WDR Computer Club Digital 1994 October
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Text File
474 lines
Begin Form frmDDEDemo
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
Caption = "WinPLOT DDE Demo"
ClientHeight = 3030
ClientLeft = 690
ClientTop = 5760
ClientWidth = 6315
Height = 3435
Left = 630
ScaleHeight = 3030
ScaleWidth = 6315
Top = 5415
Width = 6435
Begin HScrollBar hsbSpeed
Height = 255
Left = 3840
Max = 50
Min = 1
TabIndex = 9
Top = 120
Value = 1
Width = 915
Begin CommandButton cmdNext
Caption = " >"
Height = 315
Left = 1620
TabIndex = 7
Top = 60
Width = 315
Begin Frame Frame2
Caption = "Commands (no data)"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 1635
Left = 3420
TabIndex = 5
Top = 1320
Width = 2835
Begin TextBox txtCmd
BorderStyle = 0 'None
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "Courier New"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 1335
Left = 60
MultiLine = -1 'True
TabIndex = 6
Top = 240
Width = 2715
Begin Frame Frame1
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
Caption = "Data file (commands && data)"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 1635
Left = 60
TabIndex = 3
Top = 1320
Width = 3255
Begin TextBox txtData
BorderStyle = 0 'None
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "Courier New"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 1335
Left = 60
MultiLine = -1 'True
TabIndex = 4
Top = 240
Width = 3135
Begin CheckBox chkPause
Caption = "Pause"
Height = 195
Left = 2700
TabIndex = 2
Top = 120
Width = 915
Begin Timer Timer1
Left = 5820
Top = 0
Begin CommandButton cmdDemo
Caption = "Start Demo"
Height = 315
Left = 60
TabIndex = 0
Top = 60
Width = 1395
Begin Label Label2
Caption = "Speed"
Height = 195
Left = 4800
TabIndex = 10
Top = 120
Width = 615
Begin Label Label1
Caption = "Next"
Height = 255
Left = 1980
TabIndex = 8
Top = 120
Width = 555
Begin Label lblDemoStatus
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
Height = 795
Left = 60
TabIndex = 1
Top = 480
Width = 6135
Option Explicit ' use only defined vars only
Const w = 6.283185307 ' w=2*pi
Const NONE = 0 ' No DDE
Const MANUAL = 2 ' Manual DDE link
Const AUTOMATIC = 1 ' Automatic DDE Link
Const WHITE = &HFFFFFF ' non selected background color
Const GREEN = &H808000 ' selected background color
Dim crlf As String * 2 ' hold the crlfLF string combo
Dim nsamp As Integer ' total number of samples
Dim fs As Single ' sample frequency (Hz)
Dim start As Integer ' app startup flag
Dim n As Integer ' current sample # index
Dim t As Single ' current time of sample
Dim x As Single
Dim y1 As Single
Dim y2 As Single
Dim cmd$ ' used to build data
Dim con$ ' used as DDE connection name
' Used to build up a command string
Sub AddCommand (t$)
cmd = cmd + t$ + crlf
End Sub
' used to pause demo if checked
Sub chkPause_Click ()
End Sub
' Main program loop - Once pressed the demo just loops
' All demo link and command code is contained here
' Basic mode of operation:
' 1) Establish link (LinkTopic\Item\Mode)
' 2) Send data file with necessary header (LinkPoke)
' 3) Send control commands (LinkExecute)
Sub cmdDemo_Click ()
lblDemoStatus = ""
DemoStatus "Welcome to the WinPLOT Demo using DDE control"
DemoStatus "Start WinPLOT for DDE if necessary"
start = True ' signal that you are starting a new instance of WinPLOT
con$ = "Demo" ' link connection instance name
On Error GoTo StartApp ' if connection failure then attempt to start
txtData.LinkMode = NONE
txtData.LinkTopic = "WinPLOT|" + con$ ' the connection string must be unique to this instance
txtData.LinkItem = "DDEData" ' the actual name of the item in WinPLOT that accepts the data
txtData.LinkMode = MANUAL ' all operations will be manually issued
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DemoStatus "Generate a Sinc function data file and set all the default items."
