home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //
- function WWHIndex_Object()
- {
- this.mbPanelInitialized = false;
- this.mPanelAnchor = null;
- this.mPanelTabTitle = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mTabsIndexLabel;
- this.mInitIndex = 0;
- this.mOptions = new WWHIndexOptions_Object();
- this.mTopEntry = new WWHIndexTopEntry_Object();
- this.mMaxLevel = 0;
- this.mEntryCount = 0;
- this.mSeeAlsoArray = new Array();
- this.mSectionIndex = null;
- this.mSectionCache = new WWHSectionCache_Object();
- this.mIterator = new WWHIndexIterator_Object();
- this.mHTMLSegment = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
- this.mEventString = WWHPopup_EventString();
- this.mClickedEntry = null;
- this.fInitHeadHTML = WWHIndex_InitHeadHTML;
- this.fInitBodyHTML = WWHIndex_InitBodyHTML;
- this.fInitLoadBookIndex = WWHIndex_InitLoadBookIndex;
- this.fAddSeeAlsoEntry = WWHIndex_AddSeeAlsoEntry;
- this.fProcessSeeAlsoEntries = WWHIndex_ProcessSeeAlsoEntries;
- this.fHeadHTML = WWHIndex_HeadHTML;
- this.fStartHTMLSegments = WWHIndex_StartHTMLSegments;
- this.fAdvanceHTMLSegment = WWHIndex_AdvanceHTMLSegment;
- this.fGetHTMLSegment = WWHIndex_GetHTMLSegment;
- this.fEndHTMLSegments = WWHIndex_EndHTMLSegments;
- this.fHoverTextTranslate = WWHIndex_HoverTextTranslate;
- this.fHoverTextFormat = WWHIndex_HoverTextFormat;
- this.fGetPopupAction = WWHIndex_GetPopupAction;
- this.fThresholdExceeded = WWHIndex_ThresholdExceeded;
- this.fGetSectionNavigation = WWHIndex_GetSectionNavigation;
- this.fChangeSection = WWHIndex_ChangeSection;
- this.fSelectionListHeadHTML = WWHIndex_SelectionListHeadHTML;
- this.fSelectionListBodyHTML = WWHIndex_SelectionListBodyHTML;
- this.fDisplayLink = WWHIndex_DisplayLink;
- this.fGetEntry = WWHIndex_GetEntry;
- this.fClickedEntry = WWHIndex_ClickedEntry;
- this.fClickedSeeAlsoEntry = WWHIndex_ClickedSeeAlsoEntry;
- // Set options
- //
- WWHJavaScriptSettings_Index_DisplayOptions(this.mOptions);
- }
- function WWHIndex_InitHeadHTML()
- {
- var InitHeadHTML = "";
- return InitHeadHTML;
- }
- function WWHIndex_InitBodyHTML()
- {
- var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
- var BookList = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList;
- var bFoundRequiredGroupOptions = false;
- var RequiredGroup = null;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- var bRequiredGroupShowBuckets;
- var Item;
- // Display initializing message
- //
- HTML.fAppend("<h2>" + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mInitializingMessage + "</h2>\n");
- // Load index data
- //
- this.mInitIndex = 0;
- for (MaxIndex = BookList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- // Reference Index data
- //
- HTML.fAppend("<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\" src=\"" + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + WWHStringUtilities_RestoreEscapedSpaces(BookList[Index].mDirectory) + "wwhdata/js/index.js\"></script>\n");
- // Load Index data for current book
- //
- HTML.fAppend("<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\" src=\"" + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/scripts/index1s.js\"></script>\n");
- }
- // Confirm required group options are defined
- //
- for (MaxIndex = this.mOptions.mGroupList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- if (this.mOptions.mGroupList[Index].length == 0) // Required Group
- {
- bFoundRequiredGroupOptions = true;
- }
- }
- // Create required group options if not found
- //
- if ( ! bFoundRequiredGroupOptions)
- {
- this.mOptions.fGroup("", true, false, "");
- }
- // Create always display entries
- //
- for (MaxIndex = this.mOptions.mGroupList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- if (this.mOptions.mGroupList[Index].length == 0) // Required group
- {
- RequiredGroup = this.mTopEntry.fGetGroup(this.mOptions.mGroupList[Index]);
- }
- else if (this.mOptions.mGroupInfoHash[this.mOptions.mGroupList[Index]].mbAlwaysDisplay) // Always display grouping
- {
- this.mTopEntry.fGetGroup(this.mOptions.mGroupList[Index]);
- }
- }
- // Determine if buckets are going to be hidden
- //
- bRequiredGroupShowBuckets = this.mOptions.mGroupInfoHash[""].mbShowBuckets;
- // Add require items to required group
- //
- for (Item in this.mOptions.mGroupMapping)
- {
- if (this.mOptions.mGroupMapping[Item].length == 0) // Required item
- {
- RequiredGroup.fGetBucket(Item, bRequiredGroupShowBuckets);
- }
- }
- return HTML.fGetBuffer();
- }
- function WWHIndex_InitLoadBookIndex(ParamAddIndexEntriesFunc)
- {
- // Load Index
- //
- ParamAddIndexEntriesFunc(this.mTopEntry);
- // Increment init book index
- //
- this.mInitIndex++;
- // Check if done
- //
- if (this.mInitIndex == WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList.length)
- {
- // Process see also entries to set up links between source and target
- // Do this before the top level hashes are cleared by the sort children call
- //
- this.fProcessSeeAlsoEntries();
- // Sort top level entries
- //
- if (this.mTopEntry.mChildrenSortArray == null)
- {
- WWHIndexEntry_SortChildren(this.mTopEntry);
- }
- // Panel is initialized
- //
- this.mbPanelInitialized = true;
- }
- }
- function WWHIndex_AddSeeAlsoEntry(ParamEntry)
- {
- this.mSeeAlsoArray[this.mSeeAlsoArray.length] = ParamEntry;
- }
- function WWHIndex_ProcessSeeAlsoEntries()
- {
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- var FirstChar = "";
- var GroupTitle;
- var SeeAlsoTargetEntry;
- for (MaxIndex = this.mSeeAlsoArray.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- SeeAlsoEntry = this.mSeeAlsoArray[Index];
- // Determine location of see also target
- //
