INTRO You see a strong man whose apron is covered with soot. NAME "Roy." He shakes your hand. JOB "I'm the armorer around here. If thou needst something, let me know. I hath many SERVICES to render, as well as a fine inventory of goods." BYE "Ye be carefull, now. No tellin' what creatures ye may come up against!" "Sorry, but that ain't me line of work." SERVICES "Thou canst BUY WEAPONS or BUY ARMOR. Thou canst also SELL WEAPONS, or SELL ARMOR. Thou canst ask for INFO. Thou shouldst also know me POLICY, first!" POLICY "If thou select buy or sell, thou best be prepared to carry out the transaction.I've no time fer games. Also, ye get only half price fer items ye sell me!" INFO "Dost thou want INFO ON WEAPONS, or INFO ON ARMOR, or NONE." NONE "What? Then why ask, ye dolt?!" INFO ON WEAPONS "Thou seeketh info...ON KNIFE, ON AWL PIKE, ON LUCERN HAMMER, ON RANSEUR, ON ELVENSWORD, ON KHOPESH STAFF, or ON BILL GUISARME? Which will it be?" ON KNIFE "'A handy weapon to have, it canst drain up to 5 hp from a monster, and costs only 10gp. Let me know if ye wants one." ON AWL PIKE "A fine weapon at only 50gp, it canst drain up to 10 hp from a monster. Also called the Bats Bane, it art especially devastating against bats." ON LUCERN HAMMER "It art known as the Skeletons Bane, for it makes quick work of 'em. On other creatures it can drain up to 10 hp. A bargain fer only 50gp." ON RANSEUR "The Ghost Bane? A fine weapon. Ghosts run in terror when they see it. On other creatures thou'll drain 10 hp. Yers fer only 50gp." ON ELVENSWORD "The paladin's favorite. It canst drain up to 15 hp. Only 150gp." ON KHOPESH STAFF "A powerful weapon, it canst drain 25 hp from a monster. This maketh up fer its rather stiff price of 325gp. Well worth the investment!" ON BILL GUISARME "The Bill Guisarme art probably the most powerful weapon ye'll find. It can drain as much as 30 hp! All that power fer only 450gp." INFO ON ARMOR "Ask about info...ON LEATHER HELM,ON CHAIN HELM,ON GREAT HELM,ON LEATHER ARMOR, ON CHAIN ARMOR,ON PLATE ARMOR,ON WOODEN SHEILD, or ON KITE SHEILD." ON LEATHER HELM "It will add 1 to yer armor class. Cost is only 100gp." ON CHAIN HELM "Adds 2 to yer armor class. Only 300gp." ON GREAT HELM "It's the best. Adds 4 to yer armor class. Costs 500gp, though!" ON LEATHER ARMOR "Adds 1 to yer armor class. Costs 100gp fer one." ON CHAIN ARMOR "Good stuff. Adds 2 to yer armor class. Only costs 300gp." ON PLATE ARMOR "Ah! Ye seek the best. Adds 4 to yer armor class. But its fairly expensive stuff, being the best. 500 gold pieces. Well worth the cost if ye ask me!" ON WOODEN SHEILD "Good fer general purposes. Adds only 1 to yer armor class, though. Still, its worthwhile at the reasonable price of only 50 gold pieces." ON KITE SHEILD "Ah, 'tis basically a sheild of plate metal, like the armor. Very good, it canst add 3 to yer armor class. Costs about 170gp." BUY WEAPONS "Choose...BUY KNIFE,BUY AWL PIKE,BUY LUCERN HAMMER,BUY RANSEUR,BUY ELVENSWORD, BUY KHOPESH STAFF,BUY BILL GUISARME. Take yer pick." BUY ARMOR "Choose...BUY LEATHER HELM,BUY CHAIN HELM,BUY GREAT HELM,BUY LEATHER ARMOR, BUY CHAIN ARMOR,BUY PLATE ARMOR,BUY WOODEN SHEILD,BUY KITE SHEILD. Yer choice?" BUY KNIFE He goes to the back room and brings out a newly forged knife, and sets it on the counter in front of him. BUY AWL PIKE He sets the awl pike on the counter. BUY LUCERN HAMMER He brings out a lucern hammer and places it neatly on the counter. BUY RANSEUR He brings out the ranseur and places it on the table. BUY ELVENSWORD He gets the elven sword and places it on the counter in front of him. BUY KHOPESH STAFF He pulls out the long khopesh staff and sets it on the counter top. BUY BILL GUISARME He brings out the great weapon, and sets it gently on the table top. BUY LEATHER HELM He retrieves the leather helm and puts it on the table. BUY CHAIN HELM He gets the item and puts it on the table. "As ye canst see, it art like cloth, and art sometimes called a chain coif." BUY GREAT HELM He goes into the back for a moment. When he returns, he is carrying a large metal helm, with spiked ears. He sets it on the table. "Me favorite!" BUY LEATHER ARMOR He retrieves the armor from back, and sets it on the table. BUY CHAIN ARMOR He gets the chain armor, and sets it on the table. BUY PLATE ARMOR He hefts up a huge, curved plate of metal. It lands on the table with a loud, satisfying thunk. "'Tis the best, fer sure!" BUY WOODEN SHEILD He gets the sheild, and puts it on the counter. BUY KITE SHEILD He gets the metal sheild, and sets it on the counter. SELL WEAPONS "Will ye...SELL KNIFE,SELL AWL PIKE,SELL LUCERN HAMMER,SELL RANSEUR SELL ELVENSWORD,SELL KHOPESH STAFF, or SELL BILL GUISARME?" SELL KNIFE You open your pack to present the item. SELL AWL PIKE You open your pack to present the item. SELL LUCERN HAMMER You open your pack to present the item. SELL RANSEUR You open your pack to present the item. SELL ELVENSWORD You open your pack to present the item. SELL KHOPESH STAFF You open your pack to present the item. SELL BILL GUISARME You open your pack to present the item. SELL ARMOR "Will ye...SELL LEATHER HELM,SELL CHAIN HELM,SELL GREAT HELM,SELL LEATHER ARMOR,SELL CHAIN ARMOR,SELL PLATE ARMOR,SELL WOODEN SHEILD,SELL KITE SHEILD?" SELL LEATHER HELM You open your pack to present the item. SELL CHAIN HELM You open your pack to present the item. SELL GREAT HELM You open your pack to present the item. SELL LEATHER ARMOR You open your pack to present the item. SELL CHAIN ARMOR You open your pack to present the item. SELL PLATE ARMOR You open your pack to present the item. SELL WOODEN SHEILD You open your pack to present the item. SELL KITE SHEILD You open your pack to present the item. DIAMOND SWORD "Ah! The Great Soulsbane! Most powerful of all weapons! It is quite a task to CONSTRUCT one." THE DIAMOND SWORD "Ah! The Great Soulsbane! Most powerful of all weapons! It is quite a task to CONSTRUCT one." CONSTRUCT "I shalt need a very huge diamond to compress in me forge. Dost thou hast such an item with thee?" NO "Then I'm afraid thee must wait." YES "Indeed? If thou dost, I shalt compress it. Then thou canst taketh it to Ben, who doth know how to CUT such a thing." He looks in your pack. CUT "Ask Ben. It art his specialty."