Falcon 030 Power 2
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222 lines
; *************************************************************************
; ***** Routine which generates the code for the zoomer. *****
; *************************************************************************
; The zoomrouts are generated taking in account that the size of the source
; image is 96. The zoomrouts for a size between 0-46 are not generated, the
; routine only puts a rts for this size. The zoomrouts for a size between
; 48-96 are generated and are ending with a rts too. The adresses of the
; 48 routines (48 because the zoomed size must be even) are saved in the
; table pointed by a1.The size of all the routines is 34884 bytes.
; *************************************************************************
; A zoom routine is composed like this: There is a big part of it which
; consists into linear to planar conversion, and as the size is defined,
; the pixels not to show are passed with an "addq.l #$1,a0". (Considering
; a0 contains the adress of the linear image.) During the generation of a
; zoom of a given size I have to calculate when a pixel must be passed.
; This is made with a kind of real number... I had a certain coef to the
; error, and if there isn't an overflow I must pass the next pixel. So if
; the carry is set, we draw a point, if not we pass one point and draw
; one. (By the way, original_size/zoomed_size is always =<2, that's why
; only this 2 case are possible.) The zoom coefficient is then calculated
; like this: N=nb of points to pass, then we must do N carry clear and
; 96-2*N carry set, so coef=(96-2*N)*65536/(96-N).
; An other thing to understand, is that if the zoomed_size is not a
; multiple of 16 (96 or 64) then the two extreme words are not full! So
; we must have the 4 planes on the left 16 pixels set to 0 before we begin
; to work on them, and on the right 16 pixels we must rotate the planes
; left so that the first pixie is just after the last word.
; *************************************************************************
; The parameters of the generated routs are:
; a0.l = adress of linear sourceline.
; a1.l = adress of the planar dest.line.
; a2.l = adress where to jump after the zoom.
; ( Jsr & Rts are too slow. )
; The sourceline must be so that the 4 most significant bits of each bytes
; are the value of the pixel.
; The registers d0-d4 are used by the routines.
; *************************************************************************
; Parameters: a0.l = adress where to generate the code.
; a1.l = adress where to save the adresses of the zoomrouts.
Section TEXT
movem.l d0-a6,-(sp)
rept 24 ; The size between 0-46 are not taken in
move.l a0,(a1)+ ; account, so just generate "jmp (a2)".
move.w #$4ed2,(a0)+
move.l #.zoom_coefs,a2 ; They are a bit hard to calculate, so...
move.w #24,a3 ; The first routine for a size of 2*24=48.
move.l a0,(a1)+ ; Save the adress of the routine.
cmp.w #32,a3 ; Is the size bigger than 64?
bgt.s .bigger_64
.lower_64: ; If size=<64 then image begins on the 5th
move.w #$5089,(a0)+ ; word, so generate the "addq.l #$8,a1".
.bigger_64: ; If size>64, it begins on 1st word.
move.w (a2)+,d0 ; d0=zoom_coef for this size.
moveq.l #96,d1 ; d1=error.
move.w a3,d2 ; d2=size/2 mod(16)=nb of pixels on the
and.w #$f,d2 ; "extremes" sets of 16 pixels.
move.w a3,d4 ; d4=size/32=nb of "full" words/2.
lsr.w #$4,d4
add.w d4,d4 ; d4=nb of "full" words.
cmp.w #$0,d2 ; If size/2 mod(16)=0, then there are no
beq.s .full_sets ; "incomplete" words.
.left_case: ; First incomplete extremity.
move.w #$7200,(a0)+ ; Generates "moveq.l #$0,d1".
move.w #$7400,(a0)+ ; And the same for d2-d4.
move.w #$7600,(a0)+
move.w #$7800,(a0)+
move.w d2,d3 ; Nb of points on the extremities.
subq.w #$1,d3 ; Beware the dbra.
add.w d0,d1 ; error=error+zoom_coef.
bcs.s .left_overflow
.left_no_overflow: ; If no overflow, the pass one source
move.w #$5288,(a0)+ ; point by generating an "addq.l #$1,a0".
move.w #$1018,(a0)+ ; Generate a "move.b (a0)+,d0".
move.w #$d000,(a0)+ ; Generate the linear-planar conversion
move.w #$d944,(a0)+ ; by generating "add.b d0,d0"
move.w #$d000,(a0)+ ; then "addx.w d4,d4" and then the same
move.w #$d743,(a0)+ ; with d3-d1.
move.w #$d000,(a0)+
move.w #$d542,(a0)+
move.w #$d000,(a0)+
move.w #$d341,(a0)+
dbra d3,.left_one_point
move.l #$4891001e,(a0)+ ; "movem.w d1-d4,(a1)".
move.w #$5089,(a0)+ ; "addq.l #$8,a1".
