DOS/V Power Report 1996 May
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THE OFFICIAL F.A.Q.by zeuxis@wwa.com
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The Official Duke Nukem 3D FAQ Version 0.5
The author retains all rights to this FAQ. In addition, the author is
not paid by 3D Realms and simply maintains this FAQ as a hobby.
Disclaimer- I take no responsibility if anything bad happens to someone
or something as a result of reading this FAQ. Read at your own risk. I
do not guarantee that everything in this FAQ is correct.
Please send all comments and correction to zeuxis@wwa.com
1. Introduction
1.1. A Note From The FAQ Maintainer
1.2. What Is Duke Nukem 3D?
1.3. What Is 3D Realms?
1.4. Major Contributers To This FAQ
2. What And When
2.1. Is A Shareware Version Available?
2.2. What File(s) Do I Need To Obtain For The Shareware Version?
2.3. Where Can I Find The Shareware Version Of Duke Nukem 3D?
2.4. Is The Registered Version Going To Be CD-ROM Based Only?
2.5. What Are The System Requirements?
2.6. What Kind Of Weapons Are There?
2.7. What Kinds Of Multiplayer Capabilities Are There?
3. The Build Engine
3.1. What Is The Build Engine?
3.2. What Makes The Build Engine Better?
3.3. What Games Use The Build Engine?
3.4. Who Programmed The Build Engine?
3.5. Miscellaneous Notes About The Build Engine
4. The People Behind Duke Nukem 3D
4.1. Programmers
4.2. Artists
4.3. Musicians
4.4. Level Designers
5. Cheats
5.1. Cheat Codes
5.2. Secrets
5.2.1. Episode 1 Level 1
6. Ways To Obtain This FAQ
6.1. E-Mail
6.2. Newsgroups
6.3. Finger
6.4. World Wide Web
1. Introduction
1.1. A Note From The FAQ Maintainer
The time as come for the release of the shareware version of Duke Nukem
3D. That means this FAQ can contain a lot more information because a lot
more information is known about the game. I'm going to need a lot of
help to make this FAQ more complete. A couple specific areas of the FAQ
I need help with are the secrets and references. So, if you know of any
secrets that are not yet in the FAQ please let me know as soon as
possible. There are quite a few from episode one that I don't have yet.
In fact, I've only got the secrets for level one of episode one and
chances are that isn't even complete. Secondly, I'm trying to compile a
listing of all the little things 3D Realms included in the game. For
example, there's a TV in level 2 that ironically enough has O.J.
Simpson's white bronco speeding across the screen. Thus, if you know of
any references, like the white bronco, that 3D Realms chose to include
with episode one please let me know. Duke Nukem 3D is a hell of a great
game, so enjoy.
1.2. What Is Duke Nukem 3D?
Duke Nukem 3D is the third installment in the popular Duke Nukem action
game series. It began in 1991 when Apogee released Duke Nukem I and
continued in 1993 when Duke Nukem II was released.
This is an excerpt from the Internet Finger Info from Apogee & 3D Realms
Entertainment that describes some more about Duke Nukem 3D.
* Duke Nukem 3D -- Picks up where Duke II left off, where Duke heads
back to Earth only to find it has been captured. Duke lands on a
space station in the first episode, then proceeds to Los Angeles.
Cool effects include being able to blow up buildings with the most
powerful weapons, fly in a jetpack, or board a subway system.
The FILE_ID.DIZ for Duke Nukem 3D also provides a summary of the game.
Here is an excerpt from the FILE_ID.DIZ: "Duke blows away everything you
know about 3D action games. Blow thru walls, jetpack over buildings,
fight underwater--all in a truly interactive game like you have *never*
1.3. What Is 3D Realms?
3D Realms is the label Apogee uses to release their 3D games. They are
creating Duke Nukem 3D. So far 3D Realms has released one other game,
Terminal Velocity. For more information about 3D Realms read the 3D
Realms FAQ found at ftp.ump.edu in the directory
/msdos/Games/3drealms/faq; the filename is 3drealms.faq.
