Thomson (Residential)
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Text File
1,174 lines
// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved.
function WWHSearch_Object()
this.mbPanelInitialized = false;
this.mPanelAnchor = null;
this.mPanelTabTitle = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mTabsSearchLabel;
this.mbBookSearchInfoLoaded = false;
this.mInitIndex = 0;
this.mBookSearchInfoList = new Array();
this.mSavedSearchWords = "";
this.mSavedSearchScope = 0;
this.mSearchWordList = new Array();
this.mSearchWordRegExpList = new Array();
this.mBookIndex = 0;
this.mBookMatchesList = new Array();
this.mCombinedResults = new WWHSearchResults_Object();
this.fInitHeadHTML = WWHSearch_InitHeadHTML;
this.fInitBodyHTML = WWHSearch_InitBodyHTML;
this.fInitLoadBookSearchInfo = WWHSearch_InitLoadBookSearchInfo;
this.fHeadHTML = WWHSearch_HeadHTML;
this.fStartHTMLSegments = WWHSearch_StartHTMLSegments;
this.fAdvanceHTMLSegment = WWHSearch_AdvanceHTMLSegment;
this.fGetHTMLSegment = WWHSearch_GetHTMLSegment;
this.fEndHTMLSegments = WWHSearch_EndHTMLSegments;
this.fHoverTextTranslate = WWHSearch_HoverTextTranslate;
this.fHoverTextFormat = WWHSearch_HoverTextFormat;
this.fDisplaySearchForm = WWHSearch_DisplaySearchForm;
this.fSubmit = WWHSearch_Submit;
this.fSetSearchWords = WWHSearch_SetSearchWords;
this.fCheckForMatch = WWHSearch_CheckForMatch;
this.fSearchComplete = WWHSearch_SearchComplete;
this.fCombineResults = WWHSearch_CombineResults;
this.fShowEntry = WWHSearch_ShowEntry;
function WWHSearch_InitHeadHTML()
var InitHeadHTML = "";
return InitHeadHTML;
function WWHSearch_InitBodyHTML()
var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
var BookList = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList;
var MaxIndex;
var Index;
var MaxBookIndex;
var BookIndex;
var BookDirectory;
if ( ! this.mbBookSearchInfoLoaded)
// Display initializing message
HTML.fAppend("<h2 class=\"enf2\">" + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mInitializingMessage + "</h2>\n");
// Load search info
this.mInitIndex = 0;
for (MaxIndex = BookList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
// Reference search info
HTML.fAppend("<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\" src=\"" + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + WWHStringUtilities_RestoreEscapedSpaces(BookList[Index].mDirectory) + "wwhdata/js/search.js\"></script>\n");
// Load search info for current book
HTML.fAppend("<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\" src=\"" + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/scripts/search1s.js\"></script>\n");
else // Perform search
// Display searching message
HTML.fAppend("<h5 class=\"enf2\">" + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mSearchSearchingMessage + "</h5>\n");
// Handle single book search
if (this.mSavedSearchScope > 0)
MaxBookIndex = this.mSavedSearchScope;
BookIndex = this.mSavedSearchScope - 1;
MaxBookIndex = BookList.length;
BookIndex = 0;
// Generate search actions
this.mBookIndex = BookIndex;
for ( ; BookIndex < MaxBookIndex ; BookIndex++)
BookDirectory = BookList[BookIndex].mDirectory;
for (MaxIndex = this.mBookSearchInfoList[BookIndex].mSearchFileCount, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
HTML.fAppend("<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript1.2\" src=\"" + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + WWHStringUtilities_RestoreEscapedSpaces(BookDirectory) + "wwhdata/js/search/search" + Index + ".js\"></script>\n");
HTML.fAppend("<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript1.2\" src=\"" + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/scripts/search2s.js\"></script>\n");
HTML.fAppend("<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript1.2\" src=\"" + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/scripts/search3s.js\"></script>\n");