- if (SeeAlsoEntry.mSeeAlso.length > 0)
- {
- FirstChar = SeeAlsoEntry.mSeeAlso.substring(0, 1);
- // toUpperCase is conditional to handle numbers
- //
- FirstChar = (typeof FirstChar.toUpperCase == "function") ? FirstChar.toUpperCase() : FirstChar;
- }
- GroupTitle = WWHFrame.WWHIndex.mOptions.mGroupMapping[FirstChar];
- if (typeof GroupTitle == "undefined")
- {
- GroupTitle = ""; // Put in required grouping
- }
- // Access target entry
- //
- if ((typeof this.mTopEntry.mChildren[GroupTitle] != "undefined") &&
- (this.mTopEntry.mChildren[GroupTitle].mChildren != null) &&
- (typeof this.mTopEntry.mChildren[GroupTitle].mChildren[FirstChar] != "undefined") &&
- (this.mTopEntry.mChildren[GroupTitle].mChildren[FirstChar].mChildren != null) &&
- (typeof this.mTopEntry.mChildren[GroupTitle].mChildren[FirstChar].mChildren[SeeAlsoEntry.mSeeAlso] != "undefined"))
- {
- SeeAlsoTargetEntry = this.mTopEntry.mChildren[GroupTitle].mChildren[FirstChar].mChildren[SeeAlsoEntry.mSeeAlso];
- }
- else
- {
- SeeAlsoTargetEntry = null;
- }
- // Setup links between source and destination
- //
- if (SeeAlsoTargetEntry != null)
- {
- // See if target entry is already tagged
- //
- if (typeof SeeAlsoTargetEntry.mSeeAlsoTargetName == "undefined")
- {
- // Update target entry
- //
- SeeAlsoTargetEntry.mSeeAlsoTargetName = "s" + Index;
- }
- // Update source entry
- //
- SeeAlsoEntry.mSeeAlsoTargetName = SeeAlsoTargetEntry.mSeeAlsoTargetName;
- SeeAlsoEntry.mSeeAlsoTargetEntryKey = (GroupTitle.length > 0) ? GroupTitle : FirstChar;
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHIndex_HeadHTML()
- {
- var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
- var MaxLevel;
- var Level;
- // Generate style section
- //
- HTML.fAppend("<style type=\"text/css\">\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" <!--\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" a.navigation { text-decoration: none ;\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" color: " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mNavigationEnabledColor + " }\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" p.navigation { margin-top: 1pt ;\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" margin-bottom: 1pt ;\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" color: " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mNavigationCurrentColor + " ;\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mNavigationFontStyle + " }\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" a { text-decoration: none ;\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" color: " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mEnabledColor + " }\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" a.AnchorOnly { text-decoration: none ;\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" color: " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mDisabledColor + " }\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" p { margin-top: 1pt ;\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" margin-bottom: 1pt ;\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" color: " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mDisabledColor + " ;\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mFontStyle + " }\n");
- for (MaxLevel = this.mMaxLevel + 1, Level = 0 ; Level <= MaxLevel ; Level++)
- {
- HTML.fAppend(" p.l" + Level + " { margin-left: " + (WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mIndent * Level) + "pt }\n");
- }
- HTML.fAppend(" -->\n");
- HTML.fAppend("</style>\n");
- return HTML.fGetBuffer();
- }
- function WWHIndex_StartHTMLSegments()
- {
- var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
- if (this.fThresholdExceeded())
- {
- // Display sections of the index rather than the whole thing
- //
- // Select first entry if section not already picked
- //
- if (this.mSectionIndex == null)
- {
- this.mSectionIndex = 0;
- }
- // Calculate section navigation if not already cached
- //
- if (typeof this.mSectionCache[this.mSectionIndex] == "undefined")
- {
- this.mSectionCache[this.mSectionIndex] = this.fGetSectionNavigation(this.mSectionIndex);
- }
- // Display section selection
- //
- HTML.fAppend(this.mSectionCache[this.mSectionIndex]);
- HTML.fAppend("<p> </p>\n");
- }
- else
- {
- // Display whole index
- //
- this.mSectionIndex = null;
- }
- // Setup iterator for display
- //
- this.mIterator.fReset(this.mSectionIndex, this.fThresholdExceeded());
- // Define accessor functions to reduce file size
- //
- HTML.fAppend("<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript1.2\">\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" <!--\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" function fC(ParamEntryInfo)\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" {\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" WWHFrame.WWHIndex.fClickedEntry(ParamEntryInfo);\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
- HTML.fAppend("\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" function fA(ParamEntryInfo)\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" {\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" WWHFrame.WWHIndex.fClickedSeeAlsoEntry(ParamEntryInfo);\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
- HTML.fAppend("\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" function fS(ParamEntryID,\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" ParamEvent)\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" {\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.mPopup.fShow(ParamEntryID, ParamEvent);\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
