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Readme for NodeNav v0.8
NODES navigator for DOOM WAD file
Frank Palazzolo
*** Attention DOOM hackers!!! ***
Consider this a call to action!
According to the latest unofficial DOOM spec(*),
the least understood data structure in the WAD file
is the NODES data structure. Understanding how to generate
description is crucial to being able to generate your
own level (with your own wall structure).
Note: If you don't know what I'm talking about,
please see the DOOM spec(*) and all will
become clear!
My program allows you to observe the geometry of the NODES
structure for a particular DOOM level. It is quite simple,
but was a real hack job thrown together in a few days in
in hybrid C/C++. It has not been optimized and has not been used
much as I am anxious to post it so that fellow computer graphics
hacks can use it to (hopefully) come up with the answers!
DOS4GW.EXE Dos extender necessary to run this
NODENAV.EXE The program!
NODENAV.CPP Watcom C++32 source
NODENAV.H (Include file)
README (this file)
Command Line Parameters:
NODENAV ExMx [wadfile]
ex. NODENAV E2M9 (Episode 2, Mission 9)
Note: E2M9 seems to be good test case, being fairly simple.
You are presented with a gray LINEDEF map of the level.
The topline looks something like...
NodeNav v0.8 A:XX B:YY C:ZZ
A is (N)ode, the current node with number XX.
It is represented by a GREEN line on the map...
B is the "left" child of the current node,
either a (N)ode or (S)sector, with the number YY.
It is represented by a RED rectangle on the map...
C is the "right" child of the current node,
either a (N)ode or (S)sector, with the number ZZ.
It is represented by a BLUE rectangle on the map...
Note: (My notions of left and right are PURELY arbitrary)
The commands are:
U - Go up a level
L - Descend to the Left
R - Descend to the Right
Q - Quit
This first version automatically zooms in and out to
allow you to see detail.
Future Enhancements:
More Commands.... Esc to exit, for example...
Highlighting the actual SEGS in the SSECTOR when
you get to the bottom of the tree...
The sky's the limit here...
What We Know:
The NODES structure seems to represent nodes in a
Binary Space Partitioning tree-like structure.
(Everything I know about these I've learned from
chap. 15 of Foley/Van Dam's "Computer Graphics"
in the last few weeks). Each node subdivides
the map into smaller rectangular regions, subdividing
the entire level until finally only SSECTORS are left
as the terminating leaves. (SSECTORS being groups of SEGS,
and SEGS being pieces of LINEDEFS).
What I think:
It seems that each SSECTOR is made up of SEGS which are
in a certain way non-convex (sort of). Namely, the SEGS
in a SSECTOR (which bound a SECTOR), must intersect at a angle
of <= 180 degrees, as measured from all SECTORS around this
VERTEX. This has the effect that...
Part of a SSECTOR can never be obscured by another part of the
same SSECTOR (as long as you are in a "legal" part of the map,
in a SECTOR).
Furthermore, it seems that as you walk in any bounding
rectangle of a SSECTOR, there is a list you can create to render
each SSECTOR in order from back to front, or front to back, as with
a conventional BSP tree.
This means that all vertices which do not meet this criteria must
eventually be split by a bounding rectangle in order to form
part of two (or more) SSECTORS.
In creating these bounding rectangles, some LINEDEFS may be
split incedentally, forming two SEGS. This would explain
why there are so many more SEGS than LINEDEFS.
Points of Confusion:
As you will notice, sometimes the child rectangles
overlap, and the NODE line (green) does not split the
two at all! Maybe this doesn't matter, as long as
each terminating SSECTOR meets the "non-convex" criteria.
An algorithm to transform LINEDEFS/VERTICES into NODES/SSECTORS/
SEGS is still unknown (to me at least) at this time. I will
try my luck with this next.
Good Luck!
*** Please email comments on this program and any
insights you have into the nature of NODES to me at...
(and post to comp.graphics.algorithms
and alt.games.doom if possible...)
(*)(v1.2, released by ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu)
to be found on wuarchive.wustl.edu...
(a must read for the DOOM hacker)