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Path: oz.cdrom.com!barrnet.net!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!cs.utexas.edu!convex!convex!hermes.oc.com!elf!pierce
From: pierce@elf.etsu.edu (Edward M Pierce)
Newsgroups: alt.games.doom
Subject: Re: Getting Enchanted Axe: QUAKE Lvl 1 ? (was DOOM II)
Date: 6 Sep 1994 16:11:14 GMT
Organization: OpenConnect Systems, Dallas, TX, USA
Lines: 89
Message-ID: <34i4b2$ldd@hermes.oc.com>
References: <199409020732.DAA26571@post.QueensU.CA>
NNTP-Posting-Host: elf.etsu.edu
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Shriker (GILLS@qucdn.queensu.ca) wrote:
Get a fuckin life
jesus christ
all you mother fuckers talk about is doom doom doom doom the movie,
do you really believe that pirated copies of doom II are going to break ID
I think not
those mother fuckers just bought ferarri's....
so do you really think that this stupid letter you wrote is goin to change people's minds....NO!!!!
If I had a copy of doom II I would play the shit out of it!! and so would you you lying bastard...
why don't you go out and get some sun and do something besides play doom
get a blow or something so you wont be so tight I could shove a lump of coal up your ass and in two hours have a diamond...
shut the fuck up!!!
: Hey, to all you DOOMers that have a pirate DOOM II (*AND* aren't going to
: actually buy a copy )...
: You know that ad you put in the newspaper to sell your car ? Well, I was
: going to buy it, but one of your so-called "friends" slipped me a copy of your
: car keys and I decided to just take it from your garage. BTW..can you tell me
: how to get the stereo to work ? It looks really great and I wanna play some
: bitchin' CDs in it !! :)
: Although any true DOOM fan would love to get a chance to play DOOM II as soon
: as possible, there's a BIG difference (IMO) between those that will purchase
: their own copy when it's officially released, and those that won't.
: I don't imagine any of those that WON'T would appreciate reading a note like
: the one above it if was THEIR car that was stolen. Yet the guys at ID have to
: deal with similar types of posts in this newsgroup. And it is quite possible
: that they are reading them because (a) now that DOOM 1.666 is out the door,
: they have a slightly more relaxed pace (I'm guessing) and thus the spare time
: to see what's up, and (b) they've replied to some fairly obscure posts in the
: past "out of the blue" (the infamous Eric *poink* Leung vs. J. Romero
: DeathMatch challenge comes to mind.) so I have a feeling they're lurking more
: often than we think.
: In my mind they've been pretty damn fair and *extremely* approachable through-
: out the development and evolution of DOOM here on the Net. They listened to
: and implemented some of our most popular requests when in the design stage,
: and they've lent a helping hand when the hackers among us have needed some
: elusive "keys" to enable the creation of fantastic editors, etc that are
: expanding our DOOM fun beyond all proportions. Sure you can say that these
: utilities in turn will generate more hype and desire for the casual gamers to
: register (therefore ID $$), but that can be said about ANY computer game. I
: probably could count all the other companies that provide that kind of
: assistance on ONE hand (and still have enough fingers left to plug all my body
: orifices <G>). Yes they may drive Ferraris, but while you were belting down
: beers and hangin' out at parties they probably were spending long hours at
: the office putting in the time needed to get it right ( I'd STILL take the
: Ferrari, though.. :) ); it's only fair that they profit from their work like
: anyone else.
: I guess I may be rambling a bit here (not the first time), but ID seems like
: pretty good guys and genuine game enthusiasts. I'd sure hope that they don't
: get overly pissed that the multitudes have a free copy of their game, a MONTH
: before it's official release date, and decide to spend less time sharing the
: progress of their future products (ie QUAKE) or throwing the odd "bone" to
: hackers trying to whip up cool utilities.
: Obviously it's too bad it was leaked in the first place, but what's done is
: done. I certainly don't blame you for taking a look (well, I might be envious
: <G>), but let's not rip off the people who not only gave us a TRUELY fantastic
: experience but also enjoyed joining in with us as "one of the guys".
: It's not like they didn't *give* us an entire episode of DOOM I for free. It
: was pretty generous of them to allow shareware owners the experience of multi-
: player games, and by including Episode one with DOOM II they made it even
: easier to find people to play with/against.
: Just my 2 cents (and I do realize that many of you plan on purchasing).
: Regards to all ('cept Harrel of course),
: -Shriker
: p.s. To get the Enchanted axe on Level 1 of QUAKE (the one on the tower), you
: have to attack the Gnoll with the pulsating boil. An accurate shot with
: the crossbow will pierce said boil and provide you with the "oinment of
: dragon flight". You'll have about 30 secs to fly up and snag the Axe.
: Hope this helps. ;)