home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //
- function WWHOutline_Object()
- {
- var bUseSafeMethods = true;
- // Determine display method based on browser type
- //
- if ((WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 2) || // Shorthand for IE
- (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 3) || // Shorthand for iCab
- (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 4)) // Shorthand for Netscape 6.0 (Mozilla)
- {
- bUseSafeMethods = false;
- }
- this.mbPanelInitialized = false;
- this.mPanelAnchor = null;
- this.mPanelTabTitle = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mTabsTOCLabel;
- this.mInitIndex = 0;
- this.mBookEntryArray = new Array();
- this.mEntryHash = new WWHOutlineEntryHash_Object();
- this.mTopEntry = new WWHOutlineEntry_Top_Object();
- this.mNextEntryID = 0;
- this.mMaxLevel = 0;
- this.mSyncBookID = null;
- this.mSyncFileHREF = null;
- this.mImagingObject = (bUseSafeMethods) ? new WWHOutlineImagingSafe_Object() : new WWHOutlineImagingFast_Object();
- this.fInitHeadHTML = WWHOutline_InitHeadHTML;
- this.fInitBodyHTML = WWHOutline_InitBodyHTML;
- this.fInitGroupings = WWHOutline_InitGroupings;
- this.fInitLoadBookTOC = WWHOutline_InitLoadBookTOC;
- this.fHeadHTML = WWHOutline_HeadHTML;
- this.fStartHTMLSegments = WWHOutline_StartHTMLSegments;
- this.fAdvanceHTMLSegment = WWHOutline_AdvanceHTMLSegment;
- this.fGetHTMLSegment = WWHOutline_GetHTMLSegment;
- this.fEndHTMLSegments = WWHOutline_EndHTMLSegments;
- this.fHoverTextTranslate = WWHOutline_HoverTextTranslate;
- this.fHoverTextFormat = WWHOutline_HoverTextFormat;
- this.fDisplayDoc = WWHOutline_DisplayDoc;
- this.fExpand = WWHOutline_Expand;
- this.fCollapse = WWHOutline_Collapse;
- this.fSync = WWHOutline_Sync;
- }
- function WWHOutline_InitHeadHTML()
- {
- var InitHeadHTML = "";
- return InitHeadHTML;
- }
- function WWHOutline_InitBodyHTML()
- {
- var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
- var BookList = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- // Display initializing message
- //
- HTML.fAppend("<h2>" + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mInitializingMessage + "</h2>\n");
- // Create top level entries for groups and books
- //
- this.fInitGroupings(this.mTopEntry, WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBookGroups);
- // Load book TOC data
- //
- this.mInitIndex = 0;
- for (MaxIndex = BookList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- // Reference TOC data
- //
- HTML.fAppend("<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\" src=\"" + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + WWHStringUtilities_RestoreEscapedSpaces(BookList[Index].mDirectory) + "wwhdata/js/toc.js\"></script>\n");
- // Load TOC data for current book
- //
- HTML.fAppend("<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\" src=\"" + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/scripts/outlin1s.js\"></script>\n");
- }
- return HTML.fGetBuffer();
- }
- function WWHOutline_InitGroupings(ParamParentEntry,
- ParamGroup)
- {
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- var GroupEntry;
- var TOCEntry;
- for (MaxIndex = ParamGroup.mChildren.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- GroupEntry = ParamGroup.mChildren[Index];
- if (GroupEntry.mbGrouping)
- {
- // Create entry in TOC
- //
- TOCEntry = ParamParentEntry.fNewChild(GroupEntry.mTitle, "", GroupEntry.mIcon, GroupEntry.mOpenIcon);
- TOCEntry.mbExpanded = GroupEntry.mbExpand;
- this.fInitGroupings(TOCEntry, GroupEntry);
- }
- else // Must be a book directory
- {
- TOCEntry = ParamParentEntry.fNewChild(WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList[this.mBookEntryArray.length].mTitle, "", GroupEntry.mIcon, GroupEntry.mOpenIcon);
- // Set display options
- //
- TOCEntry.mbShow = GroupEntry.mbShow;
- if (GroupEntry.mbShow)
- {
- TOCEntry.mbExpanded = GroupEntry.mbExpand;
- }
- else
- {
- TOCEntry.mbExpanded = true;
