DOS/V Power Report 1997 August
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Microsoft Windows Help File Content
654 lines
:Base delphi3.HLP>main
:Title Delphi Help
; Index section
:Index VCL Object and Component Reference=vcl3.hlp
:Index Object Pascal Reference =obpascl3.hlp
; Link section
:include delphi3.cfg
; CNT section
1 What's new in Delphi?
2 Package support=packagesupport
2 Code insight=codeinsight
2 Component templates=componenttemplates
2 New documentation design=newdocumentationdesign
2 RTL enhancements=rtlenhancements
2 Compiler changes=compilerchanges
2 Multibyte character support=multibytecharactersupport
2 New Borland Database Engine (BDE) and SQL Links=newborlanddatabaseenginebdeandsqllinks
2 Distributed datasets=distributeddatasets
2 COM support and ActiveX creation=comsupportandactivexcreation
2 Internet and Intranet development=internetandintranetdevelopment
2 OLEnterprise with Business Object Broker=olenterprisewithbusinessobjectbroker
2 New demo applications=newdemoapplications
2 Miscellaneous IDE enhancements=miscellaneousideenhancements
2 VCL Enhancements
3 VCL Enhancements=vclenhancements
3 Graphics enhancements=graphicsenhancements
3 Decision support components=decisionsupportcomponents
3 Button and Tool Bar components=buttonandtoolbarcomponents
3 Input Method Editor (IME) Support=inputmethodeditorimesupport
3 TDatetimePicker=tdatetimepicker
;nd3 TTreeView=ttreeview
3 TThreadList=tthreadlist
;nd3 TMenuItem=tmenuitem
3 TPageControl, TTabControl=tpagecontrolttabcontrol
3 TSplitter=tsplitter
3 Chart components=chartcomponents
3 QuickReport components=quickreportcomponents
3 TStaticText=tstatictext
3 TOpenPictureDialog and TSavePictureDialog=topenpicturedialogandtsavepicturedialog
3 TThreadList=tthreadlist
3 Button and Tool Bar components=buttonandtoolbarcomponents
3 IConFont, UpdateMetricSettings, and CMSysFontChanged=iconfontupdatemetricsettingsandcmsysfontchanged
3 TOleContainer=tolecontainer
;nd3 TDataSet=tdataset
3 TClientDataSet=tclientdataset
3 DBRichEdit=dbrichedit
3 DBCtrlGrid=dbctrlgrid
1 Using Delphi
2 Getting started
3 A tour of the Delphi development environment
4 A tour of the Delphi development environment=FHXR22894
4 Placing components on a form=EnvironPlacingComponentsOnAForm
4 Changing component appearance and behavior=EnvironChangingComponentAppearanceAndBehavior
4 Editing code with the Delphi Code editor=EnvironEditingCodeWithTheDelphiCodeEditor
4 Debugging applications=EnvironDebuggingApplications
4 Exploring databases=EnvironExploringDatabases
4 Flexible tool for storing objects as templates=EnvironFlexibleToolForStoringObjectsAsTemplates
4 Project file-management tool=EnvironProjectFileManagementTool
4 Handy pop-up menus=EnvironHandyPopUpMenus
4 Toolbar buttons for frequently used commands=EnvironToolbarButtonsForFrequentlyUsedCommands
4 Getting help=EnvironGettingHelp
3 First application--a brief tutorial
4 First application--a brief tutorial=FHXR20421
4 Starting a new application=TutorialStartingANewApplication
4 Setting a property value at design time=TutorialSettingAPropertyValueAtDesignTime
4 Adding objects to the form=TutorialAddingObjectsToTheForm
4 Accessing a database=TutorialAccessingADatabase
4 Adding some spice=TutorialAddingSomeSpice
4 Final touches=TutorialFinalTouches
4 Hooking up an event handler=FHXR38122
2 Working with Delphi tools
3 Working with projects
4 Working with projects=FHXR32745
4 What is a project?=FHXR18211
4 Naming unit and project source code files=FHXR13905
4 Storing a project=FHXR23743
4 Viewing and manipulating a project's contents=FHXR31002
4 Navigating among project components=FHXR36298
4 Saving projects and individual project files=FHXR14114
4 Sharing objects=FHXR33297
4 Specifying a default project, new form, and main form=FHXR14892
4 Setting project options=FHXR35119