HTML.fAppend("<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript1.2\" src=\"" + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/scripts/search4s.js\"></script>\n");
return HTML.fGetBuffer();
function WWHSearch_InitLoadBookSearchInfo(ParamSearchFileCount,
// Load book search info
this.mBookSearchInfoList[this.mInitIndex] = new WWHBookSearchInfo_Object(ParamSearchFileCount, ParamMinimumWordLength);
// Create match objects for each book
this.mBookMatchesList[this.mBookMatchesList.length] = new WWHSearchBookMatches_Object();
// Increment init book index
// Mark initialized if done
if (this.mInitIndex == WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList.length)
this.mbPanelInitialized = true;
this.mbBookSearchInfoLoaded = true;
function WWHSearch_HeadHTML()
var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
var Settings = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mSearch;
// Generate style section
HTML.fAppend("<style type=\"text/css\">\n");
HTML.fAppend(" <!--\n");
HTML.fAppend(" a {\n");
HTML.fAppend(" text-decoration: none;\n");
HTML.fAppend(" color: " + Settings.mEnabledColor + ";\n");
HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
HTML.fAppend(" p {\n");
HTML.fAppend(" margin-top: 1pt;\n");
HTML.fAppend(" margin-bottom: 1pt;\n");
HTML.fAppend(" " + Settings.mFontStyle + ";\n");
HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
HTML.fAppend(" ol {\n");
HTML.fAppend(" margin-top: 1pt;\n");
HTML.fAppend(" margin-bottom: 1pt;\n");
if (Settings.mbShowRank)
HTML.fAppend(" " + Settings.mFontStyle + ";\n");
HTML.fAppend(" list-style: none;\n");
HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
HTML.fAppend(" li {\n");
HTML.fAppend(" margin-top: 2pt;\n");
HTML.fAppend(" margin-bottom: 0pt;\n");
HTML.fAppend(" " + Settings.mFontStyle + ";\n");
HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
HTML.fAppend(" -->\n");
return HTML.fGetBuffer();
function WWHSearch_StartHTMLSegments()
var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
if (this.mbPanelInitialized)
if (this.mSavedSearchWords.length == 0)
HTML.fAppend("<h3>" + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mSearchDefaultMessage + "</h3>\n");
else if ((typeof this.mCombinedResults.mEntries != "undefined") &&
(this.mCombinedResults.mEntries.length > 0))
HTML.fAppend("<h3>" + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mSearchNothingFoundMessage + "</h3>\n");
// Define accessor functions to reduce file size
HTML.fAppend("<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript1.2\">\n");
HTML.fAppend(" <!--\n");
HTML.fAppend(" function fC(ParamEntryID)\n");
HTML.fAppend(" {\n");
HTML.fAppend(" WWHFrame.WWHSearch.fShowEntry(ParamEntryID);\n");
HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
HTML.fAppend(" function fS(ParamEntryID,\n");
HTML.fAppend(" ParamEvent)\n");
HTML.fAppend(" {\n");
HTML.fAppend(" WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.mPopup.fShow(ParamEntryID, ParamEvent);\n");
HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
HTML.fAppend(" function fH()\n");
HTML.fAppend(" {\n");
HTML.fAppend(" WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.mPopup.fHide();\n");
HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
HTML.fAppend(" // -->\n");
return HTML.fGetBuffer();
function WWHSearch_AdvanceHTMLSegment()
var bSegmentCreated = false;
if (this.mbPanelInitialized)
bSegmentCreated = this.mCombinedResults.fDisplayAdvance();
return bSegmentCreated;
function WWHSearch_GetHTMLSegment()
return this.mCombinedResults.mHTMLSegment.fGetBuffer();
function WWHSearch_EndHTMLSegments()
return "";
function WWHSearch_HoverTextTranslate(ParamEntryID)
var HTML = "";
var BookList = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList;
var Settings = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mSearch;
var Messages = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages;
var Entry;
