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These routines are available within PIECRUST.BAS for QBasic
This sets the SHARED variable "Response", returning zero if
the mouse is not being dragged.
ziDrawBank( From, To )
This draws (or redraws) the selected consecutive buttons, using
specifications within the SHARED array "Bank()".
Each entry within "Bank()" (up to 20)defines the appearance,
location and state of a button. The TYPE construct "Buttons"
is used to access each of the features of a button:
Buttons(i).Xloc = "X" graphic coordinate of top left corner
Buttons(i).Yloc = "Y" graphic coordinate of top left corner
Buttons(i).Wide = width in pixels of the button (horizontal)
Buttons(i).Deep = depth in pixels of the button (vertical)
(using HORIZONTAL pixel unit size)
NOTE: 0 defines a check button (round)
1 defines a square "sculpted" button
Buttons(i).State = 0 for OFF, i for ON
Buttons(i).Active = 0 for not used, 1 for used
Using the "Active" component you can vary which buttons are
displayable, apart from whether they are already defined.
This sets the SHARED variable "Response" to zero if the mouse
has not been clicked since last checked.
ziLoadFont( Font$ )
This loads as a font (used by "ziPublish") an OVL file with a
specified name. The file can be in the current directory or
anywhere in the PATH. Only one font can be loaded at any one
time. This loads the font via "zzInPath"
ziLocateMCursor( X, Y )
This sets the mouse cursor to the prescribed X and Y coordinates,
and makes it visible (which renders the mouse "active").
ziMouseOnButton( From, To )
This sets the SHARED variable "FoundButton" to the number of
a button between "From" and "To", on which the mouse cursor is
found. If the mouse cursor is not within the area of a button,
the value returned is zero.
The buttons are the active ones in the range which have
been defined within the SHARED array "Bank()" (up to 20).
ziPublish( Phrase$, size, slope )
This writes to the screen in the loaded font (see "ziLoadFont")
characters from the string "Phrase$" in the colours specified by the
SHARED variables "fg" (foreground, or ink) and "bg" (background, or
paper), and at the location of the graphics cursor (top left corner
of the first character). Note that the graphics cursor is then
advanced. "Size" governs the size of each character: 1 = 8 x 8
pixels. and 2 = 16 x 16 pixels, and so on. (Zero will work as if
it were size 1).
"Slope" defines two other characteristics:
+1 will write an ITALIC character
+2 will write the foreground of the character only
(so if "Slope" = 3 the routine will print italic form, foreground
only). Setting "foreground only" condition allows you to write
characters over any background without it checking the colour of
LOCATE 10,45
Call zsAlignGCursor
Call ziPublish( "This appears at (10,45)", 1, 0)
Note: the graphics cursor is advanced to the next appropriate
character position following the printed string, but you should
beware that you leave more space if you decide to follow italicised
characters with non-italicised characters with two consecutive
calls to "ziPublish".
ziPublishHere( row, column, Phrase$, size, slope)
This is identical to "ziPublish", except that it takes as input
the row and column numbers (text notation). If both are set
to zero, the current text position will be used. On exit both
the text and graphic cursors will be set at the position
following the last character.
ziRadio ( Button, From, To )
This sets the ".State" component of the specified "Button" ON (=1)
and of all the other buttons in the range between "From" and "To"
OFF (=0). In effect this links the buttons in the range like the
buttons on a pushbutton radio: only one button will be ON at a time.
This can be used along with "ziMouseOnButton" to simulate
the operation of "radio" buttons..
CALL ziMouseOnButton
IF FoundButton > 0 THEN
CALL ziRadio( FoundButton, 1, 20)
ziReadField( Minimum, Maximum, Permitted$ )
Reads a field at the current text cursor location, with "Maximum"
as its maximum size and "Minimum" as its minimum number of
significant characters.
The "Permitted$" string specifies what kind of characters
are permitted within the field:
"*" = any characters
"." = ensure no more than one full-stop (useful for
fields intended to be numeric)
"A" = auto-enter when "Maximum" reached (instead of
insisting on "Enter" to finish the field)
"C" = capitalise any letters
"E" = "Esc" allowed - which sets field empty
"J" = justify output on the right (especially for numbers)
"N" = numbers allowed
"P" = password-type display (you can count characters, but
they are not recognisable)
"S" = space allowed
"X" = alphabetic characters allowed
"Y" = Y or N allowed regardless of case (useful to get Yes
or No answers)
You can use several letters in combination: for example..
