Supremacy 1
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by DEF KLF and Nethead.
] Blade runner is the movie that has
]inspired the most the ST scene, that is
]also one of my favorite movie.
It was released in 82, just around the
boom of Cyberpunk litterature in da'USA
and UK. You can notice this in the film
It incorporates a lot of elements from
the Cyberpunk genre. For people who
aren't into Cyberpunk, some of the main
elements are a near future where
technology blends with the human mind &
body ; all computers in the world are
linked through a "Matrix" where Cyber
Cowboys (Guys who connect their head to
a computer)go riding in the"Cyberspace"
(T his would be the next generation of
hackers and phreakers/Virtual reality )
The world is mainly run by the giant
corporations,like Sony,Atari,Coca Cola.
Most of the world's governments have
collapsed - Anarchy & Violence are the
rule,not the exception in the Megaplexe
of the future.Megaplexes are giant city
areas consisting of several cities wich
have grown together. In the books the
entire westcoast of U.S.A is often
considered a Megaplex.
]Cybertechnology is the technology which
]enables implants of machines in humans,
]be it low-light eyes, razor nails or an
]air filtration system. Characters in
]Cyberpunk stories are mostly psychotic,
]anarchistic , and they have a "I don't
]give a fuck"-attitude.
Well,back to Blade Runner.The movie is
directed by Ridley Scott , who also is
the man behind other great productions,
like "Alien" , "Legend" and the recent
"Thelma and Louise". All Ridley Scott
movies share one important feature.They
always do a strong visual impact !
] Blade Runner is also dedicated to
]detail , it's enjoyable just to sit and
]watch all the great work which has been
]done on set decoration, matte paintings
]and props.For example the "Video phone"
]It looks just like a future engineer
]would design it, with a nerd IBM-look ,
]with a tiny number pad which goes Beep!
]when you press the keys. In the movie
]it's being used from a downtown bar and
]it have a grafitti on it !
The story goes something like this: In
the late Nineties technology takes a
great step forward with the creation of
the "Nexus 6" androids (REPLICANTS!).
These are robots who are superior in
strengh & intelligence to their makers
( The Tyrell corporation ) and they are
being used off-world for exploring and
as working slaves. After some nasty
incidents with violent behaviour , Reps
are declared illegal on earth.
Special police squads are assigned the
task of terminating them. These are
called Blade Runners Squads. R. Deckard
( Harrison Ford ) is an unemployed ex-
cop,ex-blade runner in Los Angeles year
2019.He is being summoned by his former
boss, & told that they need his "magic"
once again... A team of 6 Androids have
escaped from an Off-world colony and
have been trying to break in at the
Tyrell Corp's headquarters.Deckard must
find out what they are looking for at
Tyrell's... This leads to a dramatic
story of chases, fights and moments of
Music is done by the famous Greek com-
poser Vangelis who is known for his
untraditional style of making film
music composers who use click codes to
calculat e the rise and fall of a song
relating to the action on screen ,
Vangelis leans back and a bsorbs the
feeling and atmosphere of the film and
then makes the music which he feels
will suit the movies ! The result is
great,atmospheric music; the sound adds
an extra dimension to the futuristic
] Probably because of the different
]advertisements for Atari hide in the
]movie,the movie inspired ST scene. Thus
]the first european alliance of crackers
]were nammed THE BLADE RUNNERS, a little
]german band had called also himself THE
]TYRELL CORP, and everybody heard of the
]REPLICANTS and maybe some of you of a
]swapper cammed DECKARD.
CYBER: Cybernetic is the art of leading
machines. Cyberhuman , Cyberdrugs means
an entity close or far of a machine or
of a computer system.
SMART DRUGS: Made with giga-vitamins ,
acids,proteins et antioxidation techno.
The best one are the "Blast" and "Rise
and Shine".They have taken the place of
Ecstazy and Acids in California.
]gives you an legal address to buy smart
]drugs in France.(take a pen SNAKE !!! )
[ ADN marketing
[ 5,bd de la Pinede or 93-61-80-77
[ 06160 Juan-Les-Pins
WILLIAN GIBSON:The 1st Cyberpunk Author
He published in 81, Neuromancian, Count
Zero,Mona lisa.
STEAMPUNK: New name to describe the SF
of the past !