QUEST EIGHT "Bringeth a great helm, and I canst make the spell." QUEST NINE "All I needeth art a single gold nugget." QUEST TEN "To make it, I'll need a good sextant." QUEST ELEVEN "I shalt need the skull of a fallen hero. Find a dead skeleton's bones, 'use' it to removeth the skull, then bringeth it here to my lab." QUEST TWELVE "Thou wilt need to completeth nearly thy entire campaigne here. When thou hast achieved the seventh level of attainment, I shall give it to thee." HATH ONE Leomund examines your goods. HATH TWO Leomund examines your goods. HATH THREE Leomund examines your goods. HATH FOUR Leomund examines your goods. HATH FIVE Leomund examines your goods. HATH SIX Leomund examines your goods. HATH SEVEN Leomund examines your goods. HATH EIGHT Leomund examines your goods. HATH NINE Leomund examines your goods. HATH TEN Leomun