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- // Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //
- function WWHRelatedTopics_Object()
- {
- this.mRelatedTopicList = new Array();
- this.mPopup = new WWHPopup_Object("WWHFrame.WWHRelatedTopics.mPopup",
- "WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHDocumentFrame",
- WWHRelatedTopicsPopup_Translate,
- WWHRelatedTopicsPopup_Format,
- "WWHRelatedTopicsDIV", "WWHRelatedTopicsText", 10, 0, 0,
- WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mSettings.mRelatedTopics.mWidth);
- this.fClear = WWHRelatedTopics_Clear;
- this.fAdd = WWHRelatedTopics_Add;
- this.fHTML = WWHRelatedTopics_HTML;
- this.fDisplayTopic = WWHRelatedTopics_DisplayTopic;
- this.fUpdate = WWHRelatedTopics_Update;
- this.fShow = WWHRelatedTopics_Show;
- this.fShowAtEvent = WWHRelatedTopics_ShowAtEvent;
- this.fHide = WWHRelatedTopics_Hide;
- this.fInlineHTML = WWHRelatedTopics_InlineHTML;
- }
- function WWHRelatedTopics_Clear()
- {
- this.mRelatedTopicList.length = 0;
- }
- function WWHRelatedTopics_Add(ParamText,
- ParamContext,
- ParamFileURL)
- {
- this.mRelatedTopicList[this.mRelatedTopicList.length] = new WWHRelatedTopicEntry_Object(ParamText, ParamContext, ParamFileURL);
- }
- function WWHRelatedTopics_HTML()
- {
- var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
- var Settings = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mSettings.mRelatedTopics;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- var ContextBook;
- for (MaxIndex = this.mRelatedTopicList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- ContextBook = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.fGetContextBook(this.mRelatedTopicList[Index].mContext);
- if (ContextBook != null)
- {
- HTML.fAppend("<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\">");
- HTML.fAppend("<tr>");
- HTML.fAppend("<td width=\"17\" valign=\"top\">");
- HTML.fAppend("<a");
- HTML.fAppend(" href=\"javascript:WWHFrame.WWHRelatedTopics.fDisplayTopic(" + Index + ");\">");
- HTML.fAppend("<img border=\"0\" src=\"" + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/images/doc.gif\" width=\"17\" height=\"17\">");
- HTML.fAppend("</a>");
- HTML.fAppend("</td>");
- HTML.fAppend("<td width=\"100%\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">");
- HTML.fAppend("<a");
- HTML.fAppend(" href=\"javascript:WWHFrame.WWHRelatedTopics.fDisplayTopic(" + Index + ");\"");
- HTML.fAppend(" style=\"text-decoration: none ; color: " + Settings.mForegroundColor + " ; " + Settings.mFontStyle + "\">");
- HTML.fAppend(this.mRelatedTopicList[Index].mText);
- HTML.fAppend("</a>");
- HTML.fAppend("</td>");
- HTML.fAppend("</tr>");
- HTML.fAppend("</table>\n");
- }
- }
- return HTML.fGetBuffer();
- }
- function WWHRelatedTopics_DisplayTopic(ParamIndex)
- {
- var ContextBook;
- var RelatedTopicURL = null;
- ContextBook = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.fGetContextBook(this.mRelatedTopicList[ParamIndex].mContext);
- if (ContextBook != null)
- {
- RelatedTopicURL = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBaseURL + ContextBook.mDirectory + this.mRelatedTopicList[ParamIndex].mFileURL;
- // Hide popup to prevent JavaScript errors before displaying target document
- //
- this.fHide();
- WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fSetDocumentHREF(RelatedTopicURL, false);
- }
- }
- function WWHRelatedTopics_Update()
- {
- // Clear list of topics
- //
- this.fClear();
- // Load related topics if defined
- //
- if (typeof WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHDocumentFrame.WWHDefineRelatedTopics == "function")
- {
- WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHDocumentFrame.WWHDefineRelatedTopics(this);
- }
- }
- function WWHRelatedTopicEntry_Object(ParamText,
- ParamContext,
- ParamFileURL)
- {
- this.mText = ParamText;
- this.mContext = ParamContext;
- this.mFileURL = ParamFileURL;
- }
- function WWHRelatedTopics_Show()
- {
- var FakeEvent;
- // Create dummy event to pass to popup show command
- //
- FakeEvent = new WWHRelatedTopicsPopup_FakeEvent_Object();
- // Assign coordinates to event base on browser type
- // Place event at far right and allow popup code to handle repositioning for display
- //
- if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 1) // Shorthand for Netscape 4.x
- {
- FakeEvent.layerX = WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHDocumentFrame.innerWidth + WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHDocumentFrame.pageXOffset;
- FakeEvent.layerY = WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHDocumentFrame.pageYOffset;
- }
- else if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 2) // Shorthand for IE
- {
- FakeEvent.x = WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHDocumentFrame.document.body.clientWidth;
- FakeEvent.y = 0;
- }
- else if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 4) // Shorthand for Netscape 6.x (Mozilla)
- {
- FakeEvent.layerX = WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHDocumentFrame.innerWidth + WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHDocumentFrame.pageXOffset;
- FakeEvent.layerY = WWHFrame.WWHContentFrame.WWHDocumentFrame.pageYOffset;
- }
- // Show popup
- //
- this.fShowAtEvent(FakeEvent);
- }
- function WWHRelatedTopics_ShowAtEvent(ParamEvent)
- {
- var RelatedTopicsHTML;
- // Show popup
- //
- this.fUpdate();
- RelatedTopicsHTML = this.fHTML();
- if (RelatedTopicsHTML.length > 0)
- {
- this.mPopup.fShow(RelatedTopicsHTML, ParamEvent);
- }
- }
- function WWHRelatedTopics_Hide()
- {
- this.mPopup.fHide();
- }
- function WWHRelatedTopics_InlineHTML()
- {
- var HTML = "";
- var Settings = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mSettings.mRelatedTopics;