1.4. Major Contributers To This FAQ
In no praticular order....
Hank Leukart ap641@cleveland.freenet.com
George Broussard (Pres. of 3D Realms) george.broussard@swcbbs.com
Kenneth J. Silverman (Programmer of the Build Engine) kjs@lems.brown.edu
Joe Siegler (3D Realms Online Support Manager) apogee@metronet.com
Samuel Stoddard (Maintainer of Apogee and 3D Realms FAQ) ss1@christa.unh.edu
2. Information On The Various Version Of Duke Nukem 3D
2.1. Is A Shareware Version Available?
Right now, a shareware version is all that's available as far as
playable versions go. The shareware version contains 6 levels 1 of
which is hidden. 4 of the 6 levels included are about right for network
play, while the other 2 are fairly large. Included in the full version
is going to be at least 21 levels, but more than that are expected. The
shareware version clocked in just over 5 megs. It can be found at many
different online locations (see section 2.4 for more information on
where it can be found online).
2.2. What File(s) Do I Need To Obtain For The Shareware Version?
The following chart from 3D Realms should assist you in deciding which
files you need to obtain:
Filename | What it is | File Size
3DDUKE .ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.0 Shareware Episode - Full File | 5,465,091
3DDUKE-A.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.0 Shareware Episode - Split #1/4 | 1,096,899
3DDUKE-B.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.0 Shareware Episode - Split #2/4 | 1,458,240
3DDUKE-C.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.0 Shareware Episode - Split #3/4 | 1,458,016
3DDUKE-D.ZIP | Duke Nukem 3D v1.0 Shareware Episode - Split #4/4 | 1,455,139
2.3. Where Can I Find The Shareware Version Of Duke Nukem 3D?
There are several places you can find a copy of the shareware version of
Duke Nukem 3D. Below are only a few different places. If you have web
access you can connect to http://www.3drealms.com/duke3d.html for a
bigger, more up to date listing of where to find the shareware version.
Also, the sites listed in duke3d.html are preferred over 3D Realms Web
World Wide Web: http://www.3drealms.com (3D Realms' World Wide BBS)
http://www.swcbbs.com (Apogee's Home BBS: The Software
Creations BBS)
BBS: The Software Creations BBS
z (508) 365-4035 28.8k v.34
(508) 368-7036 9600-14.4k v.32bis
(508) 365-2359 2400 baud
Anonymous FTP: ftp.uwp.edu in /pub/games/msdos/3drealms
CompuServe: go realms to get to the 3D Realms Forum
America Online: keyword 3d realms to reach Apogee's Forum
2.4. Is The Registered Version Going To Be CD Based Only?
A CD-ROM drive is required for the registered version.
2.5. What Are The System Requirements?
The minimum system requirements are a 486DX2/66, 8 megs of RAM, and a
CD-ROM (registerd version). In addition, local bus is recommended.
Basically as far as other system specification go, the answer is what
you are happy with.
2.6. What Kind Of Weapons Are There?
There are nine weapons in Duke's arsenal, but only six of them can be
used in the shareware version. Those seven are described here. More
information about the other three will become available when the
registered version is released.
Duke's Foot: This weapon is as weak as they come. Only the seasoned
veterans will be able to beat up on enemies using only Duke's Foot. It
is there if you run out of all other kinds of ammo, but I would not
recommend counting on Duke's Foot.
Pistol: You start the game with this weapon, but you just as soon not.
It is extremely weak and ineffective. It will take you several shots to
kill even the easiest of enemies. Futhermore, it has to reload every 12
shots. The reload is automatically, but you will experience some delay
when reloading. Thus, during reload you can't fire back at an enemy.
Gun starts: 48 rounds
Ammo packs: 12 rounds
Maximum ammo: 200 rounds
Shotgun: Probably the choice weapon for most gamers. It can do a hell
of a lot more damage then the pistol, but is still restricted in that
regard. It can't do nearly as much damage as the RPG or pipe bombs.
Also, reloading of the shotgun can take some time, but is automatic.
