DOS/V Power Report 1996 November
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ウDUKE v1.1 INFOウ
Here is a listing of what is fixed/new in v1.1 of Duke Nukem 3D over v1.0.
* Restore game bug fixed.
* AWE32 doesn't need E620 in the SET BLASTER parameters anymore.
* Added optional mouse aiming method by popular demand. Press "U" while
playing the game. You can then use the mouse to aim up/down. You will
need to re-configure your keys to get optimum performance. Also experiment
with making a mouse button do this.
* Added optional crosshair toggle by popular demand. Press "I" while in the
game to toggle the crosshairs.
* You can now run with the GamePad; everything else works as it should.
* Added Enhanced Joystick Support (FlightStick/SideWinder/throttle/etc).
* Added HAT support for joysticks.
* Duke screams in DukeMatch now when he dies.
* Can detonate Pipe Bombs while looking in monitors. This is great. Lay
some bombs in a spot that can be seen in a monitor, look in the monitor, and
wait for a victim. Press FIRE. Boom.
* Can back out of monitors with up/down movements. This is good for when
you get surprised.
* Removed much more bad language from Parental lock. Now safe for kids, and
overly sensitive adults. :)
* "Adult Content" added to title screen.
* Mouse strafing speed improved.
* Mouse left/right movements are now equal.
* More variable range for pipe bombs, plus you can DUCK and place one in
specific place, without it rolling around.
* Fixed crashing when exiting some levels by improving memory detection. (was
due to low memory). If you only have 8 megs, BOOT CLEAN!
* Can be shrunk in GOD mode now. Far less annoying.
* Can redefine "D" or "N" key and STILL activate cheats.
* Steroids key added to hot keys list. Press "R".
* Longer demos allowed. No real limit now.
* Duke doesn't disappear off the map now when zooming far away.
* Lowering a weapon, then getting a new one bug fixed.
* Play with the "Doomed Space Marine". By popular request.
* F1 help screen updated.
* NexGen CPU's can be fixed with a patch they provide. See DN3DHELP.EXE for
more details.
* HoloDuke lasts longer (about a minute and a half). Have fun.
* Reversed Stereo setting in SETUP is carried over into game correctly.
* Duke flashes better now when he shoots in DukeMatch.
Known problems
* Game might get out of sync from either slow computers mixed with faster
ones in net play, or the use of too many monsters in DukeMatch. We are
looking into these.
* If the game gets out of sync at the very start of a level, restart. You
might also check to be sure you have the same *.CON files.
* Sound problems in OS/2. We might look at this if we get a chance. Thanks
to all of those who wrote about it. Don't get your hopes up, but we will at
least look into it for you.
* Daughterboard sound problems. We are still looking into this. Will try
to address it in v1.2.
Please see the DN3DHELP.EXE file for more info about v1.1 of Duke3D.
Joe Siegler
3D Realms Entertainment