- HTML.fAppend("\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" function fH()\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" {\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.mPopup.fHide();\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" function fN(ParamSectionIndex)\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" {\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" WWHFrame.WWHIndex.fChangeSection(ParamSectionIndex);\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" // -->\n");
- HTML.fAppend("</script>\n");
- return HTML.fGetBuffer();
- }
- function WWHIndex_AdvanceHTMLSegment()
- {
- var MaxHTMLSegmentSize = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMaxHTMLSegmentSize;
- var Entry;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- var BaseEntryInfo = "";
- var EntryInfo;
- var EntryAnchorName;
- var EntryPrefix;
- var EntrySuffix;
- // Add index in top entry to entry info if IteratorScope != TopEntry
- //
- if (this.mSectionIndex != null)
- {
- BaseEntryInfo += this.mSectionIndex;
- }
- this.mHTMLSegment.fReset();
- while ((this.mHTMLSegment.fSize() < MaxHTMLSegmentSize) &&
- (this.mIterator.fAdvance()))
- {
- Entry = this.mIterator.mEntry;
- // Check to see if this entry should be displayed
- //
- if ((Entry.mbBucket) &&
- ( ! Entry.mbShow))
- {
- // Don't display hidden buckets
- //
- // Do display break between other entries and first required entry
- //
- if (Entry.mbFirstRequiredEntry)
- {
- this.mHTMLSegment.fAppend("<p> </p>\n");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Insert breaks between sections
- //
- if ((Entry.mbGroup) ||
- (Entry.mbBucket))
- {
- this.mHTMLSegment.fAppend("<p> </p>\n");
- }
- // See if entry needs a named anchor target
- //
- if (typeof Entry.mSeeAlsoTargetName == "string")
- {
- EntryAnchorName = " name=\"" + Entry.mSeeAlsoTargetName + "\"";
- }
- else
- {
- EntryAnchorName = "";
- }
- // Determine entry type
- //
- if (Entry.mbGroup)
- {
- EntryPrefix = "<b>";
- EntrySuffix = "</b>";
- }
- else if (Entry.mbBucket)
- {
- EntryPrefix = "<b>";
- EntrySuffix = "</b>";
- }
- else if (typeof Entry.mSeeAlso == "string")
- {
- if (typeof Entry.mSeeAlsoTargetName == "string")
- {
- // Use position stack for link info
- //
- EntryInfo = BaseEntryInfo;
- for (MaxIndex = this.mIterator.mPositionStack.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- if (EntryInfo.length > 0)
- {
- EntryInfo += ":";
- }
- EntryInfo += this.mIterator.mPositionStack[Index];
- }
- EntryPrefix = "<i><a href=\"javascript:fA('" + EntryInfo + "');\"" + this.fGetPopupAction(EntryInfo) + ">";
- EntrySuffix = "</a></i>";
- }
- else
- {
- EntryPrefix = "<i>";
- EntrySuffix = "</i>";
- }
- }
- else if (Entry.mBookLinks != null)
- {
- // Use position stack for link info
- //
- EntryInfo = BaseEntryInfo;
- for (MaxIndex = this.mIterator.mPositionStack.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- if (EntryInfo.length > 0)
- {
- EntryInfo += ":";
- }
- EntryInfo += this.mIterator.mPositionStack[Index];
- }
- EntryPrefix = "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><td><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td>- </td><td height=\"22\"><a" + EntryAnchorName + " href=\"javascript:fC('" + EntryInfo + "');\" class=\"enf1\">";
- EntrySuffix = "</a></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>";
- }
- else if (EntryAnchorName.length > 0)
- {
- EntryPrefix = "- <a class=\"AnchorOnly\"" + EntryAnchorName + ">";
- EntrySuffix = "</a>";
- }
- else
- {
- EntryPrefix = "";
- EntrySuffix = "";
- }
- this.mHTMLSegment.fAppend("<p class=l" + (this.mIterator.mPositionStack.length - this.mIterator.mStackOffset) + ">" + EntryPrefix + Entry.mText + EntrySuffix + "</p>\n");
- }
- }
- return (this.mHTMLSegment.fSize() > 0);
- }
- function WWHIndex_GetHTMLSegment()
- {
- return this.mHTMLSegment.fGetBuffer();
- }
- function WWHIndex_EndHTMLSegments()
- {
- var NavigationHTML = "";
- if ((this.mOptions.mThreshold <= 0) ||
- (this.mEntryCount < this.mOptions.mThreshold))
- {
- ; // Nothing to do
- }
- else // Display sections of the Index rather than the whole thing
- {
- // Display section selection
- //
- // NavigationHTML += "<p> </p>\n";
- // NavigationHTML += this.mSectionCache[this.mSectionIndex];
- }
- return NavigationHTML;
- }
- function WWHIndex_HoverTextTranslate(ParamEntryInfo)
- {
- var Entry;
- // Locate specified entry
- //
- Entry = this.fGetEntry(ParamEntryInfo);
- return Entry.mText;
- }
- function WWHIndex_HoverTextFormat(ParamWidth,
- ParamTextID,
- ParamText)
- {
- var FormattedText = "";
- var ForegroundColor = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mForegroundColor;
- var BackgroundColor = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mBackgroundColor;
- var BorderColor = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mBorderColor;
- var ImageDir = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/images";
- var ReqSpacer1w2h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc1w2h.gif\" width=1 height=2>";
- var ReqSpacer2w1h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc2w1h.gif\" width=2 height=1>";
- var ReqSpacer1w7h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc1w7h.gif\" width=1 height=7>";
- var ReqSpacer5w1h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc5w1h.gif\" width=5 height=1>";
- var Spacer1w2h = ReqSpacer1w2h;
- var Spacer2w1h = ReqSpacer2w1h;
- var Spacer1w7h = ReqSpacer1w7h;
- var Spacer5w1h = ReqSpacer5w1h;
- // Netscape 6.x (Mozilla) renders table cells with graphics
- // incorrectly inside of <div> tags that are rewritten on the fly
- //
- if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 4) // Shorthand for Netscape 6.x (Mozilla)
