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Version 3.4 DigPak
written by
John W. Ratcliff
Copyright (c) 1994
The Audio Solution, Inc.
Includes one set of sources that works in all memory models. Full
MIDPAK compatible support. Also supports protected mode interface
through 32 bit register passing. Even though all DIGPAK drivers
execute in real-mode, they work in flat-model throught the DIGPLAY
linkable interface layer.
Not all DIGPAK sound drivers are at the 3.4 level yet. Ones not
converted yet are, SoundBlaster 16, Gravis Ultrasound, and Turtle
Beach Multisound.
The set of digitized sound drivers hook into user interrupt vector 66h
to provide a clean clear programmers interface. This document describes
the two ways you can access the digitized sound package. The first is
the interrupt level interface. The second is a link library interface
that provides a set of C or assembly language callable functions to
access not only the digitized sound drivers but also provides usefull
support routines. These glue code functions are located in the source
*************** INT 66h Interface Specification ***********************
When invoking digplay functions to play sound you pass the address of
a sound structure (SNDSTRUC) that contains the basic information
describing the sound effect you wish to play.
typedef struct
unsigned char far *sound; // Far address of audio data.
unsigned short sndlen; // Length of audio sample.
short far *IsPlaying; // Address of play status flag.
short frequency; // Playback frequency.
typedef struct
unsigned char *sound; // MUST BE OFFSET SEGMENT IN 1MB ADRESS SPACE!
unsigned short sndlen; // Length of audio sample. < 64k
short *IsPlaying; // Address of play status flag. REAL PTR OFFSET:SEGMENT!!
short frequency; // Playback frequency.
********* DIGPAK functions ************************************
Function #1: DigPlay, Play an 8 bit digitized sound.
INPUT: AX = 688h Command number.
DS:SI *REAL* Point to a sound structure that
describes the sound effect to be played.
ESI *FLAT* If using 32 bit interface passing, ESI
points to flat-model address in the first
1mb of address space to the sound structure.
Will get converted into a valid segment offset
by DIGPAK driver.
Function #2: SoundStatus, Check current status of sound driver.
and report VERSION number of the driver, 3.1 and later.
INPUT: AX = 689h
OUTPUT: AX = 0 No sound is playing.
= 1 Sound effect currently playing.
DX = 0 No sound is looping.
= 1 A sound effect is looping.
BX = version Starting with version 3.1, the BX register
of the SoundStatus call will return the
version number. The version number is in
decimal, and multiplied times 100. Meaning
a return of 310, is equal to version 3.10.
Versions before 3.1, did not set the BX
register to anything, so you should zero
out the BX register before you check the
version number. If the BX register is still
zero, then the DigPak driver loaded is less
than 3.1.
Function #3: MassageAudio, Preformat audio data into ouptut hardware format.
INPUT: AX = 68Ah
DS:SI *REAL* Point to a sound structure that
describes the sound effect to be played.
ESI *FLAT* If using 32 bit interface passing, ESI
points to flat-model address in the first
1mb of address space to the sound structure.
Will get converted into a valid segment offset
by DIGPAK driver.
Function #4: DigPlay2, Play preformatted audio data.
INPUT: AX = 68Bh
DS:SI *REAL* Point to a sound structure that
describes the sound effect to be played.
ESI *FLAT* If using 32 bit interface passing, ESI
points to flat-model address in the first
1mb of address space to the sound structure.
Will get converted into a valid segment offset
by DIGPAK driver.
Function #5: AudioCapabilities, Report capabilities of hardware device.
INPUT: AX = 68Ch
OUTPU: AX = Bit 0 -> On, supports background playback.
Off, driver only plays as a foreground process.
Bit 1 -> On, source data is reformatted for output device.
Off, device handles raw 8 bit unsigned audio.
Bit 2 -> On, Device plays back at a fixed frequency, but
the audio driver will downsample input data
to fit.
Off, device plays back at user specified frequency.
(NOTE: You can still playback an audio sample at
whatever frequency you wish. The driver
will simply downsample the data to fit
the output hardware. Currently it does
not support upsampling though.)
Bit 3 -> On, this device uses the timer interrupt vector
during sound playback.