.full_sets: ; Generate code for the "full" sets.
subq.w #$1,d4 ; Beware the dbra.
moveq.l #$f,d3 ; 16 points for a full set.
add.w d0,d1 ; error=error+zoom_coef.
bcs.s .full_overflow
.full_no_overflow: ; If no overflow, the pass one source
move.w #$5288,(a0)+ ; point by generating an "addq.l #$1,a0".
move.w #$1018,(a0)+ ; Generate a "move.b (a0)+,d0".
move.w #$d000,(a0)+ ; Generate the linear-planar conversion
move.w #$d944,(a0)+ ; by generating "add.b d0,d0"
move.w #$d000,(a0)+ ; then "addx.w d4,d4" and then the same
move.w #$d743,(a0)+ ; with d3-d1.
move.w #$d000,(a0)+
move.w #$d542,(a0)+
move.w #$d000,(a0)+
move.w #$d341,(a0)+
dbra d3,.full_one_point
move.l #$4891001e,(a0)+ ; "movem.w d1-d4,(a1)".
move.w #$5089,(a0)+ ; "addq.l #$8,a1".
dbra d4,.one_full_set
cmp.w #$0,d2 ; Check if there is an incomplete set
beq .end_one_zoom ; after the full sets.
.right_case: ; Second incomplete extremity.
move.w d2,d3 ; d3=nb of points to generate.
subq.w #$1,d3 ; Beware the dbra.
add.w d0,d1 ; error=error+zoom_coef.
bcs.s .right_overflow
.right_no_overflow: ; If no overflow, the pass one source
move.w #$5288,(a0)+ ; point by generating an "addq.l #$1,a0".
move.w #$1018,(a0)+ ; Generate a "move.b (a0)+,d0".
move.w #$d000,(a0)+ ; Generate the linear-planar conversion
move.w #$d944,(a0)+ ; by generating "add.b d0,d0"
move.w #$d000,(a0)+ ; then "addx.w d4,d4" and then the same
move.w #$d743,(a0)+ ; with d3-d1.
move.w #$d000,(a0)+
move.w #$d542,(a0)+
move.w #$d000,(a0)+
move.w #$d341,(a0)+
dbra d3,.right_one_point
; The right extremity must be rotated left so that the 16-(size/2 mod(16))
; points on the left of this set are 0.
cmp.w #$f,d2 ; Only one rotation?
bne.s .right_more_1
move.w #$d041,(a0)+ ; Then the quickest method to rotate
move.w #$d042,(a0)+ ; the bitplanes is to generate an
move.w #$d043,(a0)+ ; "add.w dx,dx" on all bitplanes.
move.w #$d044,(a0)+
bra .right_end
cmp.w #$8,d2 ; More than 8 rotations?
blt.s .right_more_8
.right_less_8: ; We must create the opcode for a
move.w #$10,d3 ; "lsl.w #16-d2,dx" instruction.
sub.w d2,d3 ; d3=16-d2=nb of rotations.
and.w #%111,d3 ; In the opcode a rotation of 8=0.
lsl.w #$8,d3 ; Put nb_rot at its place in opcode.
add.w d3,d3
move.w #$e149,d2 ; Opcode for a "lsl.w #0,d1".
or.w d3,d2 ; Put the good nb of rot in opcode.
move.w d2,(a0)+
move.w #$e14a,d2 ; Do the same with d2-d4.
or.w d3,d2
move.w d2,(a0)+
move.w #$e14b,d2
or.w d3,d2
move.w d2,(a0)+
move.w #$e14c,d2
or.w d3,d2
move.w d2,(a0)+
bra.s .right_end
.right_more_8: ; We must rotate by 8 and re-rotate.
move.w #$e149,(a0)+ ; "lsl.w #$8,d1".
move.w #$e14a,(a0)+ ; The same with d2-d4.
move.w #$e14b,(a0)+
move.w #$e14c,(a0)+
cmp.w #$7,d2 ; 9 rotations?
bne.s .right_not_9
move.w #$d041,(a0)+ ; Then the quickest method to rotate
move.w #$d042,(a0)+ ; the bitplanes is to generate an
move.w #$d043,(a0)+ ; "add.w dx,dx" on all bitplanes.
move.w #$d044,(a0)+
bra.s .right_end
.right_not_9: ; We must create the opcode for a
move.w #$8,d3 ; "lsl.w #8-d2,dx" instruction.
sub.w d2,d3 ; d3=16-d2=nb of rotations.
and.w #%111,d3 ; In the opcode a rotation of 8=0.
lsl.w #$8,d3 ; Put nb_rot at its place in opcode.
add.w d3,d3
move.w #$e149,d2 ; Opcode for a "lsl.w #0,d1".
or.w d3,d2 ; Put the good nb of rot in opcode.
move.w d2,(a0)+
move.w #$e14a,d2 ; Do the same with d2-d4.
or.w d3,d2
move.w d2,(a0)+
move.w #$e14b,d2
or.w d3,d2
move.w d2,(a0)+
move.w #$e14c,d2
or.w d3,d2
move.w d2,(a0)+
move.l #$4891001e,(a0)+ ; "movem.w d1-d4,(a1)".
move.w #$5089,(a0)+ ; "addq.l #$8,a1".
.end_one_zoom: ; The end of the zoom.
subq.l #$2,a0 ; The last "addq.l #$8,a1" is unusefull.
move.w #$4ed2,(a0)+ ; "jmp (a2)"=end of this rout.
addq.w #$1,a3 ; Next size.
cmp.w #48,a3 ; It was the last size?
ble .generate_one_zoom
movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6
dc.w 00000,05243,10083,14564,18725
dc.w 22599,26215,29597,32768,35757
dc.w 38551,41195,43691,46053,48290
dc.w 50413,52429,54347,56174,57916
dc.w 59579,61167,62687,64142,65535