home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //
- function WWHHelp_GetLocale()
- {
- var Locale = "en";
- // Reset locale to correct language value
- //
- if ((typeof navigator.language != "undefined") &&
- (navigator.language != null))
- {
- Locale = navigator.language;
- }
- else if ((typeof navigator.userLanguage != "undefined") &&
- (navigator.userLanguage != null))
- {
- Locale = navigator.userLanguage;
- }
- // Convert everything to lowercase
- //
- Locale = Locale.toLowerCase();
- // Replace '-'s with '_'s
- //
- Locale = WWHStringUtilities_SearchReplace(Locale, "-", "_");
- return Locale;
- }
- function WWHHelp_GetBaseURL(ParamURL)
- {
- var BaseURL;
- var Parts;
- BaseURL = ParamURL.substring(0, ParamURL.lastIndexOf("/"));
- Parts = BaseURL.split("/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html");
- if (Parts[0] == BaseURL)
- {
- Parts = BaseURL.split("/wwhelp/wwhimpl/java/html");
- }
- if (Parts[0] == BaseURL)
- {
- Parts = BaseURL.split("/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html");
- }
- BaseURL = Parts[0] + "/";
- return BaseURL;
- }
- function WWHHelp_GetURLParams(ParamURL)
- {
- var URLParams = new Array(null, null, null, null);
- // Check for possible context specification
- //
- if (ParamURL.indexOf("?") != -1)
- {
- var Parts;
- var ContextMarker = "context=";
- var TopicMarker = "topic=";
- var FileMarker = "file=";
- var HREFMarker = "href=";
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- Parts = ParamURL.split("?");
- // Check for our context tags
- //
- if ((Parts[1].indexOf("&") != -1) &&
- (Parts[1].indexOf(ContextMarker) != -1) &&
- ((Parts[1].indexOf(TopicMarker) != -1) ||
- (Parts[1].indexOf(FileMarker) != -1)))
- {
- Parts = Parts[1].split("&");
- // Set context and topic, if specified
- //
- for (MaxIndex = Parts.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- if (Parts[Index].indexOf(ContextMarker) == 0)
- {
- URLParams[0] = Parts[Index].substring(ContextMarker.length, Parts[Index].length);
- }
- if (Parts[Index].indexOf(TopicMarker) == 0)
- {
- URLParams[1] = Parts[Index].substring(TopicMarker.length, Parts[Index].length);
- }
- if (Parts[Index].indexOf(FileMarker) == 0)
- {
- URLParams[2] = Parts[Index].substring(FileMarker.length, Parts[Index].length);
- }
- }
- // Make certain we have both a ContextTag and either a TopicTag or FileTag
- // Otherwise, reset them
- //
- if ((URLParams[0] == null) ||
- ((URLParams[1] == null) &&
- (URLParams[2] == null)))
- {
- URLParams[0] = null;
- URLParams[1] = null;
- URLParams[2] = null;
- }
- }
- else if (Parts[1].indexOf(HREFMarker) == 0) // Check for file tag
- {
- Parts = Parts[1].split("&");
- // Set href, if specified
- //
- for (MaxIndex = Parts.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- if (Parts[Index].indexOf(HREFMarker) == 0)
- {
- URLParams[3] = Parts[Index].substring(HREFMarker.length, Parts[Index].length);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return URLParams;
- }
- function WWHHelp_Object(ParamURL)
- {
- this.mbInitialized = false;
- this.mInitStage = 0;
- this.mInitControls = 0;
- this.mSettings = new WWHCommonSettings_Object();
- this.mMessages = new WWHCommonMessages_Object();
- this.mDocumentLoaded = null;
- this.mLocale = WWHHelp_GetLocale();
- this.mLocationURL = WWHStringUtilities_NormalizeURL(ParamURL);
- this.mBaseURL = WWHHelp_GetBaseURL(this.mLocationURL);
- this.mHelpURLPrefix = WWHStringUtilities_RestoreEscapedSpaces(this.mBaseURL);
- this.mContextDir = null;
- this.mTopicTag = null;
- this.mDocumentURL = "";
- this.mPopup = new WWHPopup_Object("WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mPopup",
- "WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHDocumentFrame",
- WWHPopupFormat_Translate,
- WWHPopupFormat_Format,
- "WWHPopupDIV", "WWHPopupText", 500, 12, 20,
- this.mSettings.mPopup.mWidth);
- this.mBookGroups = new WWHBookGroups_Object();
- this.mBooks = new WWHBookList_Object();
- this.fInitStage = WWHHelp_InitStage;
- this.fHandlerInitialized = WWHHelp_HandlerInitialized;
- this.fControlsLoaded = WWHHelp_ControlsLoaded;
- this.fSetDocumentFrame = WWHHelp_SetDocumentFrame;