- {
- Spacer1w2h = "";
- Spacer2w1h = "";
- Spacer1w7h = "";
- Spacer5w1h = "";
- }
- FormattedText += "<table width=\"" + ParamWidth + "\" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=\"" + BackgroundColor + "\">";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=2 colspan=5 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer1w2h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=7 colspan=3>" + Spacer1w7h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td>" + ReqSpacer5w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td width=\"100%\" id=\"" + ParamTextID + "\" style=\"color: " + ForegroundColor + " ; " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mFontStyle + "\">" + ParamText + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td>" + ReqSpacer5w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=7 colspan=3>" + Spacer1w7h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=2 colspan=5 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer1w2h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += "</table>";
- return FormattedText;
- }
- function WWHIndex_GetPopupAction(ParamEntryInfo)
- {
- var PopupAction = "";
- if (WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mbEnabled)
- {
- PopupAction += " onMouseOver=\"fS('" + ParamEntryInfo + "', " + this.mEventString + ");\"";
- PopupAction += " onMouseOut=\"fH();\"";
- }
- return PopupAction;
- }
- function WWHIndex_ThresholdExceeded()
- {
- var bThresholdExceeded;
- if ((this.mOptions.mThreshold > 0) &&
- (this.mEntryCount > this.mOptions.mThreshold))
- {
- bThresholdExceeded = true;
- }
- else
- {
- bThresholdExceeded = false;
- }
- return bThresholdExceeded;
- }
- function WWHIndex_GetSectionNavigation(ParamSection)
- {
- var SectionNavHTML = "";
- var SectionArray;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- SectionNavHTML += "<p class=\"navigation\">";
- // Calculate section selection
- //
- SectionArray = this.mTopEntry.mChildrenSortArray;
- for (MaxIndex = SectionArray.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- // Add spacers if necessary
- //
- if (Index > 0)
- {
- SectionNavHTML += this.mOptions.mSeperator;
- }
- // Display section with or without link as necessary
- //
- if (Index == this.mSectionIndex) // Currently being displayed
- {
- SectionNavHTML += SectionArray[Index].mText;
- }
- else if ((SectionArray[Index].mChildren == null) && // Always display group
- (SectionArray[Index].mChildrenSortArray == null)) // SortArray null before sort, hash null after
- {
- SectionNavHTML += "<font color=\"" + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mNavigationDisabledColor + "\">" + SectionArray[Index].mText + "</font>";
- }
- else
- {
- SectionNavHTML += "<a class=\"navigation\" href=\"javascript:fN(" + Index + ");\">" + SectionArray[Index].mText + "</a>";
- }
- }
- SectionNavHTML += "</p>";
- return SectionNavHTML;
- }
- function WWHIndex_ChangeSection(ParamSectionIndex)
- {
- // Set section
- //
- this.mSectionIndex = ParamSectionIndex;
- // Reload panel
- //
- WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.fClearScrollPosition();
- WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.fDisplayPanel();
- }
- function WWHIndex_SelectionListHeadHTML()
- {
- var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
- var Level;
- HTML.fAppend("<style type=\"text/css\">\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" <!--\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" a { text-decoration: none ;\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" color: " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mEnabledColor + " }\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" p { margin-top: 1pt ;\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" margin-bottom: 1pt ;\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" color: " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mDisabledColor + " ;\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mFontStyle + " }\n");
- for (Level = 1 ; Level < 3 ; Level++)
- {
- HTML.fAppend(" p.l" + Level + " { margin-left: " + (WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mIndent * Level) + "pt }\n");
- }
- HTML.fAppend(" h2 { " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mIndex.mFontStyle + " }\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" -->\n");
- HTML.fAppend("</style>\n");
- return HTML.fGetBuffer();
- }
- function WWHIndex_SelectionListBodyHTML()
- {
- var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
- var BookList = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList;
- var MaxBookIndex;
- var BookIndex;
- var BookListEntry;
- var LinkArray;
- var MaxLinkIndex;
- var LinkIndex;
- var Parts;
- var PrevLinkFileIndex;
- var LinkFileIndex;
- var LinkAnchor;
- var DocumentURL;
- // Display multiple entry message
- //
- HTML.fAppend("<h2>");
- HTML.fAppend(WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mIndexSelectMessage1 + " ");
- HTML.fAppend(WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mIndexSelectMessage2);
- HTML.fAppend("</h2>\n");
- // Display text of entry clicked
- //
- HTML.fAppend("<p><b>" + this.mClickedEntry.mText + "</b></p>\n");
- // Display each book's link for this entry
- //
- for (MaxBookIndex = BookList.length, BookIndex = 0 ; BookIndex < MaxBookIndex ; BookIndex++)
- {
- if (typeof this.mClickedEntry.mBookLinks[BookIndex] != "undefined")
- {
- BookListEntry = BookList[BookIndex];
- // Write the book's title
- //
- HTML.fAppend("<p> </p>\n");
- HTML.fAppend("<p class=l1><nobr><b>" + BookListEntry.mTitle + "</b>");
- // Sort link array to group files with anchors
