PC Plus SuperCD 4
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1 Processed %ld replicated transactions consisting of %ld commands from '%s'.\n
2 No replicated transactions were available in '%s'.\n
6 Server '%s' is not defined in master..sysservers on '%s'.
7 Unable to successful execute 'sp_MSadd_job' on '%s'.
8 Unable to successful execute 'sp_MSadd_job_command' on '%s'.
9 Unable to successful execute 'sp_MSadd_subscriber_job' on '%s'.
10 Unable to execute sp_repldone on '%s'.
11 Unable to get last transaction for '%s' from '%s' on '%s'.
13 No publication database was provided.
14 Unable to execute sp_repltrans on '%s'.
15 Commands for job %ld %ld incomplete.
20 Processed %ld jobs consisting of %ld commands.
21 No jobs were available.
22 Failed while bulk copying into '%s'.
23 Unable to get distributor's working directory location.
24 An Access Violation occured in the execution thread.
25 Waiting for thread to shutdown.\n
26 Thread shutdown.\n
27 The last distributor job id and the last subscriber job id do not match. No jobs were available with a job id > %ld.
28 The subscriber '%s' does not conform ODBC conformance level 1.
29 The subscriber '%s' does not support transactions.
30 The subscriber '%s' is read only.
31 Failed while copying column '%s' from '%s'.
32 Invalid distribution command.
41 No new subscriptions were found for articles in publication: %s.
42 Sync event for publication: %s.
43 Created bcp data file '%s' for article '%s' sync job.
44 Publication '%s' is 'inactive'.
45 There is no publication associated with Sync Task '%ld'.
46 Failed while bulk copying from article '%s'.
47 Unable to create sync file at the location '%s'.
48 Waiting for manual synchronization of publication: '%s'.
49 The distribution server is not defined.
50 The distribution database is not defined.
51 The distribution working directory is not defined.
52 Replication is not supported when the SQLExecutive's user account is 'LocalSystem'.
60 The task was shutdown.
61 Failed CreateFile on '%s' with os error: %ld.
62 Failed ReadFile on %s with os error: %ld.
63 Failed to allocate memory.
64 Unable to connect to '%s'.
65 Timeout period exceeded while waiting for a response from the server.
66 Error formatting specified message
70 Unable to allocate LOGINREC.
71 Unable to use database '%s'.
72 Unable to get @@servername for server '%s'.
100 The publisher''s name was not provided
101 Publisher
102 is not defined in master..sysservers
103 The publication name was not provided
104 The article name was not provided
105 Table MSlast_job_info was not found in database
106 Replication table MSlast_job_info contains no entry
107 waiting on a sync for publication
108 article
109 Update of job_id in table MSlast_job_info failed
110 for sp_syncdone