DOS/V Power Report 1997 August
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{ }
{ Delphi Visual Component Library }
{ }
{ Copyright (c) 1995,97 Borland International }
{ }
unit DsgnIntf;
uses SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, TypInfo;
{ TComponentList }
TComponentList = class(TObject)
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
function Add(Item: TPersistent): Integer;
function Equals(List: TComponentList): Boolean;
property Count: Integer;
property Items[Index: Integer]: TPersistent; default;
{ Forward declaration }
TComponentEditor = class;
{ TFormDesigner }
TFormDesigner = class(TDesigner)
function CreateMethod(const Name: string; TypeData: PTypeData): TMethod; virtual; abstract;
function GetMethodName(const Method: TMethod): string; virtual; abstract;
procedure GetMethods(TypeData: PTypeData; Proc: TGetStrProc); virtual; abstract;
function GetPrivateDirectory: string; virtual; abstract;
procedure GetSelections(List: TComponentList); virtual; abstract;
function MethodExists(const Name: string): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
procedure RenameMethod(const CurName, NewName: string); virtual; abstract;
procedure SelectComponent(Instance: TPersistent); virtual; abstract;
procedure SetSelections(List: TComponentList); virtual; abstract;
procedure ShowMethod(const Name: string); virtual; abstract;
function UniqueName(const BaseName: string): string; virtual; abstract;
procedure GetComponentNames(TypeData: PTypeData; Proc: TGetStrProc); virtual; abstract;
function GetComponent(const Name: string): TComponent; virtual; abstract;
function GetComponentName(Component: TComponent): string; virtual; abstract;
function GetObject(const Name: string): TPersistent; virtual; abstract;
function GetObjectName(Instance: TPersistent): string; virtual; abstract;
procedure GetObjectNames(TypeData: PTypeData; Proc: TGetStrProc); virtual; abstract;
function MethodFromAncestor(const Method: TMethod): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
function CreateComponent(ComponentClass: TComponentClass; Parent: TComponent;
Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer): TComponent; virtual; abstract;
function IsComponentLinkable(Component: TComponent): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
procedure MakeComponentLinkable(Component: TComponent); virtual; abstract;
function GetRoot: TComponent; virtual; abstract;
procedure Revert(Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo: PPropInfo); virtual; abstract;
function GetIsDormant: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
function HasInterface: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
function HasInterfaceMember(const Name: string): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
procedure AddInterfaceMember(const MemberText: string); virtual; abstract;
property IsDormant: Boolean;
{ TPropertyEditor
Edits a property of a component, or list of components, selected into the
Object Inspector. The property editor is created based on the type of the
property being edited as determined by the types registered by
RegisterPropertyEditor. The Object Inspector uses the a TPropertyEditor
for all modification to a property. GetName and GetValue are called to display
the name and value of the property. SetValue is called whenever the user
requests to change the value. Edit is called when the user double-clicks the
property in the Object Inspector. GetValues is called when the drop-down
list of a property is displayed. GetProperties is called when the property
is expanded to show sub-properties. AllEqual is called to decide whether or
not to display the value of the property when more than one component is
The following are methods that can be overriden to change the behavior of
the property editor:
Called whenever the property becomes selected in the object inspector.
This is potientially useful to allow certian property attributes to
to only be determined whenever the property is selected in the object
inspector. Only paSubProperties and paMultiSelect, returned from
GetAttributes, need to be accurate before this method is called.
Called whenever there are more than one components selected. If this
method returns true, GetValue is called, otherwise blank is displayed
in the Object Inspector. This is called only when GetAttributes
returns paMultiSelect.
Called when the '...' button is pressed or the property is double-clicked.
This can, for example, bring up a dialog to allow the editing the
component in some more meaningful fashion than by text (e.g. the Font
Returns the information for use in the Object Inspector to be able to
show the approprate tools. GetAttributes return a set of type
paValueList: The property editor can return an enumerated list of
values for the property. If GetValues calls Proc
with values then this attribute should be set. This
will cause the drop-down button to appear to the right
of the property in the Object Inspector.
paSortList: Object Inspector to sort the list returned by
paSubProperties: The property editor has sub-properties that will be
displayed indented and below the current property in
standard outline format. If GetProperties will
generate property objects then this attribute should
be set.
paDialog: Indicates that the Edit method will bring up a
dialog. This will cause the '...' button to be
displayed to the right of the property in the Object
paMultiSelect: Allows the property to be displayed when more than
one component is selected. Some properties are not
approprate for multi-selection (e.g. the Name
paAutoUpdate: Causes the SetValue method to be called on each
change made to the editor instead of after the change
has been approved (e.g. the Caption property).
paReadOnly: Value is not allowed to change.
paRevertable: Allows the property to be reverted to the original
value. Things that shouldn't be reverted are nested
properties (e.g. Fonts) and elements of a composite
property such as set element values.