- //
- // Use for loop to copy entries to workaround bug/problem in IE 5.0 on Windows
- //
- LinkArray = new Array();
- for (MaxLinkIndex = this.mClickedEntry.mBookLinks[BookIndex].length, LinkIndex = 0 ; LinkIndex < MaxLinkIndex ; LinkIndex++)
- {
- LinkArray[LinkIndex] = this.mClickedEntry.mBookLinks[BookIndex][LinkIndex];
- }
- LinkArray = LinkArray.sort();
- // Now display file links
- //
- PrevLinkFileIndex = null;
- for (MaxLinkIndex = LinkArray.length, LinkIndex = 0 ; LinkIndex < MaxLinkIndex ; LinkIndex++)
- {
- // Determine link file index and anchor
- //
- Parts = LinkArray[LinkIndex].split("#");
- LinkFileIndex = parseInt(Parts[0]);
- if (Parts.length > 1)
- {
- LinkAnchor = "#" + Parts[1];
- }
- else
- {
- LinkAnchor = "";
- }
- // Determine if all links for a single document have been processed
- //
- if ((PrevLinkFileIndex == null) ||
- (LinkFileIndex != PrevLinkFileIndex))
- {
- HTML.fAppend("</nobr></p>\n");
- // Build up absolute link URL
- //
- DocumentURL = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBaseURL + BookListEntry.mDirectory + BookListEntry.mFiles.fFileIndexToHREF(LinkFileIndex) + LinkAnchor;
- DocumentURL = WWHStringUtilities_RestoreEscapedSpaces(DocumentURL);
- DocumentURL = WWHStringUtilities_EscapeURLForJavaScriptAnchor(DocumentURL);
- HTML.fAppend("<p class=l2><nobr>");
- HTML.fAppend("<a href=\"javascript:WWHFrame.WWHIndex.fDisplayLink('" + DocumentURL + "');\">");
- HTML.fAppend(BookListEntry.mFiles.fFileIndexToTitle(LinkFileIndex) + "</a>");
- }
- else
- {
- // Build up absolute link URL
- //
- DocumentURL = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBaseURL + BookListEntry.mDirectory + BookListEntry.mFiles.fFileIndexToHREF(LinkFileIndex) + LinkAnchor;
- DocumentURL = WWHStringUtilities_RestoreEscapedSpaces(DocumentURL);
- DocumentURL = WWHStringUtilities_EscapeURLForJavaScriptAnchor(DocumentURL);
- HTML.fAppend(", ");
- HTML.fAppend("<a href=\"javascript:WWHFrame.WWHIndex.fDisplayLink('" + DocumentURL + "');\">");
- HTML.fAppend((LinkIndex + 1) + "</a>");
- }
- PrevLinkFileIndex = LinkFileIndex;
- }
- HTML.fAppend("</nobr></p>\n");
- }
- }
- return HTML.fGetBuffer();
- }
- function WWHIndex_DisplayLink(ParamURL)
- {
- WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fSetDocumentHREF(ParamURL, false);
- }
- function WWHIndex_GetEntry(ParamEntryInfo)
- {
- var Entry = null;
- var EntryInfoParts;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- // Locate specified entry
- //
- Entry = this.mTopEntry;
- EntryInfoParts = ParamEntryInfo.split(":");
- for (MaxIndex = EntryInfoParts.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- Entry = Entry.mChildrenSortArray[EntryInfoParts[Index]];
- }
- return Entry;
- }
- function WWHIndex_ClickedEntry(ParamEntryInfo)
- {
- var Entry;
- var BookCount;
- var BookIndex;
- var BookListEntry;
- var Parts;
- var LinkFileIndex;
- var LinkAnchor;
- var DocumentURL;
- // Locate specified entry
- //
- Entry = this.fGetEntry(ParamEntryInfo);
- // Display target document or selection list
- //
- BookCount = 0;
- for (BookIndex in Entry.mBookLinks)
- {
- BookCount++;
- }
- // See if this is a single entry
- //
- if ((BookCount == 1) &&
- (Entry.mBookLinks[BookIndex].length == 1))
- {
- BookListEntry = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList[BookIndex];
- // Determine link file index and anchor
- //
- Parts = Entry.mBookLinks[BookIndex][0].split("#");
- LinkFileIndex = parseInt(Parts[0]);
- if (Parts.length > 1)
- {
- LinkAnchor = "#" + Parts[1];
- }
- else
- {
- LinkAnchor = "";
- }
- // Set Document
- //
- DocumentURL = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBaseURL + BookListEntry.mDirectory + BookListEntry.mFiles.fFileIndexToHREF(LinkFileIndex) + LinkAnchor;
- }
- else
- {
- // Display selection list
- //
- this.mClickedEntry = Entry;
- DocumentURL = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/indexsel.htm";
- }
- this.fDisplayLink(DocumentURL);
- }
- function WWHIndex_ClickedSeeAlsoEntry(ParamEntryInfo)
- {
- var Entry;
- var TargetSectionIndex;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- // Locate specified entry
- //
- Entry = this.fGetEntry(ParamEntryInfo);
- // Confirm entry has target information
- //
- if ((typeof Entry.mSeeAlsoTargetName == "string") &&
- (typeof Entry.mSeeAlsoTargetEntryKey == "string"))
- {
- TargetSectionIndex = null;
- // Determine if we need to jump to another page
- //
- if (this.fThresholdExceeded())
- {
- MaxIndex = this.mTopEntry.mChildrenSortArray.length;
- Index = 0;
- while ((TargetSectionIndex == null) &&
- (Index < MaxIndex))
- {
- if (this.mTopEntry.mChildrenSortArray[Index].mText == Entry.mSeeAlsoTargetEntryKey)
- {
- TargetSectionIndex = Index;
- }
- Index++;
- }
- }
- // Set target entry
- //
- this.mPanelAnchor = Entry.mSeeAlsoTargetName;
- if (((TargetSectionIndex != null) &&
- (this.mSectionIndex != null)) &&
- (TargetSectionIndex != this.mSectionIndex))
- {
- // Need to switch to proper section
- //
- this.fChangeSection(TargetSectionIndex);
- }
- else
- {
- // We're on the right page, so just jump to the correct entry
- //
- WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.fJumpToAnchor();
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHIndexIterator_Object()
- {
- this.mIteratorScope = null;
- this.mEntry = null;
- this.mParentStack = new Array();
- this.mPositionStack = new Array();
- this.mbThresholdExceeded = false;
- this.mStackOffset = 1;
- this.fReset = WWHIndexIterator_Reset;
- this.fAdvance = WWHIndexIterator_Advance;
- }
- function WWHIndexIterator_Reset(ParamIndex,
- bParamThresholdExceeded)
- {
- if (ParamIndex == null) // Iterate buckets as well!
