Labels:crt screen | monitor | plant | sky | window OCR: OS2SCAN.EXE Usage: SCAN [object1] [object2 [option1] [option2 Options Display this help screen ADL Scan all local drives ADN Scan all ne twork drives AF Kfilename tore val idation codes for all files in AL ERT server Aleri server> on infected files ALL Scan 1e files APPEND Append repor file rather than overw AV Add ien idat tion code 0 execut able files BOOT Scan boot seci tor and masi ter boot recorc 'CF filename Check ien .idat ion codes stored in filer 'CL EAN Clean viruses from infected files pue 'CV Check val +ePt tion codes added to files 'DEL Del lete inf Fected files /EXCL UDE <filename Do not add val +ept ion codes to files /FAST Faster scann: ing (may miss sone inf Fectio /FREQUENCY <n> Do not scan [n] hours afte the previot object optionl ives lename Store executabl record pappe ...