Most of the easier enemies go down from one round of the shotgun.
Gun starts: 10 rounds
Ammo packs: 10 rounds
Maximum ammo: 50 rounds
Chaingun Cannon: The choice weapon when dispensing of several enemies
at once simply because it has incredible speed and power. Due to this
guns rapid speed you'll run out of ammo for it quite quickly. Also,
this gun has no reloading delay so you can keep right on firing.
Gun starts: 50 rounds
Ammo packs: 50 rounds
Maximum ammo: 50 rounds
RPG (Rocket Propelled Gernade): The RPG is an extremely powerful
weapon. Use it with care because if you shoot something close by chances
are the power from the explosion will also affect you. Just about any
enemy can be taking out with one hit by this gun except end bosses.
Also, anything close to an enemy when you take one out with the RPG will
most likely also explode.
Gun starts: 5
Ammo packs: 5
Maximum ammo: 50
Pipe Bombs: By far the pipe bombs are the most fun to fool around with.
They work like this: Once you throw a pipe bomb your weapon changes to
the pipe bomb trigger. At that point you can detonate the pipe bomb by
pressing the fire button or throw another without detonating the first.
In order to throw another simply press the key you've designated for
pipe bombs (probably the the number six). This will change from the
trigger, back to pipe bombs. At this point you can throw another pipe
bomb. They will then both be denoated by a single use of the trigger.
You can throw as many pipe bombs as you like before denoating them.
Ammo packs: 5
Maximum ammo: 50
2.7. What Kinds Of Multiplayer Capabilities Are There?
There are three types of multiplayer capabilites. First, there is the
usual modem and serial link play. Modem play will require a 9600 baud
modem. Also, network play will also be available. Network play can
include up to eight players. However, in the shareware version network
play is limited to only four players.
3. The Build Engine
3.1. What Is The Build Engine?
The Build Engine, which is produced by 3D Realms, is the engine used for
Duke Nukem 3D and some other games. The Build Engine is much like the
engine used in Doom, but with advancements. The Internet Finger Info
from Apogee & 3D Realms Entertainment claims these advancements "include
looking up & down, reflective floors, mirrors, true rooms above rooms,
multi-colored lighting (DOOM only had white lights), moving vehicles,
translucent sprites (for ghosts, explosions, windows, etc.), rotating
sprites, high-res mode for Pentiums, user-modifiable parameters,
underwater swimming, and much more."
3.2. What Makes The Build Engine Better?
Quite a few things make the Build Engine better. First of all, the
sectors that make up a map can move during gameplay. This allows, for
example, doors to swing open and staircases to move. Secondly, the
editor is in full 3D mode. With this feature one can play the game as
they add and change levels. Next, the frame rate is not limited to 35
frames per second. Also the game can run in unusal chained modes like
360*240. Furthermore, it can run in any VESA mode up to 1600 x 1200,
but system requirements will be demanding for a VESA mode of 1600 x
1200. Because the system requirements are so demanding for these VESA
modes it is not yet decided if Duke Nukem 3D will include this option or
not. Another great feature will be the 2D map mode can run in two
different ways. It can run with either lines for the wall boundaries or
it can display a texturized mode which actually shows floor tiles.
Finally, the game supports different glasses. Red-blue glasses will be
supported for a pseudo 3D effect and the Crystal Eyes virtual reality
glasses for a real virtual reality system.
3.3. What Games Use The Build Engine?
Duke Nukem 3D (Apogee/3D Realms)
Shadow Warrior(Apogee/3D Realms)
Blood (Apogee/3D Realms)
Witchaven (Capstone/Intracorp)
Tekwar (Capstone/Intracorp)
Powerslave (Lobotomy Software)
3.4. Who Programmed The Build Engine?
The Build Engine was programmed by Ken Silverman. It is owned by 3D
Realms. They have agreed to license it to Capstone/Intracorp for games
such as Witchaven and Tekwar. In addition, it as also been licensed to
Lobotomy Software for Powerslave. Powerslave was originally a project
that was going to be done by 3D Realms with the name Ruins: Return of
the Gods, but they dropped it.