4 Setting environment preferences=FHXR30044
4 Managing multiple project versions and team development=FHXR34774
4 Compiling, building, and running projects=FHXR20817
3 Understanding components
4 Understanding components=FHXR32065
4 Forms, the basic building blocks=UnderstdFormsTheBasicBuildingBlocks
4 Overview of components=FHXR35586
4 Delphi's standard components=FHXR18469
4 Two views of components=FHXR24135
4 Choosing the right component=FHXR38776
4 Customizing the Component palette=FHXR39481
3 Creating a user interface
4 Creating a user interface=FHXR21987
4 Adding a form to a project=FHXR22362
4 Specifying a form as the project main form=FHXR33073
4 Adding additional forms=UserfaceAddingAdditionalForms
4 Customizing a form component=UserfaceCustomizingAFormComponent
4 Manipulating components in forms=FHXR20985
4 Setting component properties=FHXR34053
4 Developing custom dialog boxes=FHXR29183
4 Using dialog box routines=UserfaceUsingDialogBoxRoutines
4 Specifying forms to auto-create=FHXR32344
4 MDI and SDI forms=FHXR10975
3 Using data modules
4 Using data modules=FHXR11302
4 Using standard data modules and remote data modules=DataModUsingStandardDataModulesAndRemoteDataModules
4 Creating a new data module=DataModCreatingANewDataModule
4 Adding a remote data module to an application server project=FHXR16513
4 Reusing data modules in the Object Repository=DataModReusingDataModulesInTheObjectRepository
4 Accessing a data module from a form=DataModAccessingADataModuleFromAFormB
3 Using the Menu Designer
4 Using the Menu Designer=FHXR19057
4 Opening the Menu Designer=FHXR10533
4 Building menus=FHXR22024
4 Editing menu items in the Object Inspector=FHXR23538
4 Using the Menu Designer SpeedMenu=FHXR31416
4 Using menu templates=FHXR37292
4 Saving a menu as a template=FHXR31183
4 Manipulating menu items at runtime=MenusManipulatingMenuItemsAtRuntime
4 Merging menus=FHXR17562
4 Importing resource (.RC) files=FHXR15123
3 Working with event handlers
4 Working with event handlers=FHXR23301B
4 Generating the default event handler=FHXR26820
4 Generating a new event handler=FHXR38379
4 Locating event handlers=FHXR28624
4 Associating an event with an existing event handler=FHXR23680
4 Associating menu events with code=FHXR21890
3 Working with the Code editor
4 Working with the Code editor=FHXR23301
4 Viewing files in the Code editor=FHXR26404
4 Viewing components as code in the editor=FHXR27755
4 Code editor SpeedMenu=FHXR19246
4 Searching in the Code editor=FHXR11562
4 Customizing the editor=FHXR27932
3 Using packages
4 Using packages=FHXR38273
4 Why use packages?=FHXR37551
4 Using runtime packages=FHXR22249
4 Using design-time packages=FHXR18152
4 Creating and editing packages=FHXR35787
4 Distributing applications that use packages=PackageDistributingApplicationsThatUsePackages
4 Distributing packages to other developers=FHXR20104
2 Programming with Delphi
3 General programming topics
4 Writing Object Pascal code
5 Writing Object Pascal code=FHXR33746
5 Writing readable code=FHXR32319
5 Writing assignment statements=FHXR42516
5 Declaring identifiers=FHXR35378
5 Declaring constants=FHXR36243
5 Calling procedures and functions=FHXR17225
5 Controlling the flow of code execution=FHXR22069
5 Object Pascal blocks=FHXR22770
5 Understanding scope=FHXR16498
5 Writing a procedure or function=FHXR26936
5 Defining new data types=FHXR32096
5 Understanding Object Pascal units=FHXR34795
4 Programming with Delphi objects
5 Programming with Delphi objects=FHXR33812
5 What is an object?=FHXR39900
5 Inheriting data and code from an object=FHXR11689
5 Object scope=FHXR40866
5 Assigning values to object variables=FHXR27546
5 Creating nonvisual objects=FHXR15058
4 Using the integrated debugger
5 Using the integrated debugger=FHXR38884B
5 Types of bugs=FHXR24860
5 Planning a debugging strategy=FHXR22731
