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Bubble Bobble '030, the facts..
Some things Leon nearly got around to telling you in this text..
1) Standard (9 pin) joystick controllers are enabled, but Atari
Powerpad has been left out of this demo, not too much of a revelation,
I agree, but some people may recall a very early single level version
which ONLY had the Powerpad implemented..
2) Once the main proggy is loaded, press 'space' to start and keep
pressing 'space' until you get to the main game screen (ST Format
reviewers note!)
3) This is a three level demo, and will play through all three levels,
to quit at the end of the third level, simply press 'space' once
more to return to the desktop..
4) The bugs referred to in the program text may have been caught at
the last minute?
5) Tested ok on early TOS 4.01 Falcon (Mine!)
6) Works ok with both VGA and RGB monitors..
7) DSP totally untouched and sitting in a relaxed fashion, now put it
to work with 'Rape the DSP', a Desk Accessory modfile player which is
DSP specific and does not affect the running of 'Bubble Bobble' in any
way whatsover, now you can have your own choice of music for the demo
version.. Guess what, that little .ACC is also on this disk!
Ed-note - 10.1.95.
Bubble Bobble 030 will be arcade perfect - all 100 levels with
complete airflow data and monster start information have been ported
to the Falcon. The graphics for the first 40 levels have been
completed, as has most of the monster's artificial intelligence. The
main thing which needs to be added are the power-ups - special fruit
such as potions and crosses. There are also lots of bugs to be removed
and things should be generally tidied up.
The full version will support Joystick, Powerpad and Keyboard
so giving you a range of options if you wish to play two player and
haven't got the right controllers lying around.
The music hasn't been finalised yet, but it will probably be
done by Greg Lovesy (of Impact Software and Team fame), but this will
be the last thing to go in. I know the importance of sound effects and
music, but I want the rest of the game working 100% before I put these
in as it lengthens assembly time and takes up too much memory...
The font and title pictures and some backgrounds were drawn by
Sparehead 3. The sprites, bubbles, backgrounds and level layout were
by Nice Guy Eddie. All graphics were drawn with God Paint, the premier
True Colour art package by the Reservoir Gods (plug plug!). The levels
were constructed using God Map Edit, another one of our handy little
All code is by Mr. Pink. It is written in 100% 68030 machine
code, and I use a lot of the extra instructions of this chip including
the Bit Field instructions (slow but very handy!) and the extra table
accessing functions. I have just started using the BLiTTER (I coded my
first blitter routines last week) after getting hold of some ancient
Atari blitter documentation from 1987, which is actually very useful.
I must also thank Chris of Passion and Opium for there help and tips
on using this chip. At the moment the BLiTTER is being used for
zooming the score and clearing the screen, but by the final version it
will be helping out in other areas too.
All the fruit scores, bonuses, special fruit effects, monster
intelligence and other idiosyncrasies have been faithfully recreated
from the original. We are hoping to do some totally new levels, and
perhaps some new monsters as an additional level data disk, or perhaps
as Bubble Bobble 2. (No its not going to be Rainbow Islands, just
bubble bobble with some new twists).
The ST version of Rainbow Island was so good it doesn't merit
a recode and we never really like Parasol Stars so don't expect Falcon
versions of them. We have got a lot of other games lined up, the next
Reservoir Gods release probably being an excellent 3D racing game
coded by two new members of the group. This will work on all platforms
- STFM/STe/Falcon - so no-one should feel left out!
I think my coding has come on a long way since my last release
(April 1994's "Tautology") which was pretty bug ridden and didn't even
run on VGA monitors! Bubble Bobble will work 100% on VGA and RGB
monitors as well as Televisions.
I must thank all the people who have written to me and
encouraged me with Bubble Bobble and other projects. Big thanks go out
to Chris of Maggie (thanks for putting this on disk), Kev, Chris of
Passion (thanks for all the info), Mick of DNT crew (hope you get a
new Falcon soon), TSCC (Scy and Dynacore - cool game guys, thanks for
all the letters), Dan of Lazer (haven't heard from you for a while,
did you get my last letter), Richard Karsmakers (I know you are going
to find a million things in this that are 'not quite right' but try to
enjoy it anyway - I know you were a big fan of the original!), Opium,
Tyrem of the Respectables, Nigel of Ripped Off (Thanks for the Falcon
and VGA monitor!), Arnaud Linz (is L&M finished yet?) and everyone
else who is active on the Falcon scene.
Mr. Pink 8/1/95