Returns the Index'th component being edited by this property editor. This
is used to retieve the components. A property editor can only refer to
multiple components when paMultiSelect is returned from GetAttributes.
Returns the number of character the user is allowed to enter for the
value. The inplace editor of the object inspector will be have its
text limited set to the return value. By default this limit is 255.
Returns a the name of the property. By default the value is retrieved
from the type information with all underbars replaced by spaces. This
should only be overriden if the name of the property is not the name
that should appear in the Object Inspector.
Should be overriden to call PropertyProc for every sub-property (or nested
property) of the property begin edited and passing a new TPropertyEdtior
for each sub-property. By default, PropertyProc is not called and no
sub-properties are assumed. TClassProperty will pass a new property
editor for each published property in a class. TSetProperty passes a
new editor for each element in the set.
Returns the type information pointer for the propertie(s) being edited.
Returns the string value of the property. By default this returns
'(unknown)'. This should be overriden to return the appropriate value.
Called when paValueList is returned in GetAttributes. Should call Proc
for every value that is acceptable for this property. TEnumProperty
will pass every element in the enumeration.
Called after the property editor has been created but before it is used.
Many times property editors are created and because they are not a common
property across the entire selection they are thrown away. Initialize is
called after it is determined the property editor is going to be used by
the object inspector and not just thrown away.
Called to set the value of the property. The property editor should be
able to translate the string and call one of the SetXxxValue methods. If
the string is not in the correct format or not an allowed value, the
property editor should generate an exception describing the problem. Set
value can ignore all changes and allow all editing of the property be
accomplished through the Edit method (e.g. the Picture property).
Properties and methods useful in creating a new TPropertyEditor classes:
Name property
Returns the name of the property returned by GetName
PrivateDirectory property
It is either the .EXE or the "working directory" as specified in
the registry under the key:
If the property editor needs auxilury or state files (templates, examples,
etc) they should be stored in this directory.
Properties indexed property
The TProperty objects representing all the components being edited
by the property editor. If more than one component is selected, one
TProperty object is created for each component. Typically, it is not
necessary to use this array since the Get/SetXxxValue methods will
propagate the values appropriatly.
Value property
The current value, as a string, of the property as returned by GetValue.
Called to indicate the value of the property has been modified. Called
automatically by the SetXxxValue methods. If you call a TProperty
SetXxxValue method directly, you *must* call Modified as well.
Gets the value of the first property in the Properties property. Calls
the appropriate TProperty GetXxxValue method to retrieve the value.
Sets the value of all the properties in the Properties property. Calls
the approprate TProperty SetXxxxValue methods to set the value. }
TPropertyAttribute = (paValueList, paSubProperties, paDialog,
paMultiSelect, paAutoUpdate, paSortList, paReadOnly, paRevertable);
TPropertyAttributes = set of TPropertyAttribute;
TPropertyEditor = class;
TInstProp = record
Instance: TPersistent;
PropInfo: PPropInfo;
PInstPropList = ^TInstPropList;
TInstPropList = array[0..1023] of TInstProp;
TGetPropEditProc = procedure(Prop: TPropertyEditor) of object;
TPropertyEditor = class
function GetPropInfo: PPropInfo;
function GetFloatValue: Extended;
function GetFloatValueAt(Index: Integer): Extended;
function GetMethodValue: TMethod;
function GetMethodValueAt(Index: Integer): TMethod;
function GetOrdValue: Longint;
function GetOrdValueAt(Index: Integer): Longint;
function GetStrValue: string;
function GetStrValueAt(Index: Integer): string;
function GetVarValue: Variant;
function GetVarValueAt(Index: Integer): Variant;
procedure Modified;
procedure SetFloatValue(Value: Extended);
procedure SetMethodValue(const Value: TMethod);
procedure SetOrdValue(Value: Longint);
procedure SetStrValue(const Value: string);
procedure SetVarValue(const Value: Variant);
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Activate; virtual;
function AllEqual: Boolean; virtual;
procedure Edit; virtual;
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; virtual;
function GetComponent(Index: Integer): TPersistent;
function GetEditLimit: Integer; virtual;
function GetName: string; virtual;
procedure GetProperties(Proc: TGetPropEditProc); virtual;
function GetPropType: PTypeInfo;
function GetValue: string; virtual;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); virtual;
procedure Initialize; virtual;
procedure Revert;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); virtual;
function ValueAvailable: Boolean;
property Designer: TFormDesigner;
property PrivateDirectory: string;
property PropCount: Integer;
property Value: string;
TPropertyEditorClass = class of TPropertyEditor;
{ TOrdinalProperty
The base class of all ordinal property editors. It established that ordinal
properties are all equal if the GetOrdValue all return the same value. }
TOrdinalProperty = class(TPropertyEditor)
function AllEqual: Boolean; override;