CALL ziReadField( 3, 7, "NJ.")
- obtain a field from input with between 3 and 7
significant figures, permitting decimal.
CALL ziReadField( 1, 1, "CYA")
- obtain a single character "Y" or "N" without
waiting for an Enter key to finish (return
as a capital letter)
The result is returned in the SHARED variable "Field$"
ziSetMCursorVis( Status )
This routine sets the visibility status of the Mouse cursor:
0 = set the mouse cursor OFF
1 = set the mouse cursor ON
2 = request the current status of the mouse cursor
10 = set the mouse cursor OFF temporarily
11 = restore the previous status of the mouse cursor
Many screen-drawing functions are diverted by the mouse cursor if
it is visible, so you should take care to turn it off temporarily
while changing the screen, using "Status" set to 10, and then
restore it (if it were on) using "Status" set to 11. Those
PIECRUST routines that alter the screen do this automatically.
The resulting status is returned in any case is returned in the
SHARED variable "MCursorVis", with 0 = invisible and 1 = visible.
ziWander( Timeout! )
This routine returns mouse or keyboard events in the SHARED
variable "Response" as follows..
&H100 -Enter key
&H101 -left arrow
&H102 -right arrow
&H103 -up arrow
&H104 -down arrow
&H105 -backspace
&H106 -Home
&H107 -End
&H108 -Page up
&H109 -Page down
&H10A -Tab
&H10B -Escape
If the Ctrl key is held down, this adds &H100 to these
values (except Ctrl/up arrow, Ctrl/down arrow and Ctrl/Tab, which
do not return any value).
&H40A is returned for shift/Tab
Function keys are returned in the following way:
&H10nn -Function key "nn" (00 to 09, 0A, 0B, 0C)
&H20nn -Function key "nn" with Ctrl held down
&H40nn -Function key "nn" with shift held down
In addition the following mouse events are detected:
&H800 -double-click
&H801 -left click
&H802 -right click
&H803 -both click
&H804 -left click and drag
&H805 -right click and drag
&H806 -both click and drag
Note that double-click (&H800) will not be reported unless the
SHARED variable "DClick" is set to 1; this slows down
event-checking, and may not be desirable. "DClick" is initially
set to OFF.
Note that two other SHARED variables are returned: "HResponse" and
"LResponse". If, for example, "Response" is &H208
(Ctrl/Page down), "HResponse" (H for HIGH) is set to &H2, while
"LResponse" is set to &H8.
The SHARED string variable "Allowed$" contains any other characters
you wish to detect with ziWander: if a character that appears within
this string is keyed, "HResponse" will be set to zero, and..
MID$(Allowed$, Response)
..will indicate which character was keyed.
The "Timout!" parameter indicates a timeout (in seconds) to terminate
this routine. If the routine is terminated by such a timeout, the
"Response" passed back is zero. If you do not wish a timeout, pass
the value zero in the parameter.
This routine aligns the graphic cursor (which is determined by pixel
displacements) with the current location of the text cursor.
LOCATE 10,22
CALL zsAlignGCursor
This is particularly handy for determining where to place graphic
images (which includes 8x8 font characters via "ziPublish"), LINE
or DRAW graphics, and even setting the location of the mouse cursor
by following this with "CALL ziLocateMCursor( GXloc, GYloc )".
This routine does the reverse of zsAlignGCursor, setting the text
cursor to the character position containing the current pixel
indicated by the graphics cursor.
zsLocateGCursor( xcoordinate, ycoordinate )
This routine places the graphics cursor at a particular point. This
in effect does what the "LOCATE" command accomplishes for the text
zsPastel( xcoord, ycoord, wide, deep, colour1, colour2 )
This creates an oblong (rectangle) starting at the named graphic
point, creating a pastel mixture of the two colours.
