!! magic !! . ! t3chn0mania rulez !. composed 2.4.1992 by str0b0 / stellar . for those of you who. want to contact me . for something, write. to following address:. niko nyman . kiviahontie 12 . 00760 hki . finland i will be veery happy. to see your letter,so. grab your chair and . sit on your pen.. . greez go (of course). to all > stellar < . members... . +2 tommi makila: 'did. ya notice d invasion. of sokea erkki? ::) ' +2 nucleupp: 'where's da disk maggy???' + special 2 bukefalos 'not so hardcore, but anyway... =) ' +2 vapaa-palo kunta: 'i've learnt it too!' +2 all techno-freaks! sorry dalmak... =)