Supremacy 1
Text File
205 lines
Still waiting for the space equivalent of
Dungeon Master ?
Why not try
Bio Hazard Demo V1.8
Copyright L.J.Greenhalgh. 1993
Auto Boots
Note: Needs at least 1 mbyte ST/Mega ST/STE/Mega STE/TT to run.
Note: It is not my fault if anything goes wrong with your
ST whilst running this program.
This demo is Shareware so feel free to distribute it but
remember to include all the files.
Programs Used in writing Bio-Hazard
Stos V2.6,Stos Compiler V2.7,Stos Maestro Catridge
Degas Elite (Still the best art package on the ST)
Canvas (But this one is a close second)
Cyber Paint
Misty Extension (Most Excellent extension!)
Stos Fix
Ice Packer V2.4
Devpac 2
Welcome to a 2 level demo of Bio Hazard , a game which
can best be described as D*N*G*O* M*S*ER in space .This
demo contains two complete levels with loads of aliens to
destroy and objects to interact with.The aim is to find the
ladder leading downwards to the next level.
The screen is divided into 6 main zones.
| 1 | 6 |
| | |
| | |
| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1.Viewscreen in fist person perspective
/shows objects in backpack.
2.Shows the Object currently held in your left hand.
3.Shows the Object currently held in your right hand.
A blue triangle shows which hand is currently selected.Click on
the other hand to change the selected hand .Guns and objects
which require batteries have a small yellow line displayed here
showing current ammo/power levels.
4.Shows your health.
5.The map if activated.
6.Control panel.Click tiles with left mouse button.
Contol Panel Plan
Keyboard Shortcut
+--+ 01 Move forward [Up cursor key]
|01| 02 Turn Left [Left cursor key]
+--+--+--+ 03 Fire/Strike [Space bar]
|02|03|04| 04 Turn Right [Right cursor key]
+--+--+--+ 05 Open/close doors/dispensors [Return]
|05| 06 Pick up object [P]
+--+--+--+ 07 Drop object [D]
|06|07|08| 08 Load weapon [L]
+--+--+--+ 09 move up a level/go in teleporter [del]
|09|10|11| 10 move down a level/go in teleporter [#]
+--+--+--+ 11 Switch between backpack/view screen.
Other keyboard short cuts
[insert ] select left hand.
[clr home] select right hand.
[Q] quit
Once you hands are full objects picked up will go into your
backpack.Loading a weapon will take the first suitable magazine
from your back pack and insert it into the currently selected
weapon.You will have to discover for yourself which magazines fit in
which guns ! Note don't fire the heavy weapons at point blank range ,
or you will die in the explosion, and don't be in the vicinity when
the mines go off.
Some doors cannot be opened unless you are holding a specific key card
and it is selected.
Some doors cannot be opened until certain pressure sensors in the
floor are activated.
To select an object from you back pack click on button (11), you
should now see all the objects carried in your backpack.Now click on
the object in your backpack that you wish to swap and then the
hand into which it is to be moved .Now click on button (11) to return
to the view screen.
Dispensors are the brown panels on some of the walls and contain
useful objects.Note that you cannot turn away from them until they are
Note some objects need batterys loaded into them before they work.
Note guns can jam! (They can't be unjammed in this demo , sorry!)
List of currently avaliable objects in demo
Pistol ammunition.
Machine gun.
Machine gun ammunition.
Rocket Launcher.
Hand Grenade.
Key cards.
Motion detector.
Most of the above should be self explanatory especially if you have
played D*N*GE*N MAS*ER.Notice however that objects and the enviroment
are interacted with by using the control panel and not by clicking on
the view screen.
Features in the final game include!
More levels , all with different graphics!
More impressive weaponry including :-
Mine Mk II
Hand Grenade Mk II
Lazer Rifles!
Interesting new equipment including :-
Health Restorer!
Computer discs!
Giger counter!
Extra features
Numerous characters!
Bio Hazard has been in development for well over a year and it
would be nice to make a small return on the time I have invested
init ! At a time when games on the ST are becomming scarcer doesn't
it make sense to support shareware ! If you have enjoyed
thistaster of Bio Hazard then you can register for the non too huge
sum of 5.00 pounds if you live in Europe or 7.00 pounds for the
rest of the world.At the current exchange rate that is 11 US dollars
.For this small amount you will receive the whole game with all the
features above + many more.Note the complete game will not be
shipped until July 15th 1993 .This will give me the chance to add
changes people want once they have seen this taster and will
give me time to revise for my university exams!So please contact me
if you have have any ideas/critisims/bugs etc.
Mr L.J.Greenhalgh,
24 Park Avenue,
Rudloe Manor,
Any similarity between the graphics and certain well known xenomorphs
is purely coincidental!
Registration Form
Please accept my registration for Bio Hazard.
Payment by Cash/Cheque (Delete as aplicable.)