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; 82586 Structure definitions
SysConfigPtr struc
SCP_SystemBus dw ?
dw 2 dup (?)
SCP_ISCP_Ptr_low dw ?
SCP_ISCP_Ptr_high dw ?
SysConfigPtr ends
; Note: The @ addresses are the I/O address offsets from [bp].
; The SCP is at location XXX6H. Since the
; SMB pointers must have the low order 5 bits
; zero, we assume that the SMP pointer will
; be set to XXE0H
@SysConfigPtr struc
db 8000h dup (?)
dw ?
dw ?
dw ?
@SCP_SystemBus dw ?
dw 2 dup (?)
@SCP_ISCP_Ptr_low dw ?
@SCP_ISCP_Ptr_high dw ?
@SysConfigPtr ends
ISysConfigPtr struc
ISCP_Busy dw ?
ISCP_SCB_Offset dw ?
ISCP_Ptr_low dw ?
ISCP_Ptr_high dw ?
ISysConfigPtr ends
; NOTE: Access to the SCB through the shadow
; registers is done by setting the SMB_PTR to
; the ISCP base address and then using this
; structure. This is because the SCB address
; does not start on a 32 byte boundary as
; as required for the SMB_PTR.
@ISysConfigPtr struc
db 4000h dup (?)
@ISCP_Busy dw ?
@ISCP_SCB_Offset dw ?
@ISCP_SCB_Ptr_low dw ?
@ISCP_SCB_Ptr_high dw ?
@SCB_Status dw ?
@SCB_Command dw ?
@SCB_CommandList dw ?
@SCB_RecBlockList dw ?
db 4000h - 16 dup (?)
@SCB_CRC_Errors dw ?
@SCB_ALN_Errors dw ?
@SCB_RSC_Errors dw ?
@SCB_OVR_Errors dw ?
@ISysConfigPtr ends
SystemControlBlock struc
SCB_Status dw ?
SCB_Command dw ?
SCB_CommandList dw ?
SCB_RecBlockList dw ?
SCB_CRC_Errors dw ?
SCB_ALN_Errors dw ?
SCB_RSC_Errors dw ?
SCB_OVR_Errors dw ?
SystemControlBlock ends
; NOTE: The SCB shadow register structure is
; part of the ISysConfigPtr shadow register
; structure.
ReceiveBlock struc
FD_Status dw ?
FD_Command dw ?
FD_Link dw ?
FD_RBD_Offset dw ?
RBD_ByteCount dw ?
RBD_Link dw ?
RBD_RB_Address_low dw ?
RBD_RB_Address_high dw ?
RBD_Size dw ?
RB_Data db RxBufferSize dup (?)
ReceiveBlock ends
ReceiveBlock_data struc
IPX_FD_Status dw ?
IPX_FD_Command dw ?
IPX_FD_Link dw ?
IPX_FD_RBD_Offset dw ?
IPX_RBD_ByteCount dw ?
IPX_RBD_Link dw ?
IPX_RBD_RB_Address_low dw ?
IPX_RBD_RB_Address_high dw ?
IPX_RBD_Size dw ?
IPX_DestAddr_HIGH dw ?
IPX_DestAddr_MID dw ?
IPX_DestAddr_LOW dw ?
IPX_SourceAddr_HIGH dw ?
IPX_SourceAddr_MID dw ?
IPX_SourceAddr_LOW dw ?
IPX_LengthTypeField dw ?
ReceiveBlock_data ends
@ReceiveBlock struc
db 4000h dup (?)
@FD_Status dw ?
@FD_Command dw ?
@FD_Link dw ?
@FD_RBD_Offset dw ?
@RBD_ByteCount dw ?
@RBD_Link dw ?
@RBD_RB_Address_low dw ?
@RBD_RB_Address_high dw ?
db 4000h - 16 dup (?)
@RBD_Size dw ?
; Ethernet Packet Data
@DestAddr_HIGH dw ?
@DestAddr_MID dw ?
@DestAddr_LOW dw ?
@SourceAddr_HIGH dw ?
@SourceAddr_MID dw ?
@SourceAddr_LOW dw ?
@LengthTypeField dw ?
@ReceiveBlock ends
SendBlock struc
TxCB_Status dw ?
TxCB_Command dw ?
TxCB_Link dw ?
TxCB_TBD_Offset dw ?
TBD_ByteCount dw ?
TBD_Link dw ?
TBD_TB_Address_low dw ?
TBD_TB_Address_high dw ?
TB_Data db TxBufferSize dup (?)
SendBlock ends
@SendBlock struc
db 4000h dup (?)
@TxCB_Status dw ?
@TxCB_Command dw ?
@TxCB_Link dw ?
@TxCB_TBD_Offset dw ?
@TBD_ByteCount dw ?
@TBD_Link dw ?