Note that if you create a background with this function you should,
when using the "ziPublish" routine, use the "+2" from of the "slope"
paramater so that the background is left as is, and only the
positive part of each character overwrites the background.
zsSetScrnMode( mode, highrows, highcolumns)
This sets the screen with the colours indicated in the SHARED
parameters "bg" and "fg". The mode parameter must be 9 or 12, and
each of the other parameters should be 0 or 1: they indicate the
number of rows and columns for which the screen will be configured:
The number of rows and columns available obtained are as follows..
mode highrows=0 highrows=1 highcols=0 highcols=1
9 25 43 40 80
12 30 60 40 80
13 25 25 40 40
This routine also sets values into the SHARED variables Xmax and
Ymax (giving the number of the rightmost X coordinate and the
bottommost Y coordinate); also the SHARED value XYratio! is
calculated and set. This aids in the determination of distances
on the screen; since the X and Y increments are not the same,
XYratio! will help you find the equivalence.
zsSubstitute( xcoord, ycoord, wide, deep, colour1, colour2)
This routine substitutes each pixel of colour1 with colour2 within
a defined oblong (rectangle) starting at the named graphic point.
This is useful for changing either the foreground or the background
(for example) without disturbing other pixels.
zzAlphaSort( Sortdata$() )
The routine sorts the items in the specified STRING ARRAY; note that
the parameter MUST be a string array. The SHARED variable
"SortCount" indicates how many items in the array will be sorted.
Note that the "0" entry of the array is used as a work area, and
should be ignored.
zzBasicInt( interrupt )
This routine executes a system interrupt, using registers as
defined and set in the SHARED "Regs" construct. The only parameter
is an integer specifying the interrupt number: &H10 (or 16) for BIOS
and &H21 (or 33) for DOS are by far the most commonly used.
Many interrupts return new information in the registers, and
indicate success or failure of their task with the setting of the
"carry" flag. The state of the "carry" flag can be determined by
the following expression..
(Regs.FL AND 256)
..which will be 0 if not set, or 256 if it is set.
On first execution this routine calls "zzInPath" to load the
machine code stored in "BASICINT.OVL".
zzChangeDir( directory$ )
This routine makes the directory specified in the string the
current directory associated with the drive on which it is found.
If the directory or drive is invalid or nonexistent, there is no
change and the directory$ string is replaced with a single
question mark ("?"). If the change is successful the full directory
path is placed in the string, even if only a partial or "shortcut"
path was specified.
If the directory$ string is empty, or has only a drive specification,
there is no change to the "current directory" status. Instead, the
path of the current directory associated with the specified (or
default) drive is placed in the string.
If you have two logical drives sharing a full physical unit (as A:
and B: do when there is no physical second floppy drive) and you
select a directory from the non-active logical drive letter, this
routine will automatically substitute the active logical drive
letter, and you will not get a "change drive" message.
zzChangeDrive( drive$ )
This routine makes the drive specified in the string the current
drive. If the drive is invalid or nonexistent, there is no
change and the drive$ string is replaced with a single question
mark ("?"). If the change is successful the drive letter
(followed by a colon ":") is placed in the string.
If the drive$ string is empty, there is no change to the "current
drive" status. Instead, the letter (plus a colon ":") of the
current drive is placed in the string.
If you have two logical drives sharing a full physical unit (as A:
and B: do when there is no physical second floppy drive) and you
select the non-active logical drive letter, this routine will
automatically substitute the active logical drive letter,
and you will not get a "change drive" message.
zzFileSelectBox( pattern$ )
This routine operates a full-screen File Select Box, based on the
path and/or pattern passed as a string parameter. It offers the
ability to browse around all available drives on the system, and
from them select a file that matches the pattern. If no pattern is
supplied, all files will be shown on the screen.
This routine utilises several other routines, and makes use of the
SHARED arrays "FileNames$()" and "Directories$()" and their associated
counts, "FileNames" and "Directories". The string used to pass the
pattern to the routine will, on exit, contain the selected file's
full path (including drive), or "?" if the dialog was aborted without
a selection (usually by "Esc" key).
zzInPath( filename$ )
This routine verifies whether the specified file is in the
current directory, or otherwise within a directory in the PATH.
If it is, it substitutes the string with the full path to the file.
If it is not, it sets the string to null (zero length).
zzSearchD( pattern$ )
This pattern searches a specified directory for a particular pattern
of subdirectory names; if no path is named, the current path is
assumed. If no pattern is named, "*.*" (which means "any name") will
be assumed.