Bit 4 -> Driver supports timer sharing. (not
available in flat model)
Bit 5 -> Supports looped sounds and pending.
Bit 6 -> Supports stereo panning.
Bit 7 -> Supports 8 bit PCM stereo playback.
Bit 8 -> Supports audio recording.
Bit 9 -> supports DMA backfilling.
DX = If this device plays back at a fixed frequency the DX
register will contain that fixed frequency playback rate.
Function #8: StopSound, stop currently playing sound.
INPUT: AX = 68Fh
Will cause any currently playing sound effect to be
FUNCTION #12: SetTimerDivsorRate (not valid in protected mode)
INPUT: AX = 693h
DX = Countdown timer divisor rate, so that timer based
drivers can service application timer interrupts
at their previous rate. Service rate will be an
aproximation, that is fairly close. To reset timer
divisor to default of 18.2 pass a 0 in the DX register.
WARNING!!! If you make use of timer sharing, be sure
to reset it back to the normal 18.2 time per second
rate when you exit.
FUNCTION #14: PostAudioPending
INPUT: AX = 695h
DS:SI *REAL* Pointer to a sound structure that
describes the sound effect to be played.
ESI *FLAT* If using 32 bit interface passing, ESI
points to flat-model address in the first
1mb of address space to the sound structure.
Will get converted into a valid segment offset
by DIGPAK driver.
OUTPUT: AX = 0 Sound was started playing.
AX = 1 Sound was posted as pending to play.
AX = 2 Already a sound effect pending, this one not posted.
FUNCTION #15: AudioPendingStatus
INPUT: AX = 696h
OUTPUT: AX = 0 No sound is playing.
AX = 1 Sound playing, sound pending.
AX = 2 Sound playing, no sound pending.
FUNCTION #16: SetStereoPan
INPUT: AX = 697h
DX = stereo pan value. 0 full volume right.
64 full volume both.
127 full volume left.
OUTPUT: AX = 0 command ignored, driver doesn't support stereo panning.
AX = 1 pan set.
FUNCTION #17: SetPlayMode
INPUT: AX = 698h
DX = Play Mode function.
DX = 0 -> 8 bit PCM
= 1 -> 8 bit Stereo PCM (left/right)
= 2 -> 16 bit PCM
= 3 -> 16 bit PCM stereo
Once the play mode has been changed, all DigPak functions
work exactly the same as before but expect data passed as
specified by this play mode. 8 bit PCM Stereo has left/right
channel pairs. Supported by Stereo FX card and Sound Blaster
OUTPUT: AX = 1 -> mode set.
AX = 0 -> mode not supported by this driver.
FUNCTION #18: Report Pending Status Flag adddress and Semaphore address.
int far *ReportPendingAddress(void);
Reports the far address of the pending flag. If this memory location
pointed to by this address is 1 that means a pending sound effect is
still pending. When this becomes zero, then your application software
can post the next piece of audio to play. It is preferable to use this
semaphore to know when to post the next buffer rather than to use the
AudioPendingStatus call.
int far *ReportSemaphoreAddress(void);
Report the address of the DigPak semaphore. This returns a far
address to a word location inside DigPak. When this is true,
then DigPak is currently active, and you shouldn't invoke any
DigPak function from a hardware interrupt at this time.
INPUT: AX=699h
OUTPUT: AX:DX -> form far Address of Pending status flag.
BX:DX -> form far address of digpak semaphore
(when using DIGPLAY.ASM in flat-model, this address
returned will be converted into a valid flat-model
FUNCTION #19: Set audio recording mode.
INPUT: AX = 69Ah
DX = 0 turn audio recording ON.
= 1 turn audio recording OFF.
OUTPUT: AX = 0 sound driver doesn't support audio recording.
AX = 1 audio recording mode is set.
FUNCTION #21: Set DMA back fill mode.
INPUT: AX = 69Ch
DX = backfill mode 0 means turn it off.
and a 1 means to turn it off.
OUTPUT: AX = 1 -> back fill mode set.
0 -> driver doesn't support DMA backfill.
FUNCTION #22: Report current DMAC count.
