//Name der Sprache, wird in den Einstellungen angezeigt:
Name = "English"
Autor = "Jochen Boy"
AutorMail = "jochen@dexpot.de"
Kommentar = "Dexpot language file containing default English text."
//Dexpot 1.3.0 [$Id: english.dxs 236 2005-01-01 12:19:42Z Patrick $]
strDexpot = "Dexpot - The virtual Desktops utility"
strVorheriger = "Dexpot - previous desktop"
strNaechster = "Dexpot - next desktop"
strDesktop = "Desktop"
strAlleDesktops = "all desktops"
strKein = "(None)"
strMsgFortfahren = "Do you wish to continue?"
strMsgDesktopanzahl = "The chosen number of desktops is smaller than the previous value, i.e. all information concerning the desktops higher than the new value will be lost. All windows on those desktops will be moved to the current desktop. Should the current desktop then be no longer valid, then Dexpot will switch to the first desktop."
strMsgVersuchenZuErsetzen = "Dexpot will try to replace them."
strMsgProblem = "Should this problem occur further on:"
strMsgHinweisDesktopanzahl = "Dexpot - Note on changing the number of desktops"
strMsgNeustartErforderlich = "The computer needs to be restarted to change the screen resolution. Thus Dexpot cannot apply the desired modification."
strMsgAufloesung = "The screen resolution can now be changed. Do you wish to accept the new"
strMsgAufloesungAnnehmen = "resolution?"
strMsgNichtAendern = "It's not possible to change the resolution."
strMasterPasswortAnfordern = "Dexpot Password Protection has been activated. In order to carry out the desired task, you have to enter the master password:"
strPasswortAnfordern = "Dexpot Password Protection has been activated. In order to carry out the desired task, you have to enter the password for the respective Desktop:"
strMasterPasswortAendern = "You can change the Dexpot master password here:"
strAltesPasswort = "Old password:"
strNeuesPasswort = "New password:"
strBestaetigung = "Confirmation:"
strMsgPasswortFehler = "Dexpot - Error during password input"
strMsgUebereinstimmung = "New password and confirmation do not match. Please correct your input."
strMsgAltesFalsch = "Old password invalid!"
strKeineAnderen = "No other windows present"
strKeineFenster = "No windows on this Desktop"
strMsgIconsEntfernen = "Do you really wish to remove the selected icons from this Desktop?"
lblBeendenText.Caption = "Please choose how you would like to exit Dexpot 1.3. You can either send all windows from the remaining virtual desktops to the main desktop, or close all windows which are not on the current desktop:"
lblBeenden.Caption = "Exit Dexpot 1.3 ?"
cmbFrage.List(0) = "Exit and send all programs to this desktop"
cmbFrage.List(1) = "Exit and close all programs which are not on this desktop"
lblWenn.Caption = "Dexpot 1.3 is freeware. But it recently has developed into a time and also money consuming hobby. If you like Dexpot and wish to support its further development, we would greatly appreciate if you donate some money."
cmdSpenden.Caption = "&Donate"
lblDanke.Caption = "Thanks a lot!"
strSpenden = "Donate"
strLizenz = "License"
lblMailadresse.Caption = "mail@dexpot.de"
strMsgDanke = "Thank you for your registration!"
strMsgUngueltig = "License key not valid! Please try again."
strMsgProblem = "If you have any problems, please contact:"
lblWas.Caption = "Please choose the time period for which each desktop should be displayed. In addition you can choose whether this should happen forward or backward:"
HotkeyTexte(1) = "Moves the active window to the respective desktop."
HotkeyTexte(2) = "Copies the active window to the respective desktop."
HotkeyTexte(3) = "Opens or closes the respective Dexpot module."
HotkeyTexte(4) = "The transparency settings are only available on Windows 2000/XP."
HotkeyTexte(5) = "Generates a black picture on the screen. To restore the desktop, press the hotkey again."
HotkeyTexte(6) = "Switches back to the last visited desktop."
HotkeyTexte(7) = "Opens a transparency dialogue for the active window."
HotkeyTexte(8) = "Makes the currently active window more transparent."
HotkeyTexte(9) = "Makes the currently active window less transparent."
HotkeyTexte(10) = "Renders all transparent windows solid."
HotkeyTexte(11) = "Loads Dexpot settings and desktop tools from the default profile."
HotkeyTexte(12) = "Stops a running desktop slideshow."
HotkeyTexte(13) = "Toggles through the Dexpot tray icon options which are available under 'Appearance'."
HotkeyTexte(14) = "Applies rules to all open windows."
HotkeyTexte(15) = "Temporarily disables the execution of the desktop rules. Press the hotkey again for reactivation."
HotkeyTexte(16) = "Resets the icons on the current desktop to their state when leaving the desktop last time."
HotkeyTexte(17) = "Loads the icon distribution for all desktops from the current profile."
HotkeyTexte(18) = "Display the DexTab task switcher as a replacement for the windows function Alt+Tab."
HotkeyTexte(19) = "Opens the full-screen desktop preview."
HotkeyTexte(20) = "Removes the active window from the current desktop, respectively quits the application if it's running only on the current desktop."
