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Atari World Assorted Press releases
Very late last night, Felice received a (non?)threatening phone call
from Andrew Wright, the Brummie-sounding editor of Atari World.. He
kindly let us have several items of pro-Atari World propaganda in
exchange for not pummelling us to bits.. The Subscription bit may be
particularly useful for overseas readers and certain Dutch diskzine
editors who cannot otherwise get this fine mag.. The rest of it,
concerning Kev Beardsworth etc is fairly self-explanatory..
CiH - Feb 8th 1996..
The whole of the entire Maggie Team support the UK mag, Atari World,
and it's contributors (some of whom are joining from Maggie) so we
thought you'd like to take a look at this PR release, which contains
details about subscribing to the hottest Atari mag for a long long
time. Atari World supported us by featuring excellent reviews of
Maggie 18, Double Bobble and Tautology 2 (and 1!) over the last few
months or so. For those of you who are not resident in the UK, this
file gives you the chance to see this amazing mag for yourself (after
you have read Maggie, that is!!!!!)
(ATM, on release of this issue, Issue 10 of AW had just been released,
get your subs in early now!!
Subscribe NOW for a FREE HiSoft Basic Compiler
The basic truth - Subscriptions add up!
Every month we produce the bigest Atari specific magazine in the
world. Every month thousands of people receive it by Mail because they
subscribe. They are our most valued customers.
With issue 8 of Atari World every subscriber got a special bonus disk
with their magazine - a free copy of the top selling HiSoft Basic 2
compiler. This came irrespective of if they subscribe with or without
disk each month. In the years to come we expect to have more special
subscriber bonuses.
If you don't subscribe yet don't worry - you can still get this
special bonus. New subscribers who start either from issue 9 or issue
10 will also get a free copy of our HiSoft Basic 2 disk.
So, what have you got to lose? Whether you subscribe with or without
disk then you save in more ways than one. No more scrabbling around
in the newsagent trying to find Atari World amongst the Amiga games
magazines for a start! What's more subscriptions are cheaper. If you
subscribed from issue 1 with disk you would have saved nearly £18
compared with buying the disks and magazines separately.
Oh, and if you're not sure how long you plan to own your Atari then do
not worry; at any time you can cancel your subscription and get a
refund for the outstanding issues. Subscribe and take advantage of
our Basic tutorials, subscribe and start saving now!
So what does it cost?
Payment either by credit card or standing order (UK quarterly subs
only). Annual subscriptions can also be paid for by a cheque drawn on
a UK bank or building society.
UK Scandinavia EU Rest of the World
3 issues without disk £9.50 See special £11.50 £14.50
3 issues with disk(s) £14.00 Scandinavian £16.00 £19.00
13 issues without disk £38.00 prices below £46.00 £58.00
13 issues with disk(s) £56.00 £64.00 £76.00
Readers of /Atari World/ in Sweden, Denmark and Norway can subscribe
via Sven Bornemark Musik. Scandinavian customers get an additional
Swedish supplement free with each issue! Payment should be made in
Swedish, Norwegian or Danish Kroner via Post Giro.
Sweden Norway Denmark Finland
3 issues without disk SEK140 NKK120 DKK110 FIM 85
3 issues with disk(s) SEK190 NKK160 DKK140 FIM 110
13 issues without disk SEK560 NKK480 DKK440 FIM 340
13 issues with disk(s) SEK760 NKK640 DKK560 FIM 440
How to subscribe
*cross out asnecessary
My nameis:..........................................................
Please send Atari World to me every month at the following address:
I want to subscribe: Quarterly/Annually* Reader Disk:
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Sort Code 60-11-30
to the account of Specialist Magazines Limited
Account number 99651335
the amount of £9.50 (nine pounds 50p)/£14.00 (fourteen pounds)*
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Please make the first payment now and thereafter every three months
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Expiry Date................................. If Switch, issue
Now, unless you live in Scandinavia, send this completed subscription
form to:
Atari World Subscriptions
Specialist Magazines Limited
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If you don't like filling in forms and still want to subscribe by
credit/debit card then just call 01487 773543 (9:30 -19:00, Monday to
Swedish customers should pay the correct amount by Post Giro to the
following accounts:
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Yes, one of our friends and contacts, Kev Beardsworth, previously
co-sysop and co-ordinator (and still is) of the Falcon Fact File
received the excellent news that he has joined AW as a full time
member of staff.
As we say in the tradition of the lads......GOOD LUCK KEV!!!
The Maggie Team.
atari.world/editorial #1881, from andwright, 1093 chars, Jan 30 12:37
Staff writer appointed
We've just appointed a new staff writer to the team. From this week
onwards Kevin Beardsworth (kbeardsworth@cix) will be working as a
full-time staff writer on Atari World. many of you will know of him as
a founder member of the Falcon Fact File thingy.
I'd like to publicly welcome him to his new post and wish him luck. Of
course he's got two wonderful colleagues in Neal and I who are always
easy to get on with, never rude and always pay up on time. Should be a
We do hope that this will overcome the problems of late arrival but
don't hold your breath.
My advice is to consider the publication date of Atari World as a
random event that can be assumed to take place before the end of the
month preceding the cover date. Some months you'll get it before the
newsagents and others you won't. Whatever, as a subscriber, you'll get
the warm glow that comes from the knowledge that you've helped your
Atari magazine stay alive and kicking. Even if the editor does repeat
himself on occasion.
Andrew (editor, Atari World)
Comments from me:
"FFF thingy" ? Bloody cheek! Then again, he calls my group the AAUG
thingy, so I think it's one of those backhanded compliments <g>
Did Kev have a gun to his head? Voluntarily working for Neal is like
taking his life into his own hands... <g>
Congrats to Kev and welcome aboard!
Sid Celery
UK Association of Atari User Groups
** Do you want Celery with that? **
-= I am Spock of Borg. Resistance is illogical. =-
--- ScanMail 0.89c2
* Origin: All opinions expressed are my own. (90:102/143)
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Harry Sideras - echo moderator
** Do you want Celery with that? **
-= Just gonna type a few more lines love then i'll be with you, later
on =- --- ScanMail 0.89c2
* Origin: All opinions expressed are my own. (90:102/143)