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CRIB User's Guide
Version 2.0
Copyright 1991, Nashua PC
CRIB User's Guide
Version 2.0
I. Introduction
CRIB is a solitaire cribbage game for Microsoft Windows. It contains many of
the features of a Microsoft Windows application such as menus, dialog boxes,
and click-on buttons. Whether you are an expert Windows user or a novice,
the user interface to CRIB is consistent and quite easy to use.
As stated earlier, this version of CRIB is a one-player, solitaire version.
It is based on the most common type of solitaire cribbage although many
different types exist. No assumption is made about the user's knowledge of
cribbage. The rules for playing will be outlined in this user's guide.
II. Installation & System Requirements
Being a Microsoft Windows application, CRIB requires the user have Microsoft
Windows version 3.0. The CRIB application, like any Microsoft Windows
application, works best when plenty of memory is available.
CRIB was developed and tested with 640Kb and it worked well. If the user
adheres to the recommendations/requirements for Windows, there should be no
problem. CRIB supports those graphics adaptors that are supported by Windows,
most notably EGA and VGA. It also supports mouse and keyboard input.
To install CRIB, type the following at the DOS prompt:
C:\> md crib
C:\> cd crib
C:\> copy a:cribarc.*
C:\CRIB> cribarc
CRIBARC is a self-extracting executable which will extract all of the files
required by CRIB to the current directory. To verify that the installation is
correct, each file in the CRIB system is listed below by name and size:
Filename Size (bytes)
----------- ------------
CRIB.DOC 13695
CRIBR.EXE 102656
CRIB.EXE 34816
RAND.BIN 20002
----------- ------------
Total 172354
III. New Features
Crib V2.0 to the user is essentially the same as V1.0. I was not able to add
many new features to the game as the number of registered users for V1.0 was
extremely low. There are differences between the versions and I will
enumerate these below:
- V2.0 is a Windows V3.0 only product. Windows V2.0 is ancient history and
so is Crib V1.0...
- V2.0 uses a dynamic link library for many of the application resources which
results in more efficient memory utilization.
- V2.0 uses a bitmap resource for the cribbage board as opposed to hard-coded
bitmaps for hi-res and low-res RGB monitors.
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III. Game Registration
CRIB is a shareware application. Please freely distribute it to any interested
parties. This game was made possible through many months of effort and
sacrifice. Future versions of CRIB will be made possible only through your
support. A nominal $15 registration fee is requested to support this release
and future releases. This registration will entitle you to receive the next
release free. Please, please register your copy of CRIB. It is the only way to
make the shareware system work! The next release of CRIB is already in the
design phase and may include support for two-player cribbage, replay options,
multiple-levels of game difficultly, cheat mode, betting, and so on. I am very
enthusiastic about getting started on this next release, but it depends entirely
on you. I also want to hear your thoughts on CRIB: its strengths, weaknesses,
what you would like to see in future releases, and whatever else that comes to
mind. To register, please send your check or money order indicating the version
of CRIB that you have to:
Nashua PC
P.O. Box 432
Enosburg Falls, VT 05450
IV. Objective
To Peg-out on a standard cribbage board by going through a standard deck
of playing cards once. This may be summarized as pegging 121 points using
thirteen cribbage hands of four cards each.
V. Game Start-Up
CRIB is started like any other Windows application. Once Windows is started,
CRIB may be started by double-clicking on its executable entry in the File
Manager window. It may also be started by choosing the run command from the
Program Manager menu.
VI. Solitaire Cribbage Rules-of-Play
As with multi-player cribbage, a cribbage board and a standard deck of
playing cards are required for solitaire cribbage. A round in solitaire
cribbage is played as follows:
1.) Shuffle the deck only once at the beginning of the game.
2.) Deal three cards to a hand area face-up or face-down.
3.) Deal two cards to a crib area face-down.
4.) Deal three more cards to the hand area face-up or face-down.
5.) The six cards in the hand area are played like any cribbage hand, that is
pick the best four cards out of the six and discard the other two cards
face-down to the crib area. There are relatively few scoring formations for a
cribbage hand to keep in mind when deciding the best four cards to keep in a
hand. The basic scoring formations and their associated points are as follows:
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Basic Scoring Formations Points
-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
Fifteen - Each combination of cards that totals 15 2
Pair - Each combination of cards of the same rank 2
Run - Each combination of three or more cards in sequence - for
each card in sequence 1
Flush - Four cards of the same suit in hand (not Crib) 4
Nobs - Jack in hand matches suit of cut card 1
In the above table, the word combination is used in the strict technical sense.
Each and every combination of two cards that make a pair, of two or more cards
that make fifteen, of three or more cards that make a run, count separately.
6.) Once two cards are thrown to the crib area, the player cuts the deck and
places the cut card face-up on top of the deck. If the cut card is a jack, the
player takes two points.
7.) This cut card is used as part of the hand and may used to score points using
the table above. Points are recorded on the cribbage board by moving the back
peg over the front peg by the point amount.
8.) Once the cards in the hand are counted and pegged, they are discarded and
are not to be used again in this game.
