134 Setup was not able to remove some registry changes.
135 Shutting down active F-Secure Anti-Virus background processes. Please wait...
136 User has no administrative rights
137 User has administrative rights
138 You are running F-Secure Anti-Virus Setup for Windows NT under Windows 95\nPress OK and run the proper version of setup.
139 Running F-Secure Anti-Virus Setup for Windows NT under Windows 95.
140 You are running F-Secure Anti-Virus Setup for Windows 95 under Windows NT.\nPress OK and run the proper version of setup.
141 Running F-Secure Anti-Virus Setup for Windows 95 under Windows NT.
142 The passwords you typed are not identical. Please confirm the password again.
143 Can't remove Program Folder of previous installation.
144 Previous installation type: Network
145 Previous installation type: Standalone
146 The previous version of F-Secure Anti-Virus has been successfully uninstalled.\nTo install the new version of F-Secure Anti-Virus you should run setup again.\nPress OK to exit setup.
147 Canceling the update is not recommended: your current F-Secure\nAnti-Virus installation will be lost, and your system may\nbecome unstable. Are you sure you wish to cancel the update?
148 The disk you specified does not exist on your system.\nPlease type valid path.
149 There is not enough disk space on your drive to perform update installation.\nFree up some space and run setup again.
151 Can't read fsuninst.ini file. This file is corrupted.\n Setup can't start uninstallation procedure.
152 Error reading fsuninst.ini.
153 Press Next to update F-Secure Anti-Virus to the directory
154 F-Secure Anti-Virus Setup program is about to start the uninstallation of previous version of F-Secure Anti-Virus.\nIn order to install new version of F-Secure Anti-Virus, you should run the setup program again.\nPress OK to start uninstallation process.
155 Setup is uninstalling your previous version of F-Secure Anti-Virus. Please wait...
156 Setup is installing Gatekeeper. Please wait...
157 F-Secure Anti-Virus Setup has detected that you don't have\nthe SNMP Service installed on your system. Please run\nMicrosoft Windows NT Setup to install the SNMP Service,\nand then run F-Secure Anti-Virus Setup again.\n\nPress OK to quit Setup.
158 The F-Secure Ant-Virus setup cannot create program group because\nyou don't have enough permissions to do that.\n Press OK to continue.
159 Cannot create program group because a user doesn't have enough permissions to do that.
160 Copying files...
161 Unable to create a directory under
162 Please check write access to this directory.
163 The target file does not exist in the compressed library.\n Related File:
164 Cannot load dfalsu32.dll.\nF-Secure Anti-Virus SNMP Extension Agent could not be installed.
165 InstallSHIELD cannot launch an intermediate file needed to proceed with the installation.\n Related File:
166 An error occurred during the process of copying or decompressing files.\n Related File:
167 The specified file is not listed in the packaging list.\n Related File:
168 General file transfer error. Please check your target location and try again.\n\n Error Number:
169 \n Related File:
171 Setup couldn't copy %s file into %s directory.\nPlease check that there is enough space on the %s disk\nand you have write permissions to this directory.\nExiting installation program.
176 Setup has detected previous F-Secure Anti-Virus installation and cannot continue.\nPlease uninstall previous F-Secure Anti-Virus version first.
177 Setup has detected some files left after the previous\nF-Secure Anti-Virus installation and cannot continue.\nYou need to restart Windows before start new installation.
178 Creating Program Group and Icons...
179 Setup is unable to start
180 . Exit Setup.\n
181 Setup successfully finished.
182 This program requires VGA or better resolution.
183 Do you want to start F-Secure Anti-Virus now?
184 Note: Uninstallation was not completed.
185 Uninstalling old F-Secure Anti-Virus SNMP Extension Agent. Please wait...
200 Welcome to F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows %s Installation
202 Welcome to the F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows Setup program. This program will install F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows on your computer.
203 You are about to install F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows on your system for the first time.
204 Network administration installation will enable you to use F-Secure Anti-Virus communication between you and the users of F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows over the network.
205 Network &Administration Installation
209 Update F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows to directory
210 Remove the current installation.
212 &Update
213 Un&install
214 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows %s Update Installation
215 Install F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows at
216 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows %s Network Administration Installation
217 The Network Adminisration Installation requires you to establish a shared directory on the server for communication between you and the users of F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows over the network.