5 Starting a debugging session=FHXR22576
5 Controlling program execution=FHXR27932B
5 Restarting the program=FHXR12440
5 Using breakpoints=FHXR10167
5 Examining program data values=FHXR17814
5 Viewing function calls=FHXR40361
5 Handling hardware and language exceptions=FHXR19085
3 Specific programming tasks
4 Handling exceptions
5 Handling exceptions=FHXR20922
5 Protecting blocks of code=FHXR34886
5 Protecting resource allocations (try..finally block)=FHXR19987
5 Handling RTL exceptions=FHXR34992
5 Handling component exceptions=FHXR32961
5 Silent exceptions=FHXR27527
5 Defining your own exceptions=FHXR32002
4 Working with string lists
5 Working with string lists=FHXR26353
5 Manipulating the strings in a list=FHXR19895
5 Loading and saving string lists=FHXR20892
5 Creating a new string list=FHXR20407
5 Adding objects to a string list=FHXR17611
4 Using Windows common dialogs
5 Using Windows common dialogs=FHXR26056
5 Adding a common dialog box to a project=CommonAddingACommonDialogBoxToAProject
5 Selecting files to open=FHXR41718
5 Saving files=FHXR32415
5 Printing text=FHXR15134
5 Printing graphics=FHXR22140
5 Using the font dialog box=FHXR22283
4 Working with toolbars and cool bars
5 Working with toolbars and cool bars=FHXR22761
5 Different kinds of toolbar control=ToolbarsDifferentKindsOfToolbarControl
5 Adding a toolbar using a panel component=ToolbarsAddingAToolbarUsingAPanelComponent
5 Adding a toolbar using the toolbar component=ToolbarsAddingAToolbarUsingTheToolbarComponent
5 Adding a cool bar component=ToolbarsAddingACoolBarComponent
5 Responding to clicks=FHXR15347
5 Adding hidden toolbars=FHXR23996
4 Dragging and dropping
5 Dragging and dropping=FHXR38884
5 Starting a drag operation=FHXR22333
5 Accepting dragged items=FHXR40915
5 Dropping items=FHXR28838
5 Ending a drag operation=FHXR11723
4 Working with text
5 Working with text=FHXR42699
5 Setting text alignment=FHXR23737
5 Adding scroll bars at runtime=WorktextAddingScrollBarsAtRuntime
5 Adding the Clipboard object=FHXR32617
5 About selected text=WorktextAboutSelectedText
5 Selecting text=FHXR37930
5 Cutting, copying, and pasting text=WorktextCuttingCopyingAndPastingText
5 Deleting selected text=WorktextDeletingSelectedText
5 Disabling menu items=FHXR29517
5 Providing a pop-up menu=FHXR14512
4 Drawing graphics at runtime
5 Drawing graphics at runtime=FHXR15711
5 Drawing versus painting=FHXR38867
5 Using the pixel array=FHXR16119
5 Drawing lines and polylines=FHXR17240
5 Drawing shapes=FHXR29518
5 Drawing special parts=FHXR25293
5 Techniques for drawing in an application=FHXR19020
5 Drawing with different tools=FHXR39839
5 Customizing pens and brushes=FHXR21319
5 Drawing on a bitmap=FHXR41484
4 Creating an owner-draw control
5 Creating an owner-draw control=FHXR28420B
5 Setting the owner-draw style=FHXR26859
5 Adding graphical objects to a string list=FHXR33433
5 Drawing owner-draw items=FHXR38279
4 Working with graphics files
5 Working with graphics files=FHXR18718
5 Loading a picture from a file=FHXR24689
5 Saving a picture to a file=FHXR31851
5 Replacing the picture=FHXR39719
5 Using the Clipboard with graphics=FHXR27100
4 Manipulating files
5 Manipulating files=FHXR28420
5 Deleting a file=FHXR10008
5 Changing a file's attributes=FHXR13135
5 Moving, copying, and renaming files=FHXR33161
5 Executing an application=FHXR31245
4 Using OLE Automation
5 Using OLE Automation=FHXR17172
5 About OLE Automation=OleautoAboutOleAutomation
5 A simple OLE Automation client=OleautoASimpleOLEAutomationClient
5 OLE Automation and the registry=OleautoOLEAutomationAndTheRegistry
5 Running an OLE Automation server in the background=OleautoRunningAnOLEAutomationServerInTheBackground
5 Variant arrays=OleautoVariantArrays
4 Creating an MDI application
5 Creating an MDI application=FHXR19297
5 About MDI applications=FHXR21669
