before editing (such as bold, colors, or sizes). Changing the text with this dialog box will make all the text the same font. Do you want to update the text anyway?
653 Text not found
654 Replaced %d occurences
655 Dimensions
656 Rename Label Style
657 Rename Figure Style
658 Rename Connector Style
659 New Connector Style
660 Reload
661 Built-in
662 Created by WizFlow Flowcharter (Unlicensed Software).\line Visit http://www.pacestar.com/wizflow for purchase options.
663 You have reached the limit of objects that can be included in a diagram with this trial version. Purchase a licensed copy for unlimited diagrams.
664 You have reached the limit of hyper links that can be included in a diagram with this trial version. Purchase a licensed copy for unlimited diagrams.
665 Your 30 Day free trial has expired. Register today to resume use.
2000 Ctrl+Z
2001 &Undo
2002 Create Figure
2003 Create Connector
2004 Move
2005 Clear
2006 Cut
2007 Copy
2008 Paste
2009 Resize
2010 Move Connector
2011 Move to Front
2012 Move to Back
2013 Figure Properties
2014 Align
2015 Duplicate
2016 Text Edit
2017 Flip Connectors
2018 Move Label
2019 Connector Properties
2020 Split Connector
2021 Delete Junctions
2022 Justify Text
2023 Make Same Size
2024 Space Evenly
2025 Center on Page
2026 Size to Text
2027 Scale
2028 Move Front One
2029 Move Back One
2030 Create Label
2031 Import Graphic
2032 Rotate Text
2033 Replace
2034 Replace All
2035 Insert Figure from Gallery
32769 Move forward to next diagram in links list\nForward
32770 Return to previous diagram in links list\nBack
32771 Create a link from the selected figure to a diagram\nLink Figure
32772 Open the diagram that the selected figure is linked to\nFollow Link
32773 Open the parent diagram\nParent
32774 Set the link to the parent diagram\nSet Link
32778 Moves an object in back of the next object behind it\nBack One
32780 Moves an object in front of the next object in front of it\nFront One
32781 Pastes diagram objects from clipboard
32783 Pastes picture from clipboard
32784 Pastes bitmap from clipboard
32785 Import graphics from a file\nImport Graphics
32786 Pastes text from clipboard
32787 Edit figure text
32788 Pastes formatted text (like RTF) from clipboard
32789 Displays FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
32790 Displays help on new features and changes
32791 Insert a figure symbol from the gallery\nSymbol from Gallery
33024 Changes poster setup\nPoster
33025 Adds/updates styles from another diagram\nCopy Styles
33026 Scale diagram or selected objects\nScale Diagram
33027 Moves objects to the foreground\nFront
33028 Moves objects to the background\nBack
33029 Selects all objects\nSelect All
33030 Makes a connector straight\nStraight
33031 Makes a connector curved following its vertices\nCurved
33032 Makes a connector a smoothed line through its vertices\nSmoothed