3.5. Miscellaneous Notes About The Build Engine
1) Quoting george.broussard@swcbbs.com (GEORGE BROUSSARD) - Duke can do
nearly any resolution, but anything above 640x480 is insane.
2) Quoting ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu (Hank Leukart) - Duke uses the Build
engine, which is much more advanced than the ROTT engine.
4. The People Behind Duke Nukem 3D
4.1. Programmers
Name Other Apogee/3D Realms Game(s)
----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
Todd J Replogle The Thor Trilogy, Monuments Of Mars, Dark Ages,
Duke Nukem I, Cosmo's Adventure, Duke Nukem II
4.2. Artists
Name Other Apogee/3D Realms Game(s)
---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
Stephen A Hornback Major Stryker, Cosmo's Adventure, Duke Nukem II,
Rise Of The Triad
Chuck Jones Rise Of The Triad
James Storey Rise Of The Triad
Dirk Jones Rise Of The Triad
4.3. Musicians
---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
Lee Jackson Rise Of The Triad
Bobby Prince
4.4. Level Designers
---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
Richard Gray Blood
Allen Blum III Duke Nukem I, Duke Nukem II, Major Stryker,
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure
5. Cheats
5.1. Cheat Codes
Most of the games Apogee/3D Realms puts out have secret codes that
create various effects. Duke Nukem 3D is no exception. I'm quite sure
the list that follows is not a complete listing of all the secret codes
included with Duke Nukem 3D, but they are all I am aware of. Please, if
you know of any that aren't on this list let me know as soon as
dncornholio Toggles god mode on and off
dnkroz Also toggles god mode on and off
dnstuff Gives all the weapons, maximum ammo on all the weapons, and
all three keys
dnitems Gives maximum armor and all three keys
dnhyper Gives Duke unlimited steroids
dnscotty## Warps to a level (the first # is for the episode, the second
# is for the level)
dncashman When the space bar is pressed money is dropped
dnview Allows you to view behind duke (same as pressing F7)
dnrate Displays the frame rate in the upper left hand corner
dnskill# Changes the skill level to whatever you put in for #
dnbeta Displays the message "PIRATES SUCK"
dncosmo Displays the message "REGISTER COSMO"
dnallen Displays the message "BUY MAJOR STRYKER"
5.2. Secrets
This is a listing (obvious incomplete) of the secrets from each level.
The * before a hint indicates that secret is counted as one of secrets
at the end of the level. If you have any additions to these list please
let me know as soon as possible. I need a lot more information to
complete this section. Also I'm not only looking for the secrets from
Episode 1 Level 1, but all levels in episode 1.
5.2.1. Episode 1 Level 1
* Underneath the Innocent sign (located outside) is an RPG. To get the
RPG, however, you need to do quite a bit of jumping. First, jump onto
the brown crate. Secondly, from upon the brown crate jump to the
inclined roof (when facing the Innocent sign it is on your left).
Finally, jump to the ledge just underneath the Innocent sign. Take
note, the secret isn't the RPG, but instead the ledge underneath the
Innocent sign. Thus, it is possible to trigger the secret and not
obtain the RPG. Why exactly you'd want to do that is beyond me.
* There is a hidden apartment near the Innocent sign. To reach it you
must jump on top of the brown crate located below the Innocent sign.
From there jump to the inclined ledge. Finally jump into the middle
window to find the hidden apartment which contains a box of ammo for the
RPG. Be aware, you are not credited with finding the secret apartment
unless you move close to the couch inside the apartment. That is what
triggers the secret. Another way to enter is jump on top of the parking
sign located near the dumpster. >From there jump onto the ledge below
the windows. The final step is simply to jump into one of the two
* Inside the hidden apartment there is a door that is being covered by a
poster. All you have to do is open that door by standing in front of
the "Attack Of Bleached Blonde Biker Bimbos" sign. Inside you'll find
* There is a hidden room inside the projection room that contains an
RPG. All you have to do in order to find the hidden room is jump on top
of the projector and the secret door will automatically open. Inside
you'll find an RPG. Beware though because also hiding inside that door
is an enemy.