5 Creating the MDI frame form=FHXR10938
5 Creating the MDI child form=FHXR35805
5 About MDI application menus=FHXR12981
5 Creating child windows=FHXR15643
5 Manipulating child windows=FHXR17660
5 Putting documents in child forms=FHXR41790
5 Exiting gracefully=FHXR11577
4 Creating international applications
5 Creating international applications=FHXR35757
5 Localization and internationalization=IntrntlLocalizationAndInternationalization
5 Internationalizing Delphi applications=IntrntlInternationalizingDelphiApplications
5 Localizing Delphi applications=FHXR25914
4 Compiler issues
5 The command-line compiler (UG Appendix A)
6 The command-line compiler=FHXR35942
6 Command-line compiler options=CommdlinCommandLineCompilerOptions
6 The DCC32.CFG file=FHXR14693
5 Compiler directives (UG Appendix B)
6 Compiler directives=FHXR10869
6 Align fields=CompdirsAlignFields
6 Application type=CompdirsApplicationType
6 Assert directives=CompdirsAssertDirectives
6 Boolean short-circuit evaluation=CompdirsBooleanShortCircuitEvaluation
6 Debug information=CompdirsDebugInformation
6 DEFINE directive=CompdirsDEFINEDirective
6 Description=CompdirsDescription
6 DESIGNONLY directive=CompdirsDESIGNONLYDirective
6 ELSE directive=CompdirsELSEDirective
6 ENDIF directive=CompdirsENDIFDirective
6 Extended syntax=CompdirsExtendedSyntax
6 Hints=CompdirsHints
6 Implicit Build=CompdirsImplicitBuild
6 Imported data=CompdirsImportedData
6 IFDEF directive=CompdirsIFDEFDirective
6 IFNDEF directive=CompdirsIFNDEFDirective
6 IFOPT directive=CompdirsIFOPTDirective
6 Image base address=CompdirsImageBaseAddress
6 Include file=CompdirsIncludeFile
6 Input/output checking=CompdirsInput/OutputChecking
6 Link object file=CompdirsLinkObjectFile
6 Local symbol information=CompdirsLocalSymbolInformation
6 Long strings=FHXR14555
6 Memory allocation sizes=FHXR35949
6 Minimum enumeration size=CompdirsMinimumEnumerationSize
6 Open String Parameters=CompdirsOpenStringParameters
6 Optimization=CompdirsOptimization
6 Overflow checking=CompdirsOverflowChecking
6 Pentium-safe FDIV operations=CompdirsPentiumSafeFDIVOperations
6 Range checking=CompdirsRangeChecking
6 Resource file=CompdirsResourceFile
6 RUNONLY directive=CompdirsRUNONLYDirective
6 Runtime type information=CompdirsRuntimeTypeInformation
6 Symbol cross-reference information=FHXR21630
6 Type-checked pointers=CompdirsTypeCheckedPointers
6 UNDEF directive=CompdirsUNDEFDirective
6 Var-string checking=CompdirsVarStringChecking
6 Warnings=CompdirsWarnings
6 Weak packaging=CompdirsWeakPackaging
6 Windows stack frames=CompdirsWindowsStackFrames
6 Writeable typed constants=CompdirsWriteableTypedConstants
6 Using conditional compilation directives=FHXR33571
6 Conditional symbols=FHXR39722
2 Compatibility With Version 2
3 Compatibility With Version 2=compatibilitywithversion2
3 Component Palette changes=componentpalettechanges
3 Database changes=databasechanges
3 Changes to other objects=changestootherobjects
3 Compiler Changes=compilerchanges2
3 Changes introduced by packages=changesintroducedbypackages
3 Using older third-party components (DCUs)=usingolderthirdpartycomponentsdcus
1 Developing Applications
2 Developing database applications
3 Making effective use of the development environment
4 Making effective use of the development environment=FHXR20844
4 Browsing and designing with the SQL Explorer=FHXR31636
4 Using the Data Dictionary=3EnvUsingTheDataDictionary
4 Creating multi-tiered database applications=3EnvCreatingMultiTieredDatabaseApplications
4 Designing a database interface with data-aware controls=3EnvDesigningADatabaseInterfaceWithDataAwareControls
4 Using the Database Desktop with Paradox and dBASE files=3EnvUsingTheDatabaseDesktopWithParadoxAndDbaseFiles
4 Using data modules and remote data modules=3EnvUsingDataModulesAndRemoteDataModules
