NAME "I am Lord Baldwin, ruler of the underland." JOB "To RUN this great underland of ours. But I always try to maintain a gentle hand. Still, I'll always hath time to CHAT with a great hero as yourself." BYE "Take care, Guildmaster! Make sure to visit now and then to ask me if thee art ready to ADVANCE. And, of course, to chat." He rubs his chin. "Hmm, I'm afraid I can't help thee much with that." CHAT "As thee might know, we of the underland art well aware of the land ABOVE, and from time to time hath contact with them." ABOVE "Especially good King Eldor. However, for the most part, we of the underland choose to make our lives here in this old dormant VOLCANO." VOLCANO "Its fires hath cooled many centuries ago, and it is now a stable old mountain." He looks around, pleased. "If ye need HELP ever, just ask." HELP "I imagine by now thou hast read the book on history I sent thee, via magic from TOPSIDE, and are aware of our realm. King Eldor said you would come." TOPSIDE "That's what we call the world above. If, on your travels, thou hast need of FOOD or HEALING, just ask. Likewise, if thou need a SUMMARY of events." SUMMARY "Hast thou heard of the mad knight?" YES You report all that has transpired regarding this matter. Lord Baldwin appears pleased. "I thought it best to ask. Forgive my occasional forgetfulness!" NO The Monarch looks down, grimly. "'Tis a sad tale. Prince John was the captain of my knights. He went with a scouting team to EXPLORE below." EXPLORE "Numerous stirrings around the dungeon hath disturbed us in recent times. We fear some unseen EVIL might be lurking far below." EVIL "Prince John and his team went all the way to ground level, which is outside but on the floor of the volcano. The men returned, Prince John did NOT!" NOT "Somewhere along