DemoStatus "Then send the file off to WinPLOT to draw"
nsamp = 128 ' number of samples
fs = 80 ' sample frequency Hz
cmd = ""
AddCommand "DATASET=Demo" ' build the data header - all of the look and feel keywords are used here
AddCommand "SIGNAL=Sin(X)/X"
AddCommand "SAMPLE=X,sec.," + Str$(nsamp)
AddCommand "INTERVAL=" + Str$(1 / fs) ' Note: This is a automatic X
AddCommand "DISPLAY=0,0,300,300"
AddCommand "PLOT_TYPE=rect"
AddCommand "SYMB_COLOR=blue,red"
AddCommand "SYMB_POINT=square,circle"
AddCommand "SYMB_LINE=solid,solid"
AddCommand "SET_X" ' shut off LOGs
AddCommand "SET_Y"
AddCommand "DATA"
t = -nsamp / 2 / fs
For n = 1 To nsamp ' build the data
t = t + 1 / fs
cmd = cmd + Str$(Sin(3 * w * t) / (3 * w * t)) + crlf ' sinc function
Next n
txtCmd.BackColor = WHITE '
txtData.BackColor = GREEN ' show data as active window
txtData = cmd
txtData.LinkPoke ' send off data & header
Call subDelay(15) ' wait
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lblDemoStatus = ""
DemoStatus "WinPLOT also supports Polar plots ..."
DemoStatus "Note the Keyword commands that are used."
DemoStatus "The ACTIVE and AUTO are off to aviod unnecessary actions."
cmd = ""
AddCommand "ACTIVE=off"
AddCommand "AUTO=off"
AddCommand "PLOT_TYPE=polar"
AddCommand "SET_X=-.1,1"
AddCommand "SET_Y=-.1,1"
AddCommand "DATASET=Polar"
AddCommand "REDRAW"
txtData.BackColor = WHITE
txtCmd.BackColor = GREEN
txtCmd = cmd
txtData.LinkExecute txtCmd ' Note LinkExecute is for commands
Call subDelay(15)
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lblDemoStatus = ""
DemoStatus "WinPLOT can also preform some data transformations"
DemoStatus "Here is the frequency spectrum of the Sinc functions"
DemoStatus "Note the Y axis is LOG scale and the X-axis is Hz "
cmd = ""
AddCommand "OPERATION=spec"
AddCommand "DATASET=Spectrum"
AddCommand "PLOT_TYPE=rect"
AddCommand "RESCALE" ' force rescale on X
AddCommand "SET_Y=.001,100,log" ' force log-Y
AddCommand "REDRAW"
txtCmd = cmd
txtData.LinkExecute txtCmd
Call subDelay(15)
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lblDemoStatus = ""
DemoStatus "WinPLOT can handle can handle a number of signals"
cmd = ""
nsamp = 64
fs = nsamp / (4 * w)
AddCommand "DATASET=Multi Signal Interactive"
AddCommand "SIGNAL=Sin(X)/X,diff(Y1)"
AddCommand "SET_Y"
AddCommand "AUTO=on" ' for next markers ??
AddCommand "ACTIVE=on"
AddCommand "DATA"
t = -nsamp / 2 / fs
For n = 1 To nsamp
t = t + 1 / fs ' t=1/f
y1 = Sin(t) / t ' sinc(t)
y2 = y1 - Sin(t - 1 / fs) / (t - 1 / fs) ' diff(sinc(t))
cmd = cmd + Str$(t) + "," + Str$(y1) + "," + Str$(y2) + crlf ' output signal
Next n
txtCmd.BackColor = WHITE
txtData.BackColor = GREEN
txtCmd = "" ' just to show that the command window is not being used
txtData = cmd
Call subDelay(5)
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DemoStatus "Interactive operation is via mouse or keyboard"
DemoStatus "Note the X & Y values being displayed"
cmd = ""
AddCommand "ACTIVE=on"
AddCommand "AUTO=off"
AddCommand "MARKER=25,1"
txtData.BackColor = WHITE
txtCmd.BackColor = GREEN
txtCmd = cmd
txtData.LinkExecute txtCmd
Call subDelay(1)
For n = 1 To 10
cmd = ""
AddCommand "MARKER=" + Str$(25 + n) + ",1"
txtCmd = cmd
txtData.LinkExecute txtCmd
Call subDelay(.3)
Next n
DemoStatus "Now lets switch to signal #2"
Call subDelay(1)
For n = 1 To 10
cmd = ""
AddCommand "MARKER=" + Str$(35 - n) + ",2"
txtCmd = cmd
txtData.LinkExecute txtCmd
Call subDelay(.3)
Next n
Call subDelay(2)
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lblDemoStatus = ""
DemoStatus "We can Zoom In"
cmd = ""
AddCommand "SET_X=-5,0.5"
AddCommand "SET_Y=-.3,.55"
AddCommand "REDRAW"
txtCmd = cmd
txtData.LinkExecute txtCmd
Call subDelay(3)
DemoStatus "Change Signal colors and types "
DemoStatus "Also minimize plot "
cmd = ""
AddCommand "SYMB_COLOR=green, purple"
AddCommand "SYMB_LINE=dash, none"
AddCommand "DISPLAY=0,0,1,1"
AddCommand "REDRAW"
txtCmd = cmd
txtData.LinkExecute txtCmd
Call subDelay(10)
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lblDemoStatus = ""
txtCmd = ""
txtCmd.BackColor = WHITE
txtData.BackColor = GREEN
DemoStatus "WinPlot can also start up multiple windows"
con$ = "Demo2" ' a new instance
start = True
On Error GoTo StartApp
txtData.LinkMode = NONE
txtData.LinkTopic = "WinPLOT|" + con$
txtData.LinkItem = "DDEData"
txtData.LinkMode = MANUAL
Call subDelay(3)
DemoStatus "Start a second window ..."
