"The pool I did not find. I do not know how its rainbow waters can formeth into a creature of such gargantuan evil. It must be STOPPED!" STOPPED "I reached the land of the one-eyed giants. Beware them! They too are controlledby the horror below them. I FELT the evil." FELT "It took my mind, and I staggered through Henry's area, then Melissa's. Here on level five I found I could control the Spirit Daemons. I went MAD." MAD He bows again. "You, sir, have shook me back. I thank thee. I must return to Lord Baldwin and repent my error in facing this HORROR alone." HORROR "Horror indeed!" He looks around. "Behold! The daemons hath felt the might of our battle and fled. But they'll be BACK." BACK "Yes, I fear. I no longer control them, but they were always terrible anyway." He looks anxious to leave. "I think I need a VACATION." VACATION "Let us hope Lord Baldwin understands. If ye see me not on level one, assume I was pardoned, and allowed topside awhile. Now then, a GIFT." GIFT "Far below I foundeth three mighty items. You, sir, art more worthy than I to possess them. I shalt HIDE them in this dungeon with some magic I have." HIDE "Scatter them, actually, lest those spirits return and find them. I beseech thee to search here before thee leave. And so Master, I bid thee farewell!"