218 Establish shared communication directory at
219 As a system administrator, you should specify a password.\nF-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows will require this password whenever F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows is started in or switched to Administration mode.
220 Administrator &password
221 &Enable F-Secure Anti-Virus Gatekeeper
222 &Load F-Secure Manager at Windows startup
223 Enable F-Secure Manager &Application only
224 Enable F-Secure Manager Application as Se&rvice
225 No administrator password was given. You will not be allowed to proceed with the installation unless you specify a password.\nPress OK and specify the password.
226 No destination directory specified. Press OK to specify it.
227 No shared directory specified. Press OK to specify it.
228 The shared directory must be visible to all users and you should make sure the users have full (read/write/create/delete) access rights to that directory.
229 &Confirm password
230 You have no administrator rights to this machine.You can update the newest version normally, but you can't uninstall the old version or make any changes to configuration.
300 Setup is not complete. If you quit the Setup program now,\nthe program will not be installed.
301 You can run the Setup program later.
302 Do you want to quit the Setup Program?
303 &Resume
304 E&xit Setup
350 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows %s
351 F-Secure Anti-Virus %s for Windows %s
400 Choose Destination Location
401 Setup will install F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows in the following directory.
402 To install to this directory, click Next.
403 To install to a different directory, click Browse and select another directory.
404 You can choose not to install F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows, by clicking Cancel to exit Setup.
405 Destination Directory
406 B&rowse...
410 Br&owse...
500 Choose Directory
501 Please choose the directory for installation.
502 &Path:
503 &Directories:
504 Dri&ves:
505 &OK
506 Cancel
507 Invalid path. Try again.
508 Directory %s does not exist. Create directory?
509 Error creating directory. Try again.
600 Restarting Windows
601 Setup has finished copying files to your computer. Before you can use the program, you must restart Windows or your computer.\nChoose one of the following options and click OK to finish setup.
602 Yes, I want to restart &Windows now.
603 Yes, I want to restart my &computer now.
604 No, I will restart my computer &later.
605 OK
800 F-Secure Anti-Virus Setup has detected the previous version of F-Secure Anti-Virus installed on your computer.
801 Select "Update" to update the current version without changing your settings.
802 Select "Uninstall" to uninstall the current version of F-Secure Anti-Virus.
803 Click the type of Setup you prefer, then click Next.
870 Trying to uninstall previous version of F-Secure Anti-Virus
871 Trying to uninstall previous version of F-Secure Anti-Virus
900 <&Back
901 &Next>
1200 Installation Complete
1201 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows %s Installation is complete.
1203 OK
1210 Installation Complete
1211 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows %s Installation is complete.
1212 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows %s can be started from the Program Manager group named "F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows %s".
1213 Please enter your licensing information:
1214 Your &Name
1215 &Organization
1216 &Workstation's name
1217 OK
1220 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows %s Standalone Installation
1221 Install at
1222 B&rowse...
1224 &Options:
1225 &Enable F-Secure Anti-Virus Gatekeeper
1226 &Load F-Secure Manager at Windows startup
1227 Enable F-Secure Manager &Application only
1228 Enable F-Secure Manager Application as &Service
1229 &Next >
1230 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows %s Installation
1241 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows
1250 Could not create target directory to copy DFAPPS.INI. Make sure that you have access rights to the target drive.
1251 Could not allocate the memory required to complete the copy DFAPPS.INI file. Terminate as many running applications as possible to free memory.
1252 Could not find enough disk space on the target drive to copy the DFAPPS.INI files. Free disk space on the target drive.
1253 Could not open the input DFAPPS.INI file to copy it to the target directory.
1254 The function was unable to copy the DFAPPS.INI file.
1255 The file DFAPPS.INI in target directory is read-only. Remove the read-only attribute from the target file and try again.
1256 Could not create the Program Manager Group for F-Secure Anti-Virus programs.
1257 Could not create the Program Icon for F-Secure Anti-Virus program.
1258 Could not find F-PROTW.CFG file in the distributive file set. Check the distributive contents.
1259 Could not open F-PROTW.CFG file.
1260 Not enough memory for processing with F-PROTW.CFG file.
1261 F-Secure Anti-Virus
1262 Unable to load %s.
1263 Unable to load %s.\nExiting installation program.
1264 Changing program and system .INI files.
1265 Changing program .CFG files and system registry.
1266 Setup Notification\n\nThe new version of F-Secure Anti-Virus will be loaded when the system is restarted next time.
1267 F-Secure Anti-Virus closing failed, error:
1268 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows NT Setup Note
1269 You are about to install F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows NT, but you do not have administrative rights to this machine.