- TOCEntry.mLevel = ParamParentEntry.mLevel;
- }
- // Add to mBookEntryArray
- //
- this.mBookEntryArray[this.mBookEntryArray.length] = TOCEntry;
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHOutline_InitLoadBookTOC(ParamAddTOCEntriesFunc)
- {
- var BookEntry;
- // Access book entry
- //
- BookEntry = this.mBookEntryArray[this.mInitIndex];
- // Set Book Index
- //
- BookEntry.mBookIndex = this.mInitIndex;
- // Load TOC
- //
- ParamAddTOCEntriesFunc(BookEntry);
- // Assign URL for book entry
- //
- if ((BookEntry.mbShow) &&
- (WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList[BookEntry.mBookIndex].mFiles.mFileList.length > 0))
- {
- BookEntry.mURL = "0";
- }
- // Increment init book index
- //
- this.mInitIndex++;
- // Mark initialized if done
- //
- if (this.mInitIndex == WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList.length)
- {
- this.mbPanelInitialized = true;
- // Sync contents if necessary
- //
- if ((this.mSyncBookID != null) &&
- (this.mSyncFileHREF != null))
- {
- this.fSync(this.mSyncBookID, this.mSyncFileHREF, false);
- this.mSyncBookID = null;
- this.mSyncFileHREF = null;
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHOutline_HeadHTML()
- {
- var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
- // Write formatting styles
- //
- HTML.fAppend(this.mImagingObject.fGenerateStyles());
- return HTML.fGetBuffer();
- }
- function WWHOutline_StartHTMLSegments()
- {
- var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object();
- // Reset imaging object
- //
- this.mImagingObject.fReset();
- // Define accessor functions to reduce file size
- //
- HTML.fAppend("<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript1.2\">\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" <!--\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" function fE(ParamEntryID)\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" {\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" WWHFrame.WWHOutline.fExpand(ParamEntryID);\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
- HTML.fAppend("\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" function fC(ParamEntryID)\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" {\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" WWHFrame.WWHOutline.fCollapse(ParamEntryID);\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
- HTML.fAppend("\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" function fD(ParamEntryID)\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" {\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" WWHFrame.WWHOutline.fDisplayDoc(ParamEntryID);\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
- HTML.fAppend("\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" function fS(ParamEntryID,\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" ParamEvent)\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" {\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.mPopup.fShow(ParamEntryID, ParamEvent);\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
- HTML.fAppend("\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" function fH()\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" {\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.mPopup.fHide();\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" }\n");
- HTML.fAppend(" // -->\n");
- HTML.fAppend("</script>\n");
- return HTML.fGetBuffer();
- }
- function WWHOutline_AdvanceHTMLSegment()
- {
- return this.mImagingObject.fAdvance(WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMaxHTMLSegmentSize);
- }
- function WWHOutline_GetHTMLSegment()
- {
- return this.mImagingObject.mHTMLSegment.fGetBuffer();
- }
- function WWHOutline_EndHTMLSegments()
- {
- return "";
- }
- function WWHOutline_HoverTextTranslate(ParamEntryID)
- {
- return this.mEntryHash[ParamEntryID].mText;
- }
- function WWHOutline_HoverTextFormat(ParamWidth,
- ParamTextID,
- ParamText)
- {
- var FormattedText = "";