function GetEditLimit: Integer; override;
{ TIntegerProperty
Default editor for all Longint properties and all subtypes of the Longint
type (i.e. Integer, Word, 1..10, etc.). Retricts the value entrered into
the property to the range of the sub-type. }
TIntegerProperty = class(TOrdinalProperty)
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TCharProperty
Default editor for all Char properties and sub-types of Char (i.e. Char,
'A'..'Z', etc.). }
TCharProperty = class(TOrdinalProperty)
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TEnumProperty
The default property editor for all enumerated properties (e.g. TShape =
(sCircle, sTriangle, sSquare), etc.). }
TEnumProperty = class(TOrdinalProperty)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
TBoolProperty = class(TEnumProperty)
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TFloatProperty
The default property editor for all floating point types (e.g. Float,
Single, Double, etc.) }
TFloatProperty = class(TPropertyEditor)
function AllEqual: Boolean; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TStringProperty
The default property editor for all strings and sub types (e.g. string,
string[20], etc.). }
TStringProperty = class(TPropertyEditor)
function AllEqual: Boolean; override;
function GetEditLimit: Integer; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TSetElementProperty
A property editor that edits an individual set element. GetName is
changed to display the set element name instead of the property name and
Get/SetValue is changed to reflect the individual element state. This
editor is created by the TSetProperty editor. }
TSetElementProperty = class(TPropertyEditor)
destructor Destroy; override;
function AllEqual: Boolean; override;
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetName: string; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TSetProperty
Default property editor for all set properties. This editor does not edit
the set directly but will display sub-properties for each element of the
set. GetValue displays the value of the set in standard set syntax. }
TSetProperty = class(TOrdinalProperty)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
procedure GetProperties(Proc: TGetPropEditProc); override;
function GetValue: string; override;
{ TClassProperty
Default property editor for all objects. Does not allow modifing the
property but does display the class name of the object and will allow the
editing of the object's properties as sub-properties of the property. }
TClassProperty = class(TPropertyEditor)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
procedure GetProperties(Proc: TGetPropEditProc); override;
function GetValue: string; override;
{ TMethodProperty
Property editor for all method properties. }
TMethodProperty = class(TPropertyEditor)
function AllEqual: Boolean; override;
procedure Edit; override;
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetEditLimit: Integer; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
procedure SetValue(const AValue: string); override;
function GetFormMethodName: string; virtual;
function GetTrimmedEventName: string;
{ TComponentProperty
The default editor for TComponents. It does not allow editing of the
properties of the component. It allow the user to set the value of this
property to point to a component in the same form that is type compatible
with the property being edited (e.g. the ActiveControl property). }
TComponentProperty = class(TPropertyEditor)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetEditLimit: Integer; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TComponentNameProperty
Property editor for the Name property. It restricts the name property
from being displayed when more than one component is selected. }
TComponentNameProperty = class(TStringProperty)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetEditLimit: Integer; override;
{ TFontNameProperty
Editor for the TFont.FontName property. Displays a drop-down list of all
the fonts known by Windows.}
TFontNameProperty = class(TStringProperty)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
{ TFontCharsetProperty
Editor for the TFont.Charset property. Displays a drop-down list of the
character-set by Windows.}
TFontCharsetProperty = class(TIntegerProperty)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TImeNameProperty
Editor for the TImeName property. Displays a drop-down list of all
the IME names known by Windows.}
TImeNameProperty = class(TStringProperty)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
{ TColorProperty
Property editor for the TColor type. Displays the color as a clXXX value
if one exists, otherwise displays the value as hex. Also allows the
clXXX value to be picked from a list. }
TColorProperty = class(TIntegerProperty)
procedure Edit; override;
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TCursorProperty
Property editor for the TCursor type. Displays the color as a crXXX value
if one exists, otherwise displays the value as hex. Also allows the
clXXX value to be picked from a list. }
TCursorProperty = class(TIntegerProperty)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TFontProperty
Property editor the Font property. Brings up the font dialog as well as
allowing the properties of the object to be edited. }
TFontProperty = class(TClassProperty)
procedure Edit; override;
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
{ TModalResultProperty }
TModalResultProperty = class(TIntegerProperty)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TShortCutProperty
Property editor the the ShortCut property. Allows both typing in a short
cut value or picking a short-cut value from a list. }