var Rank = "";
var Title;
var Book = "";
var Format;
// Retrieve specified entry
Entry = this.mCombinedResults.mEntries[ParamEntryID];
// Get Rank
if (Settings.mbShowRank)
Rank = Math.floor((Entry.mScore / this.mCombinedResults.mMaxScore) * 100) + "%";
// Get Title
Title = Entry.mTitle;
// Get Book
if (Settings.mbShowBook)
if ((BookList.length > 1) && // More than one book exists
(this.mCombinedResults.mSortedBy == 1)) // By Score
Book = BookList[Entry.mBookIndex].mTitle;
// Format for display
if ((Rank.length == 0) &&
(Book.length == 0))
// Simple format, just the title
HTML = Title;
Format = " align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"><span style=\"" + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mFontStyle + "\">";
// Complex format, requires a table
HTML += "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
if (Rank.length > 0)
HTML += "<tr>";
HTML += "<th" + Format + Messages.mSearchRankLabel + "</span></th>";
HTML += "<td" + Format + Rank + "</span></td>";
HTML += "</tr>";
HTML += "<tr>";
HTML += "<th" + Format + Messages.mSearchTitleLabel + "</span></th>";
HTML += "<td" + Format + Title + "</span></td>";
HTML += "</tr>";
if (Book.length > 0)
HTML += "<tr>";
HTML += "<th" + Format + Messages.mSearchBookLabel + "</span></th>";
HTML += "<td" + Format + Book + "</span></td>";
HTML += "</tr>";
HTML += "</table>";
return HTML;
function WWHSearch_HoverTextFormat(ParamWidth,
var FormattedText = "";
var ForegroundColor = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mForegroundColor;
var BackgroundColor = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mBackgroundColor;
var BorderColor = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mBorderColor;
var ImageDir = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/images";
var ReqSpacer1w2h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc1w2h.gif\" width=1 height=2>";
var ReqSpacer2w1h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc2w1h.gif\" width=2 height=1>";
var ReqSpacer1w7h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc1w7h.gif\" width=1 height=7>";
var ReqSpacer5w1h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc5w1h.gif\" width=5 height=1>";
var Spacer1w2h = ReqSpacer1w2h;
var Spacer2w1h = ReqSpacer2w1h;
var Spacer1w7h = ReqSpacer1w7h;
var Spacer5w1h = ReqSpacer5w1h;
// Netscape 6.x (Mozilla) renders table cells with graphics
// incorrectly inside of <div> tags that are rewritten on the fly
if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 4) // Shorthand for Netscape 6.x (Mozilla)
Spacer1w2h = "";
Spacer2w1h = "";
Spacer1w7h = "";
Spacer5w1h = "";
FormattedText += "<table width=\"" + ParamWidth + "\" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=\"" + BackgroundColor + "\">";
FormattedText += " <tr>";
FormattedText += " <td height=2 colspan=5 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer1w2h + "</td>";
FormattedText += " </tr>";
FormattedText += " <tr>";
FormattedText += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
FormattedText += " <td height=7 colspan=3>" + Spacer1w7h + "</td>";
FormattedText += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
FormattedText += " </tr>";
FormattedText += " <tr>";
FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "</td>";
FormattedText += " <td>" + ReqSpacer5w1h + "</td>";
FormattedText += " <td width=\"100%\" id=\"" + ParamTextID + "\" style=\"color: " + ForegroundColor + " ; " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mFontStyle + "\">" + ParamText + "</td>";
FormattedText += " <td>" + ReqSpacer5w1h + "</td>";
FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "</td>";
FormattedText += " </tr>";
FormattedText += " <tr>";
FormattedText += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
FormattedText += " <td height=7 colspan=3>" + Spacer1w7h + "</td>";
FormattedText += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
