home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //
- function WWHOutlineImagingFast_Object()
- {
- this.mIterator = new WWHOutlineIterator_Object(true);
- this.mImageSrcDir = WWHOutlineImaging_ImageSrcDir();
- this.mEventString = WWHPopup_EventString();
- this.mHTMLSegment = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
- this.fGetIconURL = WWHOutlineImaging_GetIconURL;
- this.fGetPopupAction = WWHOutlineImaging_GetPopupAction;
- this.fGetLink = WWHOutlineImaging_GetLink;
- this.fGetLink2 = WWHOutlineImaging_GetLink2;
- this.fGenerateStyles = WWHOutlineImagingFast_GenerateStyles;
- this.fReset = WWHOutlineImagingFast_Reset;
- this.fAdvance = WWHOutlineImagingFast_Advance;
- this.fOpenLevel = WWHOutlineImagingFast_OpenLevel;
- this.fCloseLevel = WWHOutlineImagingFast_CloseLevel;
- this.fSameLevel = WWHOutlineImagingFast_SameLevel;
- this.fDisplayEntry = WWHOutlineImagingFast_DisplayEntry;
- this.fUpdateEntry = WWHOutlineImagingFast_UpdateEntry;
- this.fRevealEntry = WWHOutlineImagingFast_RevealEntry;
- }
- function WWHOutlineImagingFast_GenerateStyles()
- {
- var StyleBuffer = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
- StyleBuffer.fAppend("<style type=\"text/css\">\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" <!--\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" a { text-decoration: none ;\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" color: " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mTOC.mEnabledColor + " }\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" ul { list-style-type: none ;\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" padding-left: 0pt ;\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" margin-top: 1pt ;\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" margin-bottom: 1pt ;\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" margin-left: 0pt }\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" li { margin-top: 1pt ;\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" margin-bottom: 1pt ;\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mTOC.mFontStyle + " ;\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" margin-left: " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mTOC.mIndent + "pt }\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" li.book { margin-left: 0pt }\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend(" -->\n");
- StyleBuffer.fAppend("</style>\n");
- return StyleBuffer.fGetBuffer();
- }
- function WWHOutlineImagingFast_Reset()
- {
- this.mIterator.fReset(WWHFrame.WWHOutline.mTopEntry);
- }
- function WWHOutlineImagingFast_Advance(ParamMaxHTMLSegmentSize)
- {
- var Entry;
- this.mHTMLSegment.fReset();
- while (((ParamMaxHTMLSegmentSize == -1) ||
- (this.mHTMLSegment.fSize() < ParamMaxHTMLSegmentSize)) &&
- (this.mIterator.fAdvance(this)))
- {
- Entry = this.mIterator.mEntry;
- // Process current entry
- //
- if (Entry.mbShow)
- {
- if (Entry.mLevel == 0)
- {
- this.mHTMLSegment.fAppend("<li class=book id=i" + Entry.mID + ">");
- }
- else
- {
- this.mHTMLSegment.fAppend("<li id=i" + Entry.mID + ">");
- }
- this.mHTMLSegment.fAppend(this.fDisplayEntry(Entry));
- }
- }
- return (this.mHTMLSegment.fSize() > 0); // Return true if segment created
- }
- function WWHOutlineImagingFast_OpenLevel()
- {
- this.mHTMLSegment.fAppend("<ul>\n");
- }
- function WWHOutlineImagingFast_CloseLevel()
- {
- this.mHTMLSegment.fAppend("</li>\n");
- this.mHTMLSegment.fAppend("</ul>\n");
- }
- function WWHOutlineImagingFast_SameLevel()
- {
- this.mHTMLSegment.fAppend("</li>\n");
- }
- function WWHOutlineImagingFast_DisplayEntry(ParamEntry)
- {
- var EntryHTML = "";
- var IconURL = this.fGetIconURL(ParamEntry);
- if (ParamEntry.mChildren == null)
- {
- // EntryHTML += "<nobr>";
- EntryHTML += this.fGetLink2(ParamEntry, "<img border=0 src=\"" + IconURL + "\">");
- // EntryHTML += "</nobr>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- if (ParamEntry.mbExpanded)
- {
- // EntryHTML += "<nobr>";
- EntryHTML += "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><td><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">";
- // EntryHTML += "<a href=\"javascript:fC(" + ParamEntry.mID + ");\" " + this.fGetPopupAction(ParamEntry) + ">";
- EntryHTML += "<a href=\"javascript:fC(" + ParamEntry.mID + ");\">";
- EntryHTML += "<img border=0 src=\"" + IconURL + "\"></a></td><td valign=\"top\" class=\"enf1\">";
- EntryHTML += this.fGetLink(ParamEntry, null);
- EntryHTML += "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>";
- // EntryHTML += "</nobr>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- // EntryHTML += "<nobr>";
- EntryHTML += "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><td><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">";
- EntryHTML += "<a href=\"javascript:fE(" + ParamEntry.mID + ");\">";
- EntryHTML += "<img border=0 src=\"" + IconURL + "\"></a></td><td valign=\"top\" class=\"enf1\">";
- EntryHTML += this.fGetLink(ParamEntry, null);
- // EntryHTML += "</nobr>\n";
- EntryHTML += "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>";
- }
- }
- return EntryHTML;
- }
- function WWHOutlineImagingFast_UpdateEntry(ParamEntry)
- {
- var ElementID = "i" + ParamEntry.mID;
- var EntryHTML = "";
- // Get entry display
- //
- EntryHTML = this.fDisplayEntry(ParamEntry);
- // Reset iterator to process current entry's children
- //
- this.mIterator.fReset(ParamEntry);
- // Process display of children
- //
- if (this.fAdvance(-1))
- {
- // Result already stored in this.mHTMLSegment
- //
- }
- // Close down any popups we had going to prevent JavaScript errors
- //
- WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.mPopup.fHide();
- // Update HTML
- //
- if ((WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 2) || // Shorthand for IE
- (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 3)) // Shorthand for iCab
- {
- WWHFrame.WWHNavigationFrame.WWHPanelFrame.document.all[ElementID].innerHTML = EntryHTML + this.mHTMLSegment.fGetBuffer();
- }
- else if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 4) // Shorthand for Netscape 6.0
- {
- WWHFrame.WWHNavigationFrame.WWHPanelFrame.document.getElementById(ElementID).innerHTML = EntryHTML + this.mHTMLSegment.fGetBuffer();
- }
- }
- function WWHOutlineImagingFast_RevealEntry(ParamEntry,
- bParamVisible)
- {
- var ParentEntry;
- var LastClosedParentEntry = null;
- // Expand out enclosing entries
- //
- ParentEntry = ParamEntry.mParent;
- while (ParentEntry != null)
- {
- if ( ! ParentEntry.mbExpanded)
- {
- ParentEntry.mbExpanded = true;
- LastClosedParentEntry = ParentEntry;
- }
- ParentEntry = ParentEntry.mParent;
- }
- // Set target entry
- //
- WWHFrame.WWHOutline.mPanelAnchor = "t" + ParamEntry.mID;
- // Update display
- //
- if (bParamVisible)
- {
- // Expand parent entry to reveal target entry
- //
- if (LastClosedParentEntry != null)
- {
- this.fUpdateEntry(LastClosedParentEntry);
- }
- // Display target
- //
- WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.fJumpToAnchor();
- }
- }