- {
- this.mIteratorScope = WWHFrame.WWHIndex.mTopEntry;
- }
- else
- {
- this.mIteratorScope = WWHFrame.WWHIndex.mTopEntry.mChildrenSortArray[ParamIndex];
- }
- this.mEntry = this.mIteratorScope;
- this.mParentStack.length = 0;
- this.mPositionStack.length = 0;
- this.mbThresholdExceeded = bParamThresholdExceeded;
- this.mStackOffset = 1;
- }
- function WWHIndexIterator_Advance()
- {
- // Advance to the next visible entry
- //
- if (this.mEntry != null)
- {
- // Check for children
- //
- if (this.mEntry.mChildren != null)
- {
- // Determine sort order if necessary
- //
- if (this.mEntry.mChildrenSortArray == null)
- {
- WWHIndexEntry_SortChildren(this.mEntry);
- }
- }
- // Process children
- //
- if (this.mEntry.mChildrenSortArray != null)
- {
- // Modify stack offset as needed
- //
- if (( ! this.mbThresholdExceeded) &&
- (this.mEntry.mbBucket) &&
- ( ! this.mEntry.mbShow))
- {
- this.mStackOffset += 1;
- }
- this.mParentStack[this.mParentStack.length] = this.mEntry;
- this.mPositionStack[this.mPositionStack.length] = 0;
- this.mEntry = this.mEntry.mChildrenSortArray[0];
- }
- // If we've reached the iterator scope, we're done
- //
- else if (this.mEntry == this.mIteratorScope)
- {
- this.mEntry = null;
- }
- else
- {
- var ParentEntry;
- var StackTop;
- ParentEntry = this.mParentStack[this.mParentStack.length - 1];
- this.mEntry = null;
- // Find next child of parent entry
- //
- while (ParentEntry != null)
- {
- // Increment position
- //
- StackTop = this.mPositionStack.length - 1;
- this.mPositionStack[StackTop]++;
- // Confirm this is a valid entry
- //
- if (this.mPositionStack[StackTop] < ParentEntry.mChildrenSortArray.length)
- {
- // Return the parent's next child
- //
- this.mEntry = ParentEntry.mChildrenSortArray[this.mPositionStack[StackTop]];
- // Signal break from loop
- //
- ParentEntry = null;
- }
- else
- {
- // Last child of parent, try up a level
- //
- if (ParentEntry == this.mIteratorScope)
- {
- ParentEntry = null;
- }
- else
- {
- // Restore stack offset as needed
- //
- if (( ! this.mbThresholdExceeded) &&
- (ParentEntry.mbBucket) &&
- ( ! ParentEntry.mbShow))
- {
- this.mStackOffset -= 1;
- }
- ParentEntry = ParentEntry.mParent;
- this.mParentStack.length--;
- this.mPositionStack.length--;
- ParentEntry = this.mParentStack[this.mParentStack.length - 1];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return (this.mEntry != null);
- }
- function WWHIndexTopEntry_Object()
- {
- this.mLevel = -1;
- this.mChildren = null;
- this.mChildrenSortArray = null;
- this.fGetGroup = WWHIndexTopEntry_GetGroup;
- this.fAddEntry = WWHIndexTopEntry_AddEntry;
- this.fA = WWHIndexTopEntry_AddEntry;
- }
- function WWHIndexTopEntry_GetGroup(ParamGroupTitle)
- {
- var GroupEntry;
- // See if this object has any children
- //
- if (this.mChildren == null)
- {
- this.mChildren = new WWHIndexEntryHash_Object();
- }
- // Access entry, creating it if it doesn't exist
- //
- GroupEntry = this.mChildren[ParamGroupTitle];
- if (typeof GroupEntry == "undefined")
- {
- GroupEntry = new WWHIndexEntry_Object(0, 0, WWHStringUtilities_EscapeHTML(ParamGroupTitle), null, null);
- GroupEntry.mbGroup = true;
- this.mChildren[ParamGroupTitle] = GroupEntry;
- }
- return GroupEntry;
- }
- function WWHIndexTopEntry_AddEntry(ParamText,
- ParamLinks,
- ParamSortKey,
- ParamSeeAlso)
- {
- var FirstChar = "";
- var GroupTitle;
- var GroupEntry;
- var BucketEntry;
- var NewEntry;
- // Grab first character
- //
- if ((typeof ParamSortKey == "string") &&
- (ParamSortKey.length > 0))
- {
- FirstChar = ParamSortKey.substring(0, 1);
- // Check for encoded characters
- //
- if (FirstChar == "&")
- {
- FirstChar = WWHStringUtilities_UnescapeHTML(ParamSortKey);
- FirstChar = FirstChar.substring(0, 1);
- }
- // toUpperCase is conditional to handle numbers
- //
- FirstChar = (typeof FirstChar.toUpperCase == "function") ? FirstChar.toUpperCase() : FirstChar;
- }
- else if (ParamText.length > 0)
- {
- FirstChar = ParamText.substring(0, 1);
- // Check for encoded characters
- //
- if (FirstChar == "&")
- {
- FirstChar = WWHStringUtilities_UnescapeHTML(ParamText);
- FirstChar = FirstChar.substring(0, 1);