INPUT: AX = 69Dh
OUTPUT: AX = Current DMAC count. (counts down, not up)
FUNCTION #23: Verify DMA block, check to see if it crosses a 64k page
boundary for the user.
INPUT: AX = 69Eh
ES:BX -> *REAL*address of sound.
EBX -> *FLAT* 32 bit flat model address in the first
1mb of address space. DIGPAK will convert it
into a valid offset:segment.
CX -> length of sound effect.
OUTPUT: AX = 1 Block is ok, DOESN'T cross 64k bounadary.
AX = 0 block failed, DOES cross 64k boundary.
FUNCTION #24: Set PCM volume.
INPUT: AX = 69Fh
BX = Left channel volume (or both if mono) 0-100
CX = Right channel volume (or both if mono) 0-100
OUTPUT: AX = 1 Volume set
AX = 0 Device doesn't support volume setting.
FUNCTION #25: SetDPMIMode : Set 32 bit register addressing mode on/off
INPUT; AX = 6A0h
DX = mode on/off 1/0
OUTPUT: none.
** DigPlay, linkable interface to the Digitized Sound Package. *****
** REAL MODE DIGPLAY.H linkable interface layer, all procedures are
** prototyped and use segment names such that
** they will link in any memory model.
#define LOADABLE_DRIVERS 1 // Conditional compilation, set to true if
/* Bit flags to denote audio driver capabilities. */
/* returned by the AudioCapabilities call. */
#define PLAYBACK 1 // Bit zero true if can play audio in the background.
#define MASSAGE 2 // Bit one is true if data is massaged.
#define FIXEDFREQ 4 // Bit two is true if driver plays at fixed frequency.
#define USESTIMER 8 // Bit three is true, if driver uses timer.
#define SHARESTIMER 16 // Bit 4, timer can be shared (BETA!!!!!)
#define LOOPEND 32 // bit 5, support looped samples, and pending sounds (BETA!!!)
#define STEREOPAN 64 // Bit 6, supports stereo panning.
#define STEREOPLAY 128 // Bit 7, supports 8 bit PCM stereo playback.
#define AUDIORECORD 256 // Bit 8, supports audio recording!
#define DMABACKFILL 512 // Bit 9, support DMA backfilling.
#define PCM16 1024 // Bit 10, supports 16 bit digital audio.
#define PCM16STEREO 2048
typedef struct
char far *sound; // address of audio data.
unsigned short sndlen; // Length of audio sample.
short far *IsPlaying; // Address of play status flag.
short frequency; // Playback frequency.
extern short far cdecl DigPlay(SNDSTRUC far *sndplay); // 688h -> Play 8 bit digitized sound.
extern short far cdecl SoundStatus(void); // 689h -> Report sound driver status.
extern void far cdecl MassageAudio(SNDSTRUC far *sndplay); // 68Ah -> Preformat 8 bit digitized sound.
extern void far cdecl DigPlay2(SNDSTRUC far *sndplay); // 68Bh -> Play preformatted data.
extern short far cdecl AudioCapabilities(void); // 68Ch -> Report audio driver capabilities.
extern short far cdecl DigPakIdentityString(char far *str); // 68Ch -> reports ID string of
// sound driver. returns string length.
extern void far cdecl StopSound(void); // 68Fh -> Stop current sound from playing.
extern short far cdecl PostAudioPending(SNDSTRUC far *sndplay);
#define NOTPLAYING 0 // No sound is playing.
#define PLAYINGNOTPENDING 1 // Playing a sound, but no sound is pending.
#define PENDINGSOUND 2 // Playing, and a sound is pending.
extern short far cdecl AudioPendingStatus(void);
#define FULLRIGHT 0
#define FULLLEFT 127
extern short far cdecl SetStereoPan(short panvalue); // 0-127, 0 full right.