FormattedText += " </tr>";
FormattedText += " <tr>";
FormattedText += " <td height=2 colspan=5 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer1w2h + "</td>";
FormattedText += " </tr>";
FormattedText += "</table>";
return FormattedText;
function WWHSearch_DisplaySearchForm()
var HTML = "";
var BookList = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList;
HTML += "<form name=\"WWHSearchForm\" onSubmit=\"WWHFrame.WWHSearch.fSubmit();\">\n";
// HTML += "<nobr>\n";
HTML += '<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="margin:20px 0px 0px 10px"><tr><td valign="middle">';
HTML += "<input class=\"searchField\" type=\"text\" name=\"WWHSearchWordsText\" value=\"" + this.mSavedSearchWords + "\">";
HTML += "</td><td valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-left:10px;\">";
HTML += "<input type=\"image\" src=\"../images/searchbutton_"+top.langCode[top.currentLang]+".gif\" width=\"100%\">";
HTML += "</td></tr></table>";
// HTML += "</nobr>\n";
if (BookList.length > 1)
var SelectedIndex = this.mSavedSearchScope - 1;
var MaxIndex;
var Index;
HTML += "<br>\n";
HTML += "<select name=\"WWHSearchScope\">\n";
HTML += "<option>" + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mSearchScopeAllLabel + "</option>\n";
for (MaxIndex = BookList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
if (Index == SelectedIndex)
HTML += "<option selected>";
HTML += "<option>";
HTML += BookList[Index].mTitle + "</option>\n";
HTML += "</select>\n";
HTML += "</form>";
return HTML;
function WWHSearch_Submit()
var SearchForm = WWHFrame.WWHNavigationFrame.WWHPanelFrame.document.forms["WWHSearchForm"];
var NewSearchWords;
var NewSearchScope;
var bSearchChanged = false;
// Update search words
NewSearchWords = SearchForm.elements["WWHSearchWordsText"].value;
if (NewSearchWords != this.mSavedSearchWords)
this.mSavedSearchWords = NewSearchWords;
bSearchChanged = true;
// Update search scope
if (WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList.length > 1)
NewSearchScope = SearchForm.elements["WWHSearchScope"].selectedIndex;
if (NewSearchScope != this.mSavedSearchScope)
this.mSavedSearchScope = NewSearchScope;
bSearchChanged = true;
// Perform search if something changed
if (bSearchChanged)
if (this.mSavedSearchWords.length > 0)
var MaxIndex;
var Index;
// Clear previous results
for (MaxIndex = this.mBookMatchesList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
// Save/restore current position
// Perform search
this.mbPanelInitialized = false;
setTimeout("WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.fDisplayPanel();", 50); // Need to finish submit
return bSearchChanged;
function WWHSearch_SetSearchWords(ParamSearchWordsString)
// Workaround for stupid Netscape 4.x bug
var StringWithSpace = "x x";
var SearchWordList;
var MaxIndex;
var Index;
var SearchWord;
var SearchRegExpPattern;
// Clear search words
this.mSearchWordList.length = 0;
this.mSearchWordRegExpList.length = 0;
// Add search words to hash
SearchWordList = ParamSearchWordsString.split(StringWithSpace.substring(1, 2));
for (MaxIndex = SearchWordList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
// Skip 0 length words
if (SearchWordList[Index].length > 0)
// Add to search words hash
SearchWord = SearchWordList[Index].toLowerCase();
SearchRegExpPattern = WWHStringUtilities_WordToRegExpPattern(SearchWord);
this.mSearchWordList[this.mSearchWordList.length] = SearchWord;
this.mSearchWordRegExpList[this.mSearchWordRegExpList.length] = new RegExp(SearchRegExpPattern, "i");
function WWHSearch_CheckForMatch(ParamSearchFunc)
var Count;
var MaxIndex;
var Index;
var BookSearchInfoEntry;
var SearchPattern;
Count = 0;
for (MaxIndex = this.mSearchWordList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
BookSearchInfoEntry = this.mBookSearchInfoList[this.mBookIndex]
if (this.mBookSearchInfoList[this.mBookIndex].fValidSearchWord(this.mSearchWordList[Index]))