* There is a hidden door in the Projection room. To open it stand close
the fire extinguisher, but face the wall to the left of it. Inside
you'll not only find a box of shotgun shells, but also another entrance
to the venilation shaft. The other entrance is found in the bathroom.
Thus, the secret room that links the projection room with the venilation
shaft can also be found when you enter the venilation shaft through the
* For two boxes of shotgun ammo and the all important jetpack it is
worth it to blow up movie screen even if there is a dancer. Turn on the
movie projector from the projection room and then go down to by the
movie screen. Use either a pipe bomb or RPG at the lower middle portion
of the screen to reveal this secret. The window on the left wall
overlooks the back entrance to the movie theater. Blow it away if you
want a quick way out.
* You'll need to use a jetpack to reach the following hidden room, but
the chain gun, RPG, shotgun, and box of pipebombs that are found there
are well worth using some of your jetpack. The room is found just one
story above the palm tree that grows in front of the movie theater.
There is no door or anything, you just fly into it through the window.
It has been said that you can simply jump on the palm tree and from
there jump into the window thus avoiding the use of the jetpack, but I
can't figure out how this works. The tree seems to be to high to reach.
If you can figure out how this works please let me know the details.
z * To reach a full armor and a heal you can use the lift in the main
lobby. If it were only that easy though. First you'll need to push a
button on the cash register located in the main lobby. That will open
the hidden door. Next, you'll need to find the hidden lift which is
located directly below the door you just opened. Thus, the hidden lift
is just to the right of the "Attack Of Bleached Blonde Biker Bimbos"
poster. You won't see the lift, you just stand on the floor and try to
activate it.
A holoduke can be obtained inside the venilation shaft by blowing away
the wall. The wall you'll want to blow away is the inside wall of the
right angle the venilation shaft forms. It is difficult to difficult to
do this without losing health because obviously using high powered
equipment in a venilation shaft is not a safe situation. Pipe bombs are
the best way to go if want to avoid losing much health.
By playing the Duke Nukem arcade game in the arcade you open a secret
door. Simply walk up to the game and try using it. Duke will say
"Hmmm.. don't have time to play with myself" which lets you know the
door opened. It is located behind the Duke arcade machine, but a little
bit to the right. You'll have to quickly jump and enter the door because
it only stays open for a little while.
For quick access to the front of the movie theater you can blow away the
right wall of the ticket booth. You'll want to aim the RPG or a
pipebomb through the ticket booth's window at the right wall inside.
This is best done with a pipebomb so you can avoid loosing any health,
but it also can be done with the RPG and you won't lose any health if it
is done properly.
If you try pushing the trashcan located in the main lobby next to the
arcade lift you'll open a door. However, in order to reach the door you
need to do two things. First, jump onto the trashcan you just pushed.
Secondly, while on top of the trashcan and facing the wall, jump.
You'll see an open door with a small medkit, box of pipebombs, and a
pair of night vision goggles. Simply move onto the ledge while you are
in midair to and then collect the items. The intended way for this to
be done is pushing the wall when you are on top of the trashcan to
reveal the door. However, pushing the trashcan is probably easier.
Neither was is too difficult though.
6. Ways To Obtain This FAQ
6.1. E-Mail
E-Mail me at zeuxis@wwa.com and request a copy.
6.2. Newsgroups
I'll post it to alt.games.apogee and comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action at
least once a month.
6.3. Finger
Finger zeuxis@wwa.com for the latest version of this FAQ.
6.4. World Wide Web
The FAQ can be found at Games Domain, on the Duke Nukem 3D page at
Apogee/3D Realms Software Web BBS (http://www.3drealms.com/duke3d.html),
and on the Online Gaming Review web site (http://ogr.nrgroup.com). You
may also find it at a few other sites on the Web.
NOTE: This FAQ was not written by Apogee or 3D Realms. Please direct
comments about the zeuxis@wwa.com.