nfo...ON LEATHER HELM,ON CHAIN HELM,ON GREAT HELM,ON LEATHER ARMOR, ON CHAIN ARMOR,ON PLATE ARMOR,ON WOODEN SHEILD, or ON KITE SHEILD." ON LEATHER HELM "It will add 1 to yer armor class. Cost is only 100gp." ON CHAIN HELM "Adds 2 to yer armor class. Only 300gp." ON GREAT HELM "It's the best. Adds 4 to yer armor class. Costs 500gp, though!" ON LEATHER ARMOR "Adds 1 to yer armor class. Costs 100gp fer one." ON CHAIN ARMOR "Good stuff. Adds 2 to yer armor class. Only costs 300gp." ON PLATE ARMOR "Ah! Ye seek the best. Adds 4 to yer armor class. But its fairly expensive stuff, being the best. 500 gold pieces. Well worth the cost if ye ask me!" ON WOODEN SHEILD "Good fer general purposes. Adds only 1 to yer armor class, though. Still, its worthwhile at the reasonable price of only 50 gold pieces." ON KITE SHEILD "Ah, 'tis basically a sheild of plate metal, like the armor. Very good, it canst add 3 to yer armor class. Costs about 170gp." BUY WEAPONS "Choose...BUY KNIFE,BUY AWL PIKE,BUY LUCERN HAMMER,BUY RANSEUR,BUY ELVENSWORD, BUY KHOPESH STAFF,BUY BILL GUISARME. Take yer pick." BUY ARMOR "Choose...BUY LEATHER HELM,BUY CHAIN HELM,BUY GREAT HELM,BUY LEATHER ARMOR, BUY CHAIN ARMOR,BUY PLATE ARMOR,BUY WOODEN SHEILD,BUY KITE SHEILD. Yer choice?" BUY KNIFE He goes to the back room and brings out a newly forged knife, and sets it on the counter in front of him. BUY AWL PIKE He sets the awl pike on the counter. BUY LUCERN HAMMER He brings out a lucern hammer and places it neatly on the counter. BUY RANSEUR He brings out the ranseur and places it on the table.