Labels:crt screen | earth | keyboard | plant | plaything | sky | table | tree | windowpane | workwear OCR: Electr Ma gnetic Poetry inspired by the Magnetic Poetry Kit Dave Kapell [a click and drag truck skin It hing drive bed garden tomon Yand felt ine Lnito this she Isuit plav less shib, not ead ed burn urge all am sea fluf therr ic after bed picdse about rain red he bare be day takit iut above pink Pa men sad alwavs the lie Doth gone wrm did want eat Time shake delicious beauty then breast Sho awav dress applet CoO monster Sweet uy ADC see was raw drool sincerel heave put juice let sweat iter arm what vision drean by this may ache iead from waisn nlace rue Fectro diversion could Igarden ture suit read flufl play Iday always COol geous