Hall of Fame Game Cube 1: DOS
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Text File
352 lines
written by
John W. Ratcliff
Copyright (c) 1994
The Audio Solution
The MIDI driver MIDPAK hooks into user interrupt vector 66h to provide a
clean clear programmers interface. This document describes the two ways
you can access the midi sound package. The first is the interrupt
level interface. The second is a link library interface that provides a
set of C or assembly language callable functions to access not only the
digitized sound drivers but also provides usefull support routines.
These glue code functions are located in the source file MIDPAK.ASM.
MIDPAK uses the same interupt vector as DIGPAK. DIGPAK describes the
complete set of Digitized sound drivers provided by THE Audio Solution.
MIDPAK is fully compatible with DIGPAK. If your application needs to
play back both MIDI music and digitized sound you simply first load the
digitized sound driver you need, and then load the MIDPAK midi driver on
top of it. The MIDPAK driver detects the presence of the DIGPAK sound
driver and re-routes all calls through it. If the digitized sound
hardware does not support independent playback of digitized sound (DMA
support: SoundBlaster, and ProAudio Spectrum do.) then MIDI music
playback will shut down while the digitized sound effect is playing.
MIDI music playback will continue once the digitized sound effect has
completed. This is completely transparent to the running application.
MIDPAK uses the set of MIDI sound drivers developed by Miles Design
Incorporated. These drivers vary in size and can be noted by the
extension of .ADV. MIDPAK will always load the sound driver MUSIC.ADV
when started. The application should copy the apropriate sound driver
over as MUSIC.ADV before loading MIDPAK.
MIDPAK does not play .MID files directly. You must convert the MIDI
file (with the extension of .MID) into an eXtended MIDI file (.XMI)
by using the program MIDIFORM or the MENU utility. The Miles
eXtended MIDI drivers support MIDI channels 2-9 melodic and channel 10
for percussions.
*************** INT 66h Interface Specification ***********************
Function #1: UnloadMidPak, removes the MIDPAK tsr from memory, NOT TO BE
INPUT: AX = 700h Command number.
Function #2: DigPakAvailable, determine whether or not a digpak sound driver
as available, underneath the MIDPAK driver.
INPUT: AX = 701h Command number.
OUTPUT:AX = 0 Digpak is not available.
AX = 1 Digpak is available.
Function #3: PlaySequence, plays a sequence from the currently registered
xmidi file.
INPUT: AX = 702h Command number.
BX = SEQ Sequence number, numbered starting from zero.
OUTPUT:AX = 1 Sequence is being played.
AX = 0 Sequence not available.
Function #4: SegueSequence, register a new sequence to be segueded in at the
next trigger event, with the activation
code specified. If the activation code passed is
a -1, then this sequence will be changed to at the
next trigger.
INPUT: AX = 703h Command number.
BX = SEQ Sequence number to segue to.
CX = ACT Activation event code, -1 means next trigger.
Function #5, RegisterXmidi, Register an XMIDI file by address for playback.
INPUT: AX = 704h Command number.
BX = Offset Offset portion of far address of XMIDI data.
CX = Segment Segment portion of far address of XMIDI data.
SI = Low len Low word of length of XMIDI data.
DI = High len High word of length of XMIDI data.
OUTPUT: AX = 0 Unable to register XMIDI data.
AX = 1 XMIDI file registered resident. This means
that the XMIDI file was able to be held
entirely in MIDPAK's internal buffer area.
The application can throw away the memory
associated with this XMIDI file because
MIDPAK has made a copy of it for itself.
This is very useful in virtual memory
environments where the application program
does not always have fixed addresses in
memory. It also allows MIDPAK to play
back MIDI files in the background from DOS.
AX = 2 XMIDI file was registered to the appilcation.
The caller is responsible for making sure that
this fixed memory address is always contains
the data as passed.
Function #6: MidiStop, stop playing current MIDI sequence.
INPUT AX = 705h Command.
Function #7: Unsed
Function #8: ReportTriggerCount -> returns trigger event counter,
and last event code.