4 Creating and using component templates=3EnvCreatingAndUsingComponentTemplates
4 Using the Object Repository=3EnvUsingTheObjectRepository
4 Overview of Delphi's database architecture=3EnvOverviewOfDelphi'sDatabaseArchitecture
3 Managing database sessions
4 Managing database sessions=FHXR36739
4 Working with a session component=FHXR35250
4 Managing multiple sessions=FHXR21262
4 Using a session component in data modules=4SessUsingASessionComponentInDataModules
3 Connecting to databases
4 Connecting to databases=FHXR13143
4 Understanding persistent and temporary database components=45connecUnderstandingPersistentAndTemporaryDatabaseComponents
4 Controlling connections=45connecControllingConnections
4 Handling transactions=45connecHandlingTransactions
4 Applying cached updates for multiple datasets=45connecApplyingCachedUpdatesForMultipleDatasets
4 Understanding database and session component interactions=45connecUnderstandingDatabaseAndSessionComponentInteractions
4 Using database components in data modules=45connecUsingDatabaseComponentsInDataModules
3 Understanding datasets
4 Understanding datasets=FHXR30623
4 What is TDataSet?=5DatsetWhatIsTdataset
4 Opening and closing datasets=5DatsetOpeningAndClosingDatasets
4 Determining and setting dataset states=FHXR35411
4 Searching datasets=FHXR11247
4 Displaying and editing a subset of data using filters=FHXR26364
4 Modifying data=DGFHXR19020
4 Using dataset events=5DatsetUsingDatasetEvents
3 Understanding BDE-enabled datasets
4 Understanding BDE-enabled datasets=FHXR20965
4 Overview of BDE-enablement=5Ds2OverviewOfBDEEnablement
4 Handling database and session connections=5Ds2HandlingDatabaseAndSessionConnections
4 Working with a provider component=5Ds2WorkingWithAProviderComponent
4 Working with cached updates=5Ds2WorkingWithCachedUpdates
4 Caching BLOBs=5Ds2CachingBlobs
4 Responding to a server yield=5Ds2RespondingToAServerYield
3 Creating and using a client dataset
4 Creating and using a client dataset=FHXR30623B
4 Working with a client dataset=5Ds3WorkingWithAClientDataset
4 Sorting and indexing=5Ds3SortingAndIndexing
4 Working with another view of a dataset=5Ds3WorkingWithAnotherViewOfADataset
4 Creating a new dataset=5Ds3CreatingANewDataset
3 Working with data sources
4 Working with data sources=FHXR23789
4 Establishing a database-to-data control link=6DsourcEstablishingADatabaseToDataControlLink
3 Working with field components
4 Working with field components=FHXR40066
4 Understanding field components=7FieldsUnderstandingFieldComponents
4 Creating persistent fields=FHXR39165
4 Arranging the order of persistent fields=7FieldsArrangingTheOrderOfPersistentFields
4 Defining new persistent fields=7FieldsDefiningNewPersistentFields
4 Setting persistent field properties and events=FHXR15954
4 Working with field component methods at runtime=7FieldsWorkingWithFieldComponentMethodsAtRuntime
4 Displaying, converting, and accessing field values=7FieldsDisplayingConvertingAndAccessingFieldValues
4 Checking a field's current value=7FieldsCheckingAField'sCurrentValue
4 Setting a default value for a field=7FieldsSettingADefaultValueForAField
4 Working with constraints=7FieldsWorkingWithConstraints
3 Working with tables
4 Working with tables=FHXR18554
4 Using table components=8TableUsingTableComponents
4 Setting up a table component=8TableSettingUpATableComponent
4 Controlling read/write access to a table=8TableControllingRead/WriteAccessToATable
4 Searching for records=8TableSearchingForRecords
4 Sorting records=8TableSortingRecords
4 Working with a subset of data=8TableWorkingWithASubsetOfData
4 Deleting all records in a table=8TableDeletingAllRecordsInATable
4 Deleting a table=8TableDeletingATable
4 Creating a table=8TableCreatingATable
4 Importing data from another table=8TableImportingDataFromAnotherTable
4 Synchronizing tables linked to the same database table=8TableSynchronizingTablesLinkedToTheSameDatabaseTable
