PC WORLD 4/1998: "àuvß₧φte-li p°φznivou cenuàà.., jednß se o titul nesporn∞ zajφmav².", SoftwarovΘ noviny 4/1998: "Poda°en² v²b∞r sharewaru za lidovou cenuàKrom∞ zajφmav∞ °eÜenΘho a po grafickΘ strßnce a dokonce i zvukovΘ strßnce na sharewarovΘ kolekci neb²vale propracovanΘho u₧ivatelskΘ prost°edφ se mi zdß, ₧e kvalita nabφzen²ch program∙ je titul od titulu stßle vyÜÜφ."
CD obsahuje vφce ne₧ 750 MB nejnov∞jÜφch program∙, nap°. voln∞ Üφ°itelnΘ verze t∞chto program∙: A Musical Tutorial for Windows, Above & Beyond, Ancient Yacht, Atom Time95, Barking Cards 96 Lite, Calc95, Casino Verite Blackjack, Catacomb Abyss 3-D, CD-Quick Cache, ClipMate, Commanche 3, Constructor, Cool Edit 96, Cross Trainer, CuteFTP, Dark Colony, Death Rally, Depth Charge - Deep Blue Troubles, DesignExpress Labels, Disk Usage, Drag And File 95, Dungeon Keeper, Dynamic Gin 32, Edna, E-Mail Connection, Entombed, F16 - Fighting Falcon, Hexen II, Hey, Macaroni!, HotDog, HoTMetaL, Husita, IconEdit Pro, Imp's Desk List, InfoSpy, Internet Explorer 3.02 CZ, IrfanView 32, Jigsaws Galore, Kaleidoscope 95, Labels and More, Living Letters, Living Numbers, LView Pro pro Windows 95, Map This!, McAfee WebScan, Microangelo, Microsoft GIF Animator, Moraff's Spherejongg for Windows '95, More Than Words, MVP Backgammon, My Personal Diary, NeoDraw, NextPad, Night Bird, NotePad+, Paint Shop Pro, Pegasus Mail, Perfect Screens, Personal Stock Monitor, PkZipwin, PointCast, PowerToys for Win95, PowWow Version, Quick View Plus, RealAudio Player for Win95, ReVol Web Worker, Roxie's Reading Fish, Screen Loupe, ScrnSaveSwitch/Plus, Skymap, Smart Address, SmartDraw 95, Stargunner, Surfbot, Tek Illustrator for Windows, The Last Express,Thunderbyte Antivirus, Time and Chaos 32, Tomb Raider 2, Toolbar 95, Top Cursors 95, VirusScan for Windows, Vshield, Web Wizard, WebThing,WinShade, WinZip, Wplot a dalÜφ.