The results will be placed in the SHARED array "Directories$()", and
the number of such resulting matches will be placed in the SHARED
variable "Directories". Note that the results in the array will be
sorted into alphabetic sequence.
If the pattern is incorrectly formatted, or if it contains an invalid
or nonexistent path, it will be replaced by "?". Otherwise the
full path, including the drive, will be added to the beginning
of the "wildcard" part of the pattern string.
replaced by the full path, including the drive letter.
zzSearchF( pattern$ )
This pattern searches a specified directory for a particular pattern
of file names; if no path is named, the current path is assumed. If
no pattern is named, "*.*" (which means "any name") will be assumed.
The results will be placed in the SHARED array "FileNames$()", and the
number of such resulting matches will be placed in the SHARED variable
"FileNames". Note that the results in the array will be sorted into
alphabetic sequence.
If the pattern is incorrectly formatted, or if it contains an invalid
or nonexistent path, it will be replaced by "?". Otherwise the
full path, including the drive, will be added to the beginning
of the "wildcard" part of the pattern string.
zzValidate( path$ )
This routine will validate that the drive and path specified is
correctly formatted, and exists. The full drive and path will be
returned if it is valid, and "?" will be returned if it is not.
Allowed$ - string of other allowed keystrokes (passed back directly)
during the running of "ziWander".
- transferred value of trapped ERR
Bank() - integer array for describing Buttons, as used by
various routines (ziDrawBank, ziMouseOnButton, ziRadio)
It is described by the "Buttons" TYPE construct. See the
desciption of routine "ziDrawBank".
bg - background colour
Col - current column number (after zsAlignGCursor and
Cols - number of columns in text mode: set by "ziSetScrnMode"
and used by the "zsAlign" cursor routines.
Dclick - set to tell whether double-clicks are to be specific
events captured by "ziWander" (whcih can slow down
general operation). 0 = no detection, 1 = detection
Directories - integer count of entries within "Directories$"
Directories$() - string array of directories found by zzSearchD
fg - foreground colour
Field$ - response area for the ziReadField routine
FileNames - integer count of entries within "FileNames$""
FileNames$() - string array of filenames found by zzSearchF
Font() - two-dimensional integer array containing loaded font
information related to ziLoadFont and ziPublish.
FoundButton - number of button on which the mouse cursor has clicked
(see ziMouseOnButton routine)
GXloc - X (horizontal) component of the location of the graphics
GYloc - Y (vertical) component of the location of the graphics
HResponse - the isolated high portion of "Response"
LResponse - the isolated low portion of "Response"
MCursorVis - visibility flag for mouse cursor; 0 = invisible, 1= visible
Module$ - name of module to load via "ziLoadFont"
- X (horizontal) component of the location of the mouse
MYloc - Y (vertical) component of the location of the mouse cursor
Response - integer response to "ziWander" routine, indicating mouse
and keyboard events
Row - current row number (after zsAlignGCursor and
Rows - number of rows in text mode: set by "ziSetScrnMode" and
used by the "zsAlign" cursor routines.
SortCount - integer count of the number of items input to "zzAlphaSort"
Xmax - maximum pixel number for X (horizontal), set by
XYRatio! - ration between size of X and Y pixel increments, set by
Ymax - maximum pixel number for Y (vertical), set by
Note also the SHARED variables for registers, used in zzBasicInt:
Regs.AX, Regs.BX, Regs.CX, Regs.DX,
Regs.DS, Regs.SI, Regs.ES, Regs.DI,
These are used for interfacing to DOS and BIOS interrupts.