- var AnchorAttributes;
- var ForegroundColor;
- var BackgroundColor;
- var BorderColor;
- var ImageDir;
- var FontFamily = "";
- var FontSize;
- if (Settings.mbInlineEnabled)
- {
- AnchorAttributes = "href=\"javascript:WWHShowRelatedTopicsHREF();\"";
- AnchorAttributes += " onClick=\"WWHShowRelatedTopicsPopup((document.all||document.getElementById||document.layers)?event:null);\"";
- ForegroundColor = Settings.mInlineForegroundColor;
- BackgroundColor = Settings.mInlineBackgroundColor;
- BorderColor = Settings.mInlineBorderColor;
- ImageDir = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/images";
- // Determine font family if running Netscape 4.x
- // Required due to errors processing style attributes
- //
- if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 1) // Shorthand for Netscape 4.x
- {
- FontFamily = WWHStringUtilities_ExtractStyleAttribute("font-family", Settings.mInlineFontStyle);
- FontSize = WWHStringUtilities_ExtractStyleAttribute("font-size", Settings.mInlineFontStyle);
- }
- HTML += "<div class=\"WWHInlineRelatedTopics\">";
- HTML += "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
- HTML += "<tr>";
- HTML += "<td valign=\"bottom\">";
- HTML += "<nobr>";
- if (FontFamily.length > 0)
- {
- HTML += "<font face=\"" + FontFamily + "\" point-size=\"" + FontSize + "\" color=\"" + ForegroundColor + "\">";
- }
- HTML += "<a";
- if (FontFamily.length == 0)
- {
- HTML += " style=\"text-decoration: none ; color: " + ForegroundColor + " ; " + Settings.mInlineFontStyle + "\"";
- }
- HTML += " " + AnchorAttributes + ">";
- HTML += WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mMessages.mRelatedTopicsIconLabel;
- HTML += "</a>";
- HTML += " ";
- if (FontFamily.length > 0)
- {
- HTML += "</font>";
- }
- HTML += "</nobr>";
- HTML += "</td>";
- HTML += "<td valign=\"bottom\">";
- HTML += "<a " + AnchorAttributes + ">";
- HTML += "<img border=\"0\" src=\"" + ImageDir + "/relatedi.gif\">";
- HTML += "</a>";
- HTML += "</td>";
- HTML += "</tr>";
- HTML += "</table>";
- HTML += "</div>";
- }
- return HTML;
- }
- function WWHRelatedTopicsPopup_FakeEvent_Object()
- {
- }
- function WWHRelatedTopicsPopup_Translate(ParamText)
- {
- return ParamText;
- }
- function WWHRelatedTopicsPopup_Format(ParamWidth,
- ParamTextID,
- ParamText)
- {
- var FormattedText = "";
- var Settings = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mSettings.mRelatedTopics;
- var ImageDir = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/images";
- var BackgroundColor = Settings.mBackgroundColor;
- var BorderColor = Settings.mBorderColor;
- var TitleForegroundColor = Settings.mTitleForegroundColor;
- var TitleBackgroundColor = Settings.mTitleBackgroundColor;
- var ReqSpacer1w2h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc1w2h.gif\" width=1 height=2>";
- var ReqSpacer2w1h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc2w1h.gif\" width=2 height=1>";
- var ReqSpacer4w4h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spacer4.gif\" width=4 height=4>";
- var Spacer1w2h = ReqSpacer1w2h;
- var Spacer2w1h = ReqSpacer2w1h;
- var Spacer4w4h = ReqSpacer4w4h;
- // Netscape 6.x (Mozilla) renders table cells with graphics
- // incorrectly inside of <div> tags that are rewritten on the fly
- //
- if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 4) // Shorthand for Netscape 6.x (Mozilla)
- {
- Spacer1w2h = "";
- Spacer2w1h = "";
- Spacer4w4h = "";
- }
- FormattedText += "<table width=\"" + ParamWidth + "\" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=\"" + BackgroundColor + "\">";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=2 colspan=6 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer1w2h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 colspan=4>" + Spacer4w4h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4>" + Spacer4w4h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 colspan=2 bgcolor=\"" + TitleBackgroundColor + "\">" + Spacer4w4h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4>" + Spacer4w4h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td>" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + TitleBackgroundColor + "\" width=\"100%\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\"><nobr><span style=\"" + Settings.mTitleFontStyle + " ; color: " + TitleForegroundColor + "\">" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mMessages.mRelatedTopicsIconLabel + "</span></nobr></td>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + TitleBackgroundColor + "\" width=\"16\" align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\"><nobr><a href=\"javascript:WWHFrame.WWHRelatedTopics.fHide();\"><img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/close.gif\" border=0 width=16 height=15></a>" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "</nobr></td>";
- FormattedText += " <td>" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4>" + Spacer4w4h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 colspan=2 bgcolor=\"" + TitleBackgroundColor + "\">" + Spacer4w4h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4>" + Spacer4w4h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 colspan=4>" + Spacer4w4h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td>" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td colspan=2 width=\"100%\" id=\"" + ParamTextID + "\">" + ParamText + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td>" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 colspan=4>" + Spacer4w4h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=4 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=2 colspan=6 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer1w2h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += "</table>";
- return FormattedText;
- }