43 To create a new application : \n - Draw any symbol on it.\n - Go back to this dialog box.\n - Click New again and fill out the fields.
44 Are you sure you want to delete\nthe "%s" scheme ?
45 Visuactive is now configured to run with the RIGHT mouse button.\nChanges will take effect when you restart Visuactive.
46 Visuactive is now configured to run with the MIDDLE mouse button.\nWarning : you must have a 3-button mouse driver.\nIf it doesn't work, please check out your mouse driver, or choose the right button.\nChanges will take effect when you restart Visuactive.
47 Are you sure you want to exit? \nVisuactive functions will be disabled.
48 Default
49 Left click=Display Symbols - Right click=Disable Visuactive
50 Last event: symbol recognized
51 Last event: symbol recognized, but not in the app scheme
52 Enable Visuactive
53 Disable Visuactive
54 Click here to enable Visuactive functions
55 Do you want to reset the current shortcut?
56 [NULL]
57 &Right
58 &Left
60 [Display Symbol Window]
61 [Minimize active window]
62 [Maximize active window]
63 [Restore active window]
64 [Quick exit Windows]
70 Always on top
71 You are about to change the Default scheme.\nYou should create a new scheme instead.\nDo you want to create a new scheme now?
72 The "%s" scheme already exists. Click OK if you wish to create\na new scheme for this application with a different language,\nor if you want to create a new scheme keeping these symbols.\nOtherwise, click Cancel.
73 Visuactive is currently working in %s.\nDo you really want it to run in %s?
74 Visuactive is about to shut down.\nChanges will take effect when you restart it.
75 Changes the application header, or creates a new one
76 Configures the selected shortcut: name, shape, action, etc.
77 Removes the current scheme from disk
78 Sets Visuactive access to right (or left if swapped) mouse button
79 Sets Visuactive access to middle mouse button
80 Set sounds to play when different events occur
81 Sets different languages for Visuactive
82 Changes options
83 Enables or disables Visuactive recognition system
84 Launches the Quick Start application
85 Displays the Visuactive help
86 Displays the program information and copyright
87 Please enter a version number.
88 Right-click option
89 When clicking with the right button, each application has its own behavior.\nTo keep the context menu feature while allowing Visuactive recognition system,\nplease change the level until it works fine for both systems, starting from zero.
90 This will launch the Register form.\nPlease print it out,and send it when registering.\nYou may also want to see "Register Information" in the "Help" menu.
91 Displays information about Visuactive registration
92 Opens the registration form so you can print it out
93 Drag&drop: %d files has been successfully installed.\nChanges will take effect when you restart Visuactive.
94 Bad code, please retry.\nThe case must be respected, you may want to check it out.
95 Thank you, you are now a registered user of Visuactive.\nChanges will take effect when you restart the program.
96 You can also enable and disable Visuactive\njust right-clicking its icon in the task bar, near the clock.