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464 lines
// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved.
function WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(ParamString,
var ResultString;
var Index;
ResultString = ParamString;
if ((ParamSearchString.length > 0) &&
(ResultString.length > 0))
Index = 0;
while ((Index = ResultString.indexOf(ParamSearchString, Index)) != -1)
ResultString = ResultString.substring(0, Index) + ParamReplaceString + ResultString.substring(Index + ParamSearchString.length, ResultString.length);
Index += ParamReplaceString.length;
return ResultString;
function WWHStringUtilities_EscapeHTML(ParamHTML)
var EscapedHTML = ParamHTML;
// Escape problematic characters
// & < > "
EscapedHTML = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedHTML, "&", "&");
EscapedHTML = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedHTML, "<", "<");
EscapedHTML = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedHTML, ">", ">");
EscapedHTML = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedHTML, "\"", """);
return EscapedHTML;
function WWHStringUtilities_UnescapeHTML(ParamHTML)
var Text = ParamHTML;
var EscapedExpression;
var EscapedCharacter;
var CharacterCode;
var JavaScriptCharacter;
// Unescape problematic characters
// & < > "
Text = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(Text, "&", "&");
Text = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(Text, "<", "<");
Text = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(Text, ">", ">");
Text = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(Text, """, "\"");
// If any still exist, replace them with normal character
if (Text.indexOf("") != -1)
EscapedExpression = new RegExp("([0-9]+);");
while (EscapedExpression.test(Text))
EscapedCharacter = EscapedExpression.lastMatch();
CharacterCode = parseInt(EscapedExpression.$1);
// Turn character code into escaped JavaScript character
JavaScriptCharacter = eval("\\u" + WWHStringUtilities_DecimalToHex(CharacterCode));
// Replace in string
Text = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(Text, EscapedCharacter, JavaScriptCharacter);
return Text;
function WWHStringUtilities_DecimalToHex(ParamNumber)
var HexNumber = "";
HexNumber += WWHStringUtilities_HexDigit(ParamNumber >> 12);
HexNumber += WWHStringUtilities_HexDigit(ParamNumber >> 8);
HexNumber += WWHStringUtilities_HexDigit(ParamNumber >> 4);
HexNumber += WWHStringUtilities_HexDigit(ParamNumber >> 0);
return HexNumber;
function WWHStringUtilities_HexDigit(ParamDigit)
var HexDigit;
var MaskedDigit = ParamDigit & 0x0F;
// Translate to hex characters 'a' - 'f' if necessary
if (MaskedDigit == 10)
HexDigit = "a";
else if (MaskedDigit == 11)
HexDigit = "b";
else if (MaskedDigit == 12)
HexDigit = "c";
else if (MaskedDigit == 13)
HexDigit = "d";
else if (MaskedDigit == 14)
HexDigit = "e";
else if (MaskedDigit == 15)
HexDigit = "f";
HexDigit = MaskedDigit;
return HexDigit;
function WWHStringUtilities_NormalizeURL(ParamURL)
var URL = ParamURL;
// Unescape URL for most browsers
if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mbUnescapeHREFs)
URL = unescape(URL);
else // IE unescapes everything automatically, except &
URL = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(URL, "%26", "&");
// Standardize protocol case
if (URL.indexOf(":") != -1)
var MaxIndex;
Parts = URL.split(":");
URL = Parts[0].toLowerCase();
for (MaxIndex = Parts.length, Index = 1 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
URL += ":" + Parts[Index];
// Handle drive letters under Windows
if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mPlatform == 1) // Shorthand for Windows
var DrivePattern = new RegExp("^file:[/]+([a-zA-Z])[:\|][/](.*)$", "i");
var DrivePatternMatch;
DrivePatternMatch = DrivePattern.exec(URL);
if (DrivePatternMatch != null)
URL = "file:///" + DrivePatternMatch[1] + ":/" + DrivePatternMatch[2];
return URL;
function WWHStringUtilities_RestoreEscapedSpaces(ParamURL)
// Workaround for stupid Netscape 4.x bug
var StringWithSpace = "x x";
var EscapedURL = ParamURL;
if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mbUnescapeHREFs)
EscapedURL = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedURL, StringWithSpace.substring(1, 2), "%20");
return EscapedURL;
function WWHStringUtilities_EscapeURLForJavaScriptAnchor(ParamURL)
var EscapedURL = ParamURL;
// Escape problematic characters
// \ " ' < >
EscapedURL = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedURL, "\\", "\\\\");
EscapedURL = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedURL, "\"", "\\u0022");
EscapedURL = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedURL, "'", "\\u0027");
EscapedURL = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedURL, "<", "\\u003c");
EscapedURL = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedURL, ">", "\\u003e");
return EscapedURL;
function WWHStringUtilities_EscapeForJavaScript(ParamString)
var EscapedString = ParamString;
// Escape problematic characters
// \ " '
EscapedString = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedString, "\\", "\\\\");
EscapedString = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedString, "\"", "\\u0022");
EscapedString = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedString, "'", "\\u0027");