- this.fSetDocumentHREF = WWHHelp_SetDocumentHREF;
- this.fDetermineContextDocument = WWHHelp_DetermineContextDocument;
- this.fLoadTopicData = WWHHelp_LoadTopicData;
- this.fProcessTopicResult = WWHHelp_ProcessTopicResult;
- this.fDisplayContextDocument = WWHHelp_DisplayContextDocument;
- this.fSetContextDocument = WWHHelp_SetContextDocument;
- this.fGetBookFileHREF = WWHHelp_GetBookFileHREF;
- this.fGetSyncPrevNext = WWHHelp_GetSyncPrevNext;
- this.fHREFToTitle = WWHHelp_HREFToTitle;
- this.fShowPopup = WWHHelp_ShowPopup;
- this.fHidePopup = WWHHelp_HidePopup;
- this.fClickedPopup = WWHHelp_ClickedPopup;
- this.fUpdate = WWHHelp_Update;
- this.fDocumentBookkeeping = WWHHelp_DocumentBookkeeping;
- // Load up messages
- //
- this.mMessages.fSetByLocale(this.mLocale);
- }
- function WWHHelp_InitStage(ParamStage)
- {
- if (( ! this.mbInitialized) &&
- (ParamStage == this.mInitStage))
- {
- // Perform actions for current init stage
- //
- switch (this.mInitStage)
- {
- case 0: // Start initialization process
- // Alert the user if this browser is unsupported
- //
- if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mbUnsupported)
- {
- alert(WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mMessages.mBrowserNotSupported);
- }
- this.mInitControls = 0;
- WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHPageNavFrame.WWHControlsLeftFrame.location.replace(this.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/init0.htm");
- break;
- case 1: // Prep book data
- WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHPageNavFrame.WWHControlsLeftFrame.location.replace(this.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/init1.htm");
- break;
- case 2: // Load book data
- WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHPageNavFrame.WWHControlsLeftFrame.location.replace(this.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/init2.htm");
- break;
- case 3: // Handler setup
- // Initialize handler
- //
- WWHFrame.WWHHandler.fInit();
- break;
- case 4: // Display controls
- WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHPageNavFrame.WWHControlsLeftFrame.location.replace(this.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/controll.htm");
- WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHPageNavFrame.WWHControlsRightFrame.location.replace(this.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/controlr.htm");
- // WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHPageNavFrame.WWHTitleFrame.location.replace(this.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/title.htm");
- break;
- case 5: // Display document
- this.fSetDocumentFrame();
- this.mbInitialized = true;
- break;
- }
- // Increment stage
- //
- this.mInitStage++;
- }
- }
- function WWHHelp_HandlerInitialized()
- {
- if (WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mInitStage > 0)
- {
- if (WWHFrame.WWHHandler.mbInitialized)
- {
- WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHPageNavFrame.WWHControlsRightFrame.location.replace(this.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/init3.htm");
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHHelp_ControlsLoaded()
- {
- if ( ! WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mbInitialized)
- {
- // Only go to final init stage once all control frames have loaded
- //
- this.mInitControls++;
- if (this.mInitControls > 1)
- {
- WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fInitStage(5);
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHHelp_SetDocumentFrame()
- {
- // Preserve current document if user clicked forward or back to see it
- //
- if (this.mDocumentLoaded != null)
- {
- this.fUpdate(this.mDocumentLoaded);
- this.mDocumentLoaded = null;
- }
- else
- {
- var ContextDocumentURL;
- ContextDocumentURL = this.fDetermineContextDocument();
- if (ContextDocumentURL != null)
- {
- this.fSetDocumentHREF(ContextDocumentURL, true);
- }
- else // Load topic data to determine document to display
- {
- this.fSetDocumentHREF(this.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/document.htm", true);
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHHelp_SetDocumentHREF(ParamURL,
- bParamReplace)
- {
