INTRO You see a thinking man, walking slowly along the dungeon paths in thought. NAME "George. Weaver of TALES." JOB "I tells TALES." BYE "Take care, fine gentleman." "Hmm. Can't say I really know." TALES "Tall ones really. Monsters, heroes, that sort of thing." GRYPHON "The gryphon! What a tale! And 'tis true lad, true I say. Me and Jonny was questing on level 3 once, and we saw a STRANGE sight..." STRANGE "Well, I know you won'ts believe me, but we saw a great gryphon carrying a strange POTION of some kind." POTION "Yes! It dug a hole with its mouth a BURIED it!" BURIED George thinks hard a moment. "Well, we was in the far southwest corner we was. The gryphon was, oh maybe 'leven paces or so. We had to RUN, you see." RUN "Yea, skeletons and bats came. It was some strange quest fer sure! Anyhows, the 'leven paces was due east of our location. Maybe ztill thar!"