NAME "Wayne. I'm the OPERATIONS manager of the guild. Don't let Lar tell you otherwise!" JOB "I'm the OPERATIONS manager of the Guild." BYE "Ok, back to work!" "Man, I don't know anything about that stuff." OPERATIONS "Our guild is devoted to the seeking and preservation of artifacts." ELVEN "How did you know I was related to elves? You're not making fun of my size are you?" YES "Go see Cindy on level 6!" Wayne looks away disgusted. NO "Hey, I'm just joking with you. Anyway, I'm expecting a big visit from Lord Baldwin down here soon, so I gotta get back to work. TALK with Cassie." TALK "She's part of our guild. Find her with the lovelies on level 6. She has a thing for good King Eldor up topside. Ask her about ELDOR." ELDOR "Yes, a fine King. I heard you visited up there once."