- var ForegroundColor = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mForegroundColor;
- var BackgroundColor = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mBackgroundColor;
- var BorderColor = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mBorderColor;
- var ImageDir = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/images";
- var ReqSpacer1w2h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc1w2h.gif\" width=1 height=2>";
- var ReqSpacer2w1h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc2w1h.gif\" width=2 height=1>";
- var ReqSpacer1w7h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc1w7h.gif\" width=1 height=7>";
- var ReqSpacer5w1h = "<img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc5w1h.gif\" width=5 height=1>";
- var Spacer1w2h = ReqSpacer1w2h;
- var Spacer2w1h = ReqSpacer2w1h;
- var Spacer1w7h = ReqSpacer1w7h;
- var Spacer5w1h = ReqSpacer5w1h;
- // Netscape 6.x (Mozilla) renders table cells with graphics
- // incorrectly inside of <div> tags that are rewritten on the fly
- //
- if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 4) // Shorthand for Netscape 6.x (Mozilla)
- {
- Spacer1w2h = "";
- Spacer2w1h = "";
- Spacer1w7h = "";
- Spacer5w1h = "";
- }
- FormattedText += "<table width=\"" + ParamWidth + "\" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=\"" + BackgroundColor + "\">";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=2 colspan=5 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer1w2h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=7 colspan=3>" + Spacer1w7h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td>" + ReqSpacer5w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td width=\"100%\" id=\"" + ParamTextID + "\" style=\"color: " + ForegroundColor + " ; " + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mFontStyle + "\">" + ParamText + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td>" + ReqSpacer5w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=7 colspan=3>" + Spacer1w7h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td height=2 colspan=5 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer1w2h + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += "</table>";
- return FormattedText;
- }
- function WWHOutline_DisplayDoc(ParamEntryID)
- {
- var Entry;
- var Parent;
- var Parts;
- var LinkFileIndex;
- var LinkAnchor;
- var BookListEntry;
- var NewHREF;
- // Close down any popups we had going to prevent JavaScript errors
- //
- WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.mPopup.fHide();
- Entry = this.mEntryHash[ParamEntryID];
- // Expand if folder
- //
- if (( ! Entry.mbExpanded) &&
- (Entry.mChildren != null))
- {
- this.fExpand(ParamEntryID);
- }
- // Determine which book this document belongs to
- //
- Parent = Entry;
- while ((Parent.mParent != null) &&
- (typeof Parent.mBookIndex != "number"))
- {
- Parent = Parent.mParent;
- }
- if (typeof Parent.mBookIndex == "number")
- {
- // Confirm URL defined (handles group entries)
- //
- if (Entry.mURL.length > 0)
- {
- // Determine link file index and anchor
- //
- Parts = Entry.mURL.split("#");
- LinkFileIndex = parseInt(Parts[0]);
- if (Parts.length > 1)
- {
- LinkAnchor = "#" + Parts[1];
- }
- else
- {
- LinkAnchor = "";
- }
- BookListEntry = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList[Parent.mBookIndex];
- NewHREF = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBaseURL + BookListEntry.mDirectory + BookListEntry.mFiles.fFileIndexToHREF(LinkFileIndex) + LinkAnchor;
- WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fSetDocumentHREF(NewHREF, false);
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHOutline_Expand(ParamEntryID)
- {
- var Entry = this.mEntryHash[ParamEntryID];
- Entry.mbExpanded = true;
- this.mImagingObject.fUpdateEntry(Entry);
- }
- function WWHOutline_Collapse(ParamEntryID)
- {
- var Entry = this.mEntryHash[ParamEntryID];
- Entry.mbExpanded = false;