4 Creating master/detail forms=8TableCreatingMaster/DetailForms
3 Working with queries
4 Working with queries=FHXR19911
4 Using queries effectively=9QueryUsingQueriesEffectively
4 What databases can you access with a query component?=9QueryWhatDatabasesCanYouAccessWithAQueryComponent
4 Using a query component: an overview=FHXR25196
4 Specifying the SQL statement to execute=FHXR41010
4 Setting parameters=FHXR34632
4 Executing a query=FHXR42762
4 Preparing a query =FHXR10440
4 Unpreparing a query to release resources=9QueryUnpreparingAQueryToReleaseResources
4 Creating heterogenous queries=FHXR27506
4 Improving query performance=9QueryImprovingQueryPerformance
4 Working with result sets=DGFHXR42457
3 Working with stored procedures
4 Working with stored procedures=FHXR26015
4 When should you use stored procedures?=10ProcWhenShouldYouUseStoredProcedures
4 Using a stored procedure=10ProcUsingAStoredProcedure
4 Creating a stored procedure component=FHXR13240
4 Understanding stored procedure parameters=10ProcUnderstandingStoredProcedureParameters
4 Viewing parameter information at design time=10ProcViewingParameterInformationAtDesignTime
4 Setting parameter information at design time=FHXR11579
4 Setting input parameter values at run time=10ProcSettingInputParameterValuesAtRunTime
4 Preparing and executing a stored procedure=10ProcPreparingAndExecutingAStoredProcedure
4 Binding parameters=10ProcBindingParameters
4 Accessing output and result parameters=DGFHXR33058
4 Accessing the result dataset=FHXR32917
4 Working with Oracle overloaded stored procedures=FHXR42072
3 Working with cached updates
4 Working with cached updates=FHXR33149
4 Deciding when to use cached updates=11CacheDecidingWhenToUseCachedUpdates
4 Understanding the cached updates process=11CacheUnderstandingTheCachedUpdatesProcess
4 Enabling and disabling cached updates=FHXR39234
4 Fetching records=FHXR14654
4 Applying cached updates=FHXR14681
4 Canceling pending cached updates=FHXR35210
4 Undeleting a cached record=11CacheUndeletingACachedRecord
4 Checking update status=11CacheCheckingUpdateStatus
4 Determining if you need to control the updating process=11CacheDeterminingIfYouNeedToControlTheUpdatingProcess
4 Using update objects to update a dataset=FHXR18861
4 Updating a read-only result set=11CacheUpdatingAReadOnlyResultSet
4 Creating an OnUpdateRecord event handler=FHXR20141
4 Handling cached update errors=FHXR34546
3 Using data controls
4 Using data controls=FHXR13484
4 Using common data control features=12CtrlsUsingCommonDataControlFeatures
4 Displaying and editing data in a data-aware control=12CtrlsDisplayingAndEditingDataInADataAwareControl
4 Displaying data as labels=12CtrlsDisplayingDataAsLabels
4 Displaying and editing fields in an edit box=12CtrlsDisplayingAndEditingFieldsInAnEditBox
4 Displaying and editing text in a memo control=12CtrlsDisplayingAndEditingTextInAMemoControl
4 Displaying and editing text in a rich edit memo control=12CtrlsDisplayingAndEditingTextInARichEditMemoControl
4 Displaying and editing graphics fields in an image control=12CtrlsDisplayingAndEditingGraphicsFieldsInAnImageControl
4 Displaying and editing data in list and combo boxes=12CtrlsDisplayingAndEditingDataInListAndComboBoxes
4 Displaying and editing data in lookup list and combo boxes=12CtrlsDisplayingAndEditingDataInLookupListAndComboBoxes
4 Handling Boolean field values with check boxes=12CtrlsHandlingBooleanFieldValuesWithCheckBoxes
4 Restricting field values with radio controls=12CtrlsRestrictingFieldValuesWithRadioControls
4 Navigating and manipulating records=DGFHXR26353
3 Working with grids
4 Working with grids=FHXR37130
4 Viewing and editing data with TDBGrid=14GridsViewingAndEditingDataWithTdbgrid
4 Creating a grid that contains other data-aware controls=14GridsCreatingAGridThatContainsOtherDataAwareControls