DegToRad! = .0174533 (the multiplication factor to convert degrees
to radians)
Ex! = 2.71828 (e - the exponential constant)
Pi! = 3.14159 (pi)
RadToDeg! = 57.2958 (the multiplication factor to convert radians
to degrees)
NOTE: the following all apply to the interpretation of the results
from "ziWander"
ziBoth = 3 (match with LResponse to determine "both buttons")
ziBothDrag = 6 (match with LResponse to determine "both drag")
ziBS = 5 (match with LResponse to determine "backspace")
ziCTRL = &H2 (match with HResponse to determine Ctrl shift)
ziCTRLFn = &H20 (match with HResponse to determine Ctrl/Function)
ziDbl = 0 (match with LResponse to determine "double-click")
ziDn = 4 (match with LResponse to determine "down")
ziEnd = 7 (match with LResponse to determine "end")
ziEsc = 11 (match with LResponse to determine "escape")
ziFn = &H10 (match with HResponse to determine Function key)
ziHome = 6 (match with LResponse to determine "home")
ziL = 1 (match with LResponse to determine "left")
ziLDrag = 4 (match with LResponse to determine "left drag")
ziMouse = &H8 (match with HResponse to determine a mouse event)
ziNoShift = &H1 (match with HResponse to determine no shift)
ziPgDn = 9 (match with LResponse to determine "page down")
ziPgUp = 8 (match with LResponse to determine "page up")
ziR = 2 (match with LResponse to determine "right")
ziRDrag = 5 (match with LResponse to determine "right drag")
ziShiftFn = &H40 (match with HResponse to determine Shift/Function)
ziTab = 10 (match with LResponse to determine "tab")
ziUp = 3 (match with LResponse to determine "up")
Also an array named "Shades" is available, each entry being a "tile"
constant for a PAINT directive, instead of a colour. The entries are
in the form: Shades(m, n)
..where m is a colour number 1 to 7
(1 = blue; 2 = green; 3 = cyan; 4 = red; 5 = magenta; 6 = yellow; 7 = white)
..and n is a shade number 0 to 4 (0 = darkest, 4 = brightest)
Note that although entries in "Shades" are all strings, you do NOT use the
"$" notation on the word "Shades".
Two modules with the extension "OVL" are required as Piecrust is
normally presented: one facilitates a font for the "ziPublish"
routine, and the other furnishes the code for the "zzBasicInt"
routine. These are called "ASCII8X8.OVL" and "BASICINT.OVL".
They must be present, but not necessarily in the current
directory: they may be in any directory in the PATH.
Piecrust starts by seeding the random-number generator and testing
for the presence of a mouse. This itself activates the "zzBasicInt"
routine, loading its "OVL" module.
If there is a mouse present the local variable "Mouse" is set to 1,
but the mouse is NOT activated. If you want the mouse activated,
execute the command: CALL ziSetMCursorVis( 1 )
Piecrust then loads the ASCII 8 x 8 font (from an "OVL").
There is a special error trap within Piecrust code needed when
a specified "OVL" module cannot be found. This is left in place
and active for the convenience of the programmer, though you
may turn it off if you desire by executing "ON ERROR GOTO". The
installed trap will pass back control normally, but set the SHARED
variable "Bad" to the value of ERR when the error occurred (which
itself is lost). After sensitive instructions - or after
arithmetic instructions that are susceptible to overflow - you may
wish to inspect and reset "Bad".
SUB Function Crossreference Table for PIECRUST
SUB Called by.. Calls..
--- ----------- -------
base ziLoadFont
ziDrawBank ziRadio ziSetMCursorVis
ziDragging ziExhaust
ziExhaust ziDragging zzBasicInt
ziLoadFont base zzInPath
ziLocateMCursor ziSetMCursorVis
ziPublish ziPublishHere ziSetMCursorVis
ziPublishHere zzFileSelectBox ziPublish
ziRadio ziDrawBank
ziReadField ziSetMCursorVis
ziSetMCursorVis base zzBasicInt
ziWander ziExhaust
zsAlignGCursor zsAlignTCursor zsLocateGCursor
zsAlignTCursor zsAlignGCursor
zsLocateGCursor ziPublish
zsPastel ziSetMCursorVis
zsSetScrnMode zzFileSelectBox ziSetMCursorVis
zsSubstitute ziSetMCursorVis
zzAlphaSort zzSearchD
zzBasicInt base zzInPath