- this.mImagingObject.fUpdateEntry(Entry);
- }
- function WWHOutline_Sync(ParamBookID,
- ParamFileHREF,
- bParamVisible)
- {
- var BookEntry;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- var Parts;
- var FileIndex;
- var Anchor;
- var SearchPattern;
- var Iterator;
- var MatchedEntry;
- var CandidateEntry;
- if ( ! this.mbPanelInitialized)
- {
- this.mSyncBookID = ParamBookID;
- this.mSyncFileHREF = ParamFileHREF;
- }
- else // (this.mbPanelInitialized)
- {
- BookEntry = null;
- MatchedEntry = null;
- // Find book entry
- //
- if (this.mBookEntryArray.length > 0)
- {
- // Find matching book entry
- //
- for (MaxIndex = this.mBookEntryArray.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- if (this.mBookEntryArray[Index].mBookIndex == ParamBookID)
- {
- BookEntry = this.mBookEntryArray[Index];
- }
- }
- }
- // Confirm we found our matching book entry
- //
- if (BookEntry != null)
- {
- // Determine file index and anchor
- //
- Parts = ParamFileHREF.split("#");
- FileIndex = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList[BookEntry.mBookIndex].mFiles.fHREFToIndex(escape(Parts[0]));
- if (Parts.length > 1)
- {
- Anchor = "#" + Parts[1];
- }
- else
- {
- Anchor = "";
- }
- // Confirm we have a possible entry
- //
- if (FileIndex != -1)
- {
- SearchPattern = "" + FileIndex + Anchor;
- Iterator = new WWHOutlineIterator_Object(false);
- if (Anchor.length > 0)
- {
- // Look for match
- //
- Iterator.fReset(BookEntry);
- while ((MatchedEntry == null) &&
- (Iterator.fAdvance(null)))
- {
- if (Iterator.mEntry.mURL == SearchPattern)
- {
- MatchedEntry = Iterator.mEntry;
- }
- }
- }
- // If match not found, search using just the file index without the anchor
- //
- if (MatchedEntry == null)
- {
- SearchPattern = "" + FileIndex;
- // Look for match
- //
- Iterator.fReset(BookEntry);
- while ((MatchedEntry == null) &&
- (Iterator.fAdvance(null)))
- {
- // Trim of any trailing anchor information, if specified
- //
- if (Iterator.mEntry.mURL.indexOf("#") != -1)
- {
- CandidateEntry = Iterator.mEntry.mURL.substring(0, Iterator.mEntry.mURL.indexOf("#"));
- }
- else
- {
- CandidateEntry = Iterator.mEntry.mURL;
- }
- if (CandidateEntry == SearchPattern)
- {
- MatchedEntry = Iterator.mEntry;
- }
- }
- }
- // See if this matches the book entry
- //
- if ((MatchedEntry == null) &&
- (BookEntry.mbShow))
- {
- SearchPattern = "" + FileIndex;
- if (SearchPattern == BookEntry.mURL)
- {
- MatchedEntry = BookEntry;
- }
- }
- // Sync display if entry found
- //
- if (MatchedEntry != null)
- {
- // Update display
- //
- this.mImagingObject.fRevealEntry(MatchedEntry, bParamVisible);
- }
- }
- }
- // Display a message if the entry was not found
- //
- if ((BookEntry == null) ||
- (MatchedEntry == null))
- {
- setTimeout("alert(\"" + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mTOCFileNotFoundMessage + "\");", 1);
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHOutlineEntry_Top_Object()
- {
- this.mParent = null;
- this.mbShow = false;
- this.mText = "Top Level";
- this.mURL = "";
- this.mID = -1;
- this.mLevel = -1;
- this.mbExpanded = true;
- this.mChildren = null;
- this.fNewChild = WWHOutlineEntry_NewChild;
- this.fN = WWHOutlineEntry_NewChild;
- }
- function WWHOutlineEntry_Object(ParamParent,
- ParamText,
- ParamURL,
- ParamIcon,
- ParamOpenIcon)
- {
- this.mParent = ParamParent;
- this.mbShow = true;
- this.mText = ParamText;
- this.mURL = (typeof ParamURL == "string") ? ParamURL : "";
- this.mID = WWHFrame.WWHOutline.mNextEntryID;
- this.mLevel = ParamParent.mLevel + 1;
- this.mbExpanded = false;
- this.mChildren = null;
- this.fNewChild = WWHOutlineEntry_NewChild;
- this.fN = WWHOutlineEntry_NewChild;
- // Assign custom icons if defined
- //
- if (typeof ParamIcon == "string")
- {
- this.mIcon = ParamIcon;
- }
- if (typeof ParamOpenIcon == "string")
- {
- this.mOpenIcon = ParamOpenIcon;
- }
- // Increment ID
- //
- WWHFrame.WWHOutline.mNextEntryID++;
- }
- function WWHOutlineEntry_NewChild(ParamText,
