Labels:book | bulletin board | monitor | person | sky OCR: CD-ROM INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MS-DOS Insert the disk in your CD-ROM WINDOWS For Windows 95 users click drive and access that drive (Type the on START then click on RUN. Type d:VALUE DOS prompt, where the letter your (where A the Jetter your CD-ROM drive), CD-ROM drive and hit <ENTER>) then click OK. the DOS prompt, type VALUE <ENTER> For Windows 3.1 use the MS-DOS instructions Click anywhere on the Value Ware CD-ROM opening screen to open the Table Contents Clicking on button with program name will take you to its chapter on the CD-ROM. There you will see description, some game -play information reguirements and some screen-shots. To RUN game or INSTALL to your hard drive click the applicable button. Some games require installation System requirements for each game will vary, make sure ...