zzChangeDir zzFileSelectBox zzBasicInt
zzChangeDrive zzValidate zzBasicInt
zzCritOff zzChangeDrive zzBasicInt
zzCritOn zzChangeDrive zzBasicInt
zzFIleSelectBox ziPublish
zzInPath ziLoadFont
zzSearchD zzFileSelectBox zzAlphaSort
zzSearchF zzFileSelectBox zzAlphaSort
zzValidate zzFileSelectBox zzBasicInt
zzSearchD zzChangeDir
zzSearchF zzChangeDrive
Digest of BIOS and DOS INTERRUPTS used within "PIECRUST"
Int Function
--- --------
21 0Exx Set current drive
input: AX 0Exx
DX xxNN where NN=drive-1 (A=0, B=1 etc)
output: AX xxNN where NN=LASTDRIVE value
<used by zzChangeDrive>
21 19xx Get current drive
input: AX 19xx
output: AX xxNN where NN=drive-1 (A=0, B=1 etc)
<used by zzChangeDir, zzChangeDrive>
21 1Cxx Get drive data
input: AX 1Cxx
DX xxNN where NN=drive (A=1, B=2, etc)
or 00 (current drive)
output: AX xxNN where NN=sectors/cluster,
or FF if invalid
BX ptr to Media Descriptor
CX bytes/sector
DX clusters
DS seg to Media Descriptor
<used by zzChangeDrive, zzFileSelectBox, zzSearchD,
zzSearchF, zzValidate>
21 25xx Set interrupt vector
input: AX 25NN where NN=interrupt to be revectored
DX ptr to new interrupt handler routine
DS seg to new interrupt handler routine
<used by zzCritOff, zzCritOn>
21 2Fxx Get DTA (Disk Transfer Address)
input: AX 2Fxx
output: BX ptr to DTA
ES seg to DTA
<used by zzFileSelectBox, zzSearchD, zzSearchF,
21 35xx Get interrupt vector
input: AX 35NN where NN=interrupt wanted
output: BX ptr to current interrupt handler routine
ES seg to current interrupt handler routine
<used by base module>
21 3B00 Change current directory
input: AX 3Bxx
DX ptr to ASCIIZ string of new directory name
DS seg to ASCIIZ string of new directory name
<used by zzChangeDir>
21 440E Get logical drive map entry
input: AX 440E
BX xxNN where NN=drive number (A=1, B=2, etc)
or NN=0 (current drive)
if carry flag=0
AX xxNN where NN = 0 if device unshared
or NN = current logical
if carry flag=1
AX error code
For example if BX=1 on input but 2 was returned in AX,
then the drive exists, but is currently being called
"B:" rather than "A:"
<used by zzChangeDrive, zzFileSelectBox,
zzSearchD, zzSearchF, zzValidate>
21 47xx Get current directory
input: AX 47xx
DX xxNN where NN=drive number (A=1, B=2, etc)
or NN=0 (current drive)
SI ptr to 64-byte buffer
DS seg to 64-byte buffer
if carry flag=0
buffer contains ASZIIZ path (no base "\")
if carry flag=1
AX error code
<used by zzChangeDir, zzValidate>
21 4Exx Find first match
input: AX 4Exx
CX 00NN where NN=additional attributes
08=volume ID
(this is "additive": eg 07 will count
readonly, hidden and system files as
DX ptr to ASCIIZ string containing pattern
DS seg to ASCIIZ stromg containing pattern
output: AX error code if carry set
DTA contains results if carry not set
Note: the following information is in the DTA
disp length
&H15 BYTE Attributes of matched element
where SSSSS is HALF the seconds
where YYYYYYY is added to 1980
&H1A LONG Size of file
&H1E STRING ASCIIZ string (up to 13 long)
containing the element name
<used by zzSearchD, zzSearchF, zzValidate>
21 4Fxx Find next match (following function 4E repeatedly)
input: AX 4Fxx
DTA must be left as output by preceding 4E
output: as for 4E
<used by zzSearchD, zzSearchF>
33 0000 Reset mouse and provide status
input: AX 0000
output: AX status (0=no mouse)
BX number of buttons
<used by base module>
33 0001 Show mouse cursor
input: AX 0001
<used by zzSetMCursorVis>
33 0002 Hide mouse cursor
input: AX 0002
<used by zzSetMCursorVis>
33 0003 Get mouse cursor position and button status
input: AX 0003
output: BX status (0=no button down; 1=left down;
2=right down; 3=both down)
CX horizontal position
DX vertical position
<used by ziDragging, ziExhaust, ziWander>
33 0004 Set mouse cursor position
input: AX 0004
CX = horizontal position
DX = vertical position
<used by ziLocateMCursor>
33 002A Get mouse cursor hotspot
input: AX 002A
output: BX cursor hotspot column
CX cursor hotspot row
DX mouse type (0=none; 1=bus; 2=serial;
3=InPort; 4=IBM; 5=HP)
<used by ziSetMCursorVis>