DemoStatus "And position it below first"
cmd = ""
AddCommand "DISPLAY=0,170,1,1"
AddCommand "OPERATION=integ"
AddCommand "DATASET=Integration"
txtData.BackColor = WHITE
txtCmd.BackColor = GREEN
txtCmd = cmd
txtData.LinkExecute txtCmd
Call subDelay(4)
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lblDemoStatus = ""
DemoStatus "These are just some of the features available in WinPLOT"
DemoStatus "This VB DDE DemoStatus program is provided in the file 'DDE_DemoStatus.FRM'"
DemoStatus "See the on-line help for details. "
Call subDelay(20)
DemoStatus "Now close this window"
cmd = ""
AddCommand "AUTO=off"
AddCommand "EXIT" ' this will cause this instance of WinPLOT to terminate
txtCmd = cmd
txtData.LinkExecute txtCmd
Call subDelay(.1)
txtCmd.BackColor = WHITE
txtData.BackColor = GREEN
txtCmd = ""
' if WinPLOT has is not running then an error is generated
' note that with app.path DDE_DEMO must be in the same directory as WinPLOT
If start = True Then start = Shell(app.Path + "\WINPLOT.EXE '" + con$ + "'", 1) ' shell only once if start is true to avoid instance errors
DoEvents ' give the system time to do something
If Err = 293 Then
Resume Next ' if DDE lost connection then must have Exited
Resume ' other faliure then keep going until success
End If
End Sub
' used to bypass the delay function
Sub cmdNext_Click ()
cmdNext.Tag = "Clicked" ' used to tell the timmer fuction to continue
End Sub
' This sub is used to display the Demo Text Display
Sub DemoStatus (t$)
lblDemoStatus = lblDemoStatus + t$ + crlf
DoEvents ' allow to be displayed when busy
End Sub
' This is a VB program which Demonstrates the use of Dynamic Data Exchange to Control WinPLOT.
' See the on-line help for full details on the available commands
' The demo will highlight the box that is controlling
' You can pause this demo and issue your own data & commands by typing in the boxes and then double ckicking on the box
' NOTE: This program will not work with a unregistered copy of WinPLOT.
' The Link Topic of an unregistered copy is set to a hidden predetermined name.
' The compiled demo program (DDE_DEMO.EXE) will work because it was compiled with this special name.
' >> Program starts here
Sub Form_Load ()
frmDDEDemo.Top = 360 * 15 ' position form in bottom left corner
frmDDEDemo.Left = 0
crlf = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) ' carrage return & line feed characters
hsbSpeed.Value = 5 ' set default Demo speed
End Sub
' used for demo speed control
Sub hsbSpeed_Change ()
End Sub
' This sub is used as a general delay
' It works in conjunction with the Next, Pause and Delay controls
Sub subDelay (d As Single)
timer1.Interval = d * 1000 * 5 / hsbSpeed.Value ' delay in seconds adjusted
timer1.Tag = "" ' clear the timer flag
timer1.Enabled = True ' start the timer
While (timer1.Tag = "" Or chkPause = 1) And cmdNext.Tag = ""
' wait until any of the above occurs
cmdNext.Tag = ""
timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub
' Timer object used for delay function
Sub Timer1_Timer ()
timer1.Tag = "Done" ' When the timer is done
End Sub
Sub txtCmd_DblClick ()
' On Error GoTo ErrHand
txtData.LinkExecute txtCmd
' Exit Sub
' Resume Next ' for End command
End Sub
Sub txtData_DblClick ()
' On Error GoTo PokeError
' Exit Sub
' DoEvents
' Resume
End Sub