- }
- // toUpperCase is conditional to handle numbers
- //
- FirstChar = (typeof FirstChar.toUpperCase == "function") ? FirstChar.toUpperCase() : FirstChar;
- }
- // Check for a group
- //
- GroupTitle = WWHFrame.WWHIndex.mOptions.mGroupMapping[FirstChar];
- if (typeof GroupTitle == "undefined")
- {
- GroupTitle = ""; // Put in required grouping
- }
- // Access group
- //
- GroupEntry = this.fGetGroup(GroupTitle);
- // Access bucket
- //
- BucketEntry = GroupEntry.fGetBucket(FirstChar, WWHFrame.WWHIndex.mOptions.mGroupInfoHash[GroupTitle].mbShowBuckets);
- // Add entry
- //
- NewEntry = BucketEntry.fAddEntry(ParamText, ParamLinks, ParamSortKey, ParamSeeAlso);
- return NewEntry;
- }
- function WWHIndexEntry_Object(ParamBookIndex,
- ParamLevel,
- ParamText,
- ParamLinks,
- ParamSeeAlso)
- {
- this.mText = ParamText;
- this.mBookLinks = null;
- this.mLevel = ParamLevel;
- this.mChildren = null;
- this.mChildrenSortArray = null;
- if (typeof ParamSeeAlso == "string")
- {
- this.mSeeAlso = ParamSeeAlso;
- }
- this.fGetBucket = WWHIndexEntry_GetBucket;
- this.fAddEntry = WWHIndexEntry_AddEntry;
- this.fA = WWHIndexEntry_AddEntry;
- // Bump MaxLevel if exceeded
- //
- if (WWHFrame.WWHIndex.mMaxLevel < this.mLevel)
- {
- WWHFrame.WWHIndex.mMaxLevel = this.mLevel;
- }
- // Bump entry count
- //
- WWHFrame.WWHIndex.mEntryCount++;
- // Add links
- //
- if ((typeof ParamLinks != "undefined") &&
- (ParamLinks != null))
- {
- this.mBookLinks = new WWHIndexEntryBookHash_Object();
- this.mBookLinks[ParamBookIndex] = ParamLinks;
- }
- }
- function WWHIndexEntry_GetBucket(ParamText,
- bParamShow)
- {
- var BucketEntry;
- // See if this object has any children
- //
- if (this.mChildren == null)
- {
- this.mChildren = new WWHIndexEntryHash_Object();
- }
- // Access entry, creating it if it doesn't exist
- //
- BucketEntry = this.mChildren[ParamText];
- if (typeof BucketEntry == "undefined")
- {
- var Level;
- // Keep level the same if buckets not visible
- //
- if (bParamShow)
- {
- Level = this.mLevel + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- Level = this.mLevel;
- }
- BucketEntry = new WWHIndexEntry_Object(0, Level, WWHStringUtilities_EscapeHTML(ParamText), null, null);
- BucketEntry.mbBucket = true;
- BucketEntry.mbShow = bParamShow;
- this.mChildren[ParamText] = BucketEntry;
- }
- return BucketEntry;
- }
- function WWHIndexEntry_AddEntry(ParamText,
- ParamLinks,
- ParamSortKey,
- ParamSeeAlso)
- {
- var HashKey;
- var ChildEntry;
- var BookIndex = WWHFrame.WWHIndex.mInitIndex;
- var Links = null;
- // Set links if entries exist
- //
- if ((typeof ParamLinks != "undefined") &&
- (ParamLinks != null) &&
- (ParamLinks.length > 0))
- {
- Links = ParamLinks;
- }
- // See if this object has any children
- //
- if (this.mChildren == null)
- {
- this.mChildren = new WWHIndexEntryHash_Object();
- }
- // Access entry, creating it if it doesn't exist
- //
- HashKey = ((typeof ParamSortKey == "string") ? ParamSortKey : "") + ParamText;
- ChildEntry = this.mChildren[HashKey];
- if (typeof ChildEntry == "undefined")
- {
- ChildEntry = new WWHIndexEntry_Object(BookIndex, this.mLevel + 1, ParamText, Links, ParamSeeAlso);
- this.mChildren[HashKey] = ChildEntry;
- // Add entry to see also collection if it is a see also entry
- //
- if (typeof ParamSeeAlso == "string")
- {
- WWHFrame.WWHIndex.fAddSeeAlsoEntry(ChildEntry);
- }
- }
- else // Child entry exists, update with new information
- {
- // Add book links
- //
- if (Links != null)
- {
- if (ChildEntry.mBookLinks == null)
- {
- ChildEntry.mBookLinks = new WWHIndexEntryBookHash_Object();
- }
- if (typeof ChildEntry.mBookLinks[BookIndex] == "undefined")
- {
- ChildEntry.mBookLinks[BookIndex] = Links;
- }
- else // Append new links
- {
- var BookLinks = ChildEntry.mBookLinks[BookIndex];
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- for (MaxIndex = Links.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- BookLinks[BookLinks.length] = Links[Index];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ChildEntry;
- }
- function WWHIndexEntry_SortChildren(ParamEntry)
- {
- var SortedArray;
- // Sort top entry according to group order