TShortCutProperty = class(TOrdinalProperty)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TMPFilenameProperty
Property editor for the TMediaPlayer. Displays an File Open Dialog
for the name of the media file.}
TMPFilenameProperty = class(TStringProperty)
procedure Edit; override;
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
{ TTabOrderProperty
Property editor for the TabOrder property. Prevents the property from being
displayed when more than one component is selected. }
TTabOrderProperty = class(TIntegerProperty)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
{ TCaptionProperty
Property editor for the Caption and Text properties. Updates the value of
the property for each change instead on when the property is approved. }
TCaptionProperty = class(TStringProperty)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
{ TDateProperty
Property editor for date portion of TDateTime type. }
TDateProperty = class(TPropertyEditor)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TTimeProperty
Property editor for time portion of TDateTime type. }
TTimeProperty = class(TPropertyEditor)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
{ TDateTimeProperty
Edits both date and time data... simultaneously! }
TDateTimeProperty = class(TPropertyEditor)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
EPropertyError = class(Exception);
{ TComponentEditor
A component editor is created for each component that is selected in the
form designer based on the component's type (see GetComponentEditor and
RegisterComponentEditor). When the component is double-clicked the Edit
method is called. When the context menu for the component is invoked the
GetVerbCount and GetVerb methods are called to build the menu. If one
of the verbs are selected ExecuteVerb is called. Paste is called whenever
the component is pasted to the clipboard. You only need to create a
component editor if you wish to add verbs to the context menu, change
the default double-click behavior, or paste an additional clipboard format.
The default component editor (TDefaultEditor) implements Edit to searchs the
properties of the component and generates (or navigates to) the OnCreate,
OnChanged, or OnClick event (whichever it finds first). Whenever the
component modifies the component is *must* call Designer.Modified to inform
the designer that the form has been modified.
Create(AComponent, ADesigner)
Called to create the component editor. AComponent is the component to
be edited by the editor. ADesigner is an interface to the designer to
find controls and create methods (this is not use often).
Called when the user double-clicks the component. The component editor can
bring up a dialog in responce to this method, for example, or some kind
of design expert. If GetVerbCount is greater than zero, edit will execute
the first verb in the list (ExecuteVerb(0)).
The Index'ed verb was selected by the use off the context menu. The
meaning of this is determined by component editor.
The component editor should return a string that will be displayed in the
context menu. It is the responsibility of the component editor to place
the & character and the '...' characters as appropriate.
The number of valid indexs to GetVerb and Execute verb. The index assumed
to be zero based (i.e. 0..GetVerbCount - 1).
Called when the component is being copyied to the clipboard. The
component's filed image is already on the clipboard. This gives the
component editor a chance to paste a different type of format which is
ignored by the designer but might be recoginized by another application. }
TComponentEditor = class
constructor Create(AComponent: TComponent; ADesigner: TFormDesigner); virtual;
procedure Edit; virtual;
procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); virtual;
function GetVerb(Index: Integer): string; virtual;
function GetVerbCount: Integer; virtual;
procedure Copy; virtual;
property Component: TComponent;
property Designer: TFormDesigner;
TComponentEditorClass = class of TComponentEditor;
TDefaultEditor = class(TComponentEditor)
procedure EditProperty(PropertyEditor: TPropertyEditor;
var Continue, FreeEditor: Boolean); virtual;
procedure Edit; override;
{ Global variables initialized internally by the form designer }
TFreeCustomModulesProc = procedure (Group: Integer);
FreeCustomModulesProc: TFreeCustomModulesProc;
{ RegisterPropertyEditor
Registers a new property editor for the given type. When a component is
selected the Object Inspector will create a property editor for each
of the component's properties. The property editor is created based on
the type of the property. If, for example, the property type is an
Integer, the property editor for Integer will be created (by default
that would be TIntegerProperty). Most properties do not need specialized
property editors. For example, if the property is an ordinal type the
default property editor will restrict the range to the ordinal subtype
range (e.g. a property of type TMyRange = 1..10 will only allow values
between 1 and 10 to be entered into the property). Enumerated types will
display a drop-down list of all the enumerated values (e.g. TShapes =
(sCircle, sSquare, sTriangle) will be edited by a drop-down list containing
only sCircle, sSquare and sTriangle). A property editor need only be
created if default property editor or none of the existing property editors
are sufficient to edit the property. This is typically because the
property is an object. The properties are looked up newest to oldest.
This allows and existing property editor replaced by a custom property
The type information pointer returned by the TypeInfo built-in function
(e.g. TypeInfo(TMyRange) or TypeInfo(TShapes)).