BookMatchesListEntry = this.mBookMatchesList[this.mBookIndex];
SearchPattern = this.mSearchWordRegExpList[Index];
SearchPattern.t = SearchPattern.test;
ParamSearchFunc(SearchPattern, BookMatchesListEntry);
function WWHSearch_SearchComplete()
// Set flag so that results can be displayed
this.mbPanelInitialized = true;
// Combine results for display
// Sort results based on single or multi-book display
if ((WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList.length == 1) ||
(this.mSavedSearchScope > 0))
function WWHSearch_CombineResults()
var MaxBookIndex;
var BookIndex;
var BookMatches;
var BookListEntry;
var FileID;
var FileIndex;
for (MaxBookIndex = this.mBookMatchesList.length, BookIndex = 0 ; BookIndex < MaxBookIndex ; BookIndex++)
BookMatches = this.mBookMatchesList[BookIndex];
BookListEntry = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList[BookIndex];
// Add results
for (FileID in BookMatches.mFileScores)
FileIndex = parseInt(FileID.substring(1, FileID.length));
this.mCombinedResults.fAddEntry(BookIndex, FileIndex, BookMatches.mFileScores[FileID], BookListEntry.mFiles.fFileIndexToTitle(FileIndex));
function WWHSearch_ShowEntry(ParamIndex)
function WWHBookSearchInfo_Object(ParamSearchFileCount,
this.mSearchFileCount = ParamSearchFileCount;
this.mMinimumWordLength = ParamMinimumWordLength;
this.mSkipWords = new WWHBookSearchInfo_SkipWords_Object();
this.fAddSkipWord = WWHBookSearchInfo_AddSkipWord;
this.fA = WWHBookSearchInfo_AddSkipWord;
this.fValidSearchWord = WWHBookSearchInfo_ValidSearchWord;
function WWHBookSearchInfo_AddSkipWord(ParamSkipWord)
if (ParamSkipWord.length > 0)
this.mSkipWords[ParamSkipWord] = 1;
function WWHBookSearchInfo_ValidSearchWord(ParamSearchWord)
var bValid = true;
if ((ParamSearchWord.length < this.mMinimumWordLength) ||
(typeof this.mSkipWords[ParamSearchWord] == "number"))
bValid = false;
return bValid;
function WWHBookSearchInfo_SkipWords_Object()
function WWHSearchBookMatches_Object()
this.mFirstMatchedWordIndex = -1;
this.mMatchedWordIndex = -1;
this.mWordFileScores = new Array();
this.mFileScores = new WWHSearchBookMatches_FileScores_Object();
this.fClear = WWHSearchBookMatches_Clear;
this.fSetMatchedWordIndex = WWHSearchBookMatches_SetMatchedWordIndex;
this.fAddMatches = WWHSearchBookMatches_AddMatches;
this.f = WWHSearchBookMatches_AddMatches; // For smaller search files
this.fJoinFileScores = WWHSearchBookMatches_JoinFileScores;
function WWHSearchBookMatches_Clear()
this.mFirstMatchedWordIndex = -1;
this.mMatchedWordIndex = -1;
this.mWordFileScores.length = 0;
this.mFileScores = new WWHSearchBookMatches_FileScores_Object();
function WWHSearchBookMatches_SetMatchedWordIndex(ParamMatchedWordIndex)
this.mMatchedWordIndex = ParamMatchedWordIndex;
if (ParamMatchedWordIndex == this.mWordFileScores.length)
this.mWordFileScores[this.mWordFileScores.length] = new WWHSearchBookMatches_FileScores_Object();
function WWHSearchBookMatches_AddMatches(ParamMatchString)
var MatchList = null;
var WordFileScoresEntry;
var MaxIndex;
var Index;
var FileID;
var Score;
if (typeof ParamMatchString != "undefined")
MatchList = ParamMatchString.split(",");
if ((MatchList != null) &&
(MatchList.length > 0))
WordFileScoresEntry = this.mWordFileScores[this.mMatchedWordIndex];
// Add all entries to word file score entry
for (MaxIndex = MatchList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index += 2)
FileID = "i" + MatchList[Index];
Score = MatchList[Index + 1];
WordFileScoresEntry[FileID] = parseInt(Score);
function WWHSearchBookMatches_JoinFileScores()
var WordFileScoresEntry;
this.mFileScores = new WWHSearchBookMatches_FileScores_Object();
for (MaxIndex = this.mWordFileScores.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
WordFileScoresEntry = this.mWordFileScores[Index];
if (Index == 0)
// Add all entries if first entry
this.mFileScores = WordFileScoresEntry;