@TBD_TB_Address_low dw ?
@TBD_TB_Address_high dw ?
db 4000h - 16 dup (?)
@TB_Data db TxBufferSize dup (?)
@SendBlock ends
CommandBlock struc ;Set command block
CB_Status dw ? ; Size for largest
CB_Command dw ? ; command. The Dump
CB_Link dw ? ; command needs a 170
CB_Param0 dw ? ; byte area. The 14
db 170+14 dup (?) ; extra bytes are
CommandBlock ends ; padding to make the
; size of this struc
; boundary.
@CommandBlock struc
db 4000h dup (?) ;Set command block
@CB_Status dw ? ; Size for largest
@CB_Command dw ? ; command. The Dump
@CB_Link dw ? ; command needs a 170
@CB_Parm0 dw ? ; byte area. The 14
db 170+14 dup (?) ; extra bytes are
@CommandBlock ends ; padding to make the
; size of this struc
; align on a 16 byte
SCPS equ SysConfigPtr
ISCPS equ ISysConfigPtr
SCBS equ SystemControlBlock
; System ControlBlock.
Bit_CX equ 8000h
Bit_FR equ 4000h
Bit_CNA equ 2000h
Bit_RNR equ 1000h
; System Control Block's control unit statuses
CUS_Idle equ 0000h
CUS_Suspended equ 0100h
CUS_Active equ 0200h
CUS_Mask equ 0300h
; System Control Block's receive unit statuses.
RUS_Idle equ 0000h
RUS_Suspend equ 0010h
RUS_No_Resource equ 0020h
RUS_Ready equ 0040h
; System Control Block's control unit commands
CUC_NOP equ 0000h
CUC_Start equ 0100h
CUC_Resume equ 0200h
CUC_Suspend equ 0300h
CUC_Abort equ 0400h
; System Control Block's receive unit commands
RUC_NOP equ 0000h
RUC_Start equ 0010h
RUC_Resume equ 0020h
RUC_Suspend equ 0030h
RUC_Abort equ 0040h
; General Action Command Block.
GA_NOP equ 0000h
GA_IA_Setup equ 0001h
GA_Configure equ 0002h
GA_MC_Setup equ 0003h
GA_Transmit equ 0004h
GA_TDR equ 0005h
GA_Dump equ 0006h
GA_Diagnose equ 0007h
lock_bit_address EQU 01H
lock_bit_mask EQU 0000000000000001B
iochrdy_mask EQU 00010000B
iochrdy_test_mask EQU 00100000B
iochrdy_test_result EQU 01000000B
iochrdy_early EQU 00000000B
iochrdy_late EQU 00010000B
; Common Bits.
Bit_C equ 8000h ; Command complete.
Bit_B equ 4000h ; Busy executing command.
Bit_OK equ 2000h ; Error free completion.
Bit_A equ 1000h ; Command aborted.
Bit_EL equ 8000h ; End of list.
Bit_EOF equ 8000h ; End of frame.
byte_Bit_EOF equ 80h ; End of frame.
Bit_S equ 4000h ; Suspend after completion.
Bit_I equ 2000h ; Interrupt after completion.
Bit_S11 equ 0800h
Bit_S10 equ 0400h
Bit_S9 equ 0200h
Bit_S8 equ 0100h
Bit_S7 equ 0080h
Bit_S6 equ 0040h
Bit_S5 equ 0020h
ACK_INT_Mask equ 0f000h
MaxCollisions equ 0020h
Ready equ 0040h
LNK_OK equ 8000h
XCVR_PRB equ 4000h
ET_OPN equ 2000h
ET_SRT equ 1000h
TDR_TIME equ 07ffh
; equates and definitions:
EOI equ 020h ;End-of-interrupt command.
Master_PIC equ 020h ;1st Interrupt-Control port.
Slave_PIC equ 0A0h ;2nd Interrupt-Control port.
Number_of_Tx_Buffers equ 1
_586_Reset equ 0080H
ASIC_Reset equ 0040H
bus_width equ 0 ;16 bit, use for initialize
initialize_586 equ 1
; Timer equates
one_mil EQU 02387
ten_mils EQU 23866
EE_SK equ 00000001B ;EEPROM shift clock (1 = high, 0 = low)
EE_CS equ 00000010B ;EEPROM chip select (1 = high, 0 = low)
EE_DI equ 00000100B ;EEPROM data in (set to 1 for writing data to EEPROM)
EE_DO equ 00001000B ;EEPROM data out
EE_tick equ 10
EEPROM_read_opcode equ 110B
EEPROM_write_opcode equ 101B
EEPROM_erase_opcode equ 111B
EEPROM_EWEN_opcode equ 10011B ;Erase/write enable
EEPROM_EWDS_opcode equ 10000B ;Erase/write disable
loopback_enable equ 00000010B