- if (ParamURL.length > 0)
- {
- var EscapedURL = ParamURL;
- EscapedURL = WWHStringUtilities_RestoreEscapedSpaces(EscapedURL);
- EscapedURL = WWHStringUtilities_EscapeURLForJavaScriptAnchor(EscapedURL);
- if (bParamReplace)
- {
- setTimeout("WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHDocumentFrame.location.replace(\"" + EscapedURL + "\");", 1);
- }
- else
- {
- setTimeout("WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHDocumentFrame.location = \"" + EscapedURL + "\";", 1);
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHHelp_DetermineContextDocument()
- {
- var ContextDocumentURL = null;
- var URLParams = WWHHelp_GetURLParams(this.mLocationURL);
- // Check for context specification
- //
- if (URLParams[3] != null) // href specified
- {
- ContextDocumentURL = this.mBaseURL + URLParams[3];
- }
- else if (URLParams[0] != null) // context specified
- {
- var ContextBook;
- // Determine book directory
- //
- ContextBook = this.mBooks.fGetContextBook(URLParams[0]);
- if (ContextBook != null)
- {
- if (URLParams[2] != null) // file specified
- {
- ContextDocumentURL = this.mBaseURL + ContextBook.mDirectory + URLParams[2];
- }
- else if (URLParams[1] != null) // topic specified
- {
- // Setup for a topic search
- //
- this.mContextDir = ContextBook.mDirectory;
- this.mTopicTag = URLParams[1];
- this.mDocumentURL = "";
- }
- }
- else // Display splash page if nothing else found
- {
- ContextDocumentURL = this.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/default.htm";
- }
- }
- else // Display splash page if nothing else found
- {
- ContextDocumentURL = this.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/default.htm";
- }
- return ContextDocumentURL;
- }
- function WWHHelp_LoadTopicData()
- {
- var LoadTopicDataHTML = "";
- LoadTopicDataHTML += "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript1.2\" src=\"" + this.mHelpURLPrefix + WWHStringUtilities_RestoreEscapedSpaces(this.mContextDir) + "wwhdata/common/topics.js\"></script>";
- LoadTopicDataHTML += "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript1.2\" src=\"" + this.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/scripts/documt1s.js\"></script>";
- return LoadTopicDataHTML;
- }
- function WWHHelp_ProcessTopicResult(ParamTopicURL)
- {
- if (ParamTopicURL != null)
- {
- this.mDocumentURL = this.mBaseURL + this.mContextDir + ParamTopicURL;
- }
- }
- function WWHHelp_DisplayContextDocument()
- {
- WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fSetDocumentHREF(this.mDocumentURL, true);
- }
- function WWHHelp_GetURLPrefix(ParamURL)
- {
- var URLPrefix = null;
- var WorkingURL = "";
- var Parts;
- var Index;
- // Standardize URL for processing
- //
- WorkingURL = ParamURL;
- // Strip any URL parameters
- //
- if (WorkingURL.indexOf("?") != -1)
- {
- Parts = WorkingURL.split("?");
- WorkingURL = Parts[0];
- }
- // Confirm URL in wwhelp hierarchy
- //
- if (((Index = WorkingURL.indexOf("/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/switch.htm")) != -1) ||
- ((Index = WorkingURL.indexOf("/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm")) != -1) ||
- ((Index = WorkingURL.indexOf("/wwhelp/wwhimpl/java/html/wwhelp.htm")) != -1) ||
- ((Index = WorkingURL.indexOf("/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm")) != -1))
- {
- URLPrefix = WorkingURL.substring(0, Index);
- }
- else
- {
- // Look for match on top level "wwhelp.htm" file
- //
- Index = WorkingURL.lastIndexOf("/");
- if ((Index != -1) &&
- (Index == WorkingURL.indexOf("/wwhelp.htm")))
- {
- URLPrefix = WorkingURL.substring(0, Index);
- }
- }
- return URLPrefix;
- }
- function WWHHelp_SetContextDocument(ParamURL)
- {
- var URL = WWHStringUtilities_NormalizeURL(ParamURL);
- var CurrentURLPrefix;
- var NewURLPrefix;
- // Confirm URL under same hierarchy
- //
- CurrentURLPrefix = WWHHelp_GetURLPrefix(this.mLocationURL);
- NewURLPrefix = WWHHelp_GetURLPrefix(URL);
- if ((CurrentURLPrefix != null) &&
- (NewURLPrefix != null) &&
- (CurrentURLPrefix == NewURLPrefix))
- {
- this.mLocationURL = URL;
- this.fSetDocumentFrame();
- }
- else
- {
- // Some other help system requested, redirect to it
- //