HotkeyTexte(21) = "Launches the screensaver on the current desktop."
cmdAlleHotkeysLoeschen.Caption = "Clear all"
lblMausWechsel.Caption = "This feature automatically switches between desktops when moving the mouse cursor to the edge of the screen for some time."
chkMausWechsel.Caption = "Activate mouse switch"
frmMausWechselAbstimmung.Caption = "Adjustment"
lblMausWechselDauer.Caption = "Delay:"
lblMausWechselAbstand.Caption = "Distance:"
lblMausWechselToleranz.Caption = "Sensitivity:"
chkMausWechselInvertieren.Caption = "Set mouse cursor to opposing edge of screen"
chkMausWechselWegSetzen.Caption = "Move mouse cursor out of border area after switch"
chkAenderungenUebernehmenSchoner.Caption = "Apply manual changes to Dexpot configuration"
lblEinblendungErklaerung.Caption = "The desktop name prompt allows to display the name of the current desktop either permanently or every time after switching desktops."
lblEinblendung.Caption = "Prompt the desktop name:"
mnuHandles.Caption = "Do not display window handles"
strFensterAnzahl = "Window"
strIcontitel = "Icon title"
mnuSammeln.Caption = "Gather windows"
mnuDesktopKonfigurieren.Caption = "Configure"
strMsgIcons = "This view is only available if you activate 'Customize desktop icons' to distribute the icons among the different desktops. You will find this feature and all related options on the Extras tab in the settings.\n\nDo you wish to activate 'Customize desktop icons' now?"
tabFenster.Tabs(1).Caption = "Window"
tabFenster.Tabs(2).Caption = "Overview"
tabFenster.Tabs(3).Caption = "Preview"
tabFenster.Tabs(4).Caption = "Lost windows"
tabFenster.Tabs(5).Caption = "Icons"
tabFenster.Tabs(1).ToolTipText = "All windows on the desktop selected below"
tabFenster.Tabs(2).ToolTipText = "All windows on all desktops"
tabFenster.Tabs(3).ToolTipText = "All windows on the desktop selected below in a graphical preview"
tabFenster.Tabs(4).ToolTipText = "All windows which are not assigned to any desktop"
tabFenster.Tabs(5).ToolTipText = "All desktop icons on the desktop selected below"
strMsgKeinMasterPasswort = "You have defined a password for one or several desktops. To activate the Dexpot password protection, a master password is required in addition.\n\nDo you wish to define the master password now?"
strMsgWechselElementAufloesung = "Before an individual screen resolution can be assigned to this desktop, the 'Customize screen resolution' option in the Dexpot settings has to be activated.\n\nDo you wish to enable this setting now?"
strMsgWechselElementHintergrund = "Before an individual background image can be assigned to this desktop, background customization in the Dexpot settings has to be activated.\n\nDo you wish to enable this setting now?"
strMsgWechselElementSchoner = "Before an individual screensaver for this desktop can be defined, the setting 'Customize screensaver' in the Dexpot settings has to activated.\n\nDo you wish to enable this setting now?"
strPasswortGeschuetzt = "[Password protected]"
strInDenTrayMinimiert = "Minimized to system tray"
lblBeschreibung1.Caption = "This Assistant will guide you step by step to the creation of a new rule, and will help you to define the desired conditions and actions."
lblRegelName.Caption = "Name of the new rule:"
frmRegelOption.Caption = " Create from "
optNeueRegel.Caption = "blank rule"
optVorhandeneRegel.Caption = "existing rule:"
optRegelDatenbank.Caption = "rule database:"
chkDeaktivieren.Caption = "Deactivate rule by default"
cmdSchritt2.Caption = "&Next"
cmdCancel.Caption = "&Cancel"
strSchrittTitel1 = "Create new rule "
strSchrittTitel2 = " - Step "
strSchrittTitel3 = " - Summary"
lblBeschreibung2.Caption = "In this step, you define the windows to which the new rule should apply. You can enter the conditions manually, or drag the crosshair with your mouse to the window for which you intend to create the rule."
chkAusblenden.Caption = "Hide Assistant during window selection"
frmUndOderOder.Caption = " Logic operation "
optEineRegel.Caption = "Fulfill one condition"
optAlleRegeln.Caption = "Fulfill all conditions"
frmBedingung.Caption = " Condition"
cmdBdgLoeschen.Caption = "&Delete..."
cmdBdgHinzufuegen.Caption = "&Add"
cmdZurueckZu1.Caption = "&Back"
cmdSchritt3.Caption = "&Next"
strMindEineBedingung = "You have to define at least one valid condition."
strMaxBedingungen = "Addition of further conditions is not possible within the Assistant. However, you may add more conditions after the rule has been created."
lblBeschreibung3.Caption = "Now you can define the actions that are applied to all windows which match the conditions specified before."
frmBedingungListe.Caption = " Conditions "
frmAktion.Caption = " Action"
cmdAknLoeschen.Caption = "&Delete..."
cmdAknHinzufuegen.Caption = "&Add"
chkFolgen.Caption = "Follow after move"
lblSichtbar.Caption = "Visible"
lblUnsichtbar.Caption = "Invisible"
cmdDurchsuchen.Caption = "Browse..."
cmdZurueckZu2.Caption = "&Back"
cmdFertig.Caption = "&Next"
strMindEineAktion = "No valid actions have been defined yet. It is possible to create an empty rule now, and add actions to it later."
strMaxAktionen = "Addition of further actions is not possible within the Assistant. However, you may add more actions after rule has been created."
lblBeschreibung4.Caption = "Finally, here is a list of all conditions and actions defined for the new rule. Click 'Done' to create the rule."
cmdZurueckZu3.Caption = "&Back"
cmdOK.Caption = "&Done"
strRegelErsetzen = "A rule with the given name already exists. Click 'yes' to replace it, 'No' to create a new rule with the same name, or 'Cancel' to change the name of the rule now."
strWiderspruch1 = "The conditions"
strWiderspruch2 = "and"
strWiderspruch3 = "are contradictory. Please recheck these conditions."