"The warriors fought valiantly, but they didst not prevail. The entire level wast destroyed. But the spirits of the HEROES still roam there." HEROES "The bodies were never found, thus never buried. Scouts to the lower levels hath reported some strange SIGHTS, however." SIGHTS "It is said that when the magical night dost descend in the dungeon, thou canst see the spirit TOMBS of the heroes, shimmering in the darkness." TOMBS "It art up to the arcane magics to attempt to COMMUNICATE with them." COMMUNICATE "Yes, master. If thou art virtuous enough, thou may indeed communicate with the spirit heroes. They may see thy need, and ASSIST thee." ASSIST "Only from the great beyond canst thou aquire the GOSOMAR silk..." GOSOMAR "It is a sweet herb. Blessed thou art if a spirit hero giveth thee some! For if thou dost eat of it, thou wilt find TWICE thy health restored!" TWICE "Twice thy current max, that is. The effect wilt last until thee hast used the energy in battle, or until thou sleepest until the next day. Such is MAGIC." MAGIC "Magic is everywhere. Me? I prefereth to study HERBS and the ARCANE arts." HERBS "There art many mystic herbs. Three types canst one likely find in the dungeon: NIGHTSHADE mushrooms, spirit JELLY, and a strange, SILKEN herb." NIGHTSHADE "Find it near dampness. Not wet, but probably somewhat ABOVE where it is wet." ABOVE "It groweth in just the right areas. Thou should seeketh a damp dungeon, then goeth up a level, where 'tis only damp, not WET." WET "Too much water dost rot it. Also, it groweth not near fresh water, but old water. Remember that! As to WHEN to find?" WHEN "Behold, its own name provideth a clue. Nightshade...find it, partake of it, and it shalt restore thy energy. Thou shouldst keep some in storage, too." JELLY "Ah, the spirit jelly! Find this when shadows rule the dungeon,