// Remove all entries not found in results set
for (FileID in this.mFileScores)
if (typeof WordFileScoresEntry[FileID] == "number")
this.mFileScores[FileID] += WordFileScoresEntry[FileID];
delete this.mFileScores[FileID];
function WWHSearchBookMatches_FileScores_Object()
function WWHSearchResults_Object()
this.mSortedBy = null;
this.mEntries = new Array();
this.mMaxScore = 0;
this.mDisplayIndex = 0;
this.mHTMLSegment = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
this.mEventString = WWHPopup_EventString();
this.fClear = WWHSearchResults_Clear;
this.fAddEntry = WWHSearchResults_AddEntry;
this.fSortByScore = WWHSearchResults_SortByScore;
this.fSortByBookIndex = WWHSearchResults_SortByBookIndex;
this.fDisplayReset = WWHSearchResults_DisplayReset;
this.fDisplayAdvance = WWHSearchResults_DisplayAdvance;
this.fGetPopupAction = WWHSearchResults_GetPopupAction;
this.fShowEntry = WWHSearchResults_ShowEntry;
function WWHSearchResults_Clear()
this.mSortedBy = null;
this.mEntries.length = 0;
this.mMaxScore = 0;
function WWHSearchResults_AddEntry(ParamBookIndex,
// Add a new entry
this.mEntries[this.mEntries.length] = new WWHSearchResultsEntry_Object(ParamBookIndex,
// Bump mMaxScore if necessary
if (ParamScore > this.mMaxScore)
this.mMaxScore = ParamScore;
function WWHSearchResults_SortByScore()
this.mSortedBy = 1; // By Score
if (this.mEntries.length > 0)
this.mEntries = this.mEntries.sort(WWHSearchResultsEntry_ByScoreByBookIndexByTitleFileIndexURL);
function WWHSearchResults_SortByBookIndex()
this.mSortedBy = 2; // By BookIndex
if (this.mEntries.length > 0)
this.mEntries = this.mEntries.sort(WWHSearchResultsEntry_ByBookIndexByScoreByTitleFileIndexURL);
function WWHSearchResults_DisplayReset()
this.mDisplayIndex = 0;
function WWHSearchResults_DisplayAdvance()
var bSegmentCreated = false;
var Settings = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mSearch;
var HTML;
var MaxHTMLSegmentSize;
var BookList;
var MaxIndex;
var Index;
var Entry;
var ByBookDetect;
// Insure that there is something to display
if ((this.mSortedBy != null) &&
(this.mEntries.length > 0))
MaxHTMLSegmentSize = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMaxHTMLSegmentSize;
BookList = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList;
ByBookDetect = -1;
// If this is the first entry, display the headers and open the list
if (this.mDisplayIndex == 0)
HTML = "";
// hide column headers:
if (false) {
HTML += "<p><nobr><b>";
// Display column headers
if (Settings.mbShowRank)
HTML += WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mSearchRankLabel + " ";
HTML += WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mSearchTitleLabel;
if (Settings.mbShowBook)
if ((BookList.length > 1) && // More than one book exists
(this.mSortedBy == 1)) // By Score
HTML += ", " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mSearchBookLabel;
HTML += "</b></nobr></p>";
HTML += "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 width=\"100%\"><tr><td><ol>";
// Display result entries
MaxIndex = this.mEntries.length;
Index = this.mDisplayIndex;
while ((this.mHTMLSegment.fSize() < MaxHTMLSegmentSize) &&
(Index < MaxIndex))
HTML = "";
Entry = this.mEntries[Index];
if ((BookList.length > 1) && // More than one book exists
(this.mSortedBy == 2)) // By BookIndex
if (ByBookDetect != Entry.mBookIndex)
// ByBook only used for single books
// No book title will be emitted
// HTML += "<p><nobr> </nobr></p>";
// HTML += "<p><nobr>" + BookList[Entry.mBookIndex].mTitle + "</nobr></p>";
ByBookDetect = Entry.mBookIndex;
// Display Rank
if (Settings.mbShowRank)
if (Math.floor((Entry.mScore / this.mMaxScore) * 100)==100)
else {
if (Math.floor((Entry.mScore / this.mMaxScore) * 100)>50)
HTML += "<li value=\"" + Math.floor((Entry.mScore / this.mMaxScore) * 100) + "\" style=\"" + newcolor + "\">";
HTML += "<li>";
// Display Title
HTML += "<a href=\"javascript:fC(" + Index + ");\">";