INPUT: AX = 707h Command number.
OUTPUT: AX = COUNT Count of # of callbacks, since last reset.
DX = ID Event ID of last callback.
See callback trigger in XMIDI spec.
Function #9: ResetTriggerCount -> reset's the trigger event counter to zero.
INPUT: AX = 708h Command number.
Function #12: ResumePlaying -> resume playing stopped sequence.
INPUT: AX = 70Bh Command number.
Function #13: SequenceStatus -> report sequence status.
INPUT: AX = 70Ch Command number.
OUTPUT: AX = Status.
SEQ_STOPPED 0 // equates for SequenceStatus()
SEQ_PLAYING 1 // Sequence is currently playing.
SEQ_DONE 2 // A sequence is DONE playing.
Function #14: RegisterXmidiFile( register by filename)
INPUT: AX = 70Dh Command number.
BX = Offset Offset portion of filename address.
CX = Segment Segment portion of filename address.
Function #15: RelativeVolume->
INPUT: AX = 70Eh Command number.
OUTPUT: AX = VOL Current relative volume.
Function #16: SetRelativeVolume->
INPUT: AX = 70Fh Command number.
Function #17: BootstrapMidPak
INPUT: AX = 710h Command number.
BX:CX -> segment,offset of ADV driver.
DX:SI -> segment,offset of AD file.
Function #18: PollMidPak
INPUT: AX = 711h
This function is used in conjunction with PMIDPAK.COM. PMIDPAK is
the polled version of MIDPAK. Normal MIDPAK steals either the timer
interrupt or the real-time clock interrupt and services it as a rate
of 120 hertz. However, some more advanced application want to service
the hardware interrupts themselves, may want to play back the music
at a different quantization rate, or may want to sync the service
rate to graphics routines, to avoid any potential of their graphics
routines being interrupted by the music.
After MIDPAK is installed it restores the timer interrupt vector and
is aquiecent until the application program invokes int 66h with the
command 0711h. You should invoke this interrupt at 120 hertz or
to the quantization rate you used when running MIDIFORM. When
running MIDIFORM you can specify a quantization rate for your music
other than the default of 120 hertz. As you lower the quantization
rate you will here some degradation in the quality of the music
since ASDR will not be responding as quickly. Reducing it to say
60 hertz won't make much of a noticable difference, but reducing it
to 15 to 30 hertz will cause noticable degradation. Obviously running
many channels of MIDI music out of an FM synthesis device like an
Adlib is going to take some CPU. By re-quantiziing your music and
servicing MIDPAK at the rate you are comforatble with, you can
balance machine resources nicely yourself.
Function #19: MidpakClock
INPUT: AX = 712h
OUTPUT: AX:DX Current heartbeat count since MidPak startup.
120 hertz heart beat, application can use this for
BX:CX -> forms the far address pointing to this
heartbeat counter.
BX-> is the offset portion.
CX-> is the segment portion.
This function reports the heartbeat counter for MidPak. Starting
at zero since MidPak startup, this value is the long word result of
the heartbeat counter for MidPak. A 120 hertz timer that your
application software can use for timing (in a polled fashion).
Function #20: TriggerCountAddress
INPUT: AX = 713h
OUTPUT: AX:DX form for address to point to the integer TriggerCount.
This is the counter that gets incremented each time
a Controller 119 is encountered in the midi file.
Function #21: EventIDAddress
INPUT: AX = 714h
OUTPUT: AX:DX form an address to point to the integer EventID,
with is the EventID of the last controller 119
trigger event encountered.
Function #22: Undocumented
Function #23: ReportSequenceNumber
INPUT: AX = 716h
OUTPUT: Report currently playing sequence number.
extern short cdecl CheckMidiIn(void); // Returns 1 if MIDPAK is installed, 0 if not.
extern short cdecl DigPakAvailable(void); // Returns 1 if DIGPAK is installed, 0 if not.