3 Using decision support components
4 Using decision support components=FHXR33574
4 About crosstabs=FHXR40481
4 Guidelines for using decision support components=FHXR41063
4 Using datasets with decision support components=FHXR32964
4 Using decision cubes=FHXR24074
4 Using decision sources=FHXR39544
4 Using decision pivots=FHXR26325
4 Creating and using decision grids=FHXR39602
4 Creating and using decision graphs=FHXR21804
4 Decision support components at runtime=14aDeccDecisionSupportComponentsAtRuntime
4 Decision support components and memory control=FHXR36938
3 Copying data and table structures
4 Copying data and table structures=FHXR18700
4 Creating a batch move component=BatmoveCreatingABatchMoveComponent
4 Specifying a batch move mode=FHXR17584
4 Mapping data types=FHXR37268
4 Executing a batch move=BatmoveExecutingABatchMove
4 Handling batch move errors=FHXR26007
3 Creating a multi-tiered application
4 Creating a multi-tiered application=FHXR29060
4 A structural overview of a multi-tiered application=MultiAStructuralOverviewOfAMultiTieredApplication
4 Advantages of the multi-tiered database model=MultiAdvantagesOfTheMultiTieredDatabaseModel
4 Overview of creating a multi-tiered application=MultiOverviewOfCreatingAMultiTieredApplication
4 Establishing and maintaining a connection to an application server=FHXR24933
4 Accessing data with client datasets=FHXR12685
4 Creating a data provider for the application server=FHXR37587
4 Supporting the briefcase model=FHXR34807
4 Modifying a two-tiered application to use the multi-tiered model=MultiModifyingATwoTieredApplicationToUseTheMultiTieredModel
2 Creating custom components
3 Overview of component creation
4 Overview of component creation=FHXR22457
4 The Visual Component Library=FHXR20227
4 Components and classes=FHXR12486
4 How do you create components?=FHXR25527
4 What goes in a component?=FHXR33182
4 Creating a new component=FHXR35280
4 Testing uninstalled components=FHXR36265
3 Object-oriented programming for component writers
4 Object-oriented programming for component writers=FHXR24025
4 Creating new classes=FHXR36630
4 Ancestors, descendants, and class hierarchies=FHXR12909
4 Controlling access=FHXR33206
4 Dispatching methods=FHXR11300
4 Abstract class members=FHXR40633
4 Classes and pointers=FHXR12893
3 Creating properties
4 Creating properties=FHXR30679
4 Why create properties?=FHXR39772
4 Types of properties=FHXR29399
4 Publishing inherited properties=FHXR40430
4 Defining properties=FHXR29564
4 Creating array properties=FHXR20488
4 Writing property editors=FHXR11292
3 Creating events
4 Creating events=FHXR28247
4 What are events?=FHXR29717
4 Implementing the standard events=FHXR40563
4 Defining your own events=FHXR42170
3 Creating methods
4 Creating methods=FHXR14882
4 Avoiding dependencies=FHXR11691
4 Naming methods=FHXR38671
4 Protecting methods=FHXR40323
4 Making methods virtual=FHXR18138
4 Declaring methods=FHXR18286
3 Using graphics in components
4 Using graphics in components=FHXR35725
4 Overview of graphics=FHXR24322
4 Using the canvas=FHXR36567
4 Working with pictures=FHXR40257
4 Offscreen bitmaps=FHXR21341
4 Responding to changes=FHXR27543
3 Handling messages
4 Handling messages=FHXR18810
4 Understanding the message-handling system=FHXR10482
4 Changing message handling=FHXR28764
4 Creating new message handlers=FHXR14088
3 Registering components
4 Registering components=FHXR19983
4 Registering components=FHXR19540
4 Adding palette bitmaps=FHXR20605
4 Providing Help for your component=FHXR37937
4 Storing and loading properties=FHXR14546
3 Creating packages
4 Creating packages=FHXR41491
4 Runtime and design-time packages=PackagesRuntimeAndDesignTimePackages
3 Modifying an existing component
4 Modifying an existing component=FHXR17328