EscapedString = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedString, "\n", "\\u000a");
EscapedString = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(EscapedString, "\r", "\\u000d");
return EscapedString;
function WWHStringUtilities_EscapeRegExp(ParamWord)
var WordRegExpPattern = ParamWord;
// Escape special characters
// \ ( ) [ ] . ? + ^ $
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, "\\", "\\\\");
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, ".", "\\.");
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, "?", "\\?");
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, "+", "\\+");
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, "|", "\\|");
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, "^", "\\^");
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, "$", "\\$");
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, "(", "\\(");
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, ")", "\\)");
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, "{", "\\{");
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, "}", "\\}");
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, "[", "\\[");
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, "]", "\\]");
// Windows IE 4.0 is brain dead
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, "/", "[/]");
// Convert * to .*
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(WordRegExpPattern, "*", ".*");
return WordRegExpPattern;
function WWHStringUtilities_WordToRegExpPattern(ParamWord)
var WordRegExpPattern;
// Escape special characters
// Convert * to .*
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_EscapeRegExp(ParamWord);
// Add ^ and $ to force whole string match
WordRegExpPattern = "^" + WordRegExpPattern + "$";
return WordRegExpPattern;
function WWHStringUtilities_WordToRegExpWithSpacePattern(ParamWord)
var WordRegExpPattern;
// Escape special characters
// Convert * to .*
WordRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_EscapeRegExp(ParamWord);
// Add ^ and $ to force whole string match
// Allow trailing whitespace
WordRegExpPattern = "^" + WordRegExpPattern + " *$";
return WordRegExpPattern;
function WWHStringUtilities_ExtractStyleAttribute(ParamAttribute,
var Attribute = "";
var AttributeIndex;
var AttributeStart;
AttributeIndex = ParamFontStyle.indexOf(ParamAttribute, 0);
if (AttributeIndex != -1)
AttributeStart = ParamFontStyle.indexOf(":", AttributeIndex);
if (AttributeStart != -1)
AttributeStart += 1;
AttributeEnd = ParamFontStyle.indexOf(";", AttributeStart);
if (AttributeEnd == -1)
AttributeEnd = ParamFontStyle.length;
Attribute = ParamFontStyle.substring(AttributeStart + 1, AttributeEnd);
return Attribute;
function WWHStringUtilities_NormalizeSearchWords(ParamSearchWords)
// Workaround for stupid Netscape 4.x bug
var StringWithSpace = "x x";
var Parts;
var MaxIndex;
var Index;
var bStripChar;
var CharAsInt;
var CharIndex;
// Handle some common cases
Parts = ParamSearchWords.split(StringWithSpace.substring(1, 2));
for (MaxIndex = Parts.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
// Remove leading characters @ % $
bStripChar = true;
while ((bStripChar) &&
(Parts[Index].length > 0))
bStripChar = false;
if ((Parts[Index].indexOf("@") == 0) ||
(Parts[Index].indexOf("%") == 0))
bStripChar = true;
else if (Parts[Index].indexOf("$") == 0)
// Handle $ in front of numbers
if (Parts[Index].length > 1)
CharAsInt = parseInt(Parts[Index].substring(1, 2));
bStripChar = ((CharAsInt >= 0) && (CharAsInt <= 9)) ? false : true;
bStripChar = true;
if (bStripChar)
Parts[Index] = Parts[Index].substring(1, Parts[Index].length);
// Remove trailing characters ( ) % $ ; ,
bStripChar = true;
while ((bStripChar) &&
(Parts[Index].length > 0))
bStripChar = false;
CharIndex = Parts[Index].length - 1;
if ((Parts[Index].lastIndexOf("(") == CharIndex) ||
(Parts[Index].lastIndexOf(")") == CharIndex) ||
(Parts[Index].lastIndexOf("%") == CharIndex) ||
(Parts[Index].lastIndexOf("$") == CharIndex) ||
(Parts[Index].lastIndexOf(";") == CharIndex) ||
(Parts[Index].lastIndexOf(",") == CharIndex))
bStripChar = true;
if (bStripChar)
Parts[Index] = Parts[Index].substring(0, CharIndex);
if (Parts[Index].length > 0)
// Replace embedded characters @ : ,
Parts[Index] = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(Parts[Index], "@", " ");
Parts[Index] = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(Parts[Index], ":", " ");
Parts[Index] = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(Parts[Index], ",", " ");
return Parts.join(" ");
function WWHStringBuffer_Object()
this.mStringList = new Array();
this.mStringListEntries = 0;
this.mSize = 0;
this.fSize = WWHStringBuffer_Size;
this.fReset = WWHStringBuffer_Reset;
this.fAppend = WWHStringBuffer_Append;
this.fGetBuffer = WWHStringBuffer_GetBuffer;
function WWHStringBuffer_Size()
return this.mSize;
function WWHStringBuffer_Reset()
this.mStringListEntries = 0;
this.mSize = 0;
function WWHStringBuffer_Append(ParamString)
this.mSize += ParamString.length;
this.mStringList[this.mStringListEntries] = ParamString;
function WWHStringBuffer_GetBuffer()
this.mStringList.length = this.mStringListEntries;
return this.mStringList.join("");