9.) The cards in the crib area are then turned face-up and counted using the
table above (same as the cribbage hand). There is one exception when counting
the crib as opposed to counting the hand: in the crib, a flush is
all-or-nothing. Unlike a hand in which four-card flushes are possible, all five
cards (four cards in crib and cut card) must match in suit in order to count
five points for the flush. Five-card flushes may be counted in the hand as
well. A four-card flush counts four points only in the hand (cards in hand all
match in suit excluding cut card).
10.) Once the cards in the crib are counted and the points pegged, they are
discarded and are not to be used again in this game.
11.) The cut card is then randomly reinserted in the remaining deck. The round
is then complete.
Each round in solitaire consumes eight cards. Therefore, there are a total of
six rounds played as described in Section VI. After these six rounds are
played, four cards remain in the deck. These cards are played as a final hand
with no cut card. The game is complete when either the deck has been spent or
the player has pegged out.
VII. CRIB Interface
The CRIB main window is divided into two areas: the board and card areas. The
board area contains the cribbage board which in continually updated during the
game to record the player's progress. The card area is sub-divided into three
sections: the hand, crib, and deck sections. The hand section contains
cards in the player's hand; it is the left-most section of the card area. The
crib section contains the cards in the player's crib; it's the center section
of the card area. The deck section contains a single face-down card which
represents the deck of cards; it's the right-most section of the card area.
There are also three menu options listed under the Game main menu option which
may be used to control the game. These options are Deal, Cut, and Peg. These
options will be denoted as the Game-Deal, Game-Cut, and Game-Peg menu options.
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VIII. Playing CRIB
The rules for playing CRIB map very closely to the rules of solitaire cribbage
outlined in Section VI. A CRIB round is played as follows:
1.) Click the left mouse button (LMB) on the Game-Deal menu option or type
Ctrl-D to deal cards. Six cards are then dealt to the hand section face-up and
two cards are dealt to the crib section face-down. The Game-Deal option is then
disabled and only the Game-Cut option is enabled (indicating the next step to
take for this round).
2.) Examine the cards in the hand and select the two cards to discard to the
crib. To make this selection, click the LMB anywhere within the border of a
card or press F1 - F6 to select a card based on its relative, displayed position
(press F1 for leftmost card, F2 for second card from the left, and so on). The
border of the card will be highlighted when selected. This operation serves as
a card selection toggle. If you change your mind about a card selection, simply
click on the card or press F1 - F6.
3.) Once two cards are selected, click the LMB on the Game-Cut option or type
Ctrl-C. If fewer then two cards are selected, nothing will happen. If two cards
are selected, the selected cards are moved to the crib and the hand is
redisplayed with four face-up cards and the crib is adjusted to contain four
face-down cards. Also, the deck is randomly cut and the cut card is displayed
face-up on top of the deck. If a jack is cut, the system will automatically peg
two points. The Game-Cut option is then disabled and only the Game-Peg option
is enabled.
4.) You are now ready to peg your hand! Using your hand and the cut card, count
your hand referring to the table in Section VI if necessary. Once you have a
count in mind, click on the Game-Peg option or type Ctrl-P. A dialog box
containing radio buttons for all the possible cribbage point totals is
displayed. If there are no points in your hand, simply click the OK button or
press return. Otherwise click the LMB on the point total in your hand and then
click OK. You may also use the down arrow key to get to the proper point total
and then press return. Don't try to cheat here! The system counts your hand
and it knows exactly how many points you can legally peg. If, however, you miss
points, the system pays no attention and they are gone forever. The moral here
is count your hand carefully! You can also click the Cancel button or press
<ESC> to recount your hand. Once you click an acceptable point amount, the
system automatically pegs the number of holes on the cribbage board.
5.) Once you click the OK button or press return, the cards in the crib are
displayed face-up and are ready to count. Follow the steps described in step 4
to peg the points in the crib.
6.) Once you click the OK button or press return, the cards in the hand and crib
sections of the main window are removed. Also, the cut card is removed from the
top of the deck. The Game-Peg option is disabled and only the Game-Deal option
is enabled. You have now completed a round.
Each of the regular six rounds in CRIB are played as described in Section VIII.
When only the final four cards are remaining, they are dealt to the hand section
with nothing displayed in the crib or deck sections. The Game-Deal option is
disabled and, because there are no cards to discard or cut, the Game-Peg option
is enabled. The hand is then counted as usual.
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IX. Ending CRIB
Once CRIB has completed, the user is notified whether the game was won. CRIB
tracks the ten best scores of all-time in the CRIB hall-of-fame. If a score
qualifies for the hall-of-fame, the user will be prompted if the current game's
score should be entered in the hall-of-fame. If the user chooses yes, then a
dialog box appears showing the best scores of all-time up to a maximum of ten.
The user then enters their initials and the display is adjusted to include the
new score.
X. CRIB Menu Options
CRIB has several main menu options from which to choose. Each menu option is
discussed below:
File - New: Start a new game.
File - Save: Save an existing game. Current game is written to disk for
later restoring.
File - Restore: Restore a previously-saved game. Game is read from disk.
File - About : CRIB Version information
File - Exit: Quit CRIB application.
Game - Deal: Deal cribbage hand.
Game - Cut: Throw selected cards to crib and cut deck.
Game - Peg: Peg points in cribbage hand/crib.
Game -
Hall-of-fame: Display hall-of-fame list.
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