4 Creating and registering the component=FHXR29634
4 Modifying the component class=FHXR32187
3 Creating a graphic component
4 Creating a graphic component=FHXR20426
4 Creating and registering the component=FHXR29634B
4 Publishing inherited properties=FHXR32977
4 Adding graphic capabilities=FHXR38039
3 Customizing a grid
4 Customizing a grid=FHXR31483
4 Creating and registering the component=FHXR30473
4 Publishing inherited properties=FHXR38696
4 Changing initial values=FHXR32040
4 Resizing the cells=FHXR28029
4 Filling in the cells=FHXR16736
4 Navigating months and years=FHXR32705
4 Navigating days=FHXR30981
3 Making a control data-aware
4 Making a control data-aware=FHXR26393
4 Creating a data-browsing control=DbawareCreatingADataBrowsingControl
4 Creating a data-editing control=DbawareCreatingADataEditingControl
3 Making a dialog box a component
4 Making a dialog box a component=FHXR25383
4 Defining the component interface=FHXR16882
4 Creating and registering the component=FHXR24225
4 Creating the component interface=FHXR20095
4 Testing the component=FHXR15499
3 Building a dialog box into a DLL
4 Building a dialog box into a DLL=FHXR34760
4 Adding the interface routine=FHXR23459
4 Modifying the project file=FHXR14008
4 Opening the dialog box from an application=FHXR37863
2 Creating Internet and intranet applications
3 Creating Internet server applications
4 Creating Internet server applications=FHXR27313
4 Terminology and standards=WserverTerminologyAndStandards
4 An overview of HTTP server activity=WserverAnOverviewOfHTTPServerActivity
4 Web server applications=WserverWebServerApplications
4 The structure of a Web server application=WserverTheStructureOfAWebServerApplication
4 The Web dispatcher=FHXR17671
4 Action items=FHXR37938
4 Accessing client request information=WserverAccessingClientRequestInformation
4 Creating HTTP response messages=WserverCreatingHTTPResponseMessages
4 Generating the content of response messages=FHXR28526
4 Using database information in responses=FHXR13761
4 Debugging server applications=WserverDebuggingServerApplications
3 Working with sockets
4 Working with sockets=FHXR35618
4 Implementing services=WsocketImplementingServices
4 Describing socket connections=WsocketDescribingSocketConnections
4 Describing the socket=WsocketDescribingTheSocket
4 Using socket components=WsocketUsingSocketComponents
4 Reading and writing over socket connections=WsocketReadingAndWritingOverSocketConnections
4 Responding to socket events=WsocketRespondingToSocketEvents
2 Working with COM and ActiveX
3 OLE and ActiveX Overview
4 OLE and ActiveX Overview=FHXR11157
4 An Overview of COM=OletechAnOverviewOfCOM
4 Using interfaces in Delphi=FHXR20302
4 OLE and ActiveX objects=FHXR38675
4 OLE Automation interfaces=FHXR33176
4 Delphi ActiveX Framework=FHXR32608
3 Creating ActiveX controls
4 Creating ActiveX controls =FHXR24662
4 Overview of ActiveX control creation=AxctrlOverviewOfActivexControlCreation
4 Creating an ActiveX control=AxctrlCreatingAnActivexControl
3 Creating ActiveForms
4 Creating ActiveForms=FHXR32324
4 Creating an ActiveForm=AxformCreatingAnActiveform
3 ActiveX Web Deployment
4 ActiveX Web Deployment=FHXR17689
4 Deploying ActiveForms and ActiveX controls=FHXR34193
4 Setting Web Deployment Options=FHXR29113
3 Creating property pages
4 Creating property pages=FHXR14313
4 Creating a property page=ProppageCreatingAPropertyPage
3 Creating OLE Automation servers
4 Creating OLE Automation servers=FHXR33172
4 Overview of Automation server creation =OleautoOverviewOfAutomationServerCreation
4 Creating an Automation server=OleautoCreatingAnAutomationServer
3 Working with type libraries
4 Working with type libraries=FHXR20441
4 The Type Library editor=TyplibTheTypeLibraryEditor
; Include section
:include vcl3.cnt
:include obpascl3.cnt
:Include win32sdk.toc
:Include winhlp32.cnt