#define PCM_8_MONO 0
#define PCM_8_STEREO 1
#define PCM_16_MONO 2
#define PCM_16_STEREO 3
extern short far cdecl SetPlayMode(short playmode);
// Return 0 if mode not available, 1 if mode set.
extern short far cdecl SetRecordMode(short mode); // Set audio recording mode.
extern short far * far cdecl PendingAddress(void); // Reports the far address of the pending
// flag. If this memory location pointed to by this address is 1 that means
// a pending sound effect is still pending. When this becomes zero, then your
// application software can post the next piece of audio to play. It is
// preferable to use this semaphore to know when to post the next buffer
// rather than to use the AudioPendingStatus call.
extern short far * cdecl ReportSemaphoreAddress(void); // Reports the far address of the DigPak
// semaphore. If this semaphore is true, then DigPak is currently active
// and you shouldn't post any DigPak calls. This is EXTREMELY important if
// you are trying to invoke DigPak functions via a hardware interrupt, where
// you could potentially have interrupted DigPak itself.
extern void far cdecl SetTimerDivisorRate(short rate); // Set the 8253 timer divisor rate.
// If your program, has reprogrammed the 8253 timer to another rate, then
// you must be sure to tell DigPak what that reprogrammed rate it. Be
// sure to set this BACK to zero when your program exits!!!
extern short far cdecl ReportVersionNumber(void); // Report the DigPak version number.
// Return code is times 100, meaning that version 3.1 would be returned
// as the decimal number 310. This function wasn't supported prior to
// version 3.1 release, so it will be returned as 0, for versions prior
// to 3.1.
extern short far cdecl SetBackFillMode(short mode); // Turn DMA backfill mode on/off, return code
// of 1 means mode was set. Return code of 0 means driver doesn't support
// DMA backfill.
extern unsigned short far cdecl ReportDMAC(void); // Report current DMA counter.
extern short far cdecl VerifyDMA(char far *data,short length); // Verify this buffer block
// doesn't cross a 64k boundary. Return code of 1 means the block is OK.
// return code of 0 means the block can't be used, try another.
extern void far cdecl NullSound(char far *sound,short sndlen,short null);
/* Support routines */
extern void far cdecl WaitSound(void); // Wait until sound playback completed.
extern short far cdecl CheckIn(void); // Is sound driver available? 0 no, 1 yes.
/* Warning, it you enable LOADABLE_DRIVERS you must prodivde memory allocation*/
/* functions, and access to DOSCALLS.OBJ. */
extern short far cdecl InitDP(short segment); // initialize digpak driver.
extern void far cdecl DeInitDP(short segment); // uninitialize digpak driver.
** FLAT MODEL DIGPLAY.H linkable interface layer, all procedures are
** prototyped and use segment names such that
** they will link in any memory model.
/* Bit flags to denote audio driver capabilities. */
/* returned by the AudioCapabilities call. */
#define PLAYBACK 1 // Bit zero true if can play audio in the background.
#define MASSAGE 2 // Bit one is true if data is massaged.
#define FIXEDFREQ 4 // Bit two is true if driver plays at fixed frequency.
#define USESTIMER 8 // Bit three is true, if driver uses timer.
#define SHARESTIMER 16 // Bit 4, timer can be shared (BETA!!!!!)
#define LOOPEND 32 // bit 5, support looped samples, and pending sounds (BETA!!!)
#define STEREOPAN 64 // Bit 6, supports stereo panning.
#define STEREOPLAY 128 // Bit 7, supports 8 bit PCM stereo playback.
#define AUDIORECORD 256 // Bit 8, supports audio recording!
#define DMABACKFILL 512 // Bit 9, support DMA backfilling.
#define PCM16 1024 // Bit 10, supports 16 bit digital audio.
#define PCM16STEREO 2048
typedef struct
char *sound; // address of audio data.
unsigned short sndlen; // Length of audio sample.
short *IsPlaying; // Address of play status flag.
short frequency; // Playback frequency.
extern short cdecl DigPlay(SNDSTRUC *sndplay); // 688h -> Play 8 bit digitized sound.
extern short cdecl SoundStatus(void); // 689h -> Report sound driver status.
extern void cdecl MassageAudio(SNDSTRUC *sndplay); // 68Ah -> Preformat 8 bit digitized sound.
extern void cdecl DigPlay2(SNDSTRUC *sndplay); // 68Bh -> Play preformatted data.
extern short cdecl AudioCapabilities(void); // 68Ch -> Report audio driver capabilities.
extern void cdecl StopSound(void); // 68Fh -> Stop current sound from playing.
extern short cdecl PostAudioPending(SNDSTRUC *sndplay);
#define NOTPLAYING 0 // No sound is playing.