- ParamURL,
- ParamIcon,
- ParamOpenIcon)
- {
- var NewChild;
- // Create a new entry
- //
- NewChild = new WWHOutlineEntry_Object(this, ParamText, ParamURL, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon);
- // Add to entry hash keyed by ID
- //
- WWHFrame.WWHOutline.mEntryHash[NewChild.mID] = NewChild;
- // Add child to parent entry
- //
- if (this.mChildren == null)
- {
- this.mChildren = new Array(NewChild);
- }
- else
- {
- this.mChildren[this.mChildren.length] = NewChild;
- }
- // Bump mMaxLevel if we've exceeded it
- //
- if (NewChild.mLevel > WWHFrame.WWHOutline.mMaxLevel)
- {
- WWHFrame.WWHOutline.mMaxLevel = NewChild.mLevel;
- }
- return NewChild;
- }
- function WWHOutlineEntryHash_Object()
- {
- }
- function WWHOutlineIterator_Object(bParamVisibleOnly)
- {
- this.mbVisibleOnly = bParamVisibleOnly;
- this.mIteratorScope = null;
- this.mEntry = null;
- this.mStack = new Array();
- this.fReset = WWHOutlineIterator_Reset;
- this.fAdvance = WWHOutlineIterator_Advance;
- }
- function WWHOutlineIterator_Reset(ParamEntry)
- {
- this.mIteratorScope = ParamEntry;
- this.mEntry = ParamEntry;
- this.mStack.length = 0;
- }
- function WWHOutlineIterator_Advance(ParamLevelStatusObject)
- {
- // Advance to the next visible entry
- //
- if (this.mEntry != null)
- {
- // Check for visible children
- //
- if ((this.mEntry.mChildren != null) &&
- (( ! this.mbVisibleOnly) ||
- (this.mEntry.mbExpanded)))
- {
- // Process children
- //
- this.mEntry = this.mEntry.mChildren[0];
- this.mStack[this.mStack.length] = 0;
- if (ParamLevelStatusObject != null)
- {
- ParamLevelStatusObject.fOpenLevel();
- }
- }
- // If we've reached the iterator scope, we're done
- //
- else if (this.mEntry.mID == this.mIteratorScope.mID)
- {
- this.mEntry = null;
- }
- else
- {
- var bSameLevel = true;
- var ParentEntry;
- var StackTop;
- ParentEntry = this.mEntry.mParent;
- this.mEntry = null;
- // Find next child of parent entry
- //
- while (ParentEntry != null)
- {
- // Increment position
- //
- StackTop = this.mStack.length - 1;
- this.mStack[StackTop]++;
- // Confirm this is a valid entry
- //
- if (this.mStack[StackTop] < ParentEntry.mChildren.length)
- {
- // Return the parent's next child
- //
- this.mEntry = ParentEntry.mChildren[this.mStack[StackTop]];
- // Signal break from loop
- //
- ParentEntry = null;
- }
- else
- {
- // Last child of parent, try up a level
- //
- if (ParentEntry.mID == this.mIteratorScope.mID)
- {
- ParentEntry = null;
- }
- else
- {
- ParentEntry = ParentEntry.mParent;
- }
- this.mStack.length--;
- bSameLevel = false;
- if (ParamLevelStatusObject != null)
- {
- ParamLevelStatusObject.fCloseLevel();
- }
- }
- }
- if (bSameLevel)
- {
- if (ParamLevelStatusObject != null)
- {
- ParamLevelStatusObject.fSameLevel();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return (this.mEntry != null);
- }
- function WWHOutlineImaging_ImageSrcDir()
- {
- var ImageSrcDir = "../../../";
- // Update img src reference based on browser type and platform
- //
- if ((WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 2) && // Shorthand for IE
- (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mPlatform == 2)) // Shorthand for Macintosh
- {
- ImageSrcDir = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/";
- }
- return ImageSrcDir;
- }
- function WWHOutlineImaging_EventString()
- {
- var EventString = "null";
- // Set event string based on browser type
- //
- if ((WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 1) || // Shorthand for Netscape
- (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 2) || // Shorthand for IE
- (WWHFrame.WWHBrowserInfo.mBrowser == 4)) // Shorthand for Netscape 6.0
- {
- EventString = "event";
- }
- else
- {
- EventString = "null";
- }
- return EventString;
- }
- function WWHOutlineImaging_GetIconURL(ParamEntry)
- {
- var IconURL = "";
- if (ParamEntry.mChildren != null)
- {
- if (ParamEntry.mbExpanded)
- {
- if (typeof ParamEntry.mOpenIcon == "string")
