Restores config files, templates, software keys and language packs.
Input properties:
- languageList: list of language ISO codes (required)
- configNameList: list of names of the config files that were backed up (required)
- configList: list of backed up config files (required)
- softKeyList: list of backed up software keys (required)
- originalUserid: username to authenticate after restore (required)
- originalPassword: password to authenticate after restore (required)
- restoreConfig: activate the new configuration after restoring it if 1, skip if 0. (required)
Output properties:
- errorText: User friendly error string. Only set on exit failed.
Application properties:
- device: The device that will be upgraded.
- upgrade.restore.languagePacks [disable|backup|*highest|exact]: how to restore .lng files:
- disable: do nothing
- backup: Restore the highest version that's available in the temporary directory.
- highest: Restore the highest version that's available in the languagepack directory,
or if no compatible builds can be found there, from the temporary directory.
- exact:Only restore the language packs with the same version as the new build.
Check the languagepack directory first, then the temporary directory.
Exit events:
- success
- failed
Modules referred:
- mod_upgrade_restorelangpacks.xml
<property key="languageList" required="yes"/>
<property key="configNameList" required="yes"/>
<property key="configList" required="yes"/>
<property key="softKeyList" required="yes"/>
<property key="originalUserid" required="yes"/>
<property key="originalPassword" required="yes"/>
<property key="restoreConfig" required="yes"/>
<property key="languagePackPath" required="yes"/>
<property key="errorNoresponse" value="tr(The device did not respond anymore after restoring the configuration. The device may remain in default configuration state.)"/>
<property key="errorNoresponseAfterReboot" value="tr(The installer was unable to detect the device after restoring the software keys. Please check whether the configuration is intact.)"/>
<property key="errorAuthentication" value="tr(Device authentication failed after restoring the configuration. The configuration may not have been restored correctly.)"/>
<property key="errorUploadFile" value="tr(One or more configuration files have not been restored. The device may remain in default configuration state.)"/>