- setTimeout("WWHFrame.location = \"" + WWHStringUtilities_EscapeURLForJavaScriptAnchor(ParamURL) + "\";", 1);
- }
- }
- function WWHHelp_GetBookFileHREF(ParamHREF)
- {
- var BookFileHREF = null;
- // Confirm HREF can be in same hierarchy as BaseURL
- //
- if ((this.mBaseURL.length > 0) &&
- (ParamHREF.length > this.mBaseURL.length))
- {
- var Prefix;
- var Suffix;
- Prefix = ParamHREF.substring(0, this.mBaseURL.length);
- Suffix = ParamHREF.substring(this.mBaseURL.length, ParamHREF.length);
- // Confirm HREF definitely is in same hierarchy as BaseURL
- //
- if (Prefix == this.mBaseURL)
- {
- BookFileHREF = Suffix;
- }
- }
- return BookFileHREF;
- }
- function WWHHelp_GetSyncPrevNext(ParamHREF)
- {
- var ResultArray = new Array(null, null, null);
- var Parts;
- var AbsoluteHREF;
- var BookFileHREF;
- // Trim named anchor entries
- //
- Parts = ParamHREF.split("#");
- AbsoluteHREF = Parts[0];
- BookFileHREF = this.fGetBookFileHREF(AbsoluteHREF);
- if (BookFileHREF != null)
- {
- if (BookFileHREF == "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/default.htm")
- {
- ResultArray[2] = this.mBooks.fBookFileIndiciesToHREF(0, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- ResultArray = this.mBooks.fGetSyncPrevNext(BookFileHREF);
- }
- // Prefix with BaseURL if defined
- //
- // Current
- //
- if (ResultArray[0] != null)
- {
- ResultArray[0] = this.mBaseURL + ResultArray[0];
- }
- // Previous
- //
- if (ResultArray[1] != null)
- {
- ResultArray[1] = this.mBaseURL + ResultArray[1];
- }
- // Next
- //
- if (ResultArray[2] != null)
- {
- ResultArray[2] = this.mBaseURL + ResultArray[2];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Unknown document, enable next button to go to first known page
- //
- ResultArray[2] = this.mBaseURL + this.mBooks.fBookFileIndiciesToHREF(0, 0);
- }
- return ResultArray;
- }
- function WWHHelp_HREFToTitle(ParamHREF)
- {
- var HREFTitle;
- var Parts;
- var AbsoluteHREF;
- var BookFileHREF;
- // Trim named anchor entries
- //
- Parts = ParamHREF.split("#");
- AbsoluteHREF = Parts[0];
- BookFileHREF = this.fGetBookFileHREF(AbsoluteHREF);
- Parts = this.mBooks.fGetBookIndexFileHREF(BookFileHREF);
- if (Parts[0] >= 0)
- {
- HREFTitle = this.mBooks.fHREFToTitle(Parts[0], Parts[1]);
- }
- else
- {
- Parts = AbsoluteHREF.split("/");
- HREFTitle = AbsoluteHREF[AbsoluteHREF.length - 1];
- }
- return HREFTitle;
- }
- function WWHHelp_ShowPopup(ParamContext,
- ParamLink,
- ParamEvent)
- {
- var PopupHTML;
- PopupHTML = this.mBooks.fGetPopupHTML(ParamContext, ParamLink);
- if ((PopupHTML != null) &&
- (PopupHTML.length > 0))
- {
- this.mPopup.fShow(PopupHTML, ParamEvent);
- }
- }
- function WWHHelp_HidePopup()
- {
- this.mPopup.fHide();
- }
- function WWHHelp_ClickedPopup(ParamContext,
- ParamLink)
- {
- var Link = WWHStringUtilities_NormalizeURL(ParamLink);
- var LinkHREF = null;
- var Book;
- Book = this.mBooks.fGetContextBook(ParamContext);
- if (Book != null)
- {
- // Clickable popup?
- //
- if (Book.mPopups.fIsPopupClickable(ParamLink))
- {
- // Hide the popup if it is visible
- //
- this.fHidePopup();
- WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fSetDocumentHREF(this.mBaseURL + Book.mDirectory + Link, false);
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHHelp_Update(ParamURL)
- {
- var URL;
- if (this.mInitStage > 0)
- {
- URL = WWHStringUtilities_NormalizeURL(ParamURL);
- WWHFrame.WWHHandler.fUpdate(URL);
- this.fDocumentBookkeeping(URL);
- }
- else if (ParamURL.indexOf("wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/default.htm") == -1)
- {
- this.mDocumentLoaded = ParamURL;
- }
- }
- function WWHHelp_DocumentBookkeeping(ParamURL)
- {
- // Highlight search words
- //
- if (typeof WWHFrame.WWHHighlightWords != "undefined")
- {
- WWHFrame.WWHHighlightWords.fExec();
- }
- // Update controls
- //
- WWHFrame.WWHControls.fUpdateHREF(ParamURL);
- // Update window title, if possible
- //
- if (ParamURL.indexOf("wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/default.htm") == -1)
- {
- if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser != 1) // Shorthand for Netscape
- {
- WWHFrame.document.title = this.fHREFToTitle(ParamURL);
- }
- }
- }