- //
- if (ParamEntry == WWHFrame.WWHIndex.mTopEntry)
- {
- var GroupList = WWHFrame.WWHIndex.mOptions.mGroupList;
- var MaxGroupIndex;
- var GroupIndex;
- var GroupEntry;
- // Accumulate entries in sort order
- //
- SortedArray = new Array();
- for (MaxGroupIndex = GroupList.length, GroupIndex = 0 ; GroupIndex < MaxGroupIndex ; GroupIndex++)
- {
- GroupEntry = ParamEntry.mChildren[GroupList[GroupIndex]];
- if (typeof GroupEntry != "undefined")
- {
- if (GroupList[GroupIndex].length == 0) // Required group list found
- {
- // Sort required group entries
- //
- WWHIndexEntry_SortChildren(GroupEntry);
- // Add children to sorted array
- //
- for (MaxIndex = GroupEntry.mChildrenSortArray.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- SortedArray[SortedArray.length] = GroupEntry.mChildrenSortArray[Index];
- // Mark first required group entry
- //
- if (Index == 0)
- {
- SortedArray[SortedArray.length - 1].mbFirstRequiredEntry = true;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SortedArray[SortedArray.length] = GroupEntry;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var UnsortedArray;
- var HashKey;
- var SortKey;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- // Accumulate hash keys
- //
- UnsortedArray = new Array();
- for (HashKey in ParamEntry.mChildren)
- {
- // toUpperCase is conditional to handle numbers
- //
- SortKey = ((typeof HashKey.toUpperCase == "function") ? HashKey.toUpperCase() : HashKey) + "\n" + HashKey;
- UnsortedArray[UnsortedArray.length] = SortKey;
- }
- // Sort array
- //
- SortedArray = UnsortedArray.sort();
- // Replace sort keys with entries
- //
- for (MaxIndex = SortedArray.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- SortKey = SortedArray[Index];
- HashKey = SortKey.substring(SortKey.indexOf("\n") + 1, SortKey.length)
- SortedArray[Index] = ParamEntry.mChildren[HashKey];
- }
- }
- // Set children sort array
- // Clear hash table as it is no longer needed
- //
- ParamEntry.mChildrenSortArray = SortedArray;
- ParamEntry.mChildren = null;
- }
- function WWHIndexEntryHash_Object()
- {
- }
- function WWHIndexEntryBookHash_Object()
- {
- }
- function WWHSectionCache_Object()
- {
- }
- function WWHIndexOptions_Object()
- {
- this.mThreshold = 0;
- this.mGroupList = new Array();
- this.mGroupInfoHash = new WWHIndexOptionsGroupInfoHash_Object();
- this.mGroupMapping = new WWHIndexOptionsGroupMapping_Object();
- this.fSetThreshold = WWHIndexOptions_SetThreshold;
- this.fSetSeperator = WWHIndexOptions_SetSeperator;
- this.fGroup = WWHIndexOptions_Group;
- }
- function WWHIndexOptions_SetThreshold(ParamThreshold)
- {
- this.mThreshold = ParamThreshold;
- }
- function WWHIndexOptions_SetSeperator(ParamSeperator)
- {
- this.mSeperator = ParamSeperator;
- }
- function WWHIndexOptions_Group(ParamGroupTitle,
- bParamAlwaysDisplay,
- bParamShowBuckets,
- ParamGroupEntries)
- {
- var GroupEntries;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- // Record display order
- //
- this.mGroupList[this.mGroupList.length] = ParamGroupTitle;
- // Record group info
- //
- if (ParamGroupTitle != "")
- {
- this.mGroupInfoHash[ParamGroupTitle] = new WWHIndexOptionsGroupInfo_Object(bParamAlwaysDisplay, bParamShowBuckets);
- }
- else // Handle required group
- {
- this.mGroupInfoHash[ParamGroupTitle] = new WWHIndexOptionsGroupInfo_Object(true, bParamShowBuckets);
- }
- // Record entries for each group
- //
- GroupEntries = ParamGroupEntries.split("");
- for (MaxIndex = GroupEntries.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- if ((ParamGroupTitle.length == 0) || // Required items always have precendence
- (typeof this.mGroupMapping[GroupEntries[Index]] == "undefined")) // Otherwise, prevent reseting entries
- {
- this.mGroupMapping[GroupEntries[Index]] = ParamGroupTitle;
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHIndexOptionsGroupInfoHash_Object()
- {
- }
- function WWHIndexOptionsGroupInfo_Object(bParamAlwaysDisplay,
- bParamShowBuckets)
- {
- this.mbAlwaysDisplay = bParamAlwaysDisplay;
- this.mbShowBuckets = bParamShowBuckets;
- }
- function WWHIndexOptionsGroupMapping_Object()
- {
- }