Type type of the component to which to restrict this type editor. This
parameter can be left nil which will mean this type editor applies to all
properties of PropertyType.
The name of the property to which to restrict this type editor. This
parameter is ignored if ComponentClass is nil. This paramter can be
an empty string ('') which will mean that this editor applies to all
properties of PropertyType in ComponentClass.
The class of the editor to be created whenever a property of the type
passed in PropertyTypeInfo is displayed in the Object Inspector. The
class will be created by calling EditorClass.Create. }
procedure RegisterPropertyEditor(PropertyType: PTypeInfo; ComponentClass: TClass;
const PropertyName: string; EditorClass: TPropertyEditorClass);
TPropertyMapperFunc = function(Obj: TPersistent;
PropInfo: PPropInfo): TPropertyEditorClass;
procedure RegisterPropertyMapper(Mapper: TPropertyMapperFunc);
procedure GetComponentProperties(Components: TComponentList;
Filter: TTypeKinds; Designer: TFormDesigner; Proc: TGetPropEditProc);
procedure RegisterComponentEditor(ComponentClass: TComponentClass;
ComponentEditor: TComponentEditorClass);
function GetComponentEditor(Component: TComponent;
Designer: TFormDesigner): TComponentEditor;
{ Custom modules }
{ A custom module allows containers that descend from classes other than TForm
to be created and edited by the form designer. This is useful for other form
like containers (e.g. a report designer) or for specialized forms (e.g. an
ActiveForm) or for generic component containers (e.g. a TDataModule). It is
assumed that the base class registered will call InitInheritedComponent in its
constructor which will initialize the component from the associated DFM file
stored in the programs resources. See the constructors of TDataModule and
TForm for examples of how to write such a constructor.
The following designer assumptions are made, depending on the base components
If ComponentBaseClass descends from TForm,
it is designed by creating an instance of the component as the form.
Allows designing TForm descendents and modifying their properties as
well as the form properties
If ComponentBaseClass descends from TWinControl (but not TForm),
it is designed by creating an instance of the control, placing it into a
design-time form. The form's client size is in the default size of the
If ComponentBaseClass descends from TDataModule,
it is designed by creating and instance of the class and creating a
special non-visual container designer to edit the components and display
the icons of the contained components.
The module will appear in the project file with a colon and the base class
name appended after the component name (e.g. MyDataModle: TDataModule).
Note it is not legal to register anything that does not desend from one of
the above.
TCustomModule class
This an instance of this class is created for each custom module that is
loaded. This class is also destroyed whenever the module is unloaded.
The Saving method is called prior to the file being saved. When the context
menu for the module is invoked the GetVerbCount and GetVerb methods are
called to build the menu. If one of the verbs are selected ExecuteVerb is
The Index'ed verb was selected by the use off the context menu. The
meaning of this is determined by custom module.
Only used for TWinControl object to determine if the control is "client
aligned" in the designer or if the object should sized independently
from the designer. This is a set for future expansion.
The custom module should return a string that will be displayed in the
context menu. It is the responsibility of the custom module to place
the & character and the '...' characters as appropriate.
The number of valid indexs to GetVerb and Execute verb. The index assumed
to be zero based (i.e. 0..GetVerbCount - 1).
Called prior to the module being saved.
ValidateCompoennt is called whenever a component is created by the
user for the designer to contain. The intent is for this procedure to
raise an exception with a descriptive message if the component is not
applicable for the container. For example, a TComponent module should
throw an exception if the component descends from TControl.
This is the instance being designed.}
TCustomModuleAttribute = (cmaVirtualSize);
TCustomModuleAttributes = set of TCustomModuleAttribute;
TCustomModule = class
constructor Create(ARoot: TComponent); virtual;
procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); virtual;
function GetAttributes: TCustomModuleAttributes; virtual;
function GetVerb(Index: Integer): string; virtual;
function GetVerbCount: Integer; virtual;
procedure Saving; virtual;
procedure ValidateComponent(Component: TComponent); virtual;
property Root: TComponent;
TCustomModuleClass = class of TCustomModule;
TRegisterCustomModuleProc = procedure (Group: Integer;
ComponentBaseClass: TComponentClass;
CustomModuleClass: TCustomModuleClass);
procedure RegisterCustomModule(ComponentBaseClass: TComponentClass;
CustomModuleClass: TCustomModuleClass);
RegisterCustomModuleProc: TRegisterCustomModuleProc;
{ Routines used by the form designer for package management }
function NewEditorGroup: Integer;
procedure FreeEditorGroup(Group: Integer);