Total Chaos Nukem 3D Pack
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Text File
180 lines
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A city on earth has been completely run over by the aliends.
They have decided to burn it to the ground, it is (of course)
your job to stop them. They have lit the largest building in the
city on fire, the firemen have all been killed, and the aliens have
taken the firetruck on a joyride, running over pedestrians and
causing major havoc. Save the city Duke, its their only hope.
This level is the result of around 2 1/2 months work
and a lot of hair pulled out of my head. The day I
recieved duke registered I got into the build editor
and started to figure out how to do things. Actually
in the next few weeks I was completely absorbed into creating
this world. Well after all this time im going to let it out
to everyone and anyone who wants it. I spent a lot of time
and lots of effort attempting to make the theme and enviroment
as close to 3drealms quality as I could. You can really appreciate
the time they spent on their levels if you attempt to match their
quality. This level was built from the ground up, I did copy some
sectors from other levels, but I think only for comparison and stealing
sprites. If you do look at the map in the build editor you will see I
have left quite a bit of sector garbage outside the playing area. This
garbage does no harm, and I did not feel like cleaning it up(im not getting
paid for this). I have extensivly play-tested this lvl with other people
on dwango, and local connect. It should work just fine.
There are a few bugs that are known and can not or will not be
changed. Heres the list:
1. If you fly up to the very limit of height you will see
an unparralaxed sky moving around the tops of the
If you parralax a subway(train) sky it will spontainiously
will spawn rpgs..(not a very realistic firetruck)
so i just made the sky very high..normally this is not
a big deal.
2. If your flying or shooting an rpg above the firetruck
weird things will happen.
This actually turned out to be pretty cool. If you fly above
the firetruck it will grab you and take you with it. As well
if you shoot an rpg over the truck while its moving it will
generally throw it off in a diffrent direction.
This is again due to some of the way the build engine deals
with the moving sector(the firetruck) there are no fixes
for this and actually it can be benificial to you.
3. spontanious death on the bridge. Sometimes if your running
across the bridge and the firetruck goes under you
get squished.
Again...this has to do with the build engine and subways..
what i have found is that if you dont move it wont
kill you on the bridge..also you can always wait till it
passes underneath before you cross...
4. When in god mode stay away from the firetruck! if you
get squished by the firetruck in god mode chances are
your computer will freeze, or at least the game will..
This happens because to give the firetruck the ability to
run you and other people over i had to do a few tricks with
teleportation. Basically when the truck hits you you get
teleported to a space that is way too small for dukes body.
instant squish, and luckily it doesnt teleport you squishing
so when the firetruck hits you stuff goes everywhere.
if you are in god mode you get teleported wholly to the
place that would normally kill you..so you get continually
squished...hence the freezing of the game..I havent experienced
any problems in deathmatch...
5. when you jump on the edge of the roof of the firehouse
you get teleported to inside the firehouse. You have to jump
on the ledge over the garage door you run into. The dooe
on the left is the one you can run through to get inside
, if you jump on the ledge directly above this door you
tleport inside(whatever you get it right?).
Well I had to use sprites and other things to make it so that
it appeared you were actually goin into the building (although
it would be more convincing without the tleport graphic and sound)
so there is a small sector that is the ledge for the size of the
garage door. unavoidable..just dont jump there...
Nuff of the bugs heres some of the attractions:
1. Killer firetruck that runs people over (80% of the time)
2. Fish-tank (you can trap people in it)
3. A couple movie and song references
4. Really tall buildings you can jump off of and land
in pools below
5. Elevators, monitors, secret walls, ambient sounds,
6. mondo-secret - you can only get here once and its not
very easy to find, but well worth it
the only hint i will give is that
the entrance is somewhere in the parking
garage, remeber to have full health when
you go in. Also they key to openening the
secret is somewhere near the pool outside..
on a building somwhere...
7. all the names on the walls in the garage are friends of mine
that helped me test this level for bugs and playability
Couple of strategies:
1. How to trap someone in the fishtank:
Well wait for them to jump into the tank..
Its easy to see them if you lower the walls of the tank
by pressing the switch on the wall by the elevator
once they are in the tank run and hit the button
behind the counter, youll here a sound and wallah,
they cannot get out..For some real fun throw some pipe
bombs into the fish food to feed the fish.hint hint..
you might want to lower the walls first(of the tank) so
you dont get hurt by the explosion.
2. Fighting back when trapped in the tank. Well i really
didnt want to make people be able to get out or fight
much at all when they are trapped in the tank so I added
one small feauture..If the elevator is one the bottowm floor
and you throw a pipebomb(whil in the fishtank) facing the wall
with the couches(oustside the tank) the bomb will fall down
through the elevator shaft..If you are lucky your friend might
mosey over there to go up and get some more bombs...
then again he might not..
3. Just as in real life its a good idea to stay on the sidewalks
when your on the ground. The firetruck will not kill you if you
are on the sidewalks. However if you are shrunk you cant
(usually) get out of the way fast enough, or you are too
small to get on the curb.(hehe)
4. You can jump onto the firetruck from almost every side and
ride it around. This is handy for getting to the other side
of the building real fast. or getting away.
You probably do not want to get
very close to the front of the firetruck (even when its stopped)
because it can still kill you even though its not moving.`
Well if there are any major bugs which i dont know about then
e-mail me at mndslayr@dhp.com and ill fix them(if they are
serious flaws) Im tryin to make sure when i let this
thing out that there arent any. Hope this text save you from
a completely funny bridge-death or something..haha..
Have fun and spread this lvl around its really cool multiplayer..
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