#define PLAYINGNOTPENDING 1 // Playing a sound, but no sound is pending.
#define PENDINGSOUND 2 // Playing, and a sound is pending.
extern short cdecl AudioPendingStatus(void);
#define FULLRIGHT 0
#define FULLLEFT 127
extern short cdecl SetStereoPan(short panvalue); // 0-127, 0 full right.
// 64 full volume both.
#define PCM_8_MONO 0
#define PCM_8_STEREO 1
#define PCM_16_MONO 2
#define PCM_16_STEREO 3
extern short cdecl SetPlayMode(short playmode);
// Return 0 if mode not available, 1 if mode set.
extern short cdecl SetRecordMode(short mode); // Set audio recording mode.
extern short * cdecl PendingAddress(void); // Reports the far address of the pending
// flag. If this memory location pointed to by this address is 1 that means
// a pending sound effect is still pending. When this becomes zero, then your
// application software can post the next piece of audio to play. It is
// preferable to use this semaphore to know when to post the next buffer
// rather than to use the AudioPendingStatus call.
extern short * cdecl ReportSemaphoreAddress(void); // Reports the far address of the DigPak
// semaphore. If this semaphore is true, then DigPak is currently active
// and you shouldn't post any DigPak calls. This is EXTREMELY important if
// you are trying to invoke DigPak functions via a hardware interrupt, where
// you could potentially have interrupted DigPak itself.
extern short cdecl ReportVersionNumber(void); // Report the DigPak version number.
// Return code is times 100, meaning that version 3.1 would be returned
// as the decimal number 310. This function wasn't supported prior to
// version 3.1 release, so it will be returned as 0, for versions prior
// to 3.1.
extern short cdecl SetBackFillMode(short mode); // Turn DMA backfill mode on/off, return code
// of 1 means mode was set. Return code of 0 means driver doesn't support
// DMA backfill.
extern unsigned short cdecl ReportDMAC(void); // Report current DMA counter.
extern short cdecl VerifyDMA(char *data,short length); // Verify this buffer block
// doesn't cross a 64k boundary. Return code of 1 means the block is OK.
// return code of 0 means the block can't be used, try another.
extern void cdecl NullSound(char *sound,short sndlen,short null);
/* Support routines */
extern void cdecl WaitSound(void); // Wait until sound playback completed.
extern short cdecl CheckIn(void); // Is sound driver available? 0 no, 1 yes.
extern void cdecl SetDPMIMode(short mode); // Set DPMI addressing mode for DIGPAK
extern void cdecl DigPakIdentityString(char *str);
extern short cdecl InitDP(char *digpak); // Bootstrap hardware.
extern void cdecl DeInitDP(char *digpak); // Uninitialize DIGPAK
Written by John W. Ratcliff (c) 1994
Compuserve: 70253,3237
BBS: 1-314-939-0200
747 Napa Lane
St. Charles, MO 63304
A $500 per product license fee applies to all commercial software
products distributed with ANY DIGPAK drivers.
To pay a license, simply write a check for $500 payable to The Audio
Solution, 747 Napa Lane, St. Charles, MO 63304 with a copy of your
commerical product. You will receive a signed license agreement from
The Audio Solution shortly thereafter. This license fee applies
specifically to the inclusion with your distribution disk any of the
DIGPAK drivers from The Audio Solution These drivers are copyrighted
works, created by me, to enhance the use of sound and music in DOS based
commercial software. The license fees collected are used to maintain
the drivers and keep the BBS running. There is a seperate license fee
for the use and distribution of MIDPAK drivers.
See accompaning documentation regarding license fees for MIDPAK
distribution. You would be ill-advised to distribute a commercial
product containing either DIGPAK and/or MIDPAK drivers without having
paid the distribution license fee. Since your product would contain
unlicensed copyrighted software from The Audio Solution, your product
could be required to be immediately removed from retail distribution. I
doubt this is going to be a problem. Clearly if your product is
enhanced by the use of these drivers, your company can easily afford a
nominal license fee of $500 in exchange for getting the use of several
man-years of software engineering resources.