HTML += Entry.mTitle;
HTML += "</a>";
// Display Book
if (Settings.mbShowBook)
if ((BookList.length > 1) && // More than one book exists
(this.mSortedBy == 1)) // By Score
HTML += ", " + BookList[Entry.mBookIndex].mTitle;
HTML += "</li>\n";
// Record current display index so we can pick up where we left off
this.mDisplayIndex = Index;
if (this.mHTMLSegment.fSize() > 0)
bSegmentCreated = true;
// If this is the last entry, close the list
if (this.mDisplayIndex == this.mEntries.length)
return bSegmentCreated;
function WWHSearchResults_GetPopupAction(ParamEntryIndex)
var PopupAction = "";
if (WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mbEnabled)
PopupAction += " onMouseOver=\"fS('" + ParamEntryIndex + "', " + this.mEventString + ");\"";
PopupAction += " onMouseOut=\"fH();\"";
return PopupAction;
function WWHSearchResults_ShowEntry(ParamIndex)
var Entry;
var BookListEntry;
var URL;
// Update highlight words
// Display document
Entry = this.mEntries[ParamIndex];
BookListEntry = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList[Entry.mBookIndex];
URL = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBaseURL + BookListEntry.mDirectory + BookListEntry.mFiles.fFileIndexToHREF(Entry.mFileIndex);
WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fSetDocumentHREF(URL, false);
function WWHSearchResultsEntry_Object(ParamBookIndex,
this.mBookIndex = ParamBookIndex;
this.mFileIndex = ParamFileIndex;
this.mScore = ParamScore;
this.mTitle = ParamTitle;
function WWHSearchResultsEntry_ByScoreByBookIndexByTitleFileIndexURL(ParamAlphaEntry,
var Result;
Result = WWHSearchResultsEntry_CompareByScore(ParamAlphaEntry, ParamBetaEntry);
if (Result == 0)
Result = WWHSearchResultsEntry_CompareByBookIndex(ParamAlphaEntry, ParamBetaEntry);
if (Result == 0)
Result = WWHSearchResultsEntry_CompareByTitleFileIndexURL(ParamAlphaEntry, ParamBetaEntry);
return Result;
function WWHSearchResultsEntry_ByBookIndexByScoreByTitleFileIndexURL(ParamAlphaEntry,
var Result;
Result = WWHSearchResultsEntry_CompareByBookIndex(ParamAlphaEntry, ParamBetaEntry);
if (Result == 0)
Result = WWHSearchResultsEntry_CompareByScore(ParamAlphaEntry, ParamBetaEntry);
if (Result == 0)
Result = WWHSearchResultsEntry_CompareByTitleFileIndexURL(ParamAlphaEntry, ParamBetaEntry);
return Result;
function WWHSearchResultsEntry_CompareByScore(ParamAlphaEntry,
var Result = 0;
// Sort by score
if (ParamAlphaEntry.mScore < ParamBetaEntry.mScore)
Result = 1;
else if (ParamAlphaEntry.mScore > ParamBetaEntry.mScore)
Result = -1;
return Result;
function WWHSearchResultsEntry_CompareByBookIndex(ParamAlphaEntry,
var Result = 0;
if (ParamAlphaEntry.mBookIndex < ParamBetaEntry.mBookIndex)
Result = -1;
else if (ParamAlphaEntry.mBookIndex > ParamBetaEntry.mBookIndex)
Result = 1;
return Result;
function WWHSearchResultsEntry_CompareByTitleFileIndexURL(ParamAlphaEntry,
var Result = 0;
var BookList;
var AlphaBookEntry;
var BetaBookEntry;
var AlphaURL;
var BetaURL;
// Sort by Title
if (ParamAlphaEntry.mTitle < ParamBetaEntry.mTitle)
Result = -1;
else if (ParamAlphaEntry.mTitle > ParamBetaEntry.mTitle)
Result = 1;
// Sort by FileIndex
else if (ParamAlphaEntry.mFileIndex < ParamBetaEntry.mFileIndex)
Result = -1;
else if (ParamAlphaEntry.mFileIndex > ParamBetaEntry.mFileIndex)
Result = 1;
// Sort by URL
BookList = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList;
AlphaBookEntry = BookList[ParamAlphaEntry.mBookIndex];
BetaBookEntry = BookList[ParamBetaEntry.mBookIndex];
AlphaURL = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBaseURL + AlphaBookEntry.mDirectory + AlphaBookEntry.mFiles.fFileIndexToHREF(ParamAlphaEntry.mFileIndex);
BetaURL = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBaseURL + BetaBookEntry.mDirectory + BetaBookEntry.mFiles.fFileIndexToHREF(ParamBetaEntry.mFileIndex);
if (AlphaURL < BetaURL)
Result = -1;
else if (AlphaURL > BetaURL)
Result = 1;
return Result;