1270 It is recomended that you exit setup, login again as an administrator ( or equivalent ) and re-run setup. If you do not have administrative rights to this machine, contact your system administrator.
1271 You can continue installation even with normal user rights by clicking Continue. However, you will be unable to install these parts of F-Secure Anti-Virus:
1272 -F-Secure Anti-Virus Gatekeeper real-time virus protection\n-F-Secure Manager Service version
1273 &Continue
1274 E&xit
1275 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows NT Installation Note
1276 You are about to update a new version of F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows NT to this machine. In order to update the following components:
1277 -F-Secure Anti-Virus Gatekeeper real-time virus protection\n-F-Secure Manager Service version
1278 it's necessary to have administrative rights to this machine.\nCurrently you are logged in as normal user.
1279 It is recomended that you exit setup, login again as an administrator ( or equivalent ) and re-run setup. If you do not have administrative rights to this machine, contact your system administrator.
1280 If you do not want to update these components, you can continue the update process by clicking Continue.
1281 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows NT Installation Note
1286 Error:Could not create the Program Manager Group for F-Secure Anti-Virus programs.
1287 Error:Could not create the Program Icon for F-Secure Anti-Virus program.
1288 Could not find F-PROTW.CFG file in the distributive file set.
1289 Could not open F-PROTW.CFG file.
1290 F-Secure Manager closing failed, error:
1291 GateKeeper closing failed, error:
1292 F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows could not be terminated. You should either close it yourself, or abort the installation.
1293 F-Secure Manager could not be terminated. You should either close it yourself, or abort the installation.
1294 Gatekeeper could not be terminated. You should either close it yourself, or abort the installation.
1295 Press Retry to continue, or Exit to abort installation.
1296 &Exit
1297 &Retry
1298 Not enough memory for processing with F-PROTW.CFG file.
1299 Cannot read communication directory name from registry.\nPress OK to quit setup.
1300 F-Secure Manager Service could not be terminated. You should either close it yourself, or abort the installation.
1301 Detecting: GateKeeper is active
1302 Detecting: GateKeeper is not active
1303 F-Secure Anti-Virus dll-libraries
1304 Couldn't stop
1305 F-Secure Manager Service closing failed, error:
1306 StopFAgentService(): F-Secure Manager was running as service - stopped.
1307 StopFAgentService(): F-Secure Manager was running as service - STOP failed.
1308 Detecting: F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows is running
1309 Detecting: GateKeeper is running
1310 Detecting: F-Secure Manager is running
1311 Detecting: F-Secure Manager Service is running
1320 Reload: User has admin rights.
1321 Reload: Clear gate from registry but leave gate running.
1322 Reload: Clear gate from registry FAILED!.
1323 Reload: Gate wanted to be loaded, leave current running, updates come in the next boot
1325 Reload: Try to load and register Gatekeeper.
1326 Reload: Error occurred when tired to load and register Gatekeeper.
1327 Reload: User either has NO rights or will to enable Gatekeeper.
1328 Reload: F-Secure Manager is to be loaded.
1329 Reload: An attempt to run F-Secure Manager as service.
1330 Your attempt to change registry keys/values has failed!
2600 Please insert the next disk, labeled %s. If the files on this disk can be found in another location, for example, in another drive, enter its full path or click the Browse button to select its path.
2601 Setup could not find a file on the specified path or disk.\n\nPlease check that the proper disk is inserted or specify a new path.
2602 Copying files from additional disks...
2603 Please choose location of next disk
2604 Setup needs next disk
2605 &Path
2606 &Browse...
2607 Setup was unable to copy file %s to the target location
2700 In order to install F-Secure Anti-Virus you have to have the F-Secure Manager installed.\nThe F-Secure Manager setup program will be launched automatically.\nPress OK to continue.
3000 In order to update old Gatekeeper drivers you need to have the administrative rights to the computer.\nPlease login as an administrator and run the setup again.
3001 You don't have administrative rights to the machine to install Gatekeeper.\nIt will not be installed.\nPress OK to continue.
3002 You don't have administrative rights to the machine to install F-Secure Manager Service.\nIt will not be installed.\nPress OK to continue.
3003 Setup was unable to install new Gatekeeper drivers.