home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //
- function WWHSwitch_Object()
- {
- this.mParameters = "";
- this.mbSingle = false;
- this.mbForceJS = false;
- this.mSettings = new WWHCommonSettings_Object();
- this.fExec = WWHSwitch_Exec;
- this.fProcessURL = WWHSwitch_ProcessURL;
- this.fJavaEnabled = WWHSwitch_JavaEnabled;
- this.fJavaCapable = WWHSwitch_JavaCapable;
- this.fSwitch = WWHSwitch_Switch;
- }
- function WWHSwitch_Exec(bParamNormalizeURL,
- ParamURL)
- {
- var TargetURL = ParamURL;
- var bUseJava = false;
- var FrameSetURL = "";
- // Normalize URL if necessary
- //
- if (bParamNormalizeURL)
- {
- TargetURL = WWHStringUtilities_NormalizeURL(ParamURL);
- }
- // Process parameters
- //
- this.fProcessURL(TargetURL);
- // Use single frame if specified
- //
- if (this.mbSingle)
- {
- FrameSetURL = "../../common/html/wwhelp.htm";
- }
- else
- {
- // Determine if Java version can be used
- //
- if (this.mbForceJS)
- {
- bUseJava = false;
- }
- else if (this.mSettings.mbForceJavaScript)
- {
- bUseJava = false;
- }
- else
- {
- // See if Java is enabled
- //
- if (this.fJavaEnabled())
- {
- bUseJava = this.fJavaCapable();
- }
- }
- // Pick frameset to use
- //
- if (bUseJava)
- {
- FrameSetURL = "../../java/html/wwhelp.htm";
- }
- else
- {
- FrameSetURL = "../../js/html/wwhelp.htm";
- }
- }
- // Switch to frameset
- //
- this.fSwitch(FrameSetURL);
- }
- function WWHSwitch_ProcessURL(ParamURL)
- {
- this.mParameters = "";
- this.mbForceJS = false;
- if (ParamURL.indexOf("?") != -1)
- {
- var Parts;
- var Parameters;
- Parts = ParamURL.split("?");
- Parameters = Parts[1];
- if (Parameters.indexOf("&") != -1)
- {
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- // Reset parameters to drop single and forcejs if present
- //
- this.mParameters = "";
- Parts = Parameters.split("&");
- for (MaxIndex = Parts.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- if (Parts[Index] == "single=true")
- {
- this.mbSingle = true;
- }
- else if (Parts[Index] == "forcejs=true")
- {
- this.mbForceJS = true;
- }
- else
- {
- if (this.mParameters.length > 0)
- {
- this.mParameters += "&";
- }
- this.mParameters += Parts[Index];
- }
- }
- }
- else if (Parameters == "single=true")
- {
- this.mParameters = "";
- this.mbSingle = true;
- }
- else if (Parameters == "forcejs=true")
- {
- this.mParameters = "";
- this.mbForceJS = true;
- }
- else
- {
- this.mParameters = Parameters;
- }
- // Prefix parameters with "?" if parameters exist
- //
- if (this.mParameters.length > 0)
- {
- this.mParameters = "?" + this.mParameters;
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHSwitch_JavaEnabled()
- {
- var bJavaEnabled = false;
- // Check if Java is enabled
- //
- if ((typeof navigator != "undefined") &&
- (navigator != null))
- {
- bJavaEnabled = navigator.javaEnabled();
- }
- return bJavaEnabled;
- }
- function WWHSwitch_JavaCapable()
- {
- var bJavaCapable = false;
- var Browser = WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser;
- var Platform = WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mPlatform;
- // Determine if platform supports Java version
- //
- if (Browser == 1) // Shorthand for Netscape
- {
- if (Platform == 1) // Shorthand for Windows
- {
- bJavaCapable = true; // Java works on NS for Windows
- }
- else if (Platform == 2) // Shorthand for Macintosh
- {
- bJavaCapable = false; // Java doesn't work on NS for Macintosh
- }
- else
- {
- bJavaCapable = true; // Java works on NS for UNIX
- }
- }
- else if (Browser == 4) // Shorthand for Netscape
- {
- // LiveConnect broken under Netscape 6.0 on Windows and Mac
- //
- bJavaCapable = false; // Play it safe.
- }
- else // Assume IE
- {
- if (Platform == 1) // Shorthand for Windows
- {
- bJavaCapable = true; // Java works on IE for Windows
- if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mbIEWindowsXP)
- {
- bJavaCapable = false; // Java not included under Windows XP
- }
- }
- else if (Platform == 2) // Shorthand for Macintosh
- {
- bJavaCapable = false; // LiveConnect not currently working on Macintosh
- }
- else
- {
- bJavaCapable = false; // Java doesn't work on IE for UNIX
- }
- }
- return bJavaCapable;
- }
- function WWHSwitch_Switch(ParamFrameSetURL)
- {
- var SwitchURL;
- // Add parameters to redirect
- //
- SwitchURL = ParamFrameSetURL + this.mParameters;
- // Switch to desired frameset
- // Delay required since this page is processing the action
- //
- setTimeout("location.replace(\"" + WWHStringUtilities_EscapeURLForJavaScriptAnchor(SwitchURL) + "\");", 1);
- }