6 CLIENT32 Application name is incompatible with NetWare enhanced security support=CLIENT32_Incompatible_with_enhanced_security_support
6 CLIENT32 Drive letter: to server name could not be auto-reconnected because access was denied=CLIENT32_Drive_access_denied
6 CLIENT32 Drive letter: to server name could not be auto-reconnected because AUTO RECONNECT LEVEL is too low=CLIENT32_Drive_to_server_AUTO_RECONNECT_LEVEL_too_low
6 CLIENT32 Drive letter: to server name could not be auto-reconnected because of an unknown reason error code=CLIENT32_Drive_to_server_unknown_reason
6 CLIENT32 Drive letter: to server name could not be auto-reconnected because search rights changed=CLIENT32_Search_rights_changed.
6 CLIENT32 Drive letter: to server name could not be auto-reconnected because the path was deleted while the network connection was interrupted=CLIENT32_Path_was_deleted
6 CLIENT32 Drive letter: to server name could not be auto-reconnected because this version of the server does not support it=CLIENT32_Not_supported
6 CLIENT32 Drives to server name could not be auto-reconnected because of a low memory condition=CLIENT32_Drives_to_server_low_memory_condition
6 CLIENT32 File in use during a file open. File: name=CLIENT32_In_use_during_a_file_open
6 CLIENT32 File in use during an fcb file open. File:name=CLIENT32_In_use_during_an_fcb_file_open
6 CLIENT32 File in use during delete of a file. File:name=CLIENT32_In_use_during_delete_of_a_file
6 CLIENT32 File locked during a file open. File: name=CLIENT32_Locked_during_a_file_open
6 CLIENT32 File locked during rename a file. File: name=CLIENT32_Locked_during_rename
6 CLIENT32 File name could not be auto-reconnected because access was denied=CLIENT32_File_access_denied
6 CLIENT32 File name could not be auto-reconnected because AUTO RECONNECT LEVEL value which is too low=CLIENT32_File_AUTO_RECONNECT_LEVEL_too_low
6 CLIENT32 File name could not be auto-reconnected because it was deleted while the network connection was interrupted=CLIENT32_File_was_deleted_while_connection_interrupted
6 CLIENT32 File name could not be auto-reconnected because of a low memory condition=CLIENT32_File_low_memory_condition
6 CLIENT32 File name could not be auto-reconnected because of an unknown reason=CLIENT32_File_unknown_reason
6 CLIENT32 File name could not be auto-reconnected because the file could not be re-created=CLIENT32_File_not_recreated
6 CLIENT32 File name could not be auto-reconnected because the file's locks could not be reestablished=CLIENT32_File_locks_not_reestablished
6 CLIENT32 File name could not be auto-reconnected because the utility that opened the stream file is too old=CLIENT32_Stream_file_too_old
6 CLIENT32 File name could not be auto-reconnected because this version of the server does not support it=CLIENT32_File_not_reconnected_because_version_not_supported
6 CLIENT32 NETX cannot be loaded without exiting all DOS boxes=CLIENT32_NETX_cannot_be_loaded
6 CLIENT32 Please wait while command_from_application retries request to server_name. To stop waiting, press Enter. NetWare will then return an error and try to reconnect in the background=CLIENT32_Please_wait_while_command
6 CLIENT32 Please wait while server_name is processing request for command_from_application. To stop waiting, press Enter. NetWare will then return an error and try to reconnect in the background=CLIENT32_Please_wait_while_server