home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
- <!--
- The "name" attribute below specifies the name of the book. This
- name appears both in the table of contents and in the search scobe
- popup menu. This attribute is required.
- The "context" attribute below specifies an alternate name of the book
- and is only necessary when combining books for use with your
- application's context-sensitive help. You can put any value you desire
- here but it must contain only the characters "A-Z", "a-z", "0-9", or "_".
- This attribute is optional.
- The "toc" attribute specifies the relative filename of the XML file
- that specifies the TOC structure for this book. This attribute is
- optional.
- The "ix" attribute specifies the relative filename of the XML file
- that specifies the index structure for this book. This attribute
- is optional.
- The "search" attribute specifies the relative filename of the XML
- file that will be generated by wwhelpix at the end of the conversion
- process. This attribute is optional.
- The "version" attribute specifies what format version the file is
- described in and should always be "2.0". This attribute is required.
- The "locale" attribute specifies the native language/locale for
- this book. Currently valid values are en=English, fr=French, and
- de=German. To ensure that proper word breaking rules are followed,
- this attribute must be set correctly. This attribute is optional.
- -->
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- <!--
- The following CommonWordsToSkip block allows you to define what
- words will be omitted from the generated full text search index.
- We have provided a list of low information words that are common
- in English as a starting point. However, if you are processing
- documents in a different language, you will need to adjust the
- words accordingly.
- The "minlen" attribute specifies the minimum length of word to
- include in the full text search index. Words that are fewer
- characters in length than this value will automatically be
- omitted from the search database, and need not be explicitly
- listed inside this block. The default value of 3 seems to work
- well for English. A value of 1 may be needed for CJK languages
- where one character can represent a whole word or concept.
- -->
- <CommonWordsToSkip minlen="2">
- about after all also and another any are
- because been before being between both but
- came can come copyright corp corporation could
- did
- each
- for from
- get got
- has had have her here him himself his how
- inc into its
- like
- make many me might more most much must
- never now
- one only other our out over
- not
- reserved rights
- said same see should since some still such
- take than that the their them then there these they this those through too
- under use
- very
- was way well were what where which while who will with would
- you your
- </CommonWordsToSkip>
- <!--
- The ScoringPrefs block allows you to control how search terms
- are scored by assigning different relative weights based on
- where a word occurs inside each document. Three common
- META tags are supported by default, but this may be extended
- to custom META tags as follows (for a tag called partnum):
- <meta name="partnum" weight="100">
- For information on setting/creating META tags from within
- WebWorks Publisher, please see the online documentation.
- Note, that words occurring in elements not explicitly declared
- below will by default be scored with a weight of one.
- -->
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- <h4 weight="5"/>
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- <h7 weight="2"/>
- <b weight="2"/>
- <p weight="1"/>
- <div weight="1"/>
- </ScoringPrefs>
- <!--
- The DocumentInfo block specifies the title and filename for
- each generated page in the book (excluding TOC and IX).
- -->
- <DocumentInfo>
- <Document title="À propos du Guide d’installation et de l’utilisateur" href="about.htm" />
- <Document title="Installation" href="Installation.htm" />
- <Document title="Étapes préliminaires" href="Installation2.htm" />
- <Document title="Installation de votre Thomson Gateway" href="Installation3.htm" />
- <Document title="Installation de votre Thomson Gateway" href="Installation4.htm" />
- <Document title="Installation guidée" href="Installation5.htm" />
- <Document title="Installation manuelle" href="Installation6.htm" />
- <Document title="Notions de base de la Thomson Gateway" href="Basics.htm" />
- <Document title="Comportement des voyants de la Thomson Gateway" href="Basics2.htm" />