/* These flags are returned by the XMIDI registration call. */
#define FAILURE_TO_REGISTER 0 // Xmidi file registration failed.
#define REGISTERED_RESIDENT 1 // Resident driver holds midi file now.
// The application can throw away the memory
// if it wants to.
#define REGISTERED_APPLICATION 2 // Driver didn't have a big enough buffer
// area reserved to hold the audio data
// so the application is responsible for
// keeping the memory for this sequence
// while it is registered.
extern short cdecl PlaySequence(short seqnum); // Play a particular sequence number from
// the currently registered xmidi file.
#define NEXT_CALLBACK -1 // Activation on next callback.
extern short cdecl SegueSequence(short seqnum,short activate);
// Switch sequence to this sequence when next
// callback trigger event is hit with the
// event number equal to activate. If activate
// is set to -1 then the next event causes the
// segue to occur.
extern short cdecl RegisterXmidi(char *xmidi,long int size);
// Registers an extended midi file for playback.
// This call will register all sequences.
extern short cdecl MidiStop(void); // Stop playing current sequence.
extern long int cdecl ReportCallbackTrigger(void); // Low word is trigger count.
// High word is last event ID.
extern void cdecl ResetCallbackCounter(void); // Reset callback counter to zero.
extern void cdecl ResumePlaying(void); // Resume playing last sequence.
#define SEQ_STOPPED 0 // equates for SequenceStatus()
#define SEQ_PLAYING 1
#define SEQ_DONE 2
extern short cdecl SequenceStatus(void); // Report current sequence play status.
extern short cdecl RelativeVolume(short vol); // Report current volume.
extern void cdecl SetRelativeVolume(short vol,short time); // Set volume, over time period.
#define NOBUFFER 1 // No resident buffer available.
#define FILENOTFOUND 2 // The file was not found.
#define FILETOBIG 3 // The file exceeds the reserved buffer size.
#define REGISTRATIONERROR 4 // Error registering the XMI file.
extern short cdecl RegisterXmidiFile(char *fname); // Register by filename.
extern void cdecl PollMidPak(void); // Poll MidPak for music processing.
extern long int cdecl MidPakClock(void); // Return MIDPAK heartbeat count (120hz)
extern long int * cdecl MidPakClockAddress(void); // Return address of midpak clock.
extern short * cdecl TriggerCountAddress(void); // Report address of trigger count.
extern short * cdecl EventIDAddress(void); // Report address of event id.
extern short cdecl ReportSequenceNumber(void);
extern short cdecl InitMP(char *midpak,char *adv,char *ad); // Init MIDI driver.
extern void cdecl DeInitMP(char *midpak); // Unload a previously loaded sound driver.
Written by John W. Ratcliff (c) 1994
Compuserve: 70253,3237
BBS: 1-314-939-0200
747 Napa Lane
St. Charles, MO 63304
A $500 per product license fee applies to all commercial software
products distributed with ANY MIDPAK drivers.
To pay a license, simply write a check for $500 payable to The Audio
Solution, 747 Napa Lane, St. Charles, MO 63304 with a copy of your
commerical product. You will receive a signed license agreement from
The Audio Solution shortly thereafter. This license fee applies
specifically to the inclusion with your distribution disk any of the
MIDPAK drivers from The Audio Solution These drivers are copyrighted
works, created by me, to enhance the use of sound and music in DOS based
commercial software. The license fees collected are used to maintain
the drivers and keep the BBS running. There is a seperate license fee
for the use and distribution of MIDPAK drivers.
See accompaning documentation regarding license fees for DIGPAK
distribution. You would be ill-advised to distribute a commercial
product containing either DIGPAK and/or MIDPAK drivers without having
paid the distribution license fee. Since your product would contain
unlicensed copyrighted software from The Audio Solution, your product
could be required to be immediately removed from retail distribution. I
doubt this is going to be a problem. Clearly if your product is
enhanced by the use of these drivers, your company can easily afford a
nominal license fee of $500 in exchange for getting the use of several
man-years of software engineering resources.