- {
- IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "images/" + ParamEntry.mOpenIcon;
- }
- else if (typeof ParamEntry.mIcon == "string")
- {
- IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "images/" + ParamEntry.mIcon;
- }
- else
- {
- IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "wwhimpl/common/images/fo.gif";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (typeof ParamEntry.mIcon == "string")
- {
- IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "images/" + ParamEntry.mIcon;
- }
- else
- {
- IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "wwhimpl/common/images/fc.gif";
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (typeof ParamEntry.mIcon == "string")
- {
- IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "images/" + ParamEntry.mIcon;
- }
- else
- {
- IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "wwhimpl/common/images/doc.gif";
- }
- }
- return IconURL;
- }
- function WWHOutlineImaging_GetPopupAction(ParamEntry)
- {
- var PopupAction = "";
- if (WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mbEnabled)
- {
- PopupAction += " onMouseOver=\"fS(" + ParamEntry.mID + ", " + this.mEventString + ");\"";
- PopupAction += " onMouseOut=\"fH();\"";
- }
- return PopupAction;
- }
- function WWHOutlineImaging_GetLink(ParamEntry,
- ParamPrefixText)
- {
- var LinkHTML = "";
- var Link = "";
- // Add prefix to link HTML, if specified
- //
- if (ParamPrefixText != null)
- {
- LinkHTML += ParamPrefixText;
- }
- // Add link text
- //
- LinkHTML += ParamEntry.mText;
- // Set link
- //
- if ((ParamEntry.mURL.length > 0) ||
- (ParamEntry.mChildren != null))
- {
- Link += "<a name=\"t" + ParamEntry.mID + "\" href=\"javascript:fD(" + ParamEntry.mID + ");\"";
- // Link += this.fGetPopupAction(ParamEntry) + ">" + LinkHTML + "</a>";
- Link += ">" + LinkHTML + "</a>";
- }
- else
- {
- Link += LinkHTML;
- }
- return Link;
- }
- function WWHOutlineImaging_GetLink2(ParamEntry,
- sImage)
- {
- // Opening table
- var LinkHTML = "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><td><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">";
- // Wrap image in <a> tag
- if ((ParamEntry.mURL.length > 0) ||
- (ParamEntry.mChildren != null))
- {
- LinkHTML += "<a name=\"t" + ParamEntry.mID + "\" href=\"javascript:fD(" + ParamEntry.mID + ");\"";
- LinkHTML += ">" + sImage + "</a>";
- }
- else
- {
- LinkHTML += sImage;
- }
- // Add some HTML (new cell)
- LinkHTML += "</td><td valign=\"top\" class=\"enf1\">";
- // Wrap text in <a> tag
- if ((ParamEntry.mURL.length > 0) ||
- (ParamEntry.mChildren != null))
- {
- LinkHTML += "<a name=\"t" + ParamEntry.mID + "\" href=\"javascript:fD(" + ParamEntry.mID + ");\"";
- LinkHTML += ">" + ParamEntry.mText + "</a>";
- }
- else
- {
- LinkHTML += ParamEntry.mText;
- }
- // Close table
- LinkHTML += "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>";
- return LinkHTML;
- }
- function WWHOutlineImaging_GetLink3(ParamEntry,
- sImage)
- {
- // Opening table
- var LinkHTML = "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><td><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\" class=l" + ParamEntry.mLevel + ">";
- // Wrap image in <a> tag
- if ((ParamEntry.mURL.length > 0) ||
- (ParamEntry.mChildren != null))
- {
- LinkHTML += "<a name=\"t" + ParamEntry.mID + "\" href=\"javascript:fD(" + ParamEntry.mID + ");\"";
- LinkHTML += ">" + sImage + "</a>";
- }
- else
- {
- LinkHTML += sImage;
- }
- // Add some HTML (new cell)
- LinkHTML += "</td><td valign=\"top\" class=l" + ParamEntry.mLevel + ">";
- // Wrap text in <a> tag
- if ((ParamEntry.mURL.length > 0) ||
- (ParamEntry.mChildren != null))
- {
- LinkHTML += "<a name=\"t" + ParamEntry.mID + "\" href=\"javascript:fD(" + ParamEntry.mID + ");\"";
- LinkHTML += ">" + ParamEntry.mText + "</a>";
- }
- else
- {
- LinkHTML += ParamEntry.mText;
- }
- // Close table
- LinkHTML += "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>";
- return LinkHTML;
- }