- <Document title="Thomson Gateway" href="Basics3.htm" />
- <Document title="Sauvegarde/restauration de votre configuration" href="Basics4.htm" />
- <Document title="Adding New Devices to your Network" href="AddDevice.htm" />
- <Document title="Adding a Computer to your Network" href="AddDevice2.htm" />
- <Document title="Connecting a computer using Wireless" href="AddDevice3.htm" />
- <Document title="Connecting a computer using Ethernet" href="AddDevice4.htm" />
- <Document title="Adding a Phone to your Network" href="AddDevice5.htm" />
- <Document title="Connecting Phones to the Thomson Gateway" href="AddDevice6.htm" />
- <Document title="Configuring your Thomson Gateway" href="AddDevice7.htm" />
- <Document title="Multiple Identities" href="AddDevice8.htm" />
- <Document title="Utilisation optimale de votre Thomson Gateway" href="UsingGateway.htm" />
- <Document title="Partage de contenu sur votre réseau" href="UsingGateway2.htm" />
- <Document title="Configuration du serveur de fichiers" href="UsingGateway3.htm" />
- <Document title="Gestion du contenu partagé" href="UsingGateway4.htm" />
- <Document title="Utilisation du serveur UPnP AV pour partager du contenu avec des périphériques multimédia" href="UsingGateway5.htm" />
- <Document title="Accès à votre contenu partagé par FTP" href="UsingGateway6.htm" />
- <Document title="Fonctions téléphoniques" href="UsingGateway7.htm" />
- <Document title="Address Book" href="UsingGateway8.htm" />
- <Document title="Services téléphoniques" href="UsingGateway9.htm" />
- <Document title="Consultation des statistiques téléphoniques" href="UsingGateway10.htm" />
- <Document title="Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)" href="UsingGateway11.htm" />
- <Document title="Accès à votre Thomson Gateway avec UPnP" href="UsingGateway12.htm" />
- <Document title="Gestion de votre connexion Internet avec UPnP" href="UsingGateway13.htm" />
- <Document title="Configuration du composant UPnP sur la Thomson Gateway" href="UsingGateway14.htm" />
- <Document title="Installation du composant UPnP sous Windows XP" href="UsingGateway15.htm" />
- <Document title="Affectation d’un service (HTTP, FTP,...) à un ordinateur" href="UsingGateway16.htm" />
- <Document title="Page Dynamic DNS" href="UsingGateway17.htm" />
- <Document title="Sécurité sans fil" href="WirelessSecurity.htm" />
- <Document title="Cryptage" href="WirelessSecurity2.htm" />
- <Document title="Configuration du cryptage WEP" href="WirelessSecurity3.htm" />
- <Document title="Configuration du cryptage WPA-PSK" href="WirelessSecurity4.htm" />
- <Document title="Configuration du cryptage WPA" href="WirelessSecurity5.htm" />
- <Document title="Contrôle d’accès" href="WirelessSecurity6.htm" />
- <Document title="Désactivation de la diffusion du SSID" href="WirelessSecurity7.htm" />
- <Document title="Sécurité Internet" href="InternetSecurity.htm" />
- <Document title="Pare-feu" href="InternetSecurity2.htm" />
- <Document title="Filtrage des sites Web" href="InternetSecurity3.htm" />
- <Document title="Refuser l’accès à un site Web spécifique" href="InternetSecurity4.htm" />
- <Document title="Autoriser l’accès à un site Web spécifique" href="InternetSecurity5.htm" />
- <Document title="Rediriger un site Web" href="InternetSecurity6.htm" />
- <Document title="Redirection de tous les sites Web" href="InternetSecurity7.htm" />
- <Document title="Dépannage" href="Troubleshooting.htm" />
- <Document title="Assistant d’installation Dépannage" href="Troubleshooting2.htm" />
- <Document title="Dépannage général de la Thomson Gateway" href="Troubleshooting3.htm" />
- <Document title="Dépannage d’une connexion câblée" href="Troubleshooting4.htm" />
- <Document title="Dépannage d’une connexion sans fil" href="Troubleshooting5.htm" />
- <Document title="Dépannage Voix sur IP" href="Troubleshooting6.htm" />
- <Document title="Restaurer les paramètres par défaut" href="Troubleshooting7.htm" />
- </DocumentInfo>
- <!--
- The TopicMap block is used for enabling context-sensitive help for
- use with your own software application. Publisher will automatically
- create Topic entries derived from the usage of the "TopicAlias"
- marker in your FrameMaker document(s). The "TopicAlias" marker should
- only contain the name of the topic.
- Each resulting Topic entry will be of the form:
- <Topic name="yourTopicName" href="yourBook/filename#123456">
- Where the topic name must contain only the characters:
- "A-Z", "a-z", "0-9", or "_".
- -->
- <TopicMap>
- <Topic name="init" href="about.htm#wp97964" /> <!-- about.htm